Read Druid Vampire PG-13 Version Page 10

  Chapter 6: Panther

  Derek made his way to a rooftop and held out his arms before him. He summoned his magical power and willed his hawk tattoo to peel off his skin and materialize. It took flight. “Go! Find the vampires!” Derek ordered.

  The hawk soared high overhead and took off in search of vampires. Derek took off running across the roof and when he reached the edge, he leapt onto the next roof, and kept on running. Derek went from rooftop to rooftop in this manner, and reached out his senses to see if there were any vampires nearby.

  His senses tingled as the hawk discovered a group of vampires. Derek took off in the hawk’s direction, jumping from roof to roof. He reached the location where the hawk was soaring in circles directly above a dark alleyway.

  Derek peered down into the darkness and his vampire eyes cut through the darkness to reveal a human couple hugging each other out of fear, and five vampires who were jeering and leering at them while closing in with menacing steps.

  Derek summoned his dragon tattoo’s wings and they sprouted out of his back. The wings were translucent, blue-tinged, glowing and shimmery. The Druid leapt off the roof and used his wings to slow his descent. He landed directly behind the vampires with a heavy thud.

  The sound drew the vampires’ attention and they spun around to regard Derek. “Yo.” Derek greeted them nonchalantly.

  “Holy crap, it’s a Hunter!” “What the hell is a Hunter doing here? Dracula promised us he was occupied.” The vampires began to make random exclamations.

  “Hey, you two lovebirds.” Derek called out to the frightened human couple. “Get the hell out of here.”

  The couple glanced at each other questioningly before the man took his woman’s hand and began to run with her out of the alleyway.

  “Aw man, there goes dinner.” A vampire complained as he watched them go.

  “The woman looked like her blood was going to be particularly delicious too.” Another vampire said with a pout. “Nice and sweet.”

  “Oh, you’ll pay for that, Hunter.” A vampire challenged.

  Derek raised his arms, and his wolf and panther tattoos peeled off his skin, materialized, and attacked the vampires at the same time they attacked him.

  Three vampires came at Derek while the wolf and panther handled two of the vampires. Derek summoned his python tattoo to protect himself from the vampires’ attacks - the swipes of their sharp claws and their deadly bites.

  The vampires cried out in pain and fear as the wolf and panther managed to decapitate the two vampires they’d been fighting.

  Derek’s python was wrapped around his body in a protective coil. Once the ink panther and wolf were done with their prey they began to attack the remaining three vampires, who had Derek surrounded.

  Meanwhile, on the rooftop on the other side of the alley, Slaine stood and watched the bloody carnage unfolding below. Yoko was snuggled up to his right side while Koko was snuggled up to his left side.

  “That Hunter is powerful.” Koko noted with a frown on her pretty face.

  Slaine nodded as he watched Derek fight. “Indeed he is.”

  “Are you going to kill him?” Yoko asked curiously.

  Slaine remained silent, and watched as the three vampires were decapitated and disintegrated into dust.

  Derek sensed a presence behind him and spun around, ready to attack, only to come face-to-face with the Hunter from before. Oh crap!

  “A Druid…?” The Hunter questioned as he looked at the ink panther and wolf that were standing on either side of Derek, and the python that was coiled around Derek’s body. “Who the hell are you, boy?” He demanded, in a thick, gruff British accent.

  “I could be asking you the same thing, Mister. This is my turf.” Derek said with a wave of his hand.

  “Like hell it is.” The man growled, and lowered his hood to reveal his appearance. The man was middle-aged with short brown hair with a stripe of white running through it. He had fierce blue eyes with crinkle lines around them. He was probably somewhere in his late fifties, but appeared to be in good shape. “Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Vortigern Stokes.”

  “Stokes.” Derek recalled that the previous Hunter had also been named Stokes, and had looked like a younger version of the man standing in front of him now. “You’re Stoke’s father?”

  “Indeed, so who the hell are you? You’re not my son.” Vortigern crossed his arms over his chest. Next to Vortigern stood a massive ink bull that the Hunter must have summoned earlier. Its horns were enormous.

  “No, I’m not.” Derek lowered his hood. “I’m Derek Dearg.”

  Vortigern looked at Derek curiously and reached out his senses…Derek was a Druid but also a vampire. Impossible. “You…you’re a Druid, but also a vampire. How is this possible?”

  “That isn’t important. What is important is that this city is under my protection now-” Derek was saying. However-

  “What a load of crap. Vampires are not to be trusted. Did you kill my son, you filthy vampire?” Vortigern raised his arm. “Attack!” He commanded the ink bull that had been standing next to him.

  “Aw crap! Attack!” Derek commanded his wolf and panther.

  The creatures collided. The bull fell to the ground, and the wolf and panther continued to attack it.

  Vortigern raised his arm and a python peeled off his skin and attacked Derek’s own python. The two snakes began to fight each other on the ground. Vortigern smiled smugly and charged Derek. Derek stood his ground and got into a fighting stance. Vortigern swung a punch at Derek, which he blocked with his forearm.

  Derek and Vortigern began to exchange blocks and blows. Vortigern wiped blood from his lips with the back of his hand. “Not bad, boy. But it’s time to die. You’ll pay for what you did to my son!” Vortigern raised his left arm and a griffin began to peel off his shoulder, and materialize. The creature was enormous. It attacked Derek.

  Bloody hell! Derek dodged and rolled out of the way. He tried to summon another ink creature to come to his defense…but he was low on magical energy. His panther and wolf were still fighting the bull, which had gotten back on its feet. And the two pythons were still fighting each other. Going out into the sun had weakened Derek considerably. Crap, crap, crap.

  The griffin managed to tackle Derek to the ground and Derek struggled to keep the ink creature from biting his head off with its enormous, lethal, eagle beak. Derek’s strength was waning.

  The other Hunter seemed to sense this as well and smiled cryptically. “This is the end of the line for you, vampire.”

  Slaine, who’d been watching the interesting fight, decided to act. He summoned his wings, and two enormous, white, bat-like wings sprouted from his back. He spread his wings. “Stay here, girls.” Slaine told the twins before jumping off the building. He used his wings to slow his descent and landed right beside Derek and the griffin.

  “I’m the only one who gets to kill Derek Dearg!” Slaine declared before he grabbed the griffin by its neck and hauled the creature off of Derek using his superhuman strength.

  Slaine threw the creature into the brick wall. The creature hit the wall and slid down it. But it quickly recovered, shook its head, and attacked Slaine. Slaine unsheathed his samurai sword and slashed it through the air. The griffin’s head was severed from its body and it exploded into blue ink.

  Derek gawked at Slaine. What the hell is he doing here? Why isn’t he going after Becca? Why didn’t he just let me die? Multiple questions whirled around in Derek’s mind. Slaine was dressed in a white kimono with a red chrysanthemum pattern on it, and a red obi sash belt was tied around his waist.

  Slaine turned to face Vortigern fearlessly, blue ink dripping from his samurai sword. He approached the Hunter with menacing steps and stood in front of Derek.

  Derek’s jaw dropped open slightly. What the hell is he doing? Is he actually protecting me?

  “A vampire just saved you, boy. That says it all.” Vortige
rn tsked. “I’ll kill you both.” The Hunter raised his arm, prepared to summon another battle tattoo.

  But Slaine charged forward and in the blink of an eye he was in front of Vortigern and had his sword pressed against the Hunter’s throat. “Do you have a death wish, Hunter? Do you wish to die tonight so badly?”

  Vortigern lowered his arm. “Kill me…you filthy vampire. Just like you did my son.”

  “If that is your wish, I am happy to oblige you with it.” Slaine swung his sword-

  “No!” Derek cried out.

  Slaine’s sword moved forward but instead of piercing Vortigern through his heart Slaine stabbed Vortigern’s shoulder instead. Blood spurted through the air. Slaine removed his katana and Vortigern fell back to the ground. Slaine slashed his sword through the air in order to remove the blood from his katana’s blade before sheathing his sword in a fluid motion. Slaine turned around and began to walk past Derek.

  “Wait.” Derek called out and Slaine paused. “Why did you help me back there?”

  Slaine glanced over his shoulder at Derek. “It’s like I told the old man - the only one who can kill you - is me. And should you really be leaving Becca alone?”

  Derek stiffened at Slaine’s words.

  Slaine gave Derek a pitying look. “Poor Derek, you’re so blind to what you have right in front of you. Try not to make the same mistake twice. Protect what is precious to you with your life.” He summoned his wings, spread them, and took off for the rooftop where Koko and Yoko were waiting for him.

  “Hey, wait!” Derek called after him, but Slaine didn’t stop. Derek considered going after him, but he was still feeling conflicted about how Slaine had just saved his life. It would be a bit ungrateful to try to kill Slaine now, he decided. “This doesn’t change anything, Slaine!” Derek yelled up at his Archenemy. “I’m still going to try and kill you!”

  “I’m looking forward to it.” Slaine called back.

  Derek approached the fallen Druid. “Hey, you still alive, old man?”

  Vortigern glared up at Derek. “Curse you, vampire. Have you come to finish me off - like you did my son?”

  Derek’s eyes narrowed. “I didn’t kill your son. And I am not your enemy - whether you choose to believe me is up to you though.” Derek summoned his dragon tattoo’s gossamer wings and they flared behind him.

  “W-Wait, you p-punk…get back here so I can kill you!” Vortigern coughed up blood as he tried to speak.

  Derek felt bad leaving the man alone, but he had no choice. The man was a fanatical Hunter that would stop at nothing to have his head. Derek flapped his wings, took off into the night sky, and headed back to Voodoo Tattoo. Derek entered his townhouse and made his way up the stairs. He found his friends - Garth, Malakye, and Becca - asleep on the couch. They’d obviously been trying to wait up for him while a martial arts movie was playing. The sight made Derek smile. He turned off the TV and grabbed a blanket to put over them so they wouldn’t be cold. Fall was upon them, and the weather was getting progressively colder as they approached October.

  Derek stared at his three friends for a moment longer. Friends. It was so strange to have friends again after having been alone for almost two millennia. For those two millennia he had tracked Slaine and Dracula across the globe…and had tried to kill Slaine countless times, but each time he’d failed. Failed to avenge his wife Cinnia.

  Derek went up to his room, stripped off his clothes, took a quick shower, and just as he was leaving the bathroom he felt bile rise up his throat. He rushed for the toilet, sunk to his knees, and began to throw up into the toilet. Ugh. He realized that he was probably suffering from sun poisoning from having gone out after Becca in broad daylight, which was incredibly stupid for any vampire. His body felt chilled and feverish at the same time.

  Derek flushed the toilet, rinsed his mouth out with Listerine, and staggered over to his bed. He collapsed upon it and barely found the strength to pull the covers over himself. As he tried to fall asleep he tossed and turned, and when he finally did fall asleep he dreamed of the past and of his old friends.


  Dearg and Cinn had just turned fifteen, and so had gotten their level four battle tattoos. Derek had gotten a wolf and a panther while Cinn had decided to get a fox. The year before at the age of fourteen, they’d gotten their level three tattoos. Cinn had gotten a cat and Dearg had gotten a stag.

  Dearg and Cinn were currently in their favorite stream together cooling off their new tattoos. They had their backs to each other because Cinn was naked and Dearg was being respectful. But he was sick of being ‘respectful’. It was getting harder for Cinn to hide the fact that she was a young woman. Especially, since she was growing into some rather fine assets.

  It must have been hard for Cinn to breathe with her bandaged chest. Dearg mused. He wasn’t exactly sure when he’d begun to see his best friend Cinn as more than a friend. But all he was sure of was that he’d fallen in love with her.

  And he was beginning to think that his feelings were reciprocated. He’d caught Cinn staring at him a time or two. Things were definitely starting to change between them. Even the tension between them at that moment was supercharged. “Don’t you get tired of it?” Dearg asked softly.

  “Of what?”

  “Of pretending you’re a man?”

  Cinn let out a heavy sigh. “It’s not like I have much of a choice. If your father discovers that I’m female he will have me killed.”

  Dearg shrugged noncommittally. “Perhaps. But what if…you were my wife? That status would protect you.”

  Cinn’s pale cheeks reddened at Dearg’s words and her freckles really stood out. “W-What? What are you saying? Are you proposing to me?”

  “Yes.” Dearg’s voice was suddenly right next to Cinn’s ear.

  Cinn gasped and turned her head.

  “Marry me, Cinn.” Dearg said before leaning in and kissing her.

  Cinn’s eyes widened in surprise and then narrowed fiercely. She shoved Dearg away from her and slapped him hard across the face.

  Dearg raised a hand to his red, throbbing cheek, and gave Cinn a confused look. “Cinn…?”

  Cinn glared at Dearg heatedly and her eyes filled with angry tears. “Dearg…you idiot!” Cinn declared before swimming towards the shore.

  Dearg scratched his head as he watched her go. He didn’t understand why Cinn was mad at him. Most of the young women in the village would have been thrilled to get a proposal - especially from him since he’d become quite handsome. He’d had a growth spurt, and was now six-four. He had a muscular body from all of his training. He’d let his dark brown hair grow even longer and now it was shoulder length. He’d even decided to grow a goatee, which he thought was dashing. He was a catch. Or at least he’d thought he was….until Cinn’s rejection.

  What Dearg didn’t realize is that Cinn was angry because she wanted Dearg to acknowledge and respect her as a fellow Hunter even though she was female. She didn’t want Dearg to protect her by giving her the status of being his wife. Cinn wanted him to realize that she didn’t need protecting because she was a fellow warrior, who could protect herself. Cinn reached the riverbank, grabbed her clothes, and ran off into the bushes to change in privacy.

  Little did Cinn and Dearg know, but they were not alone. A fellow Druid Vampire Hunter trainee named Aengus was hiding in the bushes, and had seen the entire thing. A positively evil smile curled his lips at his discovery. “Cinn…is a woman. And women are forbidden from being Hunters. Oh, this is just too good. Finally, I have a way to destroy Dearg. And everyone knows a man’s weakness is his heart.”

  Aengus had always been jealous of Dearg. All the other trainees feared and respected Dearg because he was Corann’s son. They were so intimidated they didn’t dare to even talk to Dearg, and Dearg acted accordingly - like he didn’t care about them, like he was above them, and like he thought he was better than everyone else.

  But Aengus knew the t
ruth - that Dearg was just misunderstood. Dearg was hurt by the fact his fellow trainees never spoke to him. Dearg felt hated and ignored. Alone. Except for his best friend Cinn. Cinn was Dearg’s only solace.

  Aengus was also jealous of Dearg’s strength. The next Head Priest and leader of the Blood Oak Clan would be decided through single combat, and everyone knew Dearg would most likely win. Aengus wished he could be the next Head Priest. He craved what Dearg seemed to have: power, respect and even the companionship of a beautiful woman.

  His jealousy and envy for Dearg consumed him until he began to hate Dearg and wish for his downfall, suffering, and destruction. And now…he knew that Dearg was in love with Cinn, who was actually a woman! It was like the gods had given Aengus a gift.

  During the next sparring match, Aengus decided that he would reveal the truth about Cinn to everyone, and destroy Dearg in the process. Aengus watched as Dearg headed towards the village, and once he was out of earshot he began to laugh maniacally.


  To increase their hand-to-hand combat skills the Druid Vampire Hunter trainees were oftentimes taken to an open amphitheater where trainees would fight each other one-on-one while the villagers would act as spectators.

  High Priest Corann would assign the pairings usually, but today Aengus had requested that he fight Cinn specifically. “It’ll be worth your while, High Priest.”

  Corann had raised an eyebrow at the nasty look on Aengus’s face but in the end had agreed. “As you wish, Aengus.” Corann had readily replied.

  “End match!” Corann called out when Dearg’s opponent hit the ground and lay there unmoving. “Victor - Dearg!”

  The villagers, who were seated in the tiered seats of the amphitheater, cheered and clapped wildly in response. Corann and the adult Druid Vampire Hunters had their own special sitting area in the stands. The village women were shooting admiring glances the Elite Hunters’ way when they thought no one was looking. The Elite Hunters were dressed in the standard Hunter garb - black, hooded vest, leather pants and boots. They all wore their hair long with scattered braids and their blue animal tattoos were on display. The Hunters had intimidating presences, which they had gained through surviving countless battles against vampires.

  “Next match - Aengus versus Cinn.” Corann called out in his authoritative voice. “Hunters - enter the arena!”

  Cinn and Aengus entered the arena, and faced each other.

  “Let the match begin!” Corann yelled out. “Hunters, fight!” He waved his hand down through the air.

  Aengus leered at Cinn. “You’re going down, Cinn.”

  Cinn raised a red eyebrow at the usually cowardly Aengus. “We’ll see about that, Aengus.”

  Aengus raised his arm in front of him and summoned his magical power. His level three battle tattoo of a hound began to rise off his skin, and solidify until it hopped off his arm and to the sandy arena floor.

  Cinn quickly followed suit, summoned her magical power, and willed her cat tattoo to peel off her skin. In seconds, her ink cat was leaping down from her arm and to the arena floor. Both ink creatures were level three tattoos, but Cinn’s was larger. “Attack!” Cinn commanded and willed her cat to attack the puppy.

  “A-Attack!” Aengus ordered his puppy-sized hound.

  The ink hound took one look at the cat before it took off running across the arena floor! The villagers laughed and jeered in response, and as the sound of it reached Aengus the tips of his ears turned red out of embarrassment. Luckily, his long, oily black hair hid this. Dang it. Let them laugh now. They won’t be laughing much longer!

  Cinn smiled confidently. “Is that all you got, Aengus? Maybe you should forfeit.”

  Aengus ground his teeth together. “Hell no…I’ll show you, Cinn!” Aengus roared and began to summon all of his magical power. He planned to pour all of his power into his new wolf tattoo. “Argh!” Aengus’s wolf tattoo began to peel off his skin, and leapt down onto the pit floor, having solidified. Its body a translucent blue color.

  The villagers fell silent at the sight of the impressive ink wolf.

  “Not bad.” Cinn praised as she too concentrated her magical power. Her new fox tattoo peeled off her arm and leapt to the pit floor. This time her ink fox and his ink wolf were about the same size.

  “Attack!” Aengus commanded his wolf, spit flying out of his mouth. The wolf lunged forward in attack.

  “I have one thing to say first: Ew. Attack!” Cinn called out to her ink fox. The fox swiftly darted into action.

  The two ink creatures met in the center of the fighting arena and began to attack each other ferociously. The fox and wolf snapped their maws filled with sharp teeth, and attacked with their deadly claws.

  Meanwhile, the ink cat had reached the ink puppy, and sunk its teeth into the puppy’s neck. The puppy yelped and exploded into blue ink. When an ink creature was defeated it lost its magical power, and the ink slid across the ground and would return to the Druid. This is what the defeated puppy did now as a puddle of blue ink slid across the arena floor and then leapt back up onto Aengus’s arm.

  As soon as the ink cat had defeated the puppy it ran towards the wolf and began to help the fox in its attacks. Suddenly, it appeared Cinn was gaining the upper hand. The fox was a little smaller than the wolf but much faster, and was able to attack and then dart away before the wolf could retaliate.

  “I won’t be defeated by the likes of you, Cinn. After all…you’re nothing but a liar.”

  A chill went down Cinn’s spine and she frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  “I know your secret, Cinn. I know you’re really a girl.” Aengus announced loudly.

  Cinn froze in shock.

  That moment was all Aengus needed. “Get her!” He commanded his wolf, which leapt over the fox and cat, and charged towards the paralyzed Cinn.

  Cinn snapped out of her stupor a second too late. The wolf swiped its claws at Cinn’s chest as she leapt backwards. The wolf’s claws shredded the front of her leather vest and it opened to reveal Cinn’s bandaged chest.

  A loud gasp rose up from all of the gathered villagers. Cinn wrapped her arms over her chest self-consciously. Crap. Her secret had been exposed. Not like this. I didn’t want it to happen like this. She was so doomed. What do I do?

  Aengus laughed nastily at Cinn. “You see everyone! Cinn is a girl! She’s been lying to you all along! She’s broken the clan’s tradition! She’s spit in the faces of the gods!”

  The wolf pounced on the ink fox and began to go for its neck. And Cinn was losing control over her ink creatures due to her current emotional instability.

  “I’ve won! I’ve won!” Aengus shouted happily.

  Someone stood up from the stands. “Cinn! What are you doing? Fight! Defeat him! You’re better than him!”

  “Dearg?” Cinn looked up into the stands and their gazes locked. What she saw in his gaze surprised her - faith. He had faith in her ability to defeat Aengus. Alright! I can do this! Cinn lowered her arm, and then raised both her arms out before her. “Come!” She summoned her magic power, and her snake and butterfly tattoos began to peel off her skin next.

  The snake slithered off Cinn’s arm and began to make its way across the arena floor towards the wolf, which was still on top of the fox. “Go! Attack!” Cinn commanded her ink creatures. Her cat, snake, and butterfly attacked the wolf that was forced to open its maw and release the fox so that it could attack and defend itself from the other creatures.

  The wily fox pushed the wolf off of it, and sprang to its feet. All four ink creatures began to attack the wolf at once. The ink butterfly blinded the wolf, the snake wrapped around the wolf’s neck and began to constrict. The cat and fox tag-teamed the wolf, attacking one after the other.

  “I won’t be defeated by the likes of you! A tattletale and a snitch!” Cinn declared loudly and summoned all of her magical power, which she poured into the ink fox.

  The ink fox??
?s blue, translucent body began to glow and increase in size. The fox sprouted a second tail and then it renewed its attack on the wolf. The fox saw an opening and took it. The fox bit into the wolf’s neck and then the wolf exploded into blue ink.

  “I did it…I won.” Cinn smiled as she panted for breath. Her body was trembling slightly from all of the magical energy she had to use in order to defeat Aengus.

  A heavy silence descended upon the stands. The villagers didn’t know how to react to Cinn’s unexpected victory.

  Corann stood up. “Cinn has broken our clan’s Hunter tradition! She will be executed for her crime! Seize her immediately!” He commanded the adult Hunters, who were standing beside him, and waved his hand forward.

  “Over my dead body!” Dearg announced before he ran down the steps of the stands, and leapt into the fighting arena. He ran over to Cinn and stood before her protectively.

  The adult Vampire Hunters leapt down into the arena and surrounded them.

  Dearg raised his arms before him and summoned his magical power. His wolf and panther tattoos began to rise off his skin, materialized, and leapt down from his arms to land upon the sandy pit floor. The panther and wolf started out the same size as Cinn’s and Aengus’s ink creatures, but then Dearg continued to pour his magical power into their bodies so that they doubled in size. They made an impressive, intimidating sight standing on either side of Dearg.

  Cinn’s snake, butterfly and cat returned to their places on Cinn’s arms because she no longer had the power to control them.

  The Hunters hesitated upon attacking Dearg. They had respect for Corann’s undefeated son.

  “What are you fools waiting for? Kill her!” Corann shouted angrily, his blue eyes blazing.

  The Druids raised their arms, summoned their magical power, and their tattoos began to peel off their skin, solidify, and leap down to the pit floor. A myriad of different kinds of ink creatures surrounded Dearg and Cinn: wolves, wildcats, bears, and foxes.

  “Attack!” The Hunters commanded their ink creatures.

  “Attack!” Dearg and Cinn ordered their own ink creatures to attack too.

  The ink creatures clashed and fought. Cinn and Dearg stood back-to-back.

  “They’re too many of them, Dearg!” Cinn shouted over the sounds of the melee.

  “Never give up. Even when it seems like all the odds are stacked against you. We can win, Cinn. I know we can. As long as we’re together.” Dearg winked roguishly at her.

  “Tch.” Aengus made a sound of disgust. Of course Dearg would rush to the aid of his fair ladylove. Disgusting. Despicable. So unfair. Why did Dearg always have to win? Aengus wondered angrily. Why? “Dang it…I won’t let you win, Dearg! Not this time! Wolf, attack, Cinn! Kill her!” Aengus commanded his wolf to attack Cinn.

  Cinn’s fox was busy fighting the Hunters’ ink creatures and so Cinn was wide open. Her eyes widened in shock as she saw the wolf charging towards her. “Oh crap.” Just as the wolf was upon her-

  There was a flash of light.

  A glowing arrow hit the wolf and it exploded into blue ink.

  Cinn whipped around and spotted a figure in the stands wearing a dark green hooded cloak. His hood was raised and shadowing the features of his face. “Who is that?” He had a bow in his hands and swiftly nocked another arrow to it, which he aimed at one of the other ink creatures. That’s when Cinn recognized the mysterious archer for who he was. Hunchback?

  Cinn had taught Hunchback how to do archery while Dearg had tattooed battle tattoos onto Hunchback’s arms and taught him how to summon them. This was forbidden of course, but Cinn and Dearg didn’t care because Hunchback was their friend.

  Hunchback summoned his magical power and his arrow was bathed in a blue light. He loosed the arrow upon another ink wolf and it exploded.

  Corann gawked at the mysterious archer and his brow furrowed. “An unknown Druid…how is that possible? Just who are you?” He shouted up towards the man.

  The archer ran through the stands releasing glowing magic arrow after arrow at the ink creatures. He ignored Corann’s question.

  Dearg grinned. Reinforcements kicked butt. Hell yeah. “You see, Cinn, you don’t have to be alone. You have us.”

  Cinn smiled back. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

  Dearg, Cinn and the mysterious archer fought against the Elite Hunters until all of the Hunters’ ink creatures had been defeated. The Hunters began to back away in fear from the gigantic wolf and panther that Dearg was controlling to stalk towards them with menacing steps. The creatures roared loudly in their faces, and the Elite Hunters trembled before Dearg’s power.

  “Your Elite Hunters have just been defeated by a girl, father. What do you think about that? Well, I’ll tell you what I think. I think that Cinn has more than proven her worth to the Clan and her value as a Hunter. Wouldn’t you agree?” Dearg called up to his father.

  A muscle ticked in Corann’s jaw. “Tch. Indeed…she might not be entirely useless. Fine. Let the girl stay a Hunter. If she dies in battle against the vampires…then that is the will of Crom Cruach!”

  Cinn’s eyes widened in surprise at Corann’s verdict. She was filled with such relief that her legs almost gave out from under her.

  But Dearg was there to place a hand on her arm to steady her. Right then she needed to remain standing in front of everyone. Dearg grinned and turned to face Cinn, jubilant. “Cinn, you’re one of us now. Officially. A Hunter.”

  Cinn gazed into Dearg’s blue eyes. “I can’t believe it. It’s like a dream.”

  Dearg couldn’t contain his happiness, and picked Cinn up and began to spin her around. Cinn giggled despite herself and laughed in delight.

  Dearg set her down on her feet and gazed into her beautiful, forest green eyes. “I love you, Cinn. Marry me.” This was the second time Dearg had proposed to Cinnia.

  Cinn’s happy expression faltered and she slapped Dearg hard across the face. “Way to ruin the moment, Dearg! And my answer is still ‘no’!” She stomped off angrily in order to find some clothes.

  Dearg rubbed his sore jaw. “What a woman. One day you’ll say ‘yes’, Cinn. And I don’t plan to give up.”

  The mysterious archer left the amphitheater unnoticed.

  Later, the three friends met up at their secret rendezvous place in the forest. A place that would later become known as ‘Stone Henge’. It was a magical place. Some Druids claimed that it was a portal to another realm. Others said it was situated upon magical lay lines and acted as a kind of faucet for the magic trapped within the Earth. These Druids also believed that it could aid in the casting of spells.

  Cinn was wearing a new, red, sleeveless, hooded vest, but without her chest bandages, so now her womanly curves were on display.

  Hunchback lowered his hood to greet his friends as they all arrived into the circle of stone monoliths. “Hey guys….er…guy and a girl…yeah…” Hunchback blushed as his gaze was inevitably drawn to Cinn’s chest. “Cinn.” He gulped. “Are you really a girl?”

  “It’s Cinnia now. And ‘yes’ I’m really a girl.” She laughed good-naturedly.

  “You’ve been a girl all this time? And you kept it a secret from Dearg and I? Why didn’t you trust us? We would have kept your secret.” Hunchback was saying until he saw Dearg and Cinnia share a secretive look.

  “Well, actually, Dearg already knew I was a girl. He’s known since I was twelve.” Cinnia explained.

  Several emotions hit Hunchback all at once: hurt, betrayal, anger, and disappointment. “Dearg, you knew?”

  Dearg scratched the back of his neck in an awkward gesture. “Uh…yeah…”

  Sadness shone in Hunchback’s brown eyes. “Why didn’t you guys tell me? I would have kept Cinnia’s secret with my life. After all, you two have kept mine.”

  Cinnia reached out and placed her hand on Hunchback’s shoulder. “It’s not that we didn’t trust you, Hunchback. It’s just…it’s forbidd
en for a woman to be a Hunter. It goes against the clan’s ancient Hunter tradition. If anyone found out I would have been killed on the spot. And if you were captured and tortured-”

  Hunchback interrupted her. “I never would have said anything. Even if I were tortured. I would have died to protect your secret, Cinnia. You mean so much to me…” Hunchback stepped back and gave Cinnia an urgent look, which he turned on Dearg. “You guys are my only friends in the entire world.”

  Tears of regret filled Cinnia’s eyes. “Oh Hunchback, you are a dear friend to me too.” She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Hunchback before he could get away.

  Hunchback could feel Cinnia’s chest pressing up against his chest and he blushed even harder.

  “I love you too, buddy!” Dearg joined in and hugged them both. They all laughed.

  Little did they know, but Aengus had followed them into the forest…and was watching them from behind a bush. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing! Dearg and Cinnia had befriended an Unknowable. That was even worse than Cinnia being a female! The Unknowables were ‘marked’ by the god Crom Cruach for ritual sacrifice. And to top it all off, it appeared as though this Unknowable possessed blood magic. “Wait until High Priest Corann finds out about this!” Aengus happily rubbed his hands together.

  Dearg whipped out a flask of mead to show his friends. “Look what I managed to get my hands on! Cinnia is an official Hunter now! We have to celebrate.” Dearg took a swig of the mead and passed it to Cinnia.

  Cinnia took a swig and passed it to Hunchback. Hunchback took the flask and stared down at where Cinnia’s lips had been pressed against the mouth of the flask. Indirect kiss. He took a sip of the honey wine tentatively and began to cough. He’d never had mead before.

  Dearg chuckled and slapped Hunchback on the shoulder. “That will put hair on your chest!”

  “Ewww.” Cinnia complained. “What about my chest?”

  The two boys laughed at that.

  Dearg and Cinnia glanced at each other and smiled intimately.

  And Hunchback watched them closely. He’d never noticed it before but…Dearg and Cinnia were very close. They appeared to have a special ‘connection’. Perhaps, they were even in love with each other. He mused.

  For some reason Hunchback’s heart ached at the thought. He’d never noticed how beautiful Cinnia was until now. But what did his feelings for Cinnia matter? Even if he were to fall in love with her…he’d never have a chance with Cinnia. He was a deformed one, an Unknowable, a monster, a freak. His appearance was revolting, horrendous…

  Cinnia noticed the sad look on Hunchback’s face and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, what’s wrong? You okay?”

  Hunchback looked up at Cinnia in surprise and at the hand on his shoulder. Cinnia was touching him - an Unknowable! “N-Nothing.” He lowered his head in an effort to hide his blush.

  Dearg frowned at Hunchback’s bashful behavior. “Cinnia is going to be my wife.”

  Hunchback’s head jerked up and his eyes bugled. “S-She is?”

  “Dearg!” Cinnia whipped around to face Dearg, hands on her hips. “I already said ‘no’.”

  A cocky smirk formed on Dearg’s face. “So? You’re just not being honest with yourself, Cinnia. I know you must love me too. In such dangerous times we should marry young and have many children. They will be the ones to inherit the Blood Oak Clan.”

  “Forget it!” Cinnia burst out.

  “Oh, come on. Why not? Marry me, Cinnia. Please?” Dearg gave her a puppy-dog eyes look.

  “Nope.” Cinna turned her face away.

  “I’ll never stop asking.” Dearg said firmly.

  “And my answer will always be the same.” Cinnia glanced at Hunchback briefly before returning her gaze to Dearg.

  Dearg scratched his head with a confused look on his face. “You see what I have to put up with, Hunchback?”

  Hunchback merely smiled. At least Cinnia had said ‘no’. And that strangely pleased him.


  The following day, Derek’s alarm clock went off at seven o’clock. Derek groaned as he came awake and reached out to hit the snooze button. He ended up knocking his alarm clock to the floor. Whatever.

  He sat up in bed. “Ugh.” His head was throbbing. He still had a fever and yet he felt chilled at the same time. He also felt a little nauseous and dizzy. Derek felt bile rise up his throat and scrambled out of the bed to get to the bathroom. Crap! He collapsed next to the toilet and threw up into it. Yep. He had sun poisoning alright. Just his luck.

  Derek flushed the toilet after he was finished, rinsed his mouth, and decided to take a cold shower to soothe his aching skin. After his shower he dressed in a long-sleeved black shirt, his usual leather pants, and a pair of lace-up combat boots.

  The vampire headed downstairs and checked on his friends in the living room. They were still fast asleep. He gave them a fond look. Those sleepyheads. Garth was snoring loudly and Malakye was drooling. He chuckled at that. And Becca…she looked like an enchanted, sleeping princess that needed a prince to wake her with a kiss. Her head was resting on Garth’s shoulder and Derek felt a thrill of jealousy go through him.

  Derek wanted to cook his friends breakfast and so headed to the kitchen. He began to make some sausage omelets, and the smell of the food roused Garth, Malakye and Becca, who made their way into the kitchen a few minutes later.

  When Becca entered the kitchen he got a strange feeling of déjà vu, and he remembered his dream last night about how he’d fallen in love with Cinnia. He recalled how he’d asked her to marry him and how at first she’d said ‘no’. He also recalled how Aengus had unveiled Cinn’s secret that she was a girl in the arena. His father Corann had wanted Cinnia dead, but Dearg along with Hunchback’s help had defeated the Elite Hunters and proven Cinnia’s worth. The three friends had been an unbeatable force. He really missed them.

  As Derek watched Becca entering the kitchen he couldn’t help but also remember Slaine’s strange words last night: You’re so blind you can’t see what is directly in front of you.

  Derek shook his head of such morbid thoughts. “Hey guys, I made you all break-” Derek was saying as he turned around the greet them. He must have turned around too fast, however, because a wave of dizziness washed over him and he collapsed to the floor.

  “Derek!” Becca’s voice. Crap. The last thing he wanted to do was worry her. His friends rushed to his side.

  “Look at his face…he’s injured.” Becca said noticing his black eye and split lip courtesy of Vortigern. The injuries should have already healed, but Derek needed to feed.

  “It doesn’t look like he’s hurt anywhere else though.” Malakye said as he inspected Derek for other injuries. He suspected that Derek’s weakened state also came from his lack of feeding. He was one stubborn vampire!

  “It’s nothing…just sun poisoning.” Derek explained in a weak voice.

  “Should we bury him in the ground or something?” Garth was saying before Malakye elbowed Garth in his stomach to shut him up. “Ow! What was that for?”

  “Let’s get him upstairs to his room. He just needs rest and to drink lots of liquids.” Malakye said. Preferably blood.

  “Got it.” Garth picked Derek up and slung him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

  As the group headed to Derek’s room, in Derek’s feverish state he began to call out to his friends from long ago: “Cinnia…Hunchback…don’t leave me…”

  “Who’s Cinnia?” Garth asked curiously.

  “Isn’t that the name of his dead wife?” Malakye put in.

  “What about Hunchback?” Becca asked with interest. “Think he’s talking about the Hunchback of Notre-Dame or something?”

  Malakye and Garth both shook their heads. “Dunno.”

  Malakye opened the door to Derek’s room, and they made their way inside. Garth headed over to Derek’s bed and dropped his friend down on it.
r />
  Becca entered Derek’s bedroom and couldn’t help but look around curiously. So this is Derek’s room. But what ultimately drew her eyes was the table with two pet tanks on it. One was a large tank that contained an enormous, yellow and brown scaled python and the other tank contained a bunch of live rats. Becca could easily guess what those rats were for and swallowed. “Is that python real?”

  “You idiots let Becca into my room?” Derek murmured as he tried to stay conscious.

  “Oops.” Malakye said.

  Becca walked over and peered into the tank. “It’s okay…what’s his name?”

  “It’s a ‘she’. And her name is Nagini.” Derek informed her.

  Becca turned to raise an eyebrow at Derek. “Nagini? You’re kidding right? The same as Voldemort’s pet? You’re really into this whole wizard thing, aren’t you?” She laughed amusedly.

  “Yeah, I guess.” Derek agreed.

  “Who’s Voldemort?” Garth asked. “And do I need to beat him up?”

  Malakye elbowed Garth in the gut again. “Ow! Why do you keep doing that?”

  “You’re taking a day off today, Derek. You need rest. Becca, think you can make a sign and put it on the front door of the shop saying that it will be closed today?” Malakye asked.

  “You got it.” Becca started to leave the room when Derek called out to her.

  “Wait.” Becca stopped. “Please, don’t sneak out again. I can’t follow you out there during the day. And…I need to protect you.” Derek said and then quickly added. “From Slaine.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t I-”

  “Oh, and if you need more shoes, you can do some online shopping using my credit card.” Derek offered. “They can deliver the shoes here. I think Amazon even has same-day delivery.”

  “Did you just say ‘online shopping’? Oh, yes, please. There’s no way I’m going anywhere today now.” Becca said teasingly in that sexy, southern drawl of hers.

  Derek’s eyebrow twitched. “Now? So there was the possibility you’d sneak out again.”

  Becca shrugged. “Hey, a girl’s got to have shoes, Derek. It’s like…oxygen.”

  Derek chuckled softly, still feeling weak.

  Garth and Malakye shared a knowing look and nodded. “Well, it looks like you two have everything under control. Becca, I leave Derek in your care - you’ll take good care of him, won’t you?” The alien asked.

  “You can count on me, Mal.” Becca assured.

  “Good to hear.” Malakye vanished.

  “Crap.” Garth swore. “I thought he was going to give me a lift. Looks like I’ll have to walk to work.”

  Becca giggled and Derek chuckled in response. “You should really get a car, man.”

  Garth frowned. “I don’t like cars. I don’t like small spaces. Maybe I’ll get some kind of bike like Levi. By the way, I heard your car got totaled?”

  “Aw man.” Derek groaned. “I’d forgotten. My beloved Rover…she’s gone.” His eyes teared up.

  “Now you can get a new car. A faster one. Like a sexy convertible or something. Slaine has this cool white and black Lamborghini-” Becca cut herself off when she realized just who she’d been talking about. She gave Derek a sheepish look. “Sorry.”

  Derek gave Becca a curious look. “When you speak of him…you don’t sound afraid.”

  Becca shrugged carelessly. “Maybe because…I’m not. I know I should be, but…it’s hard to explain. He was always kind to me before. I still think there’s good in him, deep down somewhere. Ugh, I’m sorry. I know he’s your enemy. He killed your wife…”

  “Naw, I feel you. Last night Slaine saved my life. I also sense there is good in him, but…I still can’t forgive him for what he did to Cinnia. Right now, I don’t get what game he’s playing at.”

  “Maybe Slaine’s working for someone. Someone powerful and whom he can’t disobey. Maybe…Slaine’s just a victim, or pawn in all of this.” Becca blurted out.

  A dark cloud fell over Derek’s face. “Oh, he’s working for someone powerful alright. But you shouldn’t worry about such things, Becca. I’ll protect you. I promise.”

  Becca looked at the bruises on Derek’s face. “I don’t doubt it.” Her heart went out to him. It was like he was fighting a one-man war all-alone. Becca wanted to console and soothe Derek. She wanted to make him forget his worries and responsibilities if only for a little while. And what better way to console a soul-battered warrior than to have sex with him? Her lips curled into a lascivious smile at the thought.

  However, the only problem with that idea was Derek still had his guard up around her. It would take something special to get past his defenses…like magic.


  That’s it! Becca realized she had to call in reinforcements a.k.a her friend - incubus chocolatier, Tristan Savant! Tristan was a sex demon who created chocolates, which contained a powerful aphrodisiac. One bite of Tristan’s chocolates and Derek would be overcome by a powerful lust for Becca. He’d be putty in her hands.

  It’s time for Derek to move on from Cinnia, I think. Becca thought with a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

  More than a year ago, Becca had had a one-night stand with Tristan back in New York City, but Derek really didn’t need to know about that. “Hey Derek, I’m going to go downstairs and use your computer, okay?” Becca questioned.

  “No problem. My credit cards are in the front drawer of the desk.” Derek called out weakly.

  “Okay, thanks.” Becca made her way downstairs and entered the main tattoo parlor area. The front desk was where Derek’s laptop was located. Becca took a seat at the desk, opened the front drawer, and found Derek’s credit cards. She selected his VISA Platinum and decided to do a little online shoe shopping on ebay and Amazon before calling Tristan. That way Derek wouldn’t get suspicious if she didn’t order any shoes.

  Becca proceeded to order a ton of shoes and once she was finished buying twenty new pairs she cracked her knuckles. “Now that was a job well done!” She whipped out her smart phone and dialed Tristan’s cell phone number, which she knew by heart. He picked up after five rings.

  “Hello?” Came Tristan’s deep, sexy voce.

  “Hey Tristan, it’s me, Becca. How are you?”

  “Hey Becca! I’m good, thanks. How about you?”

  “I’m good too. Only, I need a favor. Are you manning your mobile shop today?”

  “Yep. I’m currently parked over at 1st and Mission Street. The girls here are crazy for chocolate!”

  Tristan had a mobile chocolate shop named Dark Heaven that he ran out of a huge food truck.

  “That’s great. You’re close by. I need…some of your very special chocolates, if you know what I mean.”

  “Ah…who do you plan to use them on? If you don’t mind me asking.”

  “Oh…just Derek Dearg.”

  “Derek? No kidding. But Becca…I’ve seen the way he looks at you. I don’t think you really need my help or my chocolates. I can tell he’s already into you.”

  “Really? He used to look at me?” Becca shook her head. “Well, I’m staying at his place right now actually and…I just want to do something special for him. But he still has his guard up. I was so close to seducing him the other day but his friends interrupted us.” His dead wife’s memory is also haunting us…

  Tristan chuckled. “Man, bunch of jerks!” But then Tristan’s tone turned serious. “I’m glad that we can talk like this now, Becca. You’ll always have a special place in my heart, so of course I’ll help you. I hope he makes you happy. You deserve it. You’re an incredible person.”

  Becca was touched by Tristan’s kind words. “Thanks, Tristan. And…he’s the one who deserves to have a little happiness in his life. You have no idea what he’s been through.”

  “I can only imagine. I don’t know if I should be telling you this but…I sensed a darkness around Derek. I know he’s a good guy but…I just want you to be careful. He may n
ot be all that he appears.”

  “Oh, I already know about him being a Druid Vampire Hunter, if that’s what you’re alluding to.”

  “He’s a what!” Tristan burst out over the line.

  “You didn’t know? Now I feel bad for spilling the beans.”

  “No, well, I knew he could use magic but…a vampire hunter too? That’s news to me. Perhaps, this is the darkness I sensed within him.” There was a note of doubt in Tristan’s voice though. “Anyways, I’ll work on the chocolates now and then deliver them. Where is Derek’s place?”

  “He lives above his new tattoo shop, Voodoo Tattoo.” Becca gave Tristan the address.

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can. Be safe, Becca.” Tristan ended the call.

  Tristan Savant…Becca couldn’t stop herself from thinking about that one-night stand they’d shared. He’d broken up with her afterwards, and Becca had been incredibly angry because of it. She’d wrongfully flamed his shop on her blog, but then she’d discovered the real reason why Tristan pushed women away. And that was that his ex-girlfriend Hazel Nuttingham had killed herself…and he’d been haunted by her death. Becca had realized Tristan needed someone to save him. She’d also realized at the time that she wasn’t strong enough to do that. The one who ended up saving him was Issy Sweet.

  And now there was Derek Dearg. His life was also shrouded in darkness and mystery, and Becca wondered if she was strong enough to save Derek this time.

  But this time for sure she didn’t want to give up. She and Derek had a special connection that could perhaps develop into something more long term. The more she learned about him, the more she felt like she was falling in love with him.

  I’m falling in love with this lonely Hunter. And this time I don’t want to run away when things get tough. I want to be strong enough to save him from the darkness that Tristan mentioned. Derek wants to protect me…but I want to protect him too.

  To be continued in…Tattoo 7: Wolf