Read Druid Vampire PG-13 Version Page 7


  The following morning, Derek awoke with the images of his dream still fresh in his mind. He remembered how he and Cinn had met Hunchback in the forest, and how after that the three of them had become best friends. Derek had even tattooed Hunchback with his own battle tattoos - a seahorse, sea serpent, griffin and chimera. The trio had trained together. Dearg had taught Hunchback hand-to-hand combat while Cinn had taught him archery. Hunchback would also secretly follow them on missions, and would help out in secret. He was always there with them in the shadows.

  Derek tried to remember Cinn’s face again, but the more he tried to visualize her the fuzzier the image in his mind became. Dang it…why can’t I remember her face?

  Derek sat up in bed and looked down at his chest. The sword wound had healed, but he felt weak from blood loss. He’d lost a lot of blood, and needed to feed. Derek scowled at the thought. He got out of bed and headed over to a table where he had two large pet tanks. In one of the tanks were several live rats. In the second tank was a large pet python with brown and yellow scales that Derek had named Nagini - after Voldemort’s pet snake. Cheesy, yes, he knew.

  Derek removed the lid of the tank with the mice inside of it. He reached inside and grabbed a rat. He could feel the rat’s frantic heartbeat against his hand and hear it with his sensitive hearing. He sunk his fangs into the poor creature and drank its blood. Once Derek had drained it dry he removed the lid from his python’s tank and tossed the dead rat inside.

  Nagini quickly swooped up the rat into her maw, and swallowed it whole. Nagini was perfect for cleaning up his disgusting vampiric tendencies.

  Derek knew that he needed several more rats in order to get back to normal, but he couldn’t get the image of Becca running into him out of his head. She’d looked up at him with fear shinning in her lime green eyes, and had a bleeding bite mark on her neck. She’d been utterly terrified….of a vampire. A being just like him. Derek’s vampiric nature still disgusted him, even after two millennia.

  “Tch.” Derek made a sound of disgust as he replaced the screen lids on the tanks and decided to take a quick shower. After his shower, Derek dressed in a long-sleeved, blue, silk shirt, dark blue tie, black vest, black silk pants, and dress shoes. He wanted to look good for his ‘guest’. Derek could smell Becca’s unique lime scent and so knew that she was still somewhere in his townhouse.

  Derek went in search of Becca and entered the studio to see her on the floor fast asleep on her side. The blogger was in front of his favorite painting of Cinnia - the one of her dancing at Stone Henge. Becca was still dressed in that Japanese-style robe that Slaine must have given her. The bite mark wasn’t visible since it was on the other side of her neck.

  Derek went over to Becca, crouched by her side, put a hand on her shoulder, and gently shook her awake. “Becca.”

  “Mmm?” Becca stirred, stretched her arms over her head as she awakened, sat up, and blinked at Derek. “Derek…where am I?”

  Derek’s lip twitched in amusement, Becca was freakin cute when she just woke up. Her hair was a complete tousled mess. “My townhouse - where Voodoo Tattoo is.”

  The events of the previous night crashed into Becca and she remembered how Slaine had turned out to be a real live vampire! Somehow she’d managed to escape, and then she’d run into Derek. Derek had fought Slaine but had been defeated. Slaine had nearly cut Derek in half with a samurai sword.

  “Your wound!” Becca exclaimed as she placed her hands on Derek’s chest. “Are you all healed?”

  Derek nodded, touched that she would be worried about him after what had happened to her. “Yes.” And you can feel free to keep feeling up my chest, babe.

  Becca narrowed her eyes at Derek. “Because you’re a wizard?”

  Derek blinked, and his brow furrowed. “What?”

  “Malakye told me that you’re like a Druid Vampire Hunter or something.” Becca revealed.

  A muscle beneath Derek’s eye ticked in irritation. “He told you that? Those guys…” He shook his head. He’d kick their butts later. “Would you like to take a bath? Or perhaps a shower? Or I could cook something for you if you’re hungry?” He offered Becca a hand up.

  Becca took his hand and let him help her up. “A shower would be great, actually.”

  Derek led Becca up the stairs to the fourth floor, and to a spare bedroom. He hesitated about letting Becca use this particular room, but then shook his head, deciding that he was being silly and selfish. Derek opened the door to the spare bedroom and ushered Becca inside. “Feel free to use this room as your own. There are clothes in the closet that you can use too.”

  Becca looked around the room curiously. It had obviously been decorated for a woman. “Um, whose room is this?”

  A dark shadow fell over Derek’s face. “No one’s.” He said simply before exiting the room and shutting the door behind him.

  “O-kay. That was weird.” Becca said out loud as she looked around the luxurious room that had been furnished with expensive antiques and Oriental rugs. The four-poster bed that took up most of the room had a fluffy, beige comforter with a beautiful, red rose pattern on it. There were lots of pillows on the bed with red pillowcases. Thick red velvet drapes covered the windows. There was an antique dresser, dressing table and a chair with a velvet cushion on it. It was the kind of furniture that Becca was afraid to sit in since she was afraid she’d damage it somehow.

  Becca was drawn to the strange assortment of items that decorated the top of the dresser next. There was a metal rose that looked so lifelike that Becca had to reach out and touch it. “Ouch.” The rose’s thorns were sharp. It was an incredible piece of art and it was also oddly familiar. She spotted a woodcarving of a horse next and picked it up in order to inspect it. The horse looked just like the one in the painting that Becca had seen in the studio. There was also a necklace with a crescent moon on it. The cord looked ancient…

  As Becca ran her hand over the items her heart beat a little faster inside of her chest and tingles went up and down her arms. It was as if these items spoke to her. It was almost like she’d seen these items before…but that was impossible. Besides, Becca knew the truth…these items must have belonged to Derek’s dead wife. The one Malakye had mentioned. This room was like a shrine to her. Becca realized, as she looked around. “And yep, I feel really weird about being here.”

  Becca entered the bathroom and flipped on the light switch. “Ooo.” The bathroom was also very fancy with its pink marble sink, and pink and white tiled floor. A large oval mirror had been hung over the sink and Becca went over to peer at her reflection and frowned. Her hair was a mess! And Derek hadn’t told her anything either. She blushed. There was a fluffy, pink rug on the floor and the bathtub with a combined shower had a pink shower curtain. “Wow. That’s a lot of pink.”

  Becca removed the kimono Slaine had given her and tossed it aside. She looked at herself in the mirror again and saw that she looked incredibly pale. It was probably from lack of blood. She could also still see the bite mark on the side of her neck although it looked like it was already healing.

  Becca prodded the wound with her finger. She could hardly believe the events of last night. She felt…betrayed more than anything else. Becca had trusted Slaine and he’d broken that trust. That hurt more than anything.

  Her worst nightmare had been brought to life - blood dripping down onto her face. Becca shuddered and wrapped her trembling arms around herself as she remembered it. “Don’t think about it, Becca. You’ll just freak yourself out.” She headed over to the bathtub, stepped inside, and turned on the shower. Becca turned the knob all the way to hot.

  She let the hot water cascade down over her and as she did so - flashes of her dreams from the previous night filled her mind. She’d dreamed of living in a village where there were magical tattoos. There was a rakish young boy with hazelnut hair and wide sky-blue eyes. He had the brightest smile. And then…there was a boy with a hunchback.
He had shaggy brown hair and brown eyes…that held so much sadness in their depths. She recalled how the hunchback had been living alone in the woods.

  It’d been like a fairytale. Becca figured she must have dreamed something like that because of Derek’s paintings, and after having watched his tattoos come to life last night. She found shampoo and conditioner, and used it. Afterwards, her hair smelled like Derek’s, and the soap smelled like sandalwood. Derek’s scent.

  Her mind was inevitably filled with thoughts of Derek. Derek…he’d rescued her. Risked his life to save her. But…this was because he was some kind of ‘Hunter’. And Garth…had superhuman strength and Malakye could stop time or something. Her head hurt. Maybe she was still dreaming. If I am dreaming, can I please wake up now?

  After Becca finished her shower she stepped out of the tub and grabbed a towel. As she dried herself off she noticed the butterfly tattoo on her lower back! “Holy crap!” Becca turned around to look over her shoulder and see the tattoo better. “It’s still…there. Weird. I thought Slaine killed it…or something?” She shrugged. “Whatever.” Becca wrapped a towel around her body and grabbed another towel to start drying her hair.

  She made her way into the bedroom and over to the closet before opening the door. She flipped on a light switch to reveal a large walk-in closet filled with random women’s clothing. A lot of the clothes were brand-new and still had tags on them. Becca frowned, wondering if Derek let all of his lovers use these clothes or what?

  She entered the closet and began to peruse the racks. There was the oddest assortment of clothes: medieval and Gothic gowns with belled sleeves, lace-up corsets, and long skirts with fishtails like something Morticia Addams would wear. Several pairs of leather pants were hung on hangers, and several pairs of boots were on the floor. “That’s a lot of leather.” There was also a collection of belts, some with medieval crosses and others with crescent moon symbols. Celtic symbols and knots were everywhere and on everything. “These clothes are super ‘witchy’.”

  Becca crinkled her nose at the clothes. “So Derek’s into Goth girls and witches. I get it now.” She pouted because she was so not Goth. She loved the latest high fashion. Her closet in New York City was filled with trendy clothes, silk blouses, and flower print skirts. She rarely wore the color black. Most of her clothes were designer. And don’t forget shoes. She had over a hundred pairs of shoes from Jimmy Choo, Prada, Chanel, and Christian Louboutin.

  “And Slaine is into Japanese girls. I should really stop thinking about that guy. And talking out loud.” Becca selected a red shirt with belled sleeves, and a black, knee-length skirt. She was forced to pair the outfit off with a pair of black ankle boots when really the outfit would have looked better with a nice pair of high heels.

  Becca eyed a chain belt with a crystal medieval cross on it and shrugged. “Oh, what the hell.” She put the chain belt on and gazed at her reflection in the full-length mirror. “I look like some Goth girl or Twilight fan girl now.” Becca spotted a thick, black velvet choker and decided to wear it in order to cover the bite mark on her neck.

  After she was done dressing, Becca left the bedroom and headed downstairs. She could smell something delicious cooking. Becca headed for the kitchen, which was on the first floor, and behind Derek’s tattoo parlor. The sight that met her was Derek cooking up a storm. There were several dishes of food already laid out on the breakfast counter.

  Becca tried not to drool as she looked at the breakfast burritos, cheesy sausage loaf, maple-bacon grits, sausages, and a fluffy sausage omelet. Everything seemed to have meat in it. Becca took a seat at the kitchen island and smiled. Derek looked so handsome in the outfit he was wearing. It was almost like a suit. “Hey.”

  Derek spun around and flashed Becca a grin while making sure not to show his fangs. “Hey. Good morning, gorgeous. I made breakfast.” Way to go, Captain Obvious.

  Gorgeous? “I can see that. Are we expecting company?”

  “Company?” Derek arched a brow at her.

  Becca waved her hand at the assortment of dishes. “You can’t expect me to eat all this, can you? We having a party?”

  Derek rubbed a hand over his mouth in a nervous gesture as he suddenly realized just how many dishes he’d made. “I, er, I didn’t know what you would like so I just…” Good move, genius.

  Becca’s eyebrows rose. “You really cooked all this for me?”

  “Yes.” Derek admitted. “You’ve been through a lot, so I just wanted to cheer you up.”

  Becca blushed. “Oh…but that doesn’t explain why you’re all dressed up. Are you going somewhere later?”

  Derek flushed. “I…er, I always dress like this?” He offered.

  So he dressed up like that because I’m here? “I’m flattered.” Becca reached out and tore off a piece of the cheesy sausage loaf, and plopped it into her mouth. “Mmm.” She moaned. “Dang, that’s good.”

  “Those clothes…” Derek raked his eyes over her form. “Look good on you.”

  Becca quickly chewed and swallowed another bite of bread so that she could answer. “Thanks. Um…who are those clothes for? Your lovers?”

  Derek turned around and concentrated on the omelet he was working on. “No.”

  He just put his guard up. Becca began sampling Derek’s other dishes. “So good.” Becca just couldn’t stop eating. She rubbed her thighs together. Derek’s cooking was simply orgasmic.

  “Here, try this.” Derek held out a fork with a bite of sausage omelet on it. “This one has spicy sausage.”

  “Oh no, I can’t eat another bite.” Becca shook her head and waved her hands before her. “You’re going to turn me into Miss Piggy!”

  “You know you want to put this succulent meat in your mouth.” Derek teased suggestively as he waved the fork in front of her.

  Blushing furiously, Becca gave in and opened her mouth. Derek fed her the sausage omelet. “Mmm, spicy. Do you mind if I take a picture?” Becca began to search her skirt for a pocket and then she came to a horrifying realization. “Oh my God.” The blood began to drain out of her face.

  Derek’s expression turned concerned. “What? What is it?”

  “I…don’t have my cell phone.”

  Derek’s brow furrowed. “What do you need it for? Do you need to make a phone call? If so, I have a phone you can use in the main shop area.”

  Becca shook her head. “No, you don’t understand…I need my phone. I take pictures with it, and upload them to my blog, Twitter, facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. My followers are waiting for updates. It’s what I do. I’m a cyber socialite and writer, remember? Not having my phone is like…getting my arm chopped off or something. I think…I’m going to hyperventilate…” Becca began to gasp for breath.

  Derek grew alarmed. Becca was acting more freaked out by the loss of her cell phone than she had to finding out Slaine was actually a real vampire last night. He rushed to Becca’s side, and placed a hand on her arm in a comforting gesture. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll have my friend Malakye bring you a new phone. He has hundreds of them.”

  Becca let out a breath of relief, and gave Derek a grateful look. “Really?”

  “Really.” Derek whipped out his cell phone and began to dial Malakye’s number.

  Becca wrinkled her nose at Derek’s cell phone. “Is that your cell phone? That can’t even take pictures, can it? How do you function in this world?”

  Derek chuckled at Becca’s words. “I get by somehow.” His friend picked up after only two rings.

  “Hey, Derek. What’s up?”

  “I need a spare smart phone - like now. It’s an emergency.” The line went dead. “Uh, hello? Malakye?”

  Becca screamed and Derek spun around to see what had frightened her. Malakye had teleported into the kitchen, and just…materialized. “M-M-Malakye? How did you just…?” Becca trailed off.

  Malakye’s eyes widened like saucers when he spotted Becca sitting at Derek’s break
fast counter. “Oh, hi, Becca. I didn’t know you were next to Derek. Oops.” He scratched the back of his neck in a sheepish gesture and held up the smart phone. “Uh, who’s this phone for?”

  Becca swallowed and raised her hand. “Uh, me.”

  Malakye handed her the smart phone. “Sorry I scared you. I do that a lot.”

  Becca laughed nervously. “So you can teleport? No big.” There was an obvious tremor to her voice. “And vampires and wizards exist too.” Her laughter began to turn a little crazed. “I can totally handle this.”

  Malakye and Derek shared a worried look. “I should probably go. Sorry to disturb your breakfast-” Malakye was saying when his stomach rumbled loudly.

  Becca reached out and grabbed Malakye’s arm before he could go poof. “Wait! Don’t go poof yet.” She gave the man an apologetic look. “Stay and have breakfast with us. Derek made more than enough to share. I think he’s trying to get me fat or something.”

  Malakye gave her a grateful look. “Oh…okay. Thanks.” He sat down at the breakfast counter and Becca began to take pictures of the food Derek had cooked. Malakye smiled at her antics. “You putting those on Twitter?”

  “Oh, they’ll be up everywhere.” Becca’s tone was giddy. She seemed to have recovered quickly from her shock of Malakye having teleported in front of her.

  “I always enjoy your witty tweets.” Malakye said softly.

  Becca whipped her head in Malakye’s direction and stared at him. “You follow me?”

  Malakye offered her a shy nod. “I’m @PLANTMAN. All caps.”

  “Ooo, I follow you too! You’re the one who puts up the most amazing photos of plants…plants I’ve never seen before in my entire life! They’re amazing!” Becca gushed.

  “Thanks.” Malakye said knowing that the tips of his ears were probably bright red and feeling grateful for the white makeup he had on that was covering his glowing, silver skin.

  Derek was looking back and forth between Malakye and Becca and feeling strangely left out. Derek wasn’t into the ‘Internet’. He knew Becca was a blogger and wrote articles about various topics that captured her interest, but the only article of hers he’d ever read had been the article Becca had written about Poseidon’s Trident.

  Becca glanced at Derek. “You should really think about getting your artwork up on the net.”

  Derek frowned. “Ah, those paintings…are not for showing people. They’re personal.”

  “Because they’re of your dead wife?” Becca asked tentatively.

  Derek choked on a bite of omelet and had to pound on his chest. “Who told you that?”

  Malakye raised his hand and gave Derek a sheepish look. “Guilty.”

  Derek narrowed his eyes at Malakye. “And what else did you tell her, Malakye?”

  “N-Nothing…much.” Malakye glanced away, unable to meet Derek’s eyes.

  Derek ground his back molars. “You should learn to keep your mouth shut about things that don’t concern you, Malakye.”

  Malakye swallowed nervously. “I-I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to. It just slipped out. Besides, it’s Becca…so I thought it would be okay.”

  Derek raised an eyebrow at the plant alien. “Because it was Becca?”

  “Well, because you have feelings for-” Malakye was saying when Derek cut him off by putting his hand over Malakye’s mouth.

  Derek laughed nervously as he shot Becca a worried look. “I think it’s time for Malakye to go home. Isn’t that right, Malakye? I bet you need to go and water your plants or something.”

  Malakye nodded fearfully, and swallowed. Derek could be really scary when he wanted to be.

  Derek removed his hand and Malakye looked relieved. “Uh…bye, Becca. I’ll catch you later.”

  “Bye Malakye. I’ll hit you up on facebook and Twitter.” Becca assured.

  Malakye gave her a tremulous smile. “O-Okay.” Poof.

  Becca rubbed her eyes. “He really did go poof, didn’t he? I didn’t just imagine that. Did I-?” Becca turned to discover Derek was suddenly beside her. He cupped her cheek with his hand and kissed her.

  Becca’s eyes widened in surprise at first, but then she closed her eyes and melted into the kiss. Derek smelled like sandalwood. Mmm. So musky and manly. His scent filled her senses and kept them captive. His kiss was tentative, soft, and tender. He pulled back and stared at Becca with an emotional look in his eyes. “What was that for?” Becca asked, somewhat breathless.

  “I just…felt like kissing you.” Derek pulled back and rubbed the back of his neck in a nervous gesture.

  Becca was slightly irked by Derek’s nonchalant response. “I see.” But really, what did she expect? For him to suddenly confess his undying love for her or something? They barely knew each other. And Derek was just protecting her because it was his job, right? “Er, Derek…how long am I going to be staying here?”

  “Until I kill Slaine.” Derek instantly replied. “Until then…I will protect you.”

  Becca frowned at the fierce look on his face. “I don’t want to be a burden.”

  “You’re no burden. And besides you’re…a friend.” Derek explained cagily.

  A friend. Wow. Did he just friend-zone me? He totally just put his guard up too. “Tell me about your wife.” Becca wasn’t about to let Derek off the hook that easily.

  Derek blinked and glanced away. “She’s…dead.”

  “I already know that. Malakye told me, remember?”

  Derek’s head snapped around to look at her. “Why that little-” His anger about that was back in full force.

  “Don’t be mad. He told me about her when I saw the paintings. One had my face. Why?” Becca held her breath as she awaited his response.

  “I’ve been painting portraits of my wife for years…” Derek began. Centuries really, but she doesn’t really need to know that. “But for some reason I can’t remember her face. I know it was lovely but…I can’t remember it. It might have to do with the fact that her death was traumatic. She was mudered.”

  Becca gasped. “Murdered?”

  “Yes…by Slaine Morvyn.” Derek revealed grimly.

  “No way.” Becca shook her head, not wanting to believe it.

  Derek nodded, his expression bleak. “Slaine is my Archenemy. He’s a dangerous monster. And I will kill him and avenge my wife.”

  Becca frowned at the thought of Derek committing murder. “But…why don’t you just tell the cops?”

  Derek chuckled. “Slaine is a vampire, Becca. Do you really think it wise to get the cops involved in this? They’d just be a midnight snack for Slaine. Vampires and Druids…exist outside of human law. Outside of your world. I have to take justice into my own hands.”

  Outside of your world. “Wow. I see.”

  “My wife…was an incredible woman.” A wistful look crossed Derek’s face as memories he usually kept buried came to the forefront of his mind. “I knew her since she was eleven…and she was a total tomboy. She eventually grew into the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. I loved her kind heart, her bravery and her sense of justice. I asked her two hundred and forty times to marry me before finally on the two hundred and forty-fifth time she finally said ‘yes’. Like you she had the most amazing red hair. I think that’s why I painted her portrait but with your face. You…remind me of her.” Derek admitted guiltily.

  Ouch. Becca reminded Derek of his dead wife? It was like she was his wife’s replacement. “Is that why you rejected me before?” She asked, in a voice that was barely above a whisper.

  Derek sighed and ran a hand back through his hair. “It’s more complex than that. I really like you Becca…but in the end you and I can’t be together.”

  Becca frowned. “But…why not?”

  “We’re from two different worlds. You’re human and I….I’m a Druid Vampire Hunter.”

  “That’s just an excuse.”

  “Look, Becca, I still love my wife. And I always will. I
promised her I would love her forever.” Derek’s blue eyes were filled with passion. “And I don’t plan to break that promise. You’re probably wondering about that bedroom upstairs. I decorated it for my wife as if she were still alive. And those clothes in the closet? When I see something in a store that I think Cinnia would have liked…I buy it. Pretty creepy, huh?”

  Becca shook her head. “No, not at all. In fact, that’s incredibly romantic, Derek. Your wife was lucky to be loved so much by you. Well, she is lucky to be so loved by you.”

  Surprise flashed across Derek’s blue eyes. “I just don’t want to forget about her…even though she’s dead.” Derek exhaled a breath of relief. “I’m glad you understand, Becca.”

  Yeah, I understand alright. I’m jealous of a dead woman that I even dream about! Becca’s temples began to throb as she recalled flashes of her dream from last night. A knock abruptly sounded on the front door. “W-Who’s that?”

  “Ah, probably a customer. I’m supposed to be open now. You don’t mind if I open shop, do you?” Derek asked.

  “No, of course not, sugar.” Becca waved her hand through the air.

  Derek headed for the front door and let in two customers. The biker he’d tattooed the memorial tattoo on had returned along with a younger female in tow. “Hey Derek.” Mad Dog greeted with a wave of his large hand.

  “Hey Mad Dog, welcome back.” Derek greeted with an amiable smile.

  “I’d like you to meet my sister Delia.” Mad Dog waved his hand at the teenaged girl that was standing beside him.

  Derek turned his attention to Delia and offered her a charming smile. Delia had short black hair that had been cut into a punky style. Her face had been painted white and her lips in black. She was wearing a black tank top, and a black and red plaid skirt. Delia had accessorized her outfit with a spiked choker and platform knee boots. Derek deduced that she was probably still in high school. Overall, Derek thought she was incredibly cute. “Hi there, I’m Derek Dearg. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Delia.” He put his hand out for her to take.

  Delia blushed, but this was hidden by her white makeup. She took Derek’s hand and shook it. “Hey.”

  “So Delia loved my tattoo and now she wants to get one on her upper arm.” Mad Dog explained.

  “Do you have something you want in particular?” Derek asked the teen.

  Delia shook her head and spotted the wall that was covered with pages that had tattoo designs on them. “Wow.” Delia approached the wall and began to admire the different designs. “All of these designs are incredible. Did you come up with these designs yourself?”

  “As a matter of fact, yes. Art is a hobby of mine.” Derek admitted.

  “I want a symbol or animal that protects a person from negative energies or the ‘evil eye’.” Delia explained. “And maybe some evil spirits.”

  “Ah, then may I recommend getting a black cat. In Japan black cats are known as being protectors against evil spirits. They’re also considered to be lucky in Japan.” Derek pointed out an Asian design of a black cat with one of its paws raised in a cute manner.

  “That’s perfect.” Delia agreed, her eyes sparkling. “Where do I go?”

  Derek nodded his head in the direction of the padded table. “Please lie down over there.”

  “Okay.” Delia made her way over to the padded table and lay down on it.

  “What color ink would you like me to use?” Derek asked as he went to fetch a new bottle of ink from the cupboard.

  “Black.” Delia replied.

  Derek nodded, opened the cupboard, and took out a new bottle of black ink. He also retrieved some new disposable needles, his tattoo gun, clean towels, and disinfectant supplies. He carried the supplies over to the table that was directly next to the padded bed. “Where would you like the tattoo, Delia?”

  Delia pointed to an area on her upper arm and Derek cleaned and disinfected that area.

  “Um.” Becca spoke up as she entered the room fully. “Would you mind if I take pictures of the tattooing process, Delia? I’m a blogger.”

  Delia sat up and offered Becca a smile. “Sure, I don’t mind.”

  “Great! Thanks!” Becca dragged a foldable chair over close to the bed and took a seat.

  Derek attached the appropriate needle to the tattoo machine and began the initial outline of the cat. Delia flinched at the feeling at first, but then grew still and was a real trooper. It wasn’t long before Derek was injecting color into the design and the tattoo was really coming to life. Derek was as gentle as possible throughout the entire process.

  Becca snapped photos during the procedure, and put them up on her blog and other social media sites.

  Just as Derek was doing the finishing touches to the cat’s eyes…the strangest thing happened. Derek’s tattoo gun was bathed in a blue-tinged light and the cat’s eyes glowed.

  Becca stifled a gasp. Was Derek performing magic? She wondered. Mad Dog and Delia didn’t seem to notice anything amiss though. So why could Becca see what was going on when they couldn’t? She wondered.

  “There. All finished.” Derek declared as he grabbed a clean towel and gently cleaned the blood off Delia’s arm. He held up a mirror so Delia could see it.

  Delia’s eyes sparkled. “It’s awesome. So badass. Thank you so much, Derek.”

  “No problem.” Derek grinned.

  “How much do we owe you?” Mad Dog asked.

  Derek checked his watch. “Well, it took two and a half hours so two hundred and fifty bucks.”

  Mad Dog handed Derek three hundred. “Keep the change.” Mad Dog and Delia said their goodbyes and headed for the door. Just as Mad Dog was exiting he glanced over his shoulder at Derek and gave him a thumbs-up. “It’s good to see you…with someone.”

  “Uh, er, thanks.” Derek rubbed the back of his neck, feeling embarassed.

  Becca was totally oblivious - thank God - since she was texting rapidly on her smart phone. Derek gave her an amused look. “Still tweeting photos?”

  “Ah, no, I’m chatting on facebook with Malakye right now actually.” Becca explained.

  “Malakye?” Derek raised an eyebrow at this strange development. That kid was so antisocial it was strange for him to be chatting with Becca.

  “Yep, I didn’t even realize we’re friends on facebook too! I add everyone on facebook since I just assume they’re followers of my blog.” Becca set her phone down. “Oh…now that they’re gone. What was that?” She gave Derek an intent look.

  “What was what?” Derek furrowed his brow in confusion.

  “I saw you…using magic. The tattoo gun was glowing…and the cat’s eyes glowed.” Becca explained.

  Derek was stunned by her revelation. “You saw that?”

  Becca nodded. “Yep. Why? Is that not normal?”

  Derek frowned and rubbed a hand over his mouth. “To tell you the truth I don’t know…a human has never been able to see me using magic before. But anyways, you’re right. I was using magic. If that girl is ever in trouble…her tattoo will come to life and protect her.”

  Becca’s eyes widened. “Really?”

  Derek nodded.

  “That’s a hell of a deal for three hundred bucks! That’s just like my tattoo, isn’t it? You saved me that night, Derek. Slaine wanted me to drink his blood. I was so scared. I was crying out for someone to help me with my mind…and then your tattoo came to life and saved me. Thank you.” Becca gave Derek an emotional look.

  “I’m only glad it was able to protect you…and stop you from becoming a vampire. It’s a horrible fate.” Derek’s tone of voice was grim.

  “Maybe. Doesn’t everyone want to become a vampire because then they become immortal?” Becca pointed out.

  “You gain immortality sure, but the cost is steep. When you’re turned your soul is cursed to Hell. It’s a demon’s curse. You also have to drink blood in order to survive.”

  “Human blood?” Becca shuddered at t
he thought because of her blood phobia.

  “Not always…I’ve heard of vampires surviving on animal blood before. But they’re not as strong as normal bloodsucking vampires.” Derek explained.

  “Drinking animal blood? Ewwww.” Becca laughed but stopped when Derek didn’t join in with her. He was strangely silent. “Derek? Something wrong?”

  “Ah, no, it’s nothing.” Derek rubbed his goatee nervously.

  The bell above the front entrance jingled and another customer entered. “Welcome to Voodoo Tattoo. How may I help you?” Derek greeted a Goth teen boy who was dressed all in black leather and had piercings everywhere.

  The workday at Voodoo Tattoo continued peacefully. Becca was surprised by how many customers Derek had. And they weren’t just San Francisco residents. Some had traveled from other states to get one of Derek’s legendary tattoos. Becca was able to take lots of wonderful photos for her blog. That day the tattoos Derek did were: an incredible Maori tattoo for the Goth teen, a guardian angel with huge wings on the back of a woman, and a bunch of cute stars around a beach bunny’s ankle.

  “Hey Derek, what are the meanings of those tattoos you did today?” Becca asked curiously.

  “Well, Maori tattoos are probably the most famous of all the Tribal tattoos out there. According to Maori mythology, tattooing started with a love affair between a young man named Mataora and a young princess of the Underworld named Niwareka. Would you like to hear the story?”

  Becca nodded eagerly. “Definitely. I’m a sucker for romance.”

  “Mataora was a young warrior and his wife Niwareka was a beautiful woman that came from the Underworld. They were happy until Mataora struck his wife during a fit of jealousy. Angered by his brash actions, Niwareka fled back to the Underworld. Mataora immediately regretted his actions, and set out to find her. Before he left he put on his finest garments and painted his face with elaborate war paint designs.

  “After overcoming many obstacles during his journey to the Underworld, he finally arrived there. However, his war paint was all messed up from his trials and his appearance was a mess. Niwareka’s family mocked his slovenly appearance since their bodies had been permanently beautified with Tā Mako. In his humble state, and on his hands and knees, Mataora begged for forgiveness from Niwareka and her family.

  “When Niwareka eventually accepted his apology, Mataora immediately asked her father if he could learn the art of Tā Mako since he’d been highly impressed by the exquisite tattooed body patterns everyone wore in the Underworld. Niwareka’s father agreed to teach Mataora this art. Meanwhile, Niwareka learned how to do the art of fine weaving. When Niwareka and Mataora returned to the human world they brought with them these arts. The Maori style started in New Zealand, and you know Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson?”

  “You mean the Scorpion King?”

  “His tattoo is a Maroi design.” Derek informed her.

  Becca texted everything that Derek was telling her right to her blog. “What about guardian angels? Although that does seem a little self explanatory.”

  “Angels symbolize devotion, spirituality, faith and also signify a relationship with God. They also serve as a figure of guidance and protection.” Derek smiled as he thought about Uriel. She was such a strange angel with her sassy attitude, spiked armor, short hair and lollipop fetish. Definitely not your typical angel.

  “What about stars? A lot of girls seem to be getting those these days.” Becca said.

  “Stars are the symbols of truth and hope as they are the light which shines in the darkness.” Derek explained.

  “A light that shines in the darkness.” Becca said aloud as she texted. “I like the sound of that. What about the butterfly tattoo you gave me?”

  “Butterflies represent beauty, metamorphosis, freedom, happiness and fragility.” Derek explained with an odd look on his face.

  Becca found herself blushing at that strange, intense look Derek was giving her. “I see…well, I think I have enough information for now. Thank you.”

  “No problem.”

  At sunset Derek closed the shop. Now he was free to devote his spare time to Becca. “What would you like for dinner, gorgeous?”

  Becca smiled. “Oh, whatever you cook…I’m sure it will be delicious.”

  “Filet mignon and au gratin potatoes it is then.” Derek said.

  Derek cooked Becca an extravagant steak dinner, and made sure to use an extravagant garnish since he knew she’d most likely be taking photos of the dish. He set the plate down in front of Becca with a flourish. “Bon appetit, mademoiselle.”

  Becca was drooling and not just at the sight of the food. “May I take a picture of you too?”

  “NO!” Derek burst out.

  Becca flinched at his loud tone of voice.

  “Ah, sorry…” Derek rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s just…given my profession it’s dangerous to have my photos up online.” That and my image doesn’t show up in photos. That would totally freak Becca out.

  “Oh, I see. Don’t worry about it then. No big. My followers will just have to take my word for it that you’re frigin hot.” She offered Derek a sheepish smile.

  Derek flushed at her flirty words.

  As they dined together, Becca found herself trying to stifle her moans while she ate and Derek ended up getting aroused. Watching Becca eat his cooking…and reacting the way she was was a total turn-on. Like watching soft porn. He wished he were the one pulling those sounds from Becca’s mouth and not just his cooking.

  By the end of dinner, Derek was a wreck. He was so turned on. He clenched his hands into fists, as he had to resist pouncing Becca. She was just so…irresistible though. She was like a magnet - he was utterly drawn to her.

  Becca picked up her phone and started texting rapidly. She then set her phone down. “I’ll be right back.” Becca exited the kitchen and entered the parlor.

  “Wait, what?” Derek called after her. He sensed another presence suddenly and rushed into the tattoo parlor just in time to see Malakye disappear. “Malakye was here? What did he want?”

  Becca turned around and held something up in her hands. “He brought us - dessert. Edible paints.”

  Derek’s jaw dropped. “Malakye brought you that? Where the hell did he get those from?”

  “A sex shop.” Becca replied nonchalantly.

  “A sex shop? You’re telling me that Malakye went inside of a sex shop? I would have paid good money to see that.” Derek chuckled. “I can’t believe he agreed to get you those.”

  “Well, I said it was for you and that you would be very happy.” Becca’s lime green eyes were sparkling with mischief. “I was thinking…you could paint things on my body and then-”

  “Whoa, hold up.” Derek raised his hand to stop her from continuing. “Becca.” His tone of voice was stern. “I already told you that this.” He waved his hand between the two of them. “Is impossible.”

  Becca huffed in an irritated way. “I’m not asking for a relationship, Derek. I’m just asking for a little fun - kinky fun.” Becca took her shirt off and flung it side. “Or are you telling me you don’t want to paint on my bare flesh…?”

  “Holy crap.” Derek stared at Becca. She hadn’t been wearing a bra! He stared at her bare flesh. She had such beautiful, golden-hued skin - the perfect canvas. Becca was right. How could he resist? He couldn’t.

  The reins on Derek’s control snapped. Crap. Becca was just too frigin sexy! Derek walked towards Becca, scooped her up into his arms, and headed for the stairs. “Bedroom.” He explained. Becca giggled and didn’t seem to mind his forcefulness one bit. He briefly wondered how she’d gotten that strange scar on her shoulder but decided that asking about it might ruin the mood. I’ll ask her about it later.

  Derek took Becca to the spare bedroom she was staying in, and somehow managed to open the door and make his way inside with Becca still in his arms. He carried Becca over to the bed and gently placed her upon it. D
erek crawled onto the bed next to Becca and held his hand out to her. “Give me those paints, my muse. I’m suddenly feeling inspired.”

  Becca happily obliged and handed him the edible paint set, which had ten little jars of different colored paint and came with a brush.

  Derek opened up all of the little jars of colored edible paint, and set them on the bed. He picked up the brush, dipped it into the blue paint, and hovered over Becca. Derek wasn’t sure why he did it but…he began to paint the Celtic animal tattoos that his wife Cinnia had had on her arms - a snake, cat, fox, and unicorn. He also added color to the tattoos to make them appear more real. If he wanted to he could imbue even these temporary tattoos with magic, but there was no real need. He planned on licking them off anyways.

  “Wow, those are looking amazing.” Becca said as she looked down at her arms. “It’s almost a shame these are just temporary.”

  Derek’s heart clenched inside of his chest as he stared down at Becca with those precious tattoos on her arms.

  Derek’s blue eyes were filled with such hunger and longing. “What?” Becca asked him breathlessly.

  “I feel like kissing you again.” Derek admitted as he leaned over and pressed his lips against hers. Becca eagerly kissed him back. Derek deepened their kiss by thrusting his tongue into Becca’s mouth.

  Becca’s head spun as Derek skillfully swirled his tongue around her own. Just his kissing was causing heat to pool between her legs. She rubbed her thighs together, wanting more.

  Derek pulled back and a string of saliva connected their tongues for a second. It should have been disgusting, but it was strangely hot. Derek was looking at her with a burning desire. He eyed the side of her neck where the choker she was wearing covered her bite mark.

  For a minute, Becca became worried, but then Derek was kissing her collarbone in a tender gesture. He laved his tongue down her collarbone and headed down.

  Becca’s skin flushed with anticipation. “Put your mouth on me, Derek.”

  Derek pulled back and raised an eyebrow at Becca. “You’re not shy are you? You sure know how to talk dirty. First, I’m going to decorate that beautiful flesh of yours.” Derek sat back, picked up the brush, and dipped it in red paint. He brought the brush over to Becca’s chest and began to paint a rose.

  Derek painted a second red flower and set the paintbrush aside. “Now I’m going to clean you off-”

  Becca sat up. “Oh, wait a sec.” She whipped out her phone and took a picture of her chest…and then of the tattoos on her arms before Derek could ‘ruin’ them.

  A muscle ticked beneath Derek’s eye. “Please don’t tell me you’re going to put topless photos of yourself up on the Internet.”

  Becca blushed. “No! What kind of woman do you think I am? Wait, don’t answer that. Anyways, these are for my private collection. But the tattoos you did on my arms…I may post online later.” She gave Derek a scrutinizing look when his anger didn’t seem to leave him. “Feeling jealous of my Twitter followers?”

  Derek straddled Becca and looked down into her eyes. “Maybe.” He said before he leaned over her and placed a kiss against her flesh.

  Becca gasped and arched her back. Derek was making her feel so good. It was like he knew all of her sensitive spots.

  Derek began to trace the flower petals with his tongue. The red paint tasted like strawberries. “Mmm. You taste so good.” Strawberries mixed with Becca’s unique lime taste.

  “Now who’s talking dirty?” Becca teased.

  Derek had fun laving his tongue along the flower design he’d drawn. As his tongue cleaned up the paint more of her golden-hued skin was revealed. Becca’s skin was so soft and blemish free. He could tell that she took care of it. She had no scars. And Derek wanted to keep it that way. Once her flesh was clean, he began to lick the designs he’d painted on her arms. Derek paused as he looked at the blue Celtic unicorn he’d painted. Don’t think about my dead wife.

  Derek’s tongue on her arms should not have been as erotic as it was. But Becca needed more. “Derek.” She said, her voice a plea.

  Derek sat back and looked at her. Dang, she looked sexy with her red, disheveled hair. I have to remember to thank Malakye for these paints later. “Yes?”

  Becca spread her legs beneath her skirt. “I need you. I need more. Please.”

  Derek’s throat went dry at the invitation. He hadn’t really been expecting things to move so fast between them. The reins on his control were fraying. Becca was so irresistible. He wanted her so bad. His leather pants were so tight. He imagined spreading her legs, ripping her panties off, and uniting their bodies.

  Derek could only imagine what she would feel like. He imagined taking her, and then sinking his fangs into the side of her neck, marking her, claiming her, tasting her. He bet her blood would be so delicious.

  Derek felt his fangs lengthen inside of his mouth at the lewd thought. Crap! He could hear Becca’s heartbeat. Hear the blood rushing through her veins. She was so full of life - whereas he was undead. A vampire.

  Derek realized that he was losing control. If he took her, he would bite her. No! I can’t! I can’t take her…I can’t hurt her. Derek warred within himself. He covered his mouth with his hand so that Becca wouldn’t see his fangs. He vaguely wondered how Slaine had been able to control himself in this sort of an erotic situation.

  “Derek?” Becca asked concernedly upon seeing his tortured expression. She sat up and reached her hand out to him. “What’s wrong?”

  “No! Don’t touch me!” Derek batted her hand away. There was a wild look in his blue eyes.

  “Derek, what-?” Becca began, however-

  “Hey Derek! Becca! Where are you guys?” Came Garth’s booming voice from downstairs.

  Derek leapt off the bed and straightened his clothes. He ran a trembling hand back through his hair. Holy crap. He’d almost lost control around Becca. He definitely couldn’t have sex with her. If he did, he’d most assuredly lose control and bite her.

  “We’re up here! Just a second!” Derek called down. He looked at Becca. “Put a shirt on and join us downstairs. I’ll go see what he wants.” Saved by the bell! Or rather Garth.

  “O-Okay.” Becca said with a confused and slightly hurt expression on her face.

  Derek all but fled the bedroom and ran downstairs. He found Garth in the main tattoo parlor area. “What’s up, man?”

  Garth grinned. “I thought you and Becca might be bored since you’re stuck here waiting to see if Slaine will attack, so I brought movies.” He held up several DVDs. “Martial arts films!”

  Bored? He’d been anything but that. “Ah…thanks, man. We can watch them in the living room upstairs.” Derek headed for the stairs. Garth followed. As they were entering the living room, Garth caught sight of Becca coming down the stairs. She was wearing a red tank top and he noticed the temporary tattoos on her arms.

  Garth took a deep breath and smelled…sex. Becca’s arousal and Derek’s scent was all over her. His eyes widened in shock and surprise. He may have been a little slow sometimes, but he wasn’t stupid. He’d totally interrupted something. I’m the biggest jerk ever! He shot Derek an apologetic look. “Crap, man, I didn’t know. I’m sorry, I should go-”

  Derek grabbed Garth’s shoulder in an iron grip. “You’re not going anywhere, buddy. I can’t be left alone with her right now. I’m losing control.”

  Garth raised an eyebrow at his friend. “Is that such a bad thing?”

  “I don’t want to hurt her.” Derek explained.

  Garth gave Derek a knowing look. “I feel you.” He still had trouble controlling his monstrous strength. “Don’t worry. I’ll stay.”

  “Thanks, man. I owe you one.” Derek said.

  “Hey, guys.” Becca greeted them cheerfully, oblivious to what was going on.

  “Garth brought some movies for us to watch in case we were bored.” Derek informed her.

  “As long as they’re not h
orror movies. I’m game.” Becca said.

  “They’re martial arts movies - Jackie Chan, Tony Jaa, Jet Li.” Garth explained with a proud note to his voice.

  Becca giggled. Garth was obviously a hardcore martial arts fan. “Sounds fun.”

  The trio headed into Derek’s living room and Garth popped the first movie, Jet Li’s The One, into the DVD player. They began a martial arts film marathon while they waited to see if Slaine would decide to attack.

  To be continued…in Tattoo 5: Stag