Read Dream Whispers Page 33

  Chapter Thirty

  The Basement

  Kayde hovered, suspenseful, over Becca’s shoulder. Ryan and Toby’s visit hadn’t gone as well as he’d hoped; at least they’d shown up to try to warn Becca. But she’d lost it when she’d heard his name. Her reaction had been painful for him, the way his very name made her panic. That pain would rapidly turn into darkness if he didn’t keep reminding himself that Becca was suffering far more than he was right now. Even so, the dark music played at the edges of his subconscious, taunting him, urging him to give it release. But he wouldn’t listen to it; he couldn’t.

  What would happen, though, when Becca opened the locket? Kayde didn’t know how the gift he’d made had come to be here. He’d been with Becca constantly since he’d arrived earlier that morning. He hadn’t heard anyone enter the house. Maybe it had been left the night before, when he’d been gone. Didn’t really matter. It was here, and she was holding it, stroking it, ready to open it. Had he done the work right? Would his music play? Even if it did play, what effect would it have on Becca? Part of him had a desperate need for her to hear his voice again, to feel their music and embrace it as she had done in the past.

  The other part of him wanted her to let him slip away from life and remain forgotten. It was because of him that she was suffering. He had done this to her.

  Everything was too complicated now. She was in danger and he needed to protect her. But how would her remembering help? He wasn’t sure anymore. Toby and Ryan thought they could explain things better to her if she knew who he was, knew of their feelings for each other, and then knew what Toby’s mother was planning to do with him. Maybe they were right. Maybe not.

  Kayde just needed to make sure Becca was safe. If remembering him helped protect her, then he wanted her memory returned more than anything else.

  Becca’s delicate fingers pressed against the seam of the locket. Kayde could feel her anticipation mix with his own. “I love you, Becca”, he whispered. It just felt like the thing to say at such an intense moment. He wished she could hear him.

  A breath before Becca opened the locket, the phone rang again. Screaming with nerves and rage, she clenched the wooden heart in her fist and ripped the phone off the wall. Kayde wished she’d smash it against the floor.

  “WHAT?” she yelled. Becca’s stiff form softened slightly before she spoke again. “Sorry, Chris. I’m just having a really bad day. Yeah, I’ll come get you. Just let me get my hair combed. You still at the diner? Oh, okay. I’ll meet you there in a few minutes. Bye.” She hung up the phone, looked at the locket in her palm, and then pulled the leather strap around her neck. The heart rested beautifully below the delicate indentation at the base of her throat between her collar bones.

  Kayde watched with sad longing as she stroked the heart with her finger for a moment, seemingly lost in thought. Her brows were scrunched together again. What was going on in her mind right now? He wished he knew. He wished she’d open the locket.

  With a sigh, Becca released the necklace and headed to the bathroom. A few minutes later, she grabbed some keys off of the kitchen counter before making her way out of the house and into Chris’ truck. Kayde sat beside her--just as he had the first time they’d met. Becca steered one-armed through town, past the bridge and along the river. Behind Glenville’s second grocery store was a vacated building. Chris stood before it, his hands in the pockets of his jeans. His blond hair nearly blinded Kayde as the sun reflected off of it.

  Becca pulled up and stepped out of the truck, Kayde right on her heels. “Hey!” Chris stated with a bright smile. “What do you think?” he asked and motioned with his hands toward the empty building.

  Kayde studied the building with Becca for a few moments. It wasn’t in too bad of shape. He started thinking of ways certain things could be fixed, what needed to be hauled away to the dump, how it could use a paint job... He could even envision motorcycles displayed in the enormous front window, enticing would-be riders to enter the store.

  “It’s great, Chris!” Becca said, her voice sincerely enthusiastic. “When do you get to look inside?”

  “I was hoping today. Let’s go to Spence’s and see if he’ll let us borrow the key for an hour or so. He’s the one selling it. I don’t think he’ll mind.”

  “Okay,” Becca said. Before they left, she and Chris walked all around the building while Chris excitedly mapped out his plans for the place. His vision was even grander than Kayde’s, but was also perfectly sensible.

  By the time they returned to the truck, it was late afternoon. Chris took them through a drive-thru so he and Becca could eat as they drove around town. Kayde’s mouth watered at the sight of the juicy burgers. What he wouldn’t give to sink his teeth into one. It had been a very long time since he’d eaten. He leaned in, attempting to smell Becca’s fries as she plucked one out of its cardboard container. He imagined their greasy, salty aroma, wishing he could taste one.

  Brother and sister continued to talk, looking at each other through Kayde’s head. He knew it shouldn’t matter, but he felt awkward wedged between the two. Chris sang a bit to the song on the radio. His voice was so clear, and Kayde was certain he felt something behind the vibrations of the man’s voice. Becca’s voice had been powerful for him. Toby’s mother thought Becca was a mage master. Maybe that would mean Chris was too. Even though Chris’ voice was intense, the energy from it didn’t compare to Becca’s.

  Kayde shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He just wanted to continue listening to the siblings talk and sing, as if they were all just out on a casual drive. The fresh summer air swirled around them through the open truck windows. If Kayde wasn’t a spirit, and wasn’t pressed up against another man, that moment would’ve felt almost normal.

  As Chris turned off of the main road toward where Kayde assumed Spence’s house was, a loud bleeping sounded from behind them. Chris looked in his rear-view mirror and scowled. Kayde turned full circle as Becca carefully turned her head to look behind. Terrance! The man’s name was a vile word in Kayde’s mouth.

  The police cruiser flashed its lights and allowed its siren another quick bleep, signaling Chris to pull over. “What in the world could he want?” Chris asked irritably.

  Becca’s face paled and Kayde could feel her discomfort. Toby’s suspicions about the cop were no doubt racing through her mind just as they were through Kayde’s. Whatever Terrance was up to couldn’t be good.

  Chris pulled up to the curb and yanked the registration out of the glove compartment. He released a small curse. “Forgot--I don’t have my license with me.”

  Terrance was at the window. “Hey, Terrance,” Chris smiled cheerily at the man. “What’s up?”

  The smile on Terrance’s face was not friendly. He looked at Chris, then looked at Becca in that animal-like way that gave Kayde second thoughts about not using his ability. “I need you both to step out of the truck,” Terrance said, not taking his eyes off of Becca.

  Chris released a chuckle. “What, you think we have drugs or something? What’s this about, Terrance? We haven’t done anything wrong and you know it.”

  The policeman turned his attention back to Chris. He then turned his head to the left and right, looking both ways down the currently empty street. He set his deadly gaze back on Chris. “Just get out of the truck.”

  Chris’ muscles tensed as his right hand clenched the steering wheel. Becca’s discomfort blossomed into fear, striking against Kayde. “Not until you tell me why,” Chris stated firmly.

  Before another breath could be taken, Terrance had reached in, grabbed Chris’ head and smashed it against the steering wheel, knocking him unconscious. A trickle of blood ran down his forehead. Becca screamed, but her voice was muffled as Gabe appeared out of nowhere and reached through her window to cover her mouth. Kayde growled and swung useless fists at the attackers.

ce opened the driver’s side door and dragged Chris out of the truck and hauled him to the cruiser. He stuffed Becca’s brother in the back seat before coming to help Gabe with Becca. The stocky youth had managed to pull Becca from the truck and was holding her arms back with one hand while his other arm was wrapped over her mouth. Becca’s eyes were pinched with pain, her shoulder going red above the cast on her arm. Kayde’s fury was so hot, he was sure anyone near should feel it. But he was completely worthless; he couldn’t do anything to help Becca.

  Becca bit down on Gabe’s arm, causing him to growl, but he didn’t release her. “Now, Becca,” Terrance said in his slimy voice, “Don’t fight us, or we’ll have to hurt you, or we’ll hurt Chris more.” A wolf grin spread across his face.

  Freezing, Becca stared at Terrance, her eyes wide and watering. Terrance came closer to her, licking his lips. He touched her cheek with a pointer finger. “You’ll learn to behave with me. After you’re mine.”

  Becca’s wide eyes narrowed as her brows dove toward the top of her nose. Suddenly, Terrance grunted and growled as Becca’s knee made serious contact with his groin. Kayde felt great satisfaction at the sight. But his frustration at being helpless to do his own damage grew with every second. Maybe he should sing…

  With frightening rage, Terrance swiftly rose from his hunched position and swung a fist around, hitting Becca on the side of her head. Kayde screamed in fury and, not thinking, leapt at Terrance in an attempt at tackling him. He fell through the man’s form, leaving Terrance unharmed.

  Turning back to Becca, Kayde watched helplessly as Gabe hoisted her limp form over his shoulder like a sack of dog food and took her to the car. Terrance leaned over, resting his hands on his legs, taking a moment to catch his breath.

  Kayde had no choice now. He had to sing to save Becca. But would it work? They couldn’t hear him, but he was sure the pure loathing, the hate-filled, evil energy he was currently experiencing would be strong enough to overcome that barrier.

  Kayde put his mouth next to Terrance’s ear and prepared to hum. He could feel the power welling up from his core, toward his mouth. It rose with furious determination, ready to fulfill its deadly purpose. As the dark melody came to Kayde’s throat, he opened his power to his voice and…

  NOTHING! His music caught in his throat like a rock; he grasped his neck as he attempted to gasp for air. This shouldn’t be happening! How could a spirit need to breath? How could a spirit choke?

  Kayde fell to his knees. Reflexively, he swallowed. Pain and fire shot through his throat for a moment, but the rock slid back down his throat, allowing him to gasp desperately for air. He kneeled on the pavement, trying to catch his breath and clear his panicked mind as Terrance drove away in the police cruiser. Gabe took Chris’ truck and followed.

  Trying to ignore his pain and fear, Kayde leapt up and raced after them, uncertain of what to do or how to help.

  Chasing the vehicles and actually keeping up with them would’ve been exhilarating had this been a different occasion. Trees, cars, and houses blurred past as Kayde fed his wild emotions into energy for running after Terrance and Gabe. The cruiser slowed, leading them down an alley and then into a private, back driveway. The entire drive and garage area were smothered with trees. Even the two story houses next door wouldn’t be able to see through the thick barrier of branches, leaves, and, further down, flowering bushes.

  Kayde was less than surprised to find that they had arrived at Toby’s house. His fear returned, spiking through him like a hot blade. Panic and rage fought with his sanity. He had to do something--they were taking Becca inside!

  Trembling, Kayde stood in the darkening back yard, watching as Gabe and Terrance hauled Becca and Chris into the house through a nearly hidden door that, he assumed, led to the basement. That had to be how they’d moved his body there without anyone seeing.

  After the door had closed silently behind Gabe, Kayde took a tentative step forward. His mind raced with the memory of the last time he’d come near this place. The sheer terror, helplessly being pulled in, almost waking inside his mangled body.

  Kayde felt so helpless and so alone. The cold darkness he’d felt after the accident in that strange void flooded him again.

  But one thing had brought him out of that void. One, beautiful name; Becca.

  She was in there with those demons. He couldn’t allow terror to keep him from doing whatever he could to help the only person in his life that had ever truly brought joy to his heart and mind. He thought of her music, allowing it to flow through him. It gave him some courage.

  Kayde took a step forward.

  Again, the ‘crook’ yanked at him from behind, pulling against his legs. Kayde fell on his back and was immediately pulled forward. The terror took over for a moment, but he did his best to swallow it, reminding himself he’d been through this before and that it was all to help Becca.

  Kayde felt as if he actually hit the door when he came to it; the pain hit with incredible force, his entire body throbbing from the impact. But he hadn’t hit the door. He knew where he was. In spite of the discomfort, Kayde forced himself to remain still, commanded himself to remain silent. He couldn’t let them know he was here, that he was conscious. He had to do something, and soon. His body was still attached to tubes and braces, restricting much movement. At least he could find out what was happening around him, maybe see something he could use for a weapon--if he had the strength to lift it, and the strength to pull away from his bound state. Carefully, he cracked his swollen lids a tiny slit.

  Blurred forms moved about the room. Voices reached his ears, the first giving him chills. It was her. Toby’s mother, Catherine, firmly spouted commands as Terrance and Gabe entered the room, still carrying Becca and Chris like hunting trophies.

  “Put them in the room I’ve prepared. Bind them for now. I can use the boy as collateral if she refuses to do what we need when the time comes.”

  The two thugs did as they were told, moving out of Kayde’s sliver of vision. Another person entered the room. He wore a long, white shirt--Dr. Kasden. The man spoke, his voice strained, “Catherine, this isn’t right. Stop this now, before it’s too late. Please!”

  The woman backhanded him across the face, causing his head to spin. Kayde flinched at the sound and sight of it. The doctor rubbed his cheek, but didn’t speak again. Catherine’s voice was cold and quiet when she spoke. “Just do as you’re told. You’ll reap the benefits of this as much as I will. Besides,” she said, her voice more relaxed, even cheery, “It’s too late, dear. You’re in too far. If anything goes wrong, you’ll be implicated along with the rest of us. You will see this through.”

  The witch turned her back to her husband to light several candles. She continued talking as she went about her task. “It will be completely dark in a few hours. These candles will be burned to just the right height for the spell.” She turned abruptly after lighting the last candle. “Get your things ready, Jack,” she said, her voice now filled with the kind of excitement Kayde had heard from other women when they were about to go shoe shopping. “We’ll wake him now so that he’ll be ready. He’ll need to drink several times to smooth his dry throat. He must be able to sing.”

  Kayde abruptly closed his eyes as Catherine turned to him and approached the bed. He nearly jumped and yelled when her cold touch brushed a strand of hair away from his forehead. “Such a pity,” she said softly. “He’s such a handsome little devil. I really hate to see him die.”

  Her chuckle was like the death she promised wrapping its cold arms around his body. He felt the pure helplessness of his situation. He couldn’t fight. He couldn’t even move. He probably wouldn’t even live through the night. Becca was in some other room, unconscious and being bound by Terrance. Horrid thoughts of what that demon might do to her while she was unconscious and no one was watching assaulted Kayde’s mind. He could do nothing to stop any of
this. Please, he pleaded to whoever or whatever might hear him. Help!

  A tear rolled away from the corner of his eye as he felt a needle break through the skin of his arm.