Read Dreamscape Netherworld Book I Page 10

  “Very good,” he says, releasing me.

  I glance at him over my shoulder and the way he’s watching me sets my belly on fire. “Thanks,” I say, ‘cause I’ve got nothing else.

  “The Erobos can only take you if you are incapacitated. You will have plenty of weapons to defend yourself, but the most important thing for you to remember is to never let them get near you.”

  A horrendous thought hits me. “If they can take any form, how will I know one is around?”

  A far-off look crosses his eyes. “Do you remember what it feels like to get sucker punched?”

  I crinkle my face at the mention. If I tell him no, will he give me one? An old buddy of mine back at school educated me on the subject Junior year. She hated that her boyfriend kept trying to cozy up to me. I kept telling her I didn’t want anything to do with him, but she blamed me for what he did. I cut the thoughts off and answer him, “What, it’s painful to be around them?”

  “Not just painful. Erobos steal life. With your body anchored in my realm, you will be protected from a full takeover, but they can still weaken you. They can still lead you to a place where you would be lost forever.”

  I allow myself a double take. “Right. So my body will be here and the rest of me will be in the Dreamscape?”


  Disbelief pours out of me. “Seth, this might come as a surprise to you, but what you’re saying sounds like a load of dog crap—Baltek sized.”

  He laughs. “You just wait until I put you on cleanup duty.”

  I fold my arms. “Not going to happen. He’s not mine.”

  “I was joking with you.” I smirk at him before he says, “It’s okay if you don’t believe me. I understand. It is hard to visualize the subtle differences between realities without having a reference. Soon, I will show you, but until then, you will have to trust me.”

  I want to huff at him, but I keep it inside. Let him think he’s gaining ground with me. He’ll soon learn. All I have to do is be a good little student and search the Dreamscape for the key to get me out of here.

  It’s the idea of being trapped that bothers me the most. If I knew I had a real choice I might actually be able to make one.

  We practice for a while without much of a problem on my part. I’ve been able to avoid Seth until now, but he moves so fast he blurs out of focus. He catches me around the waist and takes me to the mat.

  My chest heaves into his as he pins my hands to my sides. He’s got me, totally got me. I’m desperate to find a solution, but his lower body makes moving my legs impossible.

  Our eyes connect. His are the color of fresh picked blueberries. I take a deep breath and his spice intoxicates me. I’m dizzy and breathless all at once.

  He leans down near my ear, pressing our bodies even closer. “Get out of this one,” he says.

  I buck to fling him off me, but it doesn’t even faze him. I wriggle underneath him, yet it does nothing more than make me ten times more aware of how perfectly he fits against me. I’ve got to do something fast, or this will not end well. My body screams at me to stay right where I am, but I can’t listen to my thundering hormones.

  When he stretches his long legs against mine, I make my move. I use his momentum to twist my legs around his. I’ve gained just enough force to roll him underneath me.

  When I gaze down at him, gloating, his equally cocky smirk tells me he’s let me pin him. So much for training.

  My tongue jets out to wet my lips, and I’m instantly mortified where I’ve let him take this. My palms clam up and my neck breaks out in a cold sweat. My heart thuds against my ribs from the look he’s giving me. He hasn’t said a word, and I’m already melting.

  Steeling my will, I make myself jump off him. Before he can say anything to me, I head for the hallway, throwing over my shoulder. “Got to make a pit stop. Be back in a few.”

  His chuckle follows me out of the room.

  I’m still on my back, panting. Amelia can’t know how crazy she makes me. If she did she’d try to rule me, and I’ve got to maintain dominance.

  Her body pressed against me sent my mind to the clouds, and I still haven’t come down. If she hadn’t moved when she did I would have ravaged her mouth the way I’ve wanted to from the moment she arrived, the way I did when she thought I was another man.

  Even with all her reservations, her desire for me is clear, yet I can’t let that bright thought overshadow the reason I brought her here. Companionship is only a fraction of what I need from her.

  No doubt she is still concocting an escape plan, but I’m convinced she will change her mind once she enters the Dreamscape, once she meets my team. Her sense of adventure will surely overcome her fear of me. I want nothing more than to have her in my arms as I did in her dreams, but I must earn her trust. She has led a hellish life I have no desire to compete with.

  When she doesn’t come back in a few minutes, I debate whether I should go after her. She’s probably locked herself in the bathroom again. I remodeled it just for her. In fact, the room was designed with her specific needs and tastes in mind. If I’d given her too much space, she would have been even more frightened than she is. It is important for her to know she has a safe place of her own here. It’s funny to me she has chosen that particular room as her secret hideout.

  The thought of her lounging in that tub makes my mouth go dry. I set into arm curls to distract myself, knowing it’s not going to work before I begin. I wait a few more minutes before I leave to find her.

  Luckily I have just the thing to coax her out of her room, but I am not sure I want her to know about the conservatory, just yet. Baltek has no doubt had his fill by now, so I make a slight detour to collect him, just in case I decide to show her the one place in my realm that should be my secret delight. I don’t need him to distract us.

  I imagine what she will do when I show her. It would probably be a mistake to take her at all until she is further along in her training. If she is anything like me, her first inclination will be to break the glass to leave. When she discovers she can’t manage to do it, she will become disheartened. I don’t know if I can take dashing her hopes again.

  It took me years before I could step foot in the place without wanting to slit my throat, and I still only go in when I require light. The idea that escape is so close yet still unattainable can turn a person mad.

  Baltek charges me when I open the door. His big paws bounce off my shoulders, nearly knocking me over. A rather large stick pokes out of either side of his mouth, covered in drool. He’s panting while his eyes beg me to play with him.

  I really shouldn’t, but I’ve neglected him. I push him off me and grab for the end of the stick, but he jumps back, just out of my reach.

  “So, it is to be cat and mouse, then?” I ask him.

  He drops the stick and barks. When I move to grab it, he snatches it up before I can get a good hold, and he’s off. I laugh and chase after him, determined to catch him this time. We’ve been playing this game for years now, and he has always won. Not today. Not this time.

  Light slants through the myriad of windows above us, casting prisms along the grass and trees. The heat warms my skin, sending a glow throughout me for the first time in more than five thousand years. Every part of my realm has come alive because of Amelia, especially me.

  Baltek races ahead, bounding off every surface he comes across. He climbs onto a large boulder and drops the stick before he sits on it.

  A high-pitched gasp reaches me and I stiffen. Baltek’s brown eyes set on something near the door.

  What is she doing here? When I check the time, I realize it’s been nearly an hour since she left.

  I turn, making it look casual; I hope. “Ah, Amelia,” I say, taking in every inch of the beautiful girl standing not more than forty feet away from me. The afternoon light showers her in radiance. She makes breathing obsolete. She has become my life’s source.

  If I ever had restraint when it comes to her, I don’t kno
w where it has disappeared to because it’s taking all my resolve to stay where I am.

  She nods at me and steps deeper into the room. Her eyes sweep every inch of the space before they find mine again, questioning, accusing.

  “It is not what you think,” I say hastily. “This room is a reflection of your world. Nothing more, no matter how badly I wish it were.”

  Her jaw clenches and she shrugs. “I think I’m going to go to bed now, Seth. I’m just really tired. Do you mind?”

  This response is not what I expected. Why isn’t she asking me about the conservatory? Why isn’t she demanding an explanation?

  Before she turns, I glimpse a wet trail on her cheek. I’ve upset her. This, I cannot allow.

  I beat her to the door and block her path.

  “Get out of my way,” she whispers, her voice full of venom.

  “You don’t understand, Amelia. Please let me explain.”

  Her arms cross while she taps her foot against the grass. She still won’t look at me. Not a perfect situation by any stretch, but I must take what I can get. “I’m sorry for not showing you the rest of my house immediately. I realize now that was a mistake.” Her brows lift. “This probably seems like the perfect place to escape, right?”

  She cocks her head to the side and gives me a mocking frown. I ignore her posturing and proceed with what I need to say. “Let me show you.” I walk a few yards over to one of the largest trees in the place. Glancing back at her to make sure she is watching, I push the tree into the glass. The crash is deafening.

  Pretty soon she stands right by me. She doesn’t say a word as she climbs to the top and inspects the intact glass, running her fingers over the glittering surface. Before I can comment further, she launches her leg at the window. When her attempt fails she cries out in pain and what sounds like frustration.

  Thankfully, I reach her before she can inflict anymore damage to herself, and I lift her into my arms. Once situated, I jump to the grass. Baltek bounds over to us and licks her dangling hand.

  No longer is she merely crying; she sobs into my shoulder, her body shaking against mine. I place her gently on the grass and run my hand over her ankle. In between her tears, she winces. It’s already swollen. It may even be broken, which only shows how deeply she wants to escape me.

  I silently curse myself for putting her through this. I should have chosen someone else. I should have allowed her to live her life, but I had to be selfish. At this moment I hate myself for what I have done to her.

  Seth makes cooing noise at me as I writhe in pain. I’m so stupid, and that’s what hurts more than my leg ever could. I couldn’t help myself, though. If I don’t do something soon, I will be stuck here until I die because I will not want to leave, which scares me the most. I can’t trust him, but worse, I can’t trust myself to be around him.

  He clears his throat and his gaze shifts away from mine until he’s looking at his dog. “I’m sorry,” he says. “If I’d known what you intended to do, I could have stopped you.” He gazes up at the not-so-fragile glass roof. “This place was meant to be a comfort, yet I’ve found nothing but heartache here.”

  Without another word, he gathers me into his arms. At the moment I can’t think of anything I’d rather he do. I need to feel him next to me, and that troubles me more than finding out if I broke my leg. Every step he takes shoots pain into my thigh. My ankle is nearly numb. Probably just adrenaline.

  How I thought I could break through glass that a few thousand-pound tree couldn’t budge is beyond me. Who knew I was that delusional about my ninja moves, but the proof is in the outcome.

  Without letting myself over think it, I wrap my arms around Seth’s neck. He’s a comfort I need right now. If there is one thing I’ve learned throughout this ordeal, it’s that whatever he is, he’s not a sicko that just wants to molest me.

  His muscles tense for just a moment when I pull myself closer to him and bury my face in his neck. His arms tighten around me, and he says, “I have some medical supplies, but I might have to use some unconventional methods for this one.”

  “I’m okay,” I tell him, even though my entire leg is throbbing again.

  He pats my back and even that causes me to wince. “Sorry,” he says. “I’ll just…hurry.”

  He steps up his pace without jostling me around. He’s gonna have to teach me to move like that. It’s like his limbs glide instead of bounce.

  By the time he sets me down, I’m nearly asleep. I could easily drift into a dream, which totally perturbs me because I haven’t slept well since he brought me here.

  Once I’m on the long, flat table, he runs his hand down my leg, starting mid-thigh. I prop myself onto my elbows to keep the glare from the overhead light out of my eyes and do my darnedest to ignore my speeding pulse. He’s not even touching skin. I’m so in trouble where he is concerned.

  He gives me a conspiratorial smile, and for a moment I consider that he might be able to read my mind. The thought is only disturbing because of how much he affects me. Normally, I wouldn’t care if he knew what I was thinking, but right now, that might pose a problem.

  I take a deep breath when he reaches my ankle, bracing myself for the pain. His fingers move over my pant leg to the hem. He pushes the material up past my knee, his warm fingers leaving a trail of fire in their wake. I swallow and command myself to think of something else. Who knew leather was that pliable?

  Seth steps back and his gaze travels over my leg like he’s scrutinizing every curve and indent. Then his fingers follow the path his eyes just took, and my head rushes with dizziness.

  I groan and my head hits the pillow. He’s immediately by my side, running his hand along my forehead.

  “Are you okay, Amelia?” he asks.

  That’s the question, and unfortunately, I don’t have an answer.

  I bend down close to Amelia’s face and press my cheek against her temple. Her pulse pounds a rhythm so fierce I’m worried she will lose consciousness any moment.

  She still hasn’t answered my question. Her pain must be overwhelming her senses. I move to the medicine cabinet. Not wasting a moment, I cast bottles aside, grunting when I find nothing that will help her. Using strength I should be saving, I call some pain medication and a glass of water for her.

  She lifts her head when I come closer, but she still won’t look at me.

  I could heal her, but I’m not sure she would react well to my abilities. Perhaps I should aid her in falling asleep, but I’m worried about her slipping into the Dreamscape without me. Now that she knows what it is, she will not be limited by her own dream world. She could find her way into another world. The risks are too great with Daegan involved.

  Her eyes call to me, but I will not look at her right now. As our time together continues, I’ve had a harder time controlling my desire for her. I’ve vowed to give her time, but she may take longer than I’m willing to wait.

  In the end, I decide to heal her. I cannot stand the thought of her being in pain.

  She stares at me and for a moment I think she will refuse me, but she takes the pill.

  “Your leg is broken. Will you allow me to heal you?”

  “You can do that?”

  I smile. “It takes some concentration and power, but yes.”

  “Why do I suddenly think that’s a bad thing?”

  “It will be fine, but I might require some additional help in the Dreamscape.”

  Her dark brows furrow. “You want me to go with you?”

  When she gives me a sultry smile, desire surges through me. I want this woman more than I could ever have imagined. Using what restraint I have left, I take a step back, glance at her injury, and focus on what I need to do.

  She cocks her head. “Seems like a pretty handy skill.”

  Pressing my lips together, I attempt to keep my serious façade. “It has aided me a time or two.”

  I tilt my lips in a smile I do not feel. Repositioning her leg, I let my mind take over as I knit
the bone back together and reduce the swelling to a manageable level. Tension creases the corners of her eyes and I send a wave of peace through her. She stares at me, and all I want to do is take away any pain she has. I concentrate harder on my task.

  She squeezes my hand. “Wow. That’s amazing. It hardly hurts at all anymore.” I smile at her and she lowers her gaze. “Thanks for taking care of me.”

  I swallow and stare at her. “Always, Amelia. I will always take care of you.”

  Her hand lowers to the table and she glances away before she tries to sit up. Disappointed, I place my hand at her back just in case she is not stable.

  “Am I okay to walk on this?”

  “You should be. Here, let me help you.” I ease her onto her feet, staying right by her side.

  She tests her weight. “Hey! It hardly hurts at all.” Her eyes find mine and she smiles.

  A resultant smile slips in place before I pull her against me, not able to care at the moment if the contact makes her uncomfortable. “Just promise me you will not attempt to break through enchanted crystal again anytime soon?”

  She laughs and shifts away. “You got it, boss.”

  It is difficult, but I let her go. “If only you will be that compliant in the Dreamscape.”

  “I’ll be the poster child of obedience.”

  Shaking my head, I move ahead of her. “This, I have to see.”

  When Seth steps in front of me, I allow myself to take a breath. His expression when he promised to take care of me shot straight to my heart. He meant every word he said to me. My leg already feels much better. He’ll probably need proof that I’m okay before we can train again. I’ve got to reel in my stupid gene. It’s just really hard to think straight when I’m around him. Who wouldn’t have tried to break that glass?

  My inner wimp tells me my brain failure is because I have real feelings for him, but how can I have feelings for a lie? My teeth hurt from clenching them so hard. I consider what he said, about why he wanted me to think he was a different person than Jason, and it makes sense, even though I’d like it not to. Jason and I got pretty heavy in my dreams. He even told me that he loved me.