Read Dream Whispers Page 29

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Ghost Hunter

  Kayde stood before Ryan’s door, allowing nerves to cause him pause. Was this the right thing to do? He’d left Becca alone again, which was unsettling enough, especially with someone sending her bits and pieces of him as clues. Maybe he should be grateful to that person; they were trying to help Becca remember him.

  With these thoughts circling his mind like vultures, Kayde had resisted the urge to turn around and rush back to Becca the entire way here. The tears she’d shed that night had had cut into him like a knife. He could feel her pain and frustration as clearly as his own. He’d held her, as well as he could, after she’d tossed and turned for a long while. He’d promised her he would someday, somehow, turn her tears into something beautiful.

  Kayde wondered if following Toby and seeing what the boy would find would’ve been more productive than trying to connect with a ghost hunter. What would Toby think if he looked in his parents’ basement and found Kayde’s body? But Kayde couldn’t get himself to go near that house again. Not yet, anyway.

  The heavens were putting on a pre-show to the upcoming thunderstorm. Energy pulsed through the air with every flash of light, pumping through Kayde’s spiritual form stronger than a heartbeat. The electricity excited him, helping him forget his uncertainty. He had to try to make contact with Ryan, to let him know he was still in Glenville and needed his help.

  Kayde thought about what he’d learned at Becca’s earlier as he glided through the door and floated down the dark staircase. Toby’s discoveries about music mages had caused him to stare at the word and definition on the crumpled paper. That had to be what he and his family were—they were music mages. The description fit perfectly. He had more reason now than ever to get help. Not only did he want to protect Becca, but he also needed to tell his family what he’d learned about what they were—and to warn them that they had enemies out there. He shuddered, thinking of the mage masters Toby had discussed with Becca. Part of him was elated, thinking that his ability could be removed, that, if he made it out of this alive, he could live like a normal human being.

  But another part of him was terrified. As much trouble as his ability had caused, it was still a part of him. Would having it removed be painful? Would he ever hear or feel Becca’s music again? Even more frightening were the images his imagination conjured of someone controlling or stealing these abilities from his family. His fury ignited at thoughts of anyone hurting Tayla.

  Shaking his head free of these thoughts, Kayde landed softly at the bottom of the stairs and surveyed the room. Ryan was stuffing equipment into a large, black bag. A black video case sat ready on the table next to the bag. Good. Kayde hadn’t missed him. Now, the trick would be to try and communicate before Ryan had a chance to leave; Kayde was prepared to follow him if necessary.

  Taking a deep breath, Kayde made his way to the opposite side of the table where Ryan worked. He waved his hands in front of the young man’s face, already knowing he wouldn’t see him. “Hello?” Kayde said. “Ryan, can you hear me?” He continued to wave his hands in the air, jump up and down, and scream until he thought his throat would go numb. Ryan calmly continued to prepare to leave for the library, completely oblivious to Kayde’s presence.

  In one frustrated scream, Kayde shouted again, “RYAN!” A muffled rumbling of thunder sounded a couple seconds after a flash of light filled the small basement window as he yelled.

  Ryan stopped suddenly, his hand gripping a wad of wire. Kayde froze, too, wondering if he’d been heard. The door burst open then, causing both men to yell out, but only one voice sounded through the room. A gust of wind, carrying the sweet scent of rain, blasted in as Toby entered the room and slammed the door shut. He leaned against the inside of the door, breathless. His eyes were wide, his hair a tangled mess. His cheeks were red and splotchy, and he was sweating.

  “Toby!” Ryan called out gleefully. “You decided to join me after all!”

  Toby jerked his head toward Ryan, as if he’d just realized someone else was in the room. “Ryan!” Toby shouted as he rushed to his friend. A cell phone that had previously been clutched in Toby’s fist materialized as the boy unfolded his fingers and brought it up to Ryan’s face. “You know how I’ve been theorizing about music mages and mage masters? And how I think Mom and Terrance are somehow involved with something concerning these entities?”

  Toby’s words had flowed out in a breathless rush, but Ryan seemed to soak them in easily. He remained calm as Kayde stood tense with anticipation. Had Toby found his body? “Yeah, Toby. So, what’s all the excitement? I thought it didn’t matter anymore. Yah know, because Kayde left town and all.”

  Toby knew that I was a music mage? And he told Ryan, too? Kayde thought. How many others had Toby witlessly pronounced his curse to? Kayde fought with his frustration as he concentrated on Toby’s next words.

  “I did some snooping tonight—just now. I found this book in Mom’s study. It was horrifying!” Toby’s face was an unsettling mixture of fear and awe. “I took pictures of some of the pages.” He started shuffling through the photos he’d taken on his touch-screen cell phone, barely giving Ryan enough time to see what any one of them held before scrolling to the next.

  Ryan shook his head. “I don’t understand, Toby. This looks like a log book of some kind. Very old, too, by the tattered pages. But what does it have to do with anything?”

  Toby huffed and then searched the pics until he found what he wanted. “Listen,” he said and then began to read. “Tonight, my experiment will be complete. I’ve captured a music mage and I already have the mage master under my control. If I can manipulate the master’s ability with the spells I’ve learned, I will be able to use her ability to take the mage’s gift and transfer it to me. It is the night of the new moon. The night for dark magic. If I succeed, I will take more until I’m too powerful to stop.” Even though he didn’t completely understand what Toby had read, Kayde’s spine broke out in goose bumps.

  Ryan’s face was thoughtful. “So, this person,” he started.

  Toby interrupted, “His name was Walden Brakken. I don’t remember seeing his name in any of the local history archives, but then I didn’t know to look for him when I was reading them.”

  “Okay, so this Walden dude, he wasn’t a music mage or a mage master. He wanted the power of one or both of them for himself. So he learned from somewhere some magic spells to steal their power.”

  Kayde was amazed that Ryan wasn’t laughing his head off. What he was saying sounded straight out a cheesy horror movie.

  “Yes. And he succeeded, according to this ledger. Ryan, there are over a hundred names of people—of music mages—that he lured or kidnapped and brought to his home. Which, ironically, just so happens to be the house I now live in. But some of the pages were torn from that book. I think that’s why Mom’s been after mine. I think I have some symbols or something she needs.” Toby said, his face white. He continued, “Every one of those people Walden captured had the ability. And every one of them, he stole their ability and had it transferred to himself. Many of them, he even killed.”

  “So, what finally stopped him? I mean, he was erased from history, so something must’ve stopped him, right?” Ryan asked. He was still sober-faced, thinking through everything Toby said with interest. Kayde found himself leaning closer, wanting to learn more. This could be the missing history of his family line!

  “Well,” Toby said. “It seems his taking on the abilities of so many finally made him to go insane. The last entries were written by his wife. Poor woman,” Toby said in a whisper. “I think she may have been the mage master, because she speaks of trying to stop Walden, but his power was too strong against hers. In the end, he shot himself in the head. And then, his wife—and I couldn’t find her name anywhere—contacted each and every one of the music mages her husband had hurt—those still livin
g—begged for forgiveness, and gave them a new start in life. New names, new locations, new jobs. You see, with all his power, Walden had accumulated quite a fortune. His wife used that money to help his victims. After they started their new lives, she supposedly burned the list of original names so no one, especially anyone like Walden, would ever be able to find them. But Mom somehow figured out that Kayde is a music mage, maybe from all her genealogy research.”

  “Doubtful, if Walden’s wife burned the names,” Ryan said. “So, now what? Kayde is gone, so why would your mother still be thinking about all of this? And how does Terrance fit in?” Ryan asked. Kayde looked expectantly at Toby, ready for the answers.

  Toby pressed his lips together for a moment, then let his words flow. “I don’t think Kayde left. I think he was in that accident with Becca. I went up to the badlands and found this.” He pulled something silver from his jacket pocket. Kayde peered over his shoulder and gasped as lightning flashed off of the twisted metal of his motorcycle’s mirror; it was completely void of glass.

  “I’m almost positive it’s part of Kayde’s motorcycle, the Shadow,” Toby whispered. “I found this stuck under some sage brush. And there was dried blood on a large stone—way too far away from where Becca’s car landed to have been her blood.”

  Ryan’s eyebrows were scrunched together. He adjusted his glasses as Kayde’s phantom heart jumped to his throat. They were going to figure this out! They were going to get help! “So, if he didn’t leave, and he was in the accident with Becca, where is he now?” Ryan asked.

  Toby’s shoulders slumped. “That, I don’t know. But I think Mom and Terrance know. I think Terrance helped her clear the crash site, maybe even did something with Kayde. I think he must still be alive, because I overheard Mom talking on her cell. She plans to do some sort of “surgery” tomorrow night—the night of the new moon. Just like Walden. And,” he paused and gulped audibly, “She wants to give whatever she’s taking out of this other person and give it to me.”

  Toby was shivering now, and Kayde felt the chill, even though he had no body to feel it. Toby’s mother was planning to steal his ability and give it to Toby?

  “Okay, not that what you just said isn’t freaking me out a little, but why is Terrance so eager to help your mother?”

  “Because it gets worse,” Toby said. His face was turning green, as if he were about to vomit. “Terrance has a thing for Becca. I think he’s under the impression he’ll be rewarded somehow—like maybe getting Becca for himself. But if Mom told him that, she was lying. Mom has other plans for Becca,” Toby said darkly.

  No one moved as a close flash of lightning snapped outside the building, making a whip-cracking sound. Ryan’s mouth barley moved as he whispered, “What other plans?”

  “She thinks Becca’s a mage master,” Toby whispered back. “She plans to trick Becca into using a gift she doesn’t even know she has to take Kayde’s ability and give it to me. And then,” the green around Toby’s mouth deepened, “she wants Becca and me to marry so that our combined power will produce…. She wants to use us to…” Toby’s head flopped down and he shook it from side to side for a minute.

  “She wants you to what?” Ryan asked, leaning forward. His eyes were wide with morbid curiosity.

  Toby lifted his head, his face now a pale sea foam green, “She wants us to breed—to make children with these gifts. She thinks she’ll become someone great and powerful through us and our children! I guess that’s her way of avoiding ending up like Walden.”

  Kayde felt sick now, too. How could this witch even think up something so ludicrous? He felt the slow boiling inside—the anger, the fury of what this woman was planning to do to Becca. She had to be wrong. Becca couldn’t be a mage master. There wasn’t an evil bone in her body. But then, Walden’s wife hadn’t been evil either, or so it seemed. She’d just been in love with the wrong guy.

  “You have to be kidding! You’re kidding, right? This is a joke. You’re filming me and then you’re waiting to have a good laugh at my expense,” Ryan said, shaking his head and smiling widely.

  Toby’s face didn’t change. “You don’t believe me? After everything I’ve endured with you and your ghosts, you don’t believe me when I tell you this?”

  Ryan sobered and stared thoughtfully at Toby. “Sorry, man. It’s just so…”

  “Crazy? Insane? Beyond belief? I know. My mother is sick. Way more sick than I could’ve ever imagined. The thing is, Becca may be in danger, and she doesn’t even know it. We have to warn her. We have to tell her everything and get her away from here.”

  “It would help if we knew where Kayde was. If she could see him, it might bring back her memories. She knew he was a music mage; you said she was on her way to tell him when she crashed, right?”

  Kayde couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Becca had been on her way to be with him, to tell him what he was, to help him? And he’d nearly killed her!

  “Yeah. But I have no idea where he is. I looked all over the hospital, but no one fitting his description had even ever been admitted there. I even checked with Melstone City, even the morgues. Same deal,” Toby said.

  “I’m here! I’M RIGHT HERE!” Kayde shouted at the top of his voice. He was frantic now, thinking of Becca being in danger. He was worried before, concerned about his body dying away within the next day or two. But that fear was nothing compared to the sheer terror he felt at Becca being caught in that woman’s black claws. He understood now why the sight of Toby’s mother had affected him the way it had.

  Toby and Ryan were talking again, but Kayde didn’t pay attention to what they were saying. He continued to shout and scream, but to no avail.

  Then, several things happened in unison; GH, Ryan’s dog, entered the room, froze, stared directly at Kayde and promptly tucked tail and ran, whimpering as she fled the room. Ryan, seeing her reaction, grabbed Toby’s arm. Another frighteningly close lightning bolt struck, causing the lights to flicker just as Kayde shouted again, “I’m here!” Both Toby and Ryan jumped and then looked at each other, wide eyed.

  “Did you hear that?” Ryan whispered. Toby only nodded as his fear rippled out and brushed against Kayde.

  They heard me!