Read Dreamsongs. Volume II Page 37

  The droning voice of the officer reading the agreement stopped suddenly, and the staff meeting was deathly quiet. A few of the Swedish officers stirred uneasily in their seats, but no one spoke.

  Vice-Admiral Cronstedt rose slowly. “This is the agreement,” he said. “In view of our perilous position, it is better than we could have hoped for. We have used a third of our powder already, our defenses are exposed to attack from all sides because of the ice, we are outnumbered and forced to support a large number of fugitives who rapidly consume our provisions. General Suchtelen might have demanded our immediate surrender. By the grace of God, he did not. Instead we have been allowed to retain three of Sveaborg’s six islands, and will regain two of the others, should five Swedish ships-of-the-line arrive to aid us before the third of May. If Sweden fails us, we must surrender. Yet the fleet shall be restored to Sweden at the conclusion of the war, and this immediate truce will prevent any further loss of life.”

  Cronstedt sat down. At his side, Colonel Jägerhorn came crisply to his feet. “In the event the Swedish ships do not arrive on time, we must make plans for an orderly surrender of the garrison.” He launched into a discussion of the details.

  Bengt Anttonen sat quietly. He had expected the news, had somehow known it was coming, but it was no less dismaying for all that. Cronstedt and Jägerhorn had negotiated a disaster. It was foolish. It was craven. It was hopelessly doomed. Immediate surrender of Wester-Svartö, Langorn, and Oster-Lilla-Svartö, the rest of the garrison to come later, capitulation deferred for a meaningless month. History would revile them. Schoolchildren would curse their names. And he was helpless.

  When the meeting at last ended, the others rose to depart. Anttonen rose with them, determined to be silent, to leave the room quietly for once, to let them sell Sveaborg for thirty pieces of silver if they would. But as he tried to turn, the compulsion seized him, and he went instead to where Cronstedt and Jägerhorn lingered. They both watched him approach. In their eyes, Anttonen thought he could see a weary resignation.

  “You must not do this,” he said heavily.

  “It is done,” Cronstedt replied. “The subject is not open for further discussion, Colonel. You have been warned. Go about your duties.” He climbed to his feet, turned to go.

  “The Russians are cheating you,” Anttonen blurted.

  Cronstedt stopped and looked at him.

  “Admiral, please, you must listen to me. This provision, this agreement that we will retain the fortress if five ships-of-the-line reach us by the third of May, it is a fraud. The ice will not have melted by the third of May. No ship will be able to reach us. The armistice agreement provides that the ships must have entered Sveaborg’s harbor by noon on the third of May. General Suchtelen will use the time afforded by the truce to move his guns and gain control of the sea approaches. Any ship attempting to reach Sveaborg will come under heavy attack. And there is more. The messengers you are sending to the King, sir, they—”

  Cronstedt’s face was ice and granite. He held up a hand. “I have heard enough. Colonel Jägerhorn, arrest this madman.” He gathered up his papers, refusing to look Anttonen in the face, and strode angrily from the room.

  “Colonel Anttonen, you are under arrest,” Jägerhorn said, with surprising gentleness in his voice. “Don’t resist, I warn you, that will only make it worse.”

  Anttonen turned to face the other colonel. His heart was sick. “You will not listen. None of you will listen. Do you know what you are doing?”

  “I think I do,” Jägerhorn said.

  Anttonen reached out and grabbed him by the front of his uniform. “You do not. You think I don’t know what you are, Jägerhorn? You’re a nationalist, damn you. This is the great age of nationalism. You and your Anjala League, your damned Finnlander noblemen, you’re all Finnish nationalists. You resent Sweden’s domination. The Czar has promised you that Finland will be an autonomous state under his protection, so you have thrown off your loyalty to the Swedish crown.”

  Colonel F. A. Jägerhorn blinked. A strange expression flickered across his face before he regained his composure. “You cannot know that,” he said. “No one knows the terms—I—”

  Anttonen shook him bodily. “History is going to laugh at you, Jägerhorn. Sweden will lose this war, because of you, because of Sveaborg’s surrender, and you’ll get your wish, Finland will become an autonomous state under the Czar. But it will be no freer than it is now, under Sweden. You’ll swap your King like a secondhand chair at a flea market, for the butchers of the Great Wrath, and gain nothing by the transaction.”

  “Like a…a market for fleas? What is that?”

  Anttonen scowled. “A flea market, a flea…I don’t know,” he said. He released Jägerhorn, turned away. “Dear God, I do know. It is a place where…where things are sold and traded. A fair. It has nothing to do with fleas, but it is full of strange machines, strange smells.” He ran his fingers through his hair, fighting not to scream. “Jägerhorn, my head is full of demons. Dear God, I must confess. Voices, I hear voices day and night, even as the French girl, Joan, the warrior maid. I know things that will come to pass.” He looked into Jägerhorn’s eyes, saw the fear there, and held his hands up, entreating now. “It is no choice of mine, you must believe that. I pray for silence, for release, but the whispering continues, and these strange fits seize me. They are not of my doing, yet they must be sent for a reason, they must be true, or why would God torture me so? Have mercy, Jägerhorn. Have mercy on me, and listen!”

  Colonel Jägerhorn looked past Anttonen, his eyes searching for help, but the two of them were quite alone. “Yes,” he said. “Voices, like the French girl. I did not understand.”

  Anttonen shook his head. “You hear, but you will not believe. You are a patriot, you dream you will be a hero. You will be no hero. The common folk of Finland do not share your dreams. They remember the Great Wrath. They know the Russians only as ancient enemies, and they hate. They will hate you as well. And Cronstedt, ah, poor Admiral Cronstedt. He will be reviled by every Finn, every Swede, for generations to come. He will live out his life in this new Grand Duchy of Finland on a Russian stipend, and he will die a broken man on April 7, 1820, twelve years and one day after he met with Suchtelen on Lonan and gave Sveaborg to Russia. Later, years later, a man named Runeberg will write a series of poems about this war. Do you know what he will say of Cronstedt?”

  “No,” Jägerhorn said. He smiled uneasily. “Have your voices told you?”

  “They have taught me the words by heart,” said Bengt Anttonen. He recited:

  Call him the arm we trusted in,

  that shrank in time of stress,

  call him Affliction, Scorn, and Sin,

  and Death and Bitterness,

  but mention not his former name,

  lest they should blush who bear the same.

  “That is the glory you and Cronstedt are winning here, Jägerhorn,” Anttonen said bitterly. “That is your place in history. Do you like it?”

  Colonel Jägerhorn had been carefully edging around Anttonen; there was a clear path between him and the door. But now he hesitated. “You are speaking madness,” he said. “And yet—and yet—how could you have known of the Czar’s promises? You would almost have me believe you. Voices? Like the French girl? The voice of God, you say?”

  Anttonen sighed. “God? I do not know. Voices, Jägerhorn, that is all I hear. Perhaps I am mad.”

  Jägerhorn grimaced. “They will revile us, you say? They will call us traitors and denounce us in poems?”

  Anttonen said nothing. The madness had ebbed; he was filled with a helpless despair.

  “No,” Jägerhorn insisted. “It is too late. The agreement is signed. We have staked our honor on it. And Vice-Admiral Cronstedt, he is so uncertain. His family is here, and he fears for them. Suchtelen has played him masterfully and we have done our part. It cannot be undone. I do not believe this madness of yours, yet even if I believed, there is no hope for it, nothing to
be done. The ships will not come in time. Sveaborg must yield, and the war must end with Sweden’s defeat. How could it be otherwise? The Czar is allied with Bonaparte himself, he cannot be resisted!”

  “The alliance will not last,” Anttonen said, with a rueful smile. “The French will march on Moscow and it will destroy them as it destroyed Charles XII. The winter will be their Poltava. All of this will come too late for Finland, too late for Sveaborg.”

  “It is too late even now,” Jägerhorn said. “Nothing can be changed.”

  For the first time, Bengt Anttonen felt the tiniest glimmer of hope. “It is not too late.”

  “What course do you urge upon us, then? Cronstedt has made his decision. Should we mutiny?”

  “There will be a mutiny in Sveaborg, whether we take part or not. It will fail.”

  “What then?”

  Bengt Anttonen lifted his head, stared Jägerhorn in the eyes. “The agreement stipulates that we may send two couriers to the King, to inform him of the terms, so the Swedish ships may be dispatched on time.”

  “Yes. Cronstedt will choose our couriers tonight, and they will leave tomorrow, with papers and safe passage furnished by Suchtelen.”

  “You have Cronstedt’s ear. See that I am chosen as one of the couriers.”

  “You?” Jägerhorn looked doubtful. “What good will that serve?” He frowned. “Perhaps this voice you hear is the voice of your own fear. Perhaps you have been under siege too long, and it has broken you, and now you hope to run free.”

  “I can prove my voices speak true,” Anttonen said.

  “How?” snapped Jägerhorn.

  “I will meet you tomorrow at dawn at Ehrensvard’s tomb, and I will tell you the names of the couriers that Cronstedt has chosen. If I am right, you will convince him to send me in the place of one of those chosen. He will agree, gladly. He is anxious to be rid of me.”

  Colonel Jägerhorn rubbed his jaw, considering. “No one could know the choices but Cronstedt. It is a fair test.” He put out his hand. “Done.”

  They shook. Jägerhorn turned to go. But at the doorway he turned back. “Colonel Anttonen,” he said, “I have forgotten my duty. You are in my custody. Go to your own quarters and remain there, until the dawn.”

  “Gladly,” said Anttonen. “At dawn, you will see that I am right.”

  “Perhaps,” said Jägerhorn, “but for all our sakes, I shall hope very much that you are wrong.”

  …AND THE MACHINES SUCK AWAY THE LIQUID NIGHT THAT ENFOLDS me, and I’m screaming, screaming so loudly that Slim draws back, a wary look on his face. I give him a broad geekish smile, rows on rows of yellow rotten teeth. “Get me out of here, turkey,” I shout. The pain is a web around me, but this time it doesn’t seem as bad, this time I can almost stand it, this time the pain is for something.

  They give me my shot, and lift me into my chair, but this time I’m eager for the debriefing. I grab the wheels and give myself a push, breaking free of Rafe, rolling down the corridors like I used to do in the old days, when Creeper was around to race me. There’s a bit of a problem with one ramp, and they catch me there, the strong silent guys in their ice cream suits (that’s what Nan called ’em, anyhow), but I scream at them to leave me alone. They do. Surprises the hell out of me.

  The Maje is a little startled when I come rolling into the room all by my lonesome. He starts to get up. “Are you…”

  “Sit down, Sally,” I say. “It’s good news. Bengt psyched out Jägerhorn good. I thought the kid was gonna wet his pants, believe me. I think we got it socked. I’m meeting Jägerhorn tomorrow at dawn to clinch the sale.” I’m grinning, listening to myself. Tomorrow, hey, I’m talking about 1808, but tomorrow is how it feels. “Now here’s the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question. I need to know the names of the two guys that Cronstedt is going to try and send to the Swedish king. Proof, y’know?

  “Jägerhorn says he’ll get me sent if I can convince him. So you look up those names for me, Maje, and once I say the magic words, the duck will come down and give us Sveaborg.”

  “This is very obscure information,” Salazar complains. “The couriers were detained for weeks, and did not even arrive in Stockholm until the day of the surrender. Their names may be lost to history.” What a whiner, I’m thinking; the man is never satisfied.

  Ronnie speaks up for me, though. “Major Salazar, those names had better not be lost to history, or to us. You were our military historian. It was your job to research each of the target periods thoroughly.” The way she’s talking to him, you’d never guess he was the boss. “The Graham Project has every priority. You have our computer files, our dossiers on the personnel of Sveaborg, and you have access to the war college at New West Point. Maybe you can even get through to someone in what remains of Sweden. I don’t care how you do it, but it must be done. The entire project could rest on this piece of information. The entire world. Our past and our future. I shouldn’t need to tell you that.” She turns to me. I applaud. She smiles. “You’ve done well,” she says. “Would you give us the details?”

  “Sure,” I say. “It was a piece of cake. With ice cream on top. What’d they used to call that?”

  “A la mode.”

  “Sveaborg a la mode,” I say, and I serve it up to them. I talk and talk. When I finally finish, even the Maje looks grudgingly pleased. Pretty damn good for a geek, I think. “OK,” I say when I’m done with the report. “What’s next? Bengt gets the courier job, right? And I get the message through somehow. Avoid Suchtelen, don’t get detained, the Swedes send in the cavalry.”

  “Cavalry?” Sally looks confused.

  “It’s a figure of speech,” I say, with unusual patience.

  The Maje nods. “No,” he says. “The couriers—it’s true that General Suchtelen lied, and held them up as an extra form of insurance. The ice might have melted, after all. The ships might have come through in time. But it was an unnecessary precaution. That year, the ice around Helsinki did not melt until well after the deadline date.” He gives me a solemn stare. He has never looked sicker, and the greenish tinge of his skin undermines the effect he’s trying to achieve. “We must make a bold stroke. You will be sent out as a courier, under the terms of the truce. You and the other courier will be brought before General Suchtelen to receive your safe conducts through Russian lines. That is the point at which you will strike. The affair is settled, and war in those days was an honorable affair. No one will expect treachery.”

  “Treachery?” I say. I don’t like the sound of what I’m hearing.

  For a second, the Maje’s smile looks almost genuine; he’s finally lit on something that pleases him. “Kill Suchtelen,” he says.

  “Kill Suchtelen?” I repeat.

  “Use Anttonen. Fill him with rage. Have him draw his weapon. Kill Suchtelen.”

  I see. A new move in our crosstime chess game. The geek gambit.

  “They’ll kill Bengt,” I say.

  “You can disengage,” Salazar says.

  “Maybe they’ll kill him fast,” I point out. “Right there, on the spot, y’know.”

  “You take that risk. Other men have given their lives for our nation. This is war.” The Maje frowns. “Your success may doom us all. When you change the past, the present as it now exists may simply cease to exist, and us with it. But our nation will live, and millions we have lost will be restored to us. Healthier, happier versions of ourselves will enjoy the rich lives that were denied us. You yourself will be born whole, without sickness or deformity.”

  “Or talent,” I say. “In which case I won’t be able to go back to do this, in which case the past stays unchanged.”

  “The paradox does not apply. You have been briefed on this. The past and the present and future are not contemporaneous. And it will be Anttonen who effects the change, not yourself. He is of that time.” The Maje is impatient. His thick, dark fingers drum on the tabletop. “Are you a coward?”

  “Fuck you and the horse you rode in on,” I tell h
im. “You don’t get it. I could give a shit about me. I’m better off dead. But they’ll kill Bengt.”

  He frowns. “What of it?”

  Veronica has been listening intently. Now she leans across the table and touches my hand, gently. “I understand. You identify with him, don’t you?”

  “He’s a good man,” I say. Do I sound defensive? Very well, then; I am defensive. “I feel bad enough that I’m driving him around the bend, I don’t want to get him killed. I’m a freak, a geek, I’ve lived my whole life under siege and I’m going to die here, but Bengt has people who love him, a life ahead of him. Once he gets out of Sveaborg, there’s a whole world out there.”

  “He has been dead for almost two centuries,” Salazar says.

  “I was inside his head this afternoon,” I snap.

  “He will be a casualty of war,” the Maje says. “In war, soldiers die. It is a fact of life, then as now.”

  Something else is bothering me. “Yeah, maybe, he’s a soldier, I’ll buy that. He knew the job was dangerous when he took it. But he cares about honor, Sally. A little thing we’ve forgotten. To die in battle, sure, but you want me to make him a goddamned assassin, have him violate a flag of truce. He’s an honorable man. They’ll revile him.”

  “The ends justify the means,” says Salazar bluntly. “Kill Suchtelen, kill him under the flag of truce, yes. It will kill the truce as well. Suchtelen’s second-in-command is far less wily, more prone to outbursts of temper, more eager for a spectacular victory. You will tell him that Cronstedt ordered you to cut down Suchtelen. He will shatter the truce, will launch a furious attack against the fortress, an attack that Sveaborg, impregnable as it is, will easily repulse. Russian casualties will be heavy, and Swedish determination will be fired by what they will see as Russian treachery. Jägerhorn, with proof before him that the Russian promises are meaningless, will change sides. Cronstedt, the hero of Ruotsinsalmi, will become the hero of Sveaborg as well. The fortress will hold. With the spring the Swedish fleet will land an army at Sveaborg, behind Russian lines, while a second Swedish army sweeps down from the north. The entire course of the war will change. When Napoleon marches on Moscow, a Swedish army will already hold St. Petersburg. The Czar will be caught in Moscow, deposed, executed. Napoleon will install a puppet government, and when his retreat comes, it will be north, to link up with his Swedish allies at St. Petersburg. The new Russian regime will not survive Bonaparte’s fall, but the Czarist restoration will be as short-lived as the French restoration, and Russia will evolve toward a liberal parliamentary democracy. The Soviet Union will never come into being to war against the United States.” He emphasizes his final words by pounding his fist on the conference table.