Read Druid Vampire PG-13 Version Page 2

  Chapter 2: Hawk

  Cyber socialite, power blogger, Becca Thorn, was taking a shower. She’d just had sex with Slaine Morvyn, and it had been incredibly pleasurable, but…she hadn’t reached her peak of pleasure. “Pfft.” She never had before either. There was something wrong with her, probably.

  But maybe it was due to a lack of emotional connection or feelings of love for her sex partner that hindered her from reaching her peak. She mused. And it wasn’t that Slaine was unattractive or anything. Oh no, he was quite scrumptious.

  Well, all the guys Becca had ever been attracted to had had a gorgeous face. Unfortunately, their pretty faces had hidden selfish monsters. That was just her bad luck when it came to love and romance. She sighed.

  Yeah, she’d slept around and been promiscuous, and some might even call her a slut. But she was just trying to find love - like everybody else. And Becca totally believed in true love and soul mates and Blue Princes and finding her Prince Charming. That’s probably why she fell in love too easily. She tended to trust the wrong guys too soon, and ended up getting her heart hurt in the end when the guys she was with showed their true colors and that they were toads - not princes.

  Each and every time they’d cheat on her or break up with her, she’d feel so blindsided. She’d always thought they were on the same page, and that the guy she was currently dating had been taking their relationship seriously. She’d thought he’d been looking forward to a future together just as she was. But in the end she’d been horribly wrong.

  Why did guys do that? She wondered. Why did they lie and lead a girl on when they had no sincere feelings for her? It just…hurt.

  Becca thought back to how she’d met Slaine. She’d taken a trip to San Francisco from her permanent residence in New York City in order to attend the wedding of her friends chocolatier, Tristan Savant, and patissiere, Issy Sweet.

  Back when chocolatier Tristan Savant had had a chocolate shop in New York City called Dark Heaven, Becca had gotten to know Tristan and had even gone on a date with him. They’d had a steamy one-night stand. And when Tristan had broken up with her the very next day, she’d taken it pretty badly. She ended up defaming his shop all over the Internet and on her blog Gourmet Dessert Trends.

  However, Issy Sweet, who’d been working as a patissiere at the shop, had shown Becca another side to Tristan - one that made Becca forgive him. Anyways, Becca knew that Tristan had needed someone to save him from his dark past, and that she just wasn’t that person. She’d remained friends with Tristan and Issy, and had rooted for their love. She’d been a little surprised but greatly honored to be invited to their wedding here in San Francisco.

  At the wedding, she’d run into an acquaintance of hers - Derek Dearg, who used to work at a seafood restaurant called Poseidon’s Trident as the grill chef there, but who now owned his own tattoo parlor, Voodoo Tattoo. From the very first moment Becca had laid eyes on Derek he’d utterly captivated her. She could still remember exactly what he’d looked like that day cooking in the open kitchen with his gleaming cleaver in hand.

  She’d been fascinated by the exotic, scattered braids in his dark hazelnut-brown hair, and had yearned to run her hands through it. His sky-blue eyes had seemed to contain much wisdom and knowledge far beyond his apparent years. But she’d also seen loneliness in their depths.

  Becca remembered how she’d wanted to taste his golden-brown skin. His white chef coat’s sleeves had been rolled up to his elbows showing off the blue, Celtic, animal tattoos on his arms. Becca had been sure his upside down T-shaped goatee would tickle when he kissed her. And as she mused about kissing him, she figured she’d have to wear heels since he was six-four. Derek had also been in great shape, but sometimes he’d look strangely worn-out. He usually wore black leather pants and biker boots like a Goth.

  If she were a braver woman, Becca would have said it was love at first sight. She’d felt a zing when their eyes had finally met across that restaurant floor. Her heart had pounded inside of her chest, as if trying to tell her something. She’d also had this strange feeling of déjà vu, like she’d met Derek somewhere before.

  Becca had immediately tried to approach him to talk, but he’d remained aloof and pretty much blown her off. She’d somehow managed to grab his phone and had programmed her cell phone number into it. Sadly, he’d never called her for a date.

  Later, she’d encountered Derek at Tristan and Issy’s wedding. She’d been so surprised when he’d asked her to share a dance. His movements had been so graceful and smooth. The feeling of being in his arms had been strangely familiar. Déjà vu again. She’d sensed that they had a ‘connection’, a bond, but then…he’d blown her off again.

  Just. Like. That.

  Disheartened, Becca had drowned her sorrows with a couple of flavored martinis, and that’s when Slaine had approached her.


  “Mind if I sit here?” Came a deep, drawling voice tinged with amusement.

  “It’s a free country.” Becca had shrugged and waved her empty martini glass at the bartender in an impatient gesture. “Give me another and make it a chocolate martini this time, would you, sugar?”

  “Yes, Mam.” The bartender replied as he took her glass.

  “Mam?” Becca’s eyebrow twitched in irritation. “Do I really look that old? I’m only twenty-something!”

  “Twenty-something. That’s a good age.” The man chuckled as he took a seat next to Becca on a barstool.

  Becca glanced at him and her eyes widened. The man had unusual snow-white hair, which he had slicked back. A pair of dark sunglasses was on his face, which was odd since he was indoors, but added an air of mystery about him. Becca then studied his face. He had good bone structure, a square chin, thin lips, and a Roman nose. Perfect. Becca thought. She always loved a good face. It made for good photo ops.

  As she raked her eyes over his form she judged his height to be very close to Derek’s, around six-four. He was wearing a gray and white pinstriped suit. Wowzers. And his shoes…Becca just knew they had to be Ferragamos. Becca loves shoes. “Are those Ferragamos?”

  The handsome stranger grinned lazily at her. “You have a good eye, Miss…?” He trailed off expectantly.

  “Rebecca Thorn. But everyone just calls me ‘Becca’.” Becca stuck out her hand for the man to take. He did and they shook hands. “Blogger and writer at Epic Taste Magazine.”

  “Slaine Morvyn. Manager at Iron Casket. That new dance club in town.” Slaine introduced himself, whipped out a business card, and handed it to Becca.

  Becca took it and stared down at the black business card with the image of a silver coffin on it with its lid rising and a skeletal hand emerging. A vampire, maybe? It made Becca smile even though she hated everything and anything that had to do with ‘horror’, ‘scary stuff’, or ‘Goth stuff’. “I’ve heard of that club.”

  “Have you ever been?”

  Becca shook her head. “No, it’s not really my scene. I don’t really like…Goth stuff.”

  “A pity. But probably to be expected from an intellectual such as yourself. Brains and beauty - you’re the complete package, aren’t you?” Slaine teased.

  The bartender set a martini down in front of Becca. She toyed with the glass’s stem. “I don’t think so…” Derek’s rejection still stung. She took a sip of her martini.

  “Perhaps, I shouldn’t have phrased that as a question. Because I already know the answer. You are the total package, Rebecca Thorn.” Slaine purred in that sexy voice of his.

  Becca glanced at Slaine. “Pfft. You barely know me.”

  Slaine gave her an intense look. She could feel his eyes boring into her from behind his sunglasses. “I’d like to get to know you more.” His voice was dripping with sexual innuendo.

  What a player! “Why don’t you take your sunglasses off, bud?”

  Slaine stiffened in his seat. “My eyes…are very sensitive to light. I know it’s considered rude to be
talking to someone with my sunglasses still on like this. I do hope you don’t mind.”

  His vulnerability and obvious insecurity was what sealed the deal for Becca. This handsome man obviously had it all - looks, a good job, money. But for some reason Becca felt like…this was all bravado. She felt like reaching out and placing her hand on his arm to comfort him. Déjà vu. There it was again. She felt like she knew Slaine too. And for some reason she felt that he wouldn’t hurt her. Becca reached out, placed her hand on Slaine’s bicep, and smiled flirtatiously. “I don’t mind.”

  Slaine visibly relaxed and smiled back at her. His smile was so innocent and boyish, so at odds with his bravado and flashy appearance. “Good.”

  “In fact, I think I’d like to get to know you better too, Slaine.” Becca slurred slightly because she was pretty drunk, and stroked Slaine’s arm boldly.

  Becca watched as Slaine’s eyebrows rose up over his sunglasses. “Y-You would….?”

  “Mmhmm, what do you say we go back to your place?” Becca suggested boldly.

  “My place? You mean…right now?” Slaine appeared stunned by this sudden turn of events.

  Becca giggled at his surprised tone and expression. “For someone who came on to me so strong…you’re almost acting like you’re changing your mind-”

  “No!” Slaine burst out, cleared his throat, and then continued. “I would be honored if you’d accompany me back to my place…so we can get to know each other better.”

  Becca grinned. “Such a gentleman. Okay. Let’s go.” She hopped off the barstool and sashayed towards the exit with Slaine following close behind.

  “Wait here.” Slaine said once they’d exited the hotel building. “I’ll go get my car.”

  “Okayyy.” Becca slurred.

  A few minutes later, Slaine was pulling a white and black Lamborghini in front of her. “Oh man, is that your car? Can you really call that a car? It’s like the freakin batmobile!” Becca giggled and it took a moment before she could stop. This guy must be loaded.

  Slaine reached over and opened the passenger side door for Becca so that she could get inside. “Get inside, babe. It’s even nicer on the inside. I’ve got a CD player, heated seats…”

  “Honey, you had me at ‘hello’.” Becca quickly got into the car and began to fiddle around with all the gadgets and settings on everything.

  Slaine chuckled at her antics and began to drive her back to his penthouse apartment. In less than twenty minutes, they were standing in front of Slaine’s apartment door. He opened the door and ushered Becca inside. As soon as the door was closed Becca pushed Slaine up against the door. At first he thought she was mad about something and opened his mouth to apologize. But that’s when she stepped up on her tiptoes and kissed him.

  Slaine’s eyes widened in shock and he didn’t respond for several minutes. But when he did respond he kissed her back with a passion that quickly matched and then went beyond her own.


  With a blush, Becca recalled how she’d led Slaine to his bedroom. Really, she’d been the one to seduce him that night. And even though Slaine had been a gentle lover…she still hadn’t been able to reach her peak. What the hell was wrong with her?

  After that, Becca had decided to stay with Slaine for a few days when he offered that she could stay for ‘as long as she wanted’. Somehow Slaine had managed to convince her to stay longer, and days had turned into weeks. Every time Becca said she had to get back to New York, Slaine arrived ‘home’ with an extravagant gift for her - a new designer outfit, a pair of shoes, a designer handbag, or even an authentic Japanese kimono. And now they’d been going out for a month! Time flies when you’re having fun, and banging a hot, loaded man.

  Slaine had made it very easy for her to stay too since he’d purchased her plenty of designer outfits and shoes. And Becca loved shoes. Slaine’s apartment was also pretty cool, fun to hangout in, and explore. It had a Japanese theme to it. There were sliding shoji doors, and an assortment of Japanese wall scrolls featuring: mysterious bamboo forests, majestic cranes, peaceful mountain scenes, and exciting ninja battles. A lot of scrolls appeared to be authentic and ancient with their yellowing edges. But then there was a funny Japanese wall scroll that depicted the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Raphael battling the Shredder.

  Slaine apparently had a thing for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and had a lot of memorabilia from the franchise all around his apartment. He even had some of the original comics, and they were in plastic slips to protect them. When Becca had asked Slaine: “Why do you like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles so much?”

  His reply had been: “Because…they’re monsters.”

  In a large glass case in Slaine’s living room there was an authentic suit of samurai armor. And on a table nearby were two samurai swords on display. Becca had been incredibly surprised when one morning she’d woken up early and gone into the kitchen to see Slaine doing a Japanese flower arrangement. He was actually pretty good too and watching him work had been an oddly serene experience.

  But the most surprising thing Becca had discovered about Slaine was probably the horrible burns scars that covered his arms. When Becca had taken his shirt off for the very first time, Slaine had frozen up as if awaiting her judgment. But Becca hadn’t said anything - instead she’d kissed his scars and Slaine had immediately relaxed. He’d been so gentle afterwards, as if he thought she were a virgin! Ha! But she didn’t bother to correct his assumption. It was rare to find such a gentle, considerate lover. However-

  Becca didn’t think she was in love with Slaine. At least, not yet. If she had to decide on the spot she would say she was at the point where she was ‘falling in love’. For the moment, this ‘thing’ between them was mostly lust. Slaine was a good boyfriend and lover, but…

  She still had erotic dreams every night of her ‘perfect lover’. A mysterious, dark-haired man with blue tattoos on his arms and who smelled like sandalwood. A man who could bring her the greatest pleasure with his skillful, burning touches.

  Sounded a lot like Derek Dearg, huh? That’s exactly why Becca had been so shocked when she’d seen Derek for the very first time. His resemblance to her ‘dream lover’ had been uncanny. It’d been like seeing her imaginary lover come to life. But…

  Derek had rejected her. Sometimes dreams just didn’t come true. And instead she’d ended up in this strange relationship with Slaine Morvyn. A relationship that almost felt too easy because of Slaine’s money and good looks.

  The shower door slid open and Becca glanced over her shoulder to see a naked Slaine standing behind her. “Mmm. Yum.” Her eyes raked over his hard, lean body and lingered on his rippling abs. She watched Slaine swallow almost nervously as Becca appraised him. She saw the vulnerability in his eyes that was so unlike him. That’s right, his red eyes. Apparently, he had some kind of genetic defect. She smiled coyly. “Aren’t you going to join me?”

  Slaine grinned. “Oh, hell yes.” He entered the shower and stood under the spray with her. Slaine cupped her face almost lovingly and kissed her with great passion. Becca eagerly kissed him back.

  They ended up having sex in the shower.

  Afterwards, they had a late breakfast together in Slaine’s kitchen. While seated at the kitchen island, Slaine spoke: “What would you like to do together tonight?” Slaine asked, even though it was only one in the afternoon.

  Slaine was allergic to the sun and so could only go out on dates with Becca a night. He never removed his sunglasses outside of his apartment either. If Becca didn’t know better she’d say she was going out with a vampire! Ha! A vampire, yeah right. She giggled at the outlandish thought.

  “What’s so funny?” Slaine arched an eyebrow at her.

  “Just the fact that it’s almost like I’m dating a vampire.”

  “And what if I were a vampire?” Slaine teased as he kissed her neck.

  “I’d run the other way.” Becca responded honestly.
br />   Slaine frowned at her answer and pulled back from her. “I see.”

  “I think we should go see a movie together. It would be a nice change of pace, I think. We barely leave your apartment. Even though there is so much cool stuff in here.” Becca glanced over at that suit of samurai armor. Slaine also didn’t seem to mind her taking pictures of just about everything. It was a nice change of pace. Most of her other boyfriends had gotten on her case that she couldn’t seem to set her phone down for five minutes.

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing, babe.” Slaine drawled in that sexy voice of his.

  Becca smiled. “I want to go on a date with you, Slaine.”

  Slaine covered his mouth with his hand as he tried to get his emotions under control. “And I want to go on one with you.” His voice was husky.

  At seven o’clock, Becca and Slaine began to get ready for their date. Becca entered the walk-in closet that Slaine had filled with designer clothes for her. She decided on a black lace, knee-length dress, and sophisticated, white and black jacket. Becca accessorized her outfit with a string of black pearls and a string of white pearls.

  She finished her perfect outfit off with a pair of black Jimmy Choos. Becca admired her outfit in the full-length mirror. She’d never known a man to have such good taste in clothes before. Well, the kimonos he bought her were a little weird, but she liked them too. She looked like a spoiled, rich heiress or celebrity. He dressed her like a princess and the pearls were even real.

  It was crazy. Becca fingered the pearls with her hand and wondered why Slaine was being so nice to her. It was almost suspicious. A guy this nice and good looking…had to have a fatal flaw. Like maybe he was a serial killer or something? She mused and then shook her head of the outlandish thought. Slaine acted as if he’d known her for much longer than a month though, and the gifts…they almost felt like an apology for something. So odd.

  Slaine came up behind her, wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her head. “You look gorgeous. It makes me want to stay in tonight.” He purred against her hair. “Although I’d like to make one change.” Slaine removed the clip that was holding her hair up. Becca’s fiery red hair cascaded around her shoulders in waves. “There. Much better. Such beautiful hair as this should be on display.”

  Becca blushed as she watched Slaine kiss a lock of her hair in the mirror. She studied his reflection. His reflection looked weird…almost as if it were blurrier than her own. Whatever. She was just seeing things. Maybe she needed to buy some Windex or something.

  Slaine was dressed in a black, silk, button-down shirt, black leather pants, biker boots, and his signature white and black trench coat. His usually spiked-up, white hair had been slicked back, and he had his usual wraparound, silver sunglasses on his face. Slaine usually dressed much more Goth or punk, so it was a nice change of pace seeing him look more clean-cut. “You don’t look so bad yourself, Handsome.”

  Slaine frowned at her wording. “I told you not to call me that.”

  “What? Handsome?” She raised a red eyebrow at him. “But you are.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Is that because of your scars?” She asked softly.

  Slaine stiffened. “Can we please not talk about this?”

  Becca pouted and placed her hands on Slaine’s arms. “I don’t mind them at all. In fact, I think it makes you seem wild and dangerous.”

  Slaine let go of Becca and exited the closet. “Let’s go. We don’t want to be late for the movie.”

  Becca sighed. There he went again, putting his guard up. She hated when Slaine did that. When would the man open up to her? She wondered.

  They took Slaine’s Lamborghini and arrived at the movie theater in record time. Becca glanced at Slaine, sitting there behind the wheel, and looking all hot and mysterious. She wondered if she was making a mistake again, and falling for a monster with a pretty face. But her gut told her to trust Slaine, and she didn’t know why.

  “Is there something on my face?” Slaine asked as he looked around for a parking spot.

  Becca blushed. “N-No. Nothing.”

  Slaine’s expression turned amused and he finally found a parking spot. He parked and they exited the car. Becca could feel people’s eyes on her and Slaine. She knew the girls were probably jealous she was with a heartbreaker like Slaine.

  Becca suddenly wished she knew more people in San Francisco. She could talk to Issy Sweet about Slaine but…she’d recently gotten married and Becca didn’t want to intrude on the newlyweds. Her friends Issy and Tristan didn’t even know she was still in San Francisco.

  Only Derek now knew she was still here, and writing a new blog about tattoo parlors in San Francisco in order to keep her bills paid back home in New York. Becca took Slaine’s arm and they made their way to the movie theater. Only a few movies were playing, and Becca hadn’t heard anything about any of them.

  Slaine pointed out a movie that looked like an action flick. “That one looks good.”

  Becca frowned at the name Yakuza Apocalypse and the poster of an Asian man with a tattoo on his back holding a samurai sword. As long as it wasn’t a horror film she didn’t really care. “Men and their action flicks. Well, sure, whatever. I don’t mind.”

  “Awesome. Two tickets for Yakuza Apocalypse, please.” Slaine told the man at the ticket counter.

  Once they had their tickets, Slaine purchased them some drinks and popcorn, and they made their way into the theater. They found some seats in the back and sat down to wait for the movie to start. The lights dimmed, went out, and the movie started.

  The movie started out normally enough…but then began to descend into horror. Oh no. Becca clenched the arms of her chair. She’d accidentally willingly come in there to watch a horror film! This totally sucks. Why did that guy have to turn into a vampire? Becca was bad with anything ‘scary’, ‘horror’, or ‘Goth’. To top it all off she also had a blood phobia.

  She couldn’t stand the sight of blood and would faint at the sight of it or have a panic attack. Becca could only hope the movie wouldn’t be that bloody…and crossed her fingers.

  However, today was not Becca’s lucky day, the movie turned out to be incredibly bloody. Becca paled when a guy lost his head with a samurai sword in a spray of blood. She stood up from her seat.

  “What’s wrong?” Slaine asked her.

  “I have to go to the bathroom.” Becca lied as she left the theater with her hand over her mouth. She felt sick, nauseous. Her head felt pinched and was throbbing. She couldn’t decide if she wanted to throw up or pass out. And then she couldn’t breathe. She needed air. Becca rushed through the lobby and exited the theater. This was bad. She couldn’t breathe. She was having a panic attack. Oh crap!

  “Here. Breathe into this.” A soothing male voice said as he handed Becca a brown paper bag.

  Becca took it gratefully and began to use it to breathe into. The carbon dioxide began to calm her down instantly. She felt herself being guided over towards a bench where she sat down. Tears of humiliation burned her eyes.

  The stranger patted her on the back in a comforting way, and spoke: “What happened?”

  Becca turned to look at her mysterious rescuer and her eyes widened when she saw Derek. She lowered the paper bag so she could speak. “Derek, what are you doing here?”

  Derek scratched the back of his neck and gave her an oddly bashful look. “Ah, I was stood up on a date.”

  Becca’s eyebrows rose up to her hairline. “You were stood up? I don’t know if I should be more surprised that you’re actually on a date, or that you got stood up.” She looked his outfit over. He was wearing a long-sleeved, light-blue, silk shirt, black leather pants, and boots. Hotness. Incarnate. The shirt really made his sky-blue eyes pop. “You look good. I wouldn’t have stood you up.”

  Derek ran his hand over his mouth. He turned to look at her with an emotional look on his face. “So what happened?” His blue eyes were blazin
g, and there was a strange, dangerous edge to his voice.

  “Oh, it’s embarrassing.” Becca hedged.

  “Tell me.” Derek insisted.

  “I accidentally went to see a horror film. I…have a phobia to blood, you see. If I see blood…I have a panic attack or even faint. And Yakuza Apocalypse was particularly bloody.”

  Derek’s brow furrowed at her words and he looked upset. “I see.”

  Becca gave him a sheepish look. “It’s pretty pathetic, huh?”

  Derek offered her a reassuring smile and stroked her back in a comforting gesture. “I could never think you were pathetic. And besides, who isn’t afraid of death?”

  “Yeah…I can’t get over the fact that you’re here. It’s almost like fa-” Becca was saying, when-

  “Becca!” Slaine’s concerned sounding voice had Becca and Derek turning their heads to see Slaine exiting the movie theater. He looked at the two of them and glared at the hand Derek still had on Becca’s back. With swift, purposeful strides Slaine closed the distance between them in seconds. “What happened? What is this?” He glared fiercely at Derek.

  “Ah…” Becca stood up and approached Slaine. “I was having a panic attack and my friend Derek helped me out.”

  Slaine narrowed his eyes at Derek before turning his questioning gaze back to Becca. “A panic attack?” He reached out and cupped her face, his expression turning concerned. “Are you alright?”

  “Yes, I-” Becca began.

  “Then let’s jet.” Slaine took her hand and began to pull her down the sidewalk towards where his Lamborghini was parked.

  “Uh, bye, Derek! Thanks!” Becca called over her shoulder as Slaine dragged her away.

  Derek watched them go and clenched his hands into fists. Dang it. It took all his willpower not to go after them, pull Slaine away from Becca, and beat the crap out of that flashy vampire. Luckily, his cell phone decided to ring at that moment. Derek answered the call without bothering to see who it was and put the phone up to his ear. “What?”

  “Someone sounds pissed.” Garth’s voice came over the phone. “You got plans for tonight, bro?”

  “Tonight?” Derek continued to watch Slaine and Becca as they got into Slaine’s Lamborghini. “Probably drinking myself into oblivion and cursing my life. Why?”

  “I want to pop Malakye’s club cherry. That kid needs to get out of his room for like more than two seconds to take a piss. I’m planning on taking Malakye to that new Goth club that’s opened up. You know, the one called Iron Casket? Everyone’s been raving about it. Also, Roman is going to be performing there tonight.”

  Even though Derek was in a sour mood his lip twitched as he heard his friend’s voice over the phone. He missed his friends, and it was sad that his time working for the merman had come to an end. Now that he lived alone, nothing was holding him back from hunting down Slaine, and avenging Cinnia. Also, now that his friends wouldn’t be put in danger, he was out every night hunting vampires and protecting the city.

  His life was pretty lonely these days. But his friend Garth made sure to stop by periodically to spar, or drag him out for drinks. Garth was a bit of a meathead but a really good guy. When the shifter wasn’t at his candy shop he was at the gym. Garth had a sweet tooth and enjoyed making candy.

  Ever since Garth had managed to escape from an underground fight club where shifters trapped in their animal forms were forced to fight human exorcists in brutal, bloody battles, he’d been trying to find the place again so that he could rescue his friends. Unfortunately, Garth had yet to remember where exactly the club was located.

  Malakye Sterling was a plant alien from the planet Flos Luna, which had been destroyed eons ago. He had glowing, silver skin that he kept covered with white makeup at all times, and looked like a Goth because of it. Malakye was a little different from the rest of the crew - kind, sweet, and a pacifist. He was really smart, computer savvy, and created video games in his spare time. However, Malakye rarely left his room as a result.

  They were an odd bunch, but Derek figured that nonhumans should all stick together. “Iron Casket?” Derek had heard of the new club in San Francisco. He stroked his chin in thought. “Oh, what the hell. Beats drinking alone. What time you guys gonna be there?”

  “Ten o’clock.” Garth informed him.

  “Alright. I’ll see you guys then.” Derek replied and ended the call.


  Slaine Morvyn was pissed. Becca had had a panic attack and had immediately run into Derek’s arms for comfort. They had this…inescapable connection. This invisible bond. Those two are connected by the red string of fate. Slaine knew that if he let things progress the way they currently were that he’d end up losing Becca to Derek all over again. And he couldn’t allow that.

  Slaine was still one step ahead of Derek though. Poor Derek still hadn’t figured out that Becca was the reincarnation of his dead wife, Cinnia. But Slaine had. That’s why he had to turn Becca into a vampire that very night. Enough procrastinating. No more waiting. And no more wooing Becca. It was time.

  A plan began to form in Slaine’s mind. First, he’d take her to the Goth club where he worked. There he’d get her very drunk, and on their way back to his place he’d buy a dozen cans of whipped cream. Yes, this plan will do nicely. Then we’ll go back to my place and continue our little pleasure party there.

  Becca would be so out of it by the end of the evening that she’d be very easy to turn. It was the perfect plan.

  “Becca, how would you like to go clubbing tonight? I can show you where I work?” Slaine asked casually.

  Becca glanced at Slaine and nibbled her lower lip. “Iron Casket…?” Becca had had enough horror for one night but…she didn’t want to hurt Slaine’s feelings. “Sure. Sounds good.”

  Slaine beamed at her. “Great. You won’t regret this, babe. Tonight is going to be the night of your life.”