Read Drew Page 5





  And remember: when We commanded the angels, "Bow yourselves before Adam," all bowed down except Iblis. He replied, "Should I bow before the one whom you have created of clay?" Then he added, "Just consider this: Was he worthy of this that you have exalted him over me?

  Surah Al Isra (The Night Journey) (17:61-62)

  “I don’t know. You know I’ve always been partial to any religion. More spiritual. If anything, more that you are the creator of your own reality and destiny.”

  He hides behind the wall.

  A girl comes around the corner of the booth and walks past him.

  She whispers.


  He shakes his head.

  Hides more.

  He listens.

  That’s more of what they want you to believe. Do as thou wilt.

  “Like there in the matrix? That oracle woman with that sign above her head? In the kitchen, I think.”

  Never watched the matrix. Was going to… but after watching Freddy do matrix moves, I was put off completely. What a way to ruin the whole nightmare.

  “What are you telling me? What has the aliens got to do with God? If the aliens exist, doesn’t that prove that God does not exist?”

  More of the same. That’s what they want. Everything is against God. Make you to hate God for allowing these atrocities. Heck, for doing it Himself, since He is in control of everything. May God forgive us. That is a lie most untrue. Or that He doesn’t exist at all so why listen to any apparent guidance from Him. And why should He care about something as insignificant as us. If they… the people… but understood.


  That God is nothing but Good. And that He cares more than any of us could ever comprehend. Is why He honoured us above all creation. And that’s what got… them… him… upset.

  “Who? Who got upset?”

  A little boy and girl come past him. The boy dressed in a chucky outfit. Mask and all, with a fake bloodied knife. He was trying to scare the girl.

  “You really are stupid. Nothing but a stupid fool,’ the girl says.

  The girl shoves the boy by his shoulder.

  He simply tries to scare her more.

  Peter-John laughs softly.

  But soon, the grave look returns to his face.

  He listens.

  Who do you think?

  “Just tell me already. The Archons?”

  There is a soft giggle on the other end of the line.


  Have you been listening to anything I have been saying? For all your brains you sure are a moron.

  His jaw tenses up.

  A man walks past and screams.


  He hides more.

  “Easy with the insults please.”

  I wouldn’t have to if you would listen to me.

  “Please, meet me. I’ll be open-minded.”

  The same man that screamed moron walks past him again and shouts.

  “Desperate. Desperate foolish moron!”


  Hey. Don’t get impatient with me. Don’t talk to me in that tone.

  “Sorry, just…”



  I think I know what’s got you tense like that.


  Say what. I’ll agree to meet you, but only one condition.


  There is more giggling.

  “What’s so funny?”

  You. And you’re anything.

  There is more laughter.

  His jaw tenses up more.

  “Please, I’ll do anything.”

  You sound desperate enough.

  He twitches.


  “Are you going to make me beg?”

  No. I won’t have you grovelling on your knees. Something much simpler and easy as pie.

  “What… spi… tell me already.”

  He clenches his fist.

  Meet me tomorrow… the mall at 22:00. That crowded joint near the elevator.

  He sighs.

  “Please. Not there.”

  There is more giggling.

  “Anything else.”

  That’s my condition.


  Take it or leave it.

  The line goes dead.



  He dials a number.

  The phone rings.

  Someone answers.


  “It’s me.”

  There is a long sigh.


  What do you want?

  “I need to see you. Can we meet?”

  I have nothing to say to you.

  “I have. Please, bro.”


  A long sigh.

  What about? Is it that same issue again? I told you to lay off the stuff.

  “No. It’s not that. It’s about my friend.”

  Listen, you have to stop calling me. Stay away from my apartment. Lose this number.

  “Omar, please. I need to speak with you. I wouldn’t call if it wasn’t absolutely necessary.”

  I said my peace. Stop gardening. Lose this number.

  The line goes dead.

  He puts down the phone and leaves the booth.

  A homeless man walks past him.

  Gives him a quick stare and smiles.

  “All alone.

  Aren’t you?”

  He stares at the man.

  “Are you talking to me?”


  The man takes a brown packet from his coat pocket.

  Opens a bottle and takes a sip.

  “Want to trim the hedges?”

  He laughs.

  Peter-John shakes his head and walks on.

  Pulls his hoodie tight over his head.

  Scans the area to his left, then his right.

  Walks faster.

  Gotta get home.

  Drew needs me.


  #PYD #Retire #Don’tTalk #LetItBe

