Read Dreamscape Netherworld Book I Page 4

  She whirls around, her eyes widening when they meet mine. Unbelievably, she throws herself onto the discarded candelabra before she brandishes it in front of her like a sword. “Stay away from me!” she demands in a hoarse voice.

  No small miracle she still has a voice with all the screaming she’s done. Hot wax clings to her flesh. It has to hurt; however, her eyes are feral and her body shaking so much she probably hasn’t noticed.

  “Amelia,” I whisper. “Calm down.”

  “Don’t you tell me to calm down, you sadistic freak! What did you give me? I’m hallucinating, right? This can’t be real. This can’t be real!”

  My instincts tell me to show her just how real this is, but I slow the rushing blood in my veins. “I know how frightening this must be for you,” I say. “Please, come back inside.”

  She shakes her head. “What’s the point in having a hallway if it doesn’t go anywhere?”

  I’ve asked myself the same question more times than she could count. Unfortunately, I still do not have an answer. With cautious movements, I raise my hand toward her. “Please, Amelia. Come back inside. We’ll talk.”

  “And what else?” she hisses at me.

  Her insinuation rankles my mind. I have done nothing to make her think I would take advantage of her, yet here she stands, accusing me of being a lecher. I shake my head. “I will not harm you. I make a solemn vow to never harm you.”

  Her tongue flits out and slides along her bottom lip. I close my eyes against the image. She should not do such things. She has no idea how much she affects me. Hoping she will follow me, I swallow and turn away from her, away from my desires to take what I have craved for so long.

  The candlestick twangs against the cobbles before her sobs fill the space. I’ve never hated myself more than I do in this moment.

  She doesn’t even protest when I pick her up and carry her into her room. Baltek moans at me as I walk by. I give him a silent command, and he takes his place on the rug. I’ve neglected him today. I’ll have to make it up to him later.

  Amelia sobs into my shoulder, and I want nothing more than to hold her for the rest of eternity, yet I have to let her go.

  I lay her down gently, and she curls into a ball. I’ve been expecting this reaction from her; I just never thought it would cut so deep. “Rest well, sweet one. I’ll be in my room if you need me.” Before I make it out the door, I turn back to her. She doesn’t respond, but I’m quite sure she’s listening to my every breath. “And Amelia, you may ask me any question you like, but know this: I will always tell you the truth.”

  I cry for hours or days; maybe it’s been years. I don’t know.

  What I do know is that I have to stop. I have to think. Being irrational won’t get me out of this place.

  Seth was so gentle with me, too gentle. A tremble shoots through me at the thought. I don’t know a thing about him, and it’s beginning to scare me more than I want it to.

  I’m not quite awake, but no matter what I do I can’t fall asleep, not with him so close.

  Unsettled, I flop onto my back and stare at the ceiling. My stomach aches from crying and my eyes throb to the beat of my pulse, and yet all I can think about is him. It’s as if every part of me is aware of him, even though he’s sitting in the next room.

  My fingers ball up and I pound the mattress. I blew it. I totally had things under control until I had to go and let my inner wimp convince me that I was long overdue for a tantrum.

  Maybe I was.

  But as I lay here in the candlelit room, I’m convinced the only way I will ever get out is to go with the flow. He needs me to find a key. It’s not much of a surprise. I’m good at finding things. Justine used to lose her keys a lot. All she had to do was call me and it was like I could see where they were in my mind. They were always were I said they’d be. If Seth needs me to find a key, it shouldn’t be a problem.

  The only problem is I can’t seem to make myself get up, because once I do, I’ll have to talk to him. I’ll have to look into his entrancing eyes and hope I can clean up the mess I’ve made. With any luck, I’ll figure out what’s going on.

  I meander toward the door but stop when I notice my reflection in the mirror. Someone unrecognizable stares back at me. I’ve dealt with pain. I’ve dealt with heartache, but I’ve never been this lonely…this isolated.

  I’m sure that’s what he wants me to feel. Too bad for him, I’m no wilting rose. Justine taught me to be strong, and I’m not about to cower in this room for days or weeks when I can still function. I’m gonna see what his deal is one way or another, but he’d better watch out. This rattler is ready to strike.

  I shake my head at my reflection. Big talker, I tell myself, wondering what I did to get into this predicament. For years I’ve prided myself on being hyperaware of everything around me, yet I never noticed him. Not once.

  There’s no way I’ve ever seen him before. I would have recognized someone as hot as he is, so my only conclusion can be that he is pretty good at stalking. Another shiver slices through me.

  Why’d he have to be so nutso anyway? The thing is—how am I going to get his guard down without chumming up to him? More importantly, how in the world am I gonna convince him that he needs to let me go when I find that key for him?

  I glance in the mirror again. Man, I need a shower, but I’m afraid to ask where the facilities are. Unfortunately, my bladder isn’t about to let me get away with that excuse for long. I peruse the room again looking for a door that doesn’t exist.

  There’s an enormous closet thing against the far wall I didn’t notice before. Maybe it’s a wardrobe. Either way, it takes up nearly the entire wall, which, in this room, is saying something. The dark wood is carved in intricate scrollwork that matches the bed.

  The place is elegant. I’ve never seen something so ritzy in my life. I’m kind of afraid to touch anything, yet all my fingers want to do is trace the oval inlay in front of me. The scene is of some kind of lake with wildlife all around it. What’s weird is there’s a creature hidden behind a grouping of trees. Only its outline is visible. It could be a bear on its hind legs, but for some reason, I don’t think it is.

  I let my fingertips glide along the wood, wondering who made this piece, wondering if it somehow could transport me into the magical land depicted in its glassy depths, away from this stifling space, away from Seth.

  When I pull open the doors, I’m surprised to see a gigantic rack full of freshly pressed dresses, skirts, shirts and pants. Along one side is a row of shelves with sweaters. Shoes in every assortment I can imagine rest on the bottom shelf. My fingers reach for a set of familiar jeans. Did he get my suitcase?

  A husky voice cuts through my musing. “Ah, I see you’ve found your wardrobe.”

  Feeling rather than seeing his approach, my body stiffens. I thought he was going to stay in his room.

  I grit my teeth, pretending his presence doesn’t light every nerve I have on fire, pretending he’s invisible. It doesn’t help. “Leave me alone,” I say. I’m not ready to see his face, or am I just not ready to face him?

  He doesn’t answer right away, but he doesn’t leave, either. I’m sure he’s waiting for me to acknowledge him, and he’s gonna be waiting until hell is blessed with its first frost.

  His arm brushes my shoulder as he sidles in next to me. The energy between us sizzles. I make myself step away and walk calmly toward the bed, knowing there’s no use in me sprinting past him again. A burning rage ignites inside me. It’s all I can do to keep myself from landing a solid punch to his pristine face.

  I can’t risk it. I’d like to think I could take a beating from him, but I’m still not even sure what he wants from me, so I’m saving my strength in case I need it.

  When he clears his throat, I whirl around, expecting to see frustration in his blue eyes, but all I see is patience, which only manages to make my blood bubble a little more. I grit my teeth then say, “What do you want from me, Seth? Don’t give me that cr
ap about dreams, either. I’m not in the mood.”

  I ignore Amelia’s biting tone. I’m too focused on those full lips that are currently frowning at me. I deserve no less. Even though I have vowed to never harm her, I am not sure I can keep that promise. I’ve put her in danger deliberately, but it is necessary.

  I clear my throat again, hoping it will clear my mind. “I thought you might like to freshen up?”

  Her creamy skin flashes pale, but she recovers quickly. “Not until you tell me what I’m up against here.”

  I had hoped to have civil conversations with her now, but apparently from her deepening frown, she is not in the mood for that, either. Best to be honest. “I’ve delayed as long as I can. I have business to attend, but I promise we will discuss this as soon as I return.”

  “In the Dreamscape?”

  “Yes. In the Dreamscape.”

  Her jaw clenches as anger ignites her features. I motion toward the opposite wall where her bed rests. Her hypnotizing eyes follow the movement and widen when a door emerges at my command.

  I’ve found it is best to reveal my lair, as she called it, piece by piece. I am pleased by the smile that tugs her mouth. No doubt, she thinks it is a way out. Hopefully, the room that awaits her will offer some solace.

  I do not hover, even though I would love to see her reaction when she opens the door. Instead, I leave a tidbit of information I’m hoping she will want to bite. “I shall see you when I return.” I move to leave, but she blocks my way before I can take a step.

  Her eyes laser into mine. “I thought you said there wasn’t a way out of here. You’re not leaving me alone in this place.”

  I give her a regretful smile. “I am afraid I must. My team will be missing me.”

  “What team? You said you couldn’t leave! What else have you been lying to me about?”

  I bypass her easily and make it halfway through my room before she even crosses the threshold. She sprints to catch me, and I let her curl her fingers around my bicep, savoring every second of skin to skin contact I am allowed. I have failed to realize the advantages of wearing short sleeves until this moment.

  Her velvet touch is enthralling, but I command my blood to slow, my heart to remain calm. With measured movements, I stare at her hand then look directly into her eyes. Her pupils dilate and her lips part in an invitation I know she does not intend to offer.

  Her pulse is a siren song, but I cannot get caught up in the sound; I cannot allow myself to get distracted by her sultry scent, either. My feet refuse my command to step back, so I smile instead.

  That’s all it takes for her to drop her hand to her side and move away from me.

  “Amelia,” I say. My voice reflects the softness I feel for her. “I know you are scared, and I am sorry for causing your fear. You will see in time, you needn’t fear me, yet I have no more time at the moment to give you. Please step away from me.”

  “You’re not ditching me!” she hisses.

  I close my eyes and shut my heart against the panic in her voice. “You are not ready to follow me, sweet one. Please, do as I say.” When she doesn’t move, I pick her up.

  She pounds my chest, my shoulders, and my back. “Let me down!”

  I desperately wish I had time to resolve this conflict. Not able to help myself, when I reach her room, I slide her body along mine. My lips brush her earlobe, and she stiffens, but her heartbeat tells me a different story.

  I keep her in my embrace because if I see that mouth of hers, I will not be able to go. I speak calmly into her ear, “I will return in a few hours. Make yourself at home. If you need anything at all, merely speak your request and, apart from leaving, it will be granted.”

  Her ragged breath beats against my neck and her body stiffens. I let her go and glide through the door, locking it the moment it shuts. Her fists pound the barrier between us. “Seth, you can’t do this to me! Seth! Please! Let me out.”

  I grit my teeth and focus, calling the flames. With Amelia screaming at me, I step into the Dreamscape.

  I scream until my voice runs out. I pound the door, kick it until my foot aches. When that fails to budge it, I scan the room for something to smash through the tick barrier.

  He left. Seth left me here. Alone.

  I’m alone.

  Nothing’s changed, really, but in this moment I’m lonelier than I could have ever imagined. He’s using mind games on me; they aren’t going to work.

  That little stunt he pulled before he locked me in here won’t work, either. What kind of idiot does he take me for? I’m not going to fall for him just because he ran his hot tongue along my earlobe.

  I ignore the shiver that snakes down my body and open the door he materialized out of a frigging wall. The cool brass handle gives under my twist. With the slightest pressure, the door slides open and a bright light blasts on, illuminating the most amazing bathroom that could ever exist.

  A gigantic tub rests in the center of the room. It’s made of copper with dents concaving the outside like the scales of a fish. Mahogany cabinets line the soft green walls, and all I can think of doing is searching through them to see what’s inside. I’ve never been to a spa, but I doubt any of them could compete with this.

  I find some bubble bath that smells like plums along with a sponge and shampoo. Smiling, I rush to the other room and grab some clothes to change into. Without hesitating, I turn and lock the door. He’s probably got a key. I might be stepping into his trap to get me naked, but at this moment, I need a bath so bad my skin aches for it.

  I’ve only had one real bath in my life and that’s when Justine splurged for a fancy hotel on my sixteenth birthday. Unlike those shallow things that pose as tubs in the apartments we had, this one was deep. I took my time soaking. We were in between towns so it wasn’t like I had a crew to hang with anyway. She was so sweet to me that day. Took me to see a movie and got me some new clothes at the mall.

  I’d tried to get her to take me to the discount stores, but she wouldn’t hear of it—said I needed something special for my big day.

  I still have those jeans she paid a hundred bucks for. At least, I do. How did Seth get my stuff? Does he have my other things? Hope sprouts in my chest. Maybe he got Justine’s picture?

  My head can’t seem to keep from shaking. I miss her so much it hurts my heart every day of my life, but maybe I won’t have to worry about that anymore. It’s not like I have a life now. If she could see me, what would my grandma think of me now?

  Suddenly, I’m not so eager to take a bath. I’m not so willing to give in. Maybe I should let myself simmer in my sweat for a while, see how much Seth likes me then.

  After I relieve my bladder, I bypass the tub and go back into the bedroom. He said all I had to do was ask for things and this room would magically give them to me, so I begin with something simple. “I want real light in here,” I say into the nothingness.

  The room explodes with light from a source I can’t seem to find. I smile.

  “I want a door out of this place,” I say, going right for the good stuff. Nothing happens. I sigh. Should have known he was telling the truth. I try again out of spite. “I want a million dollars.”

  A whole bunch of neatly stacked bills appear on the bed. No freaking way!

  I rush over to the money and take a crisp hundred between my fingers. Feels real enough. For a moment I get caught up in the rush. I gather as much of it into my arms as I can and sniff. My nose crinkles.

  Somehow, I thought money would smell better. I shrug then throw myself onto the pile; pretty soon I’m covered in money. The fascination dies pretty quickly, though, so I try my request again. “Show me the front door.”


  “Show me the back door.”



  I think for a minute then demand some chocolate from my friendly neighborhood genie room. It’s cool and all, but all I can think about is getting out of here. A basket filled with Belgian chocolate appears on
my bed. I toss the money on the floor and rip through the plastic.

  The first bite throws me for a spin. It’s soooo good. Better than any old yogurt could ever be, no matter what they tell people on TV.

  Having no idea just how long I’ve wasted, I tell the room I want a clock with the real time on it. A cordless number appears on my nightstand, big glowing numbers and all that read six-forty-one AM.

  After debating for an hour, I break down and take a bath. I even try not to enjoy it. When I walk into the bedroom, nothing’s different. Two hours have passed by without one peep from Seth or his dog.

  Sure. Fido gets to go out for a stroll, but I’m locked up like the newest inmate.

  My teeth grind together, creating this awful noise that makes me want to grind my teeth more. Why do I keep having to remind myself I’m Seth’s prisoner? It’s like a part of me would be more than happy to be buddies with him or something. So not cool of me.

  After a while, I lie down and try to sleep. It doesn’t work, yet I’m so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open. Hoping it will help, I tell the lights to turn off and they do, then after only a few minutes I think of something. They blaze back on at my command, and I’m at Seth’s door faster than I should be able to move.

  Weird. I shrug then try the knob. Still locked. “I want this door to open.”

  It does.

  The heat registers before the scene solidifies. His wall of fire is at full blaze, but it hasn’t scorched his room. In an odd way it looks like an upside down waterfall, or a really weird, psychedelic, supersized movie screen.

  When I’m pretty sure it’s not going to rush at me like it did last time, I step into his room. Any other time I would have thought that what I was seeing was amazing, but right now all I can think about is where he’s gone. I check the hallway just to make sure, but I’ve spent too much time there already to be tempted by it again.

  I take a step closer to the fire and an image flickers in the flames. It looks like a park, but the scene is dark and hard to make out. My feet move closer, even though I know I’m stupid for doing so.