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  Dreaming Of Darkness


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  LOG 250

  Log on, This is Bentley swift, when you hear this, won’t mind, that I’m intoxed will you, in bed, bout to pass out, who cares? Heading out from the Xaprian, everybody’s intoxed out of and into their minds, this being our last day, and all. What did I get up to; qua I’ve been in military space long enough, to know that at the end of some cycles you should just go to sleep quiet. But if one of my biomed boys was to happen to hear this, remember Bahamadn, and a friend of ours clone story that nobody believed? All of that, combined, times ten, come to the fringe colonies, and …Auto Lights off, auto log off.



  Log on, Kyle was a bit quiet towards me today, stuff that, he did on the colony, stuff that we did together, I don’t know. but you know what they say about deep space; it hollows out the body of all secrets, so he’ll tell me eventually, we just started the stretch today, thirty days of system checks, before we can relax. Funny thing about landing on colonies, the smaller the crew, the more likely everybody will go their separate ways for the duration of the stay, and only meet when they’re back on the ship, but I was with Kyle all the time, I don’t know. Maybe being young in deep space, he hasn’t learned to deal with the withdrawal, I’ll talk to him. Work wise, backup body suits are fine, prepared some nice oral stimulants, codes for the safe room apparatus up to date, everything is good. Lights off log off



  Log on, The funniest thing happened to me today, I was with koco, in her room, and when I left, the door opened, and for a second before I blinked, everything looked red, after I blinked, my door, directly across hers looked normal again. Probably some sort of spectral shift, caused by delayed processing in my mind, or my dreams are starting to leak into my consciousness. Dream analysis is all about symbolism, what is the symbolism of red, to my mind? I’ll be vigilant tomorrow and observe all my environments for it. Lights off log off



  Log on, The mind is a funny thing, I spent a great part of the cycle , looking around the whole ship, and guess what I discovered? Out of all the spectral colours used, red is the only colour that doesn’t feature. I literally searched the whole ship, up and down, left and right with Kyle, and we found no traces of red. I think it’s safe to assume that, my mind is actualizing the colour red in my dreams, due to the lack of exposure to it, in the real world. Apart from the red hunt, spent the day listening to stories from kocos’ childhood, how she was a wild child, and all the trouble she and her friends got up too, and nothing else much, Lights off log off.



  Log on, Today was fun, we started a tournament were gravity in certain parts of the ship was turned off, on all surfaces, and you have to complete ball based tasks, Switching off the gravity in coridorC3, what you had to do was throw the ball at a downward angle so that it flies forwards, hits the floor or the back wall, and bounces upwards into corridorC4. Sounds simple, well it wasn’t. The only person so far who has gotten it is Nova, on the forth try, rest of us nothing, but tomorrow is still a day. Lights off log off



  Log on, There some end cycles, when you get into bed, and ramble on for hours, and there are some end cycles when you get into bed, and you just don’t have anything to say, it’s one of those. Lights off log off



  Log on, “Spend enough time in space, and you’ll come to understand Spactual philosophy.” First thing said, in the first lesson of Spactual philosophy, and after everything that you go through with it, the final exam question is, and after ten years of doing it, everybody goes into the exam room knowing the answer, that they found out from a brother or friend even before doing Spactual philosophy, eleven years ago. Three hours, remote tablets, all standard, except for instead of getting screens and screens of questions as usual, you just have one sentence, after the rules and regulations screen. “What is Spactual philosophy about?” Everybody already knows the answer, and answers by saying something similar to; “Spactual philosophy isn’t about being in outer space, it’s about strengthening and understanding inner space.”

  It took me long in space, to start understanding Spactual philosophy, Lights off log off.



  Log on, “Melancholy is the food of space.” No truer statement was uttered, maybe “love is the food of space” or “hate is the food of space” Qua true, I feel nothing. The day was pleasant enough. Spent most of it with Koco, reading the lights of Selvin, aloud to her, beautiful comical book, set in a pre-space period. It’s about a boy called Selvins’ journey through the universe, and all the weird, wonderful heroic and villainous alien races he meets. It was a good choice, can’t wait to continue reading it tomorrow. The doom and gloom comes in and settles here, when I’m in bed, after a fun cycle, giving my log, why can’t you guys just put us to sleep like the old days. I know, I know, logging stimulates mental and emotional processing, prolonged induced sleep can lead to psychosis, the types of, disorganized schizophrenia, dementia, catatonia upon waking... the list goes on, sleep cycles as they are, are at the safest limit I know I studied this shit. “Thoughts, life, love, hate knowingly loops in space.” Lights off log off.



  Log on, Today we had apples, my classic biotech recipe, no extras coded in, no fancy shapes, or unnatural sizes, just classic red apples. I ordered them made; the team consumed them in less than half a cycle. But I doubt they understand the delicacy of coding something for the first time, or from scratch, making it identical to how it was five thousand years ago, when it was first eaten. There thousands of biotech recipes for apples out there, most ships come with three, four, stock. Even though it’s more of a tweak, than unique, I’d like to think that compared to other classic apple recipes, mine could hold its own Lights off log off.



  Log on, Deep space, away from the fringe colonies, and even the COMS, can take its toll, if we’d found life, maybe things might have been different, we would have been space cow boys, but once you pass the final outposts of occupied space, and messages can no more be sent through, all you have is your crew,

  Lights off log off.








  Log on,Last night I dreamt that my hands, were red, how odd. Lights off log off.


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  Log on, Spent a majority of these past months, with the gang, in the safe room, laughing watching updates of Go!manGo! That show has to be the funniest show every made, and very episode there’s someone of high rank, flashed over for a second, in the studio audience, wearing that Go!manGo! studio outfit, screaming out all the chants off by heart. The data updates from Xaperia really help Lights off log off.








  Log on, Lights off log off








  Log on, We’ve been staring at the great eye, I don’t know for how many years, and when you look at Sarah’s logs, you’ll see it too, but the closer we get. Data on the eye will not be able to convey, that feeling of awe, and the insignificance that washes over your existence, as you witness natures harsh beauty in motion, and realize that you’ll never understand it, completely Lights off log off


































  RUN ANR Novuela Skyle_?


  Skip to_?

  **** *** *************** ** *******



  LOG 3410

  Log on, Cycle three thousand four hundred and ten of our mission if you can call it that, around nine hundred or so since we last saw any other ships, three hundred since we were out of range of decent com links, a few hundred LY’s from entering into the orbit of the red eye black hole in the centre of galaxy LB23gv. Bottom of the pits, working lousy retrieval missions, data gathering pods that didn’t deploy. Why don’t I ever get drawn for Leone missions, always this, bottom of the pits. All of Sarah’s systems are functional; everybody seems to be in high spirits since she announced our distance to the orbit, now time for my required hours, This is Nova Sky Lights off, log off.



  Log on, I don’t follow the Gengen code of conduct for logs, if you’ve ever been to outer space, you’ll also know that the Gengen time cycle is qua in such environments, the ships systems track it, but crews set their own. Gengen is just…I wonder who follows the conduct for logs, are there people that innocent, who does? And most of them don’t even get heard anyway. Logs what a bright idea, maybe we might still be killing each other in outer space, if we weren’t forced to complain, or talk to them after every cycle before we sleep, maybe not, who knows.

  In this cycle we reached the inner edge of the illume gaseous zones that surrounds this black hole; blood red, due to high concentrations of some bromide like compounds. The enviromonitors have pinged where the hole is, and its tidal points, through the different viewing modes all you see is the red dust, x-rays, and other bursts emanating from the edge of the event horizon and through some other viewing setting, I can’t remember the dust clouds are black and the gamma bursts white.

  The specifications that we were given by the closest com links say that this is the exact degree that the pod is orbiting, so we launched out the 360’s from here on out it’s a game of waiting for the probes to make contact.

  Sarah’s in optimum condition, she’s fascinated with the data that she’s getting from the surrounding environment; going on and on about this and this reading, what not’s picking up what not, good for her, the only thing that she is complaining about is the interference disturbing our com links slightly. I don’t know why she’s worried because she knows that the nearest functioning com links to us are static, but I’ll run a diagnostic on her anyway,

  For the rest of us, the intoxicant supply has been increased exponential in anticipation for the demand in the safe room I’m anticipating a lot of good days spent under the influence,

  This is Nova Sky Log day 3411 of our mission,

  Lights off, log off.



  Log on

  I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamt that I was sitting on the floor, legs crossed in the safe room. sitting there next to me was the ships onboard companion Sarah. I asked her what’s going on, she didn’t hear me, or ignored me, as she continued looking up. I looked up, could see outside clearly to the red cloud through all the floors as if they were made of glass. There was something different about the cloud, so I concentrated; and then I saw it, A dead hand appeared through the cloud banged onto the ship, a foot, arm, torsos, hands. It then it dawned on me, in the dream the cloud was made of human bodies, floating in powdered blood.

  I woke up.

  I didn’t tell anybody about the dream, even though we spent most of the cycle intoxicating in the safe room. I don’t know why, and I don’t care. Talked to Sarah, she says that she’s still waiting to hear from the probes, and that the samples of the red gas is taking longer to analyze than expected. I asked why it’s taking so long, and she looked at me with her head cocked and said “I could tell you, but you still wouldn’t understand.” And then walked away, Tech…

  I wish the safe room Kyle could be the normal Kyle; he’s so different and difficult when he’s not intoxicating. But in the safe room under Bentleys intoxicants, light turned off, eyes glowing green he’s a totally different person.

  Greatest part of the day: Koco in the safe room indulging, telling us through chews that once upon a time people had to actually eat to stay alive, and they used to excrete like lower animals, imagine? We all laughed it off then, but thinking about it, can you imagine the hassle?

  Where would you get the time to actually do anything with all the eating and excreting? Maintaining and checking Sarah’s manual systems is time consuming enough, imagine now if I had to eat and then excrete, eat and then excrete, eat and then excrete, how would I ever get my job done? Life in the past was something else that I would not have liked.

  This is Nova Sky Log day 3412 of our mission

hts off, log off

















  Log on

  three days since life sustainability engineer Koco Rise went missing, and I still don’t understand, our ship’s only a few square k’s, barely big enough to hold a recovered data pod, were does a person disappear too?

  We’ve life scanned the whole ship manually and checked the readers, still nothing. The reader on the safe room door says no life, and we wouldn’t even be able to get into it. I just don’t know, the effort of keeping the ship functioning manually has stopped it from fully sinking in,

  Bentleys taking it very bad, extremely bad. I’ve suggested to Kyle that we put him in a sleeper cell, him calling out to Koco, and trying to manually override, core programming to get into the safe room where he says Koco is, is disturbing me to the last degree. habitat readings outside the safe room read zero, because the room is offline, core sensors would have said something a long time ago, no one’s in there, where’s Kocodoan Arisen?

  On top of this whole mess The Saharan flyers’ programming has somehow regressed to an infantile state, constantly caught in loops; I’ve switched off her interface robot Sarah, and have been debugging all the closed systems, cycle after cycle, trying to figure out how such a massive error could occur. Staff commander Kyle smith has been, using the words “Hal mak Pas!” on an hourly basis towards me, I don’t know for how many cycles now, being a Yenji trained commanding officer, I wouldn’t think that keeping us in orbit would be such a problem, we must not understand the complexities of each other’s jobs.