Read Dreamwalkers Book One - The Intruder. A Markland Garraway Paranormal Mystery Thriller Page 53

  Chapter 52


  Trinity Road Police Station


  9.22 a.m.


  “Thank you for handing these in, I’ll make sure Mr Doyle has them returned to him. In fact, I’ll take them to him myself,” said the police officer, taking the keys which hung from the Ferrari keyring. “And, I can assure you that Mr Doyle, Mr Garraway and Miss Standwick are safe and can be accounted for.”

  “But they’d been missing since Wednesday. Mr Garraway’s car has been outside Badock’s Wood since then, and it was still there yesterday,” implored James.

  “I understand Mr Trafford, but as I’ve said, all three are safe.”

  “Where did you find them?”

  “This morning Miss Standwick and Mr Doyle where both at their respective flats, and Mr Garraway was at his house. Mr Doyle told us that he’d let himself into his flat earlier in the morning.”

  “How did Howie get in without his key?” asked James.

  The officer shrugged his shoulders. “Perhaps he had a spare?”

  “Are they okay?” asked Han.

  “I believe so, although I understand all three were a little confused, and were unsure why the police were knocking on their doors so early in the morning.”

  “Did they account for where they’d been?” said James.

  “No, but as far as I am aware they’ve not been questioned. We were purely satisfied that all three were safe. They’ve not broken any laws, nor are under suspicion for committing any crimes. If you’re concerned why don’t you call them?”


  “Well I guess that’s that,” said Han.

  “But don’t you think it’s a little odd, that all three went looking for the other me, they went to the hill in the woods, which is supposed to be full of hocus pocus, and apparently like me, all had been missing for days?”

  “One day,” said Han.


  “They’ve only been missing one full day. They were here on Wednesday. I know that because I spoke with Howie, who told me of their intention of going to the woods. We couldn’t find them yesterday and now according to the policeman they’re all at their homes today. It’s only on Thursday that they were missing.”

  “I think you’ll find they’ve been missing for three consecutive days, Wednesday evening, all of Thursday and part of today. I guarantee that if we go to Doncaster Road right now, Mr Garraway’s car will still be parked where he left it on Wednesday evening.”

  Han understood what his son was getting at, but was trying to distance himself from the weirdness that had been happening for the past four weeks.

  “Where are you going?” asked Han.

  “I’m off to the woods. I want to see whether Markland’s car is still there before it’s either towed away, or driven by Markland. Are you coming?”

  Han sighed and followed his son.


  Fifteen minutes later James was back, driving along Doncaster Road and slowed to a crawling pace as he approached the entrance of the woods.

  “There,” he said pulling alongside Markland’s car. “It’s still there, and this is the third day it’s been here.”

  “Okay, you’re right.”

  James stared at the car. A frustrated driver behind him beeped his horn and brought James out of his stupor. He continued for another hundred yards and parked on single yellow lines.

  “Let’s call Howie,” said Han.

  “No. Let’s go over to his flat and ask him what’s been going on face to face. Hopefully he can fill us in with what’s been happening to the girl and Markland as well.”


  A little later James pulled up opposite Howie’s place. Across his drive was a white Seat Arosa, blocking in Howie’s Fiesta. A light shone in the flat, and James saw a figure walk past the window.

  “He’s there,” said Han, getting out of the car.

  They strolled over to his flat and knocked on the door.

  Howie opened the door and appeared to be shaken.

  “Where’ve you been?” said James, pushing his way into Howie’s hallway. Han followed behind.

  Howie didn’t answer, but seemed relieved to see his friend.

  James glanced out of the window overlooking the road.

  “Who does that white car belong to? The one blocking your drive.”

  Eventually Howie spoke. His voice was shaky.

  “I don’t know, but it looks familiar. Not that it matters, mine’s not going anywhere …….. ever!”

  “Why?” asked James with a frown.

  “It’s been knackered for years, you knew that.”

  James frowned, and changed the subject.

  “Where have you been? We’ve been worried about you. I’ve been to the woods to look for you and the others, but couldn’t find any of you.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Dad told me. On Wednesday you, Markland and Jodie went to the burial mound in Badock’s Wood. Dad said that Markland had some kind of plan that involved the hill in the woods.”

  “Sorry, I’m lost. Start over again. Who are Markland and Jodie?”

  “Markland and Jodie from Compton Wells,” replied James, who was agitated.

  Howie looked at the car blocking his driveway. Then he remembered where he’d seen it before.

  “That’s where I’ve seen it. In the staff carpark. It belongs to Jodie Standwick the science teacher. Why the hell is it here?”

  James listened to Howie’s tone of voice and watched his body language. Then it dawned on him. He took his father to one side and they stepped into the hallway.

  “I think what happened to me has also happened to him. I don’t think he’s of our world. I think this idea of parallel worlds may just be real. I’m sure if we call to see Jodie, or Markland they’d be equally confused.”

  They stepped back into the lounge. Howie was still gazing out of the window.

  “What’s the last thing you remember?” asked Han.

  “I was at home, watching a DVD and was thinking about having an early night. The next thing I knew I was outside my flat. I let myself in and I’ve no idea how I got here.”

  “How did you let yourself in?” asked James.

  “With these,” replied Howie, pulling the Ferrari keyring from the pocket of his jeans.

  They were the same keys James had found in the woods.

  James and his father threw each other a glance.

  “Howie, is there a new truancy officer at your school? An ex-detective, called Markland Garraway?”

  “No, the Attendance Officer’s John Armstrong,” replied Howie, with a look of disgust.

  “You’ve never heard of Markland Garraway have you?”

  “No, I wouldn’t forget a name like that.”

  “But Jodie works there doesn’t she,” said James, not asking but instead making a statement of fact.

  Howie nodded.

  “Okay, we need to see Markland and Jodie. Let’s find out what they have to say,” said James to his father.

  “Do you know where they live?” asked Han.

  “No, but Howie does………,” James stopped mid-sentence. He momentarily forgot that the Howie in front of him wasn’t the same Howie he’d been searching for since Wednesday. There was little chance he’d happen to know where either Markland or Jodie lived.

  “Are you planning on going into work today?” asked James.

  “I guess so,” replied Howie, wearing a tired and confused expression. He glanced at his watch. “I should have been there hours ago. I’m surprised no one’s called.”

  “I think you’ll find a few changes at Compton Wells, and the school will want to know why you weren’t there yesterday.”

  “I was there yesterday.”

  “What day is it today?” asked Han.

  Howie frowned, and thought for a second.

  “Thursday ……. I think?”

  “No, tod
ay’s Friday.”

  James took the television remote, and turned on Sky News. The date and time were displayed at the bottom of the screen. Howie read it out under his breath.

  “You’ve lost a whole day mate. In fact, you’ve lost three days in total. Wednesday evening, all of Thursday and part of this morning. I bet you can’t remember getting out of bed today,” said James.

  Howie paused and tried to recall what had happened first thing when he awoke.

  “No, shit…. I’m trying to think…….”

  “Don’t worry,” said James, interrupting.

  Han pulled James to one side, whilst Howie continued to recall what had happened that morning.

  “I don’t think there’s any point trying to track down either Jodie or Markland. They’d both be as confused as Howie. Not to mention the fact that they’d have no idea who we are,” said Han, in a quiet voice.

  “So what do we do now?”

  “I really don’t know. The only person who can help us is Markland…… the Markland who I last spoke with on Wednesday…….. and therein lies the problem.”

  “I’m sorry to be rude, but would you two mind leaving now. I’m not feeling too well and could do with lying down,” said Howie.

  “So you won’t be in school today?” asked Han.

  “No, I don’t think I should. I feel quite peaky all of a sudden.”

  James and Han nodded then threw each other a look.

  “We’ll see ourselves out,” said Han, walking towards the hallway. Han was about to open the front door, when he heard a knock. He opened the door and was surprised to see the same police officer from the station earlier that morning.

  “Oh, hello Mr Trafford, it’s nice to see you again. Is everything okay?” asked the officer.

  “I think so,” lied Han, “Howie’s a little confused, but I think he’s fine. Do you need to speak with him? James and I were just leaving.”

  “No, not really. I just wanted to drop these off for him,” said the officer holding Howie’s keys, which dangled from the Ferrari Keyring.

  James looked over his father’s shoulder, and shuddered when he saw the keys.

  Howie strolled into the hall to see who was at his front door.

  “Hello. Two policemen in one day?” said Howie, referring to the visit he’d had from another officer earlier that morning.

  “I’ve just called around to give you these. James and his father handed them in this morning, after finding them in Badock’s Wood yesterday.”

  An air of confusion spread across Howie’s face.

  “I’ve not lost my keys, here they are,” he said, pulling them from his pocket.

  The police officer took Howie’s Keys and compared them to the set in his hand. They were identical. The two Ferrari badges even bore matching scratches and scuffs. He tried keys from both keyrings in Howie’s front door, and each key fitted.

  “They’re definitely your keys Mr Doyle,” said the officer, passing both sets of keys to Howie.

  The officer bid them farewell, and James closed the door behind him.

  Howie took a minute to examine the keys.

  “Would one of you mind telling me what the hell’s going on?”