Read Dust to Dust Page 2

Okay, so it seems like my day ended on a good note. It seemed like it until I nailed my head on the car when getting out. It was probably Karma getting back at me for egging my ex’s car. I unlocked my front door and turned off the porch light. Then I stumbled up the stairs and changed into my pajamas. No sooner did I fall onto my bed and close my eyes than there was a searing pain on my wrist.

  “Not now,” I groaned.

  There’s something I may have left out when describing myself. Remember that fairy wing tattoo that just wasn’t my style? Yeah well it was actually to summon me to the secret part of my life.

  I reluctantly got to my feet and made my way through the dark to my vanity. In the reflection of the mirror I could see my silver eyes glowing. That was a sign that my fairy self was near the surface.

  Yes, I did say fairy.

  But not like Tinker Bell. I’m actually more Tink meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

  I looked crappy in my sweatpants and tank top but I couldn’t care less. I grabbed my wand, for lack of a better word, and swirled it around. Suddenly I wasn’t in my dark bedroom; I was in a light, very open room. Everything sparkled or shone. Cheerfully. It made me want to hurl.

  In Fairy land, or Whisper, I am what they call a Seeker. Basically my job consists of hunting down monsters in the human world and the fairy. I’ve been trained since I was six to do this job. I’m proud to say I’m one of the best.

  “It’s good to know you take pride in your appearance,” said a cheerful voice that sounded like a melody. Puke.

  “Maybe if you gave a little notice before flipping on the summons to the highest power, I would have made myself more presentable,” I said sweetly.

  The perfect little blonde looked me over. I felt like a beast around my keeper. She’s 5’1’’ to my 5’ 7’’. She is dainty and petite where I’m strong. Her platinum blonde hair and brown doe eyes made her look like a doll. I hated her. But for more than her looks. She is judgmental, harsh, and heartless. But I’m better.

  She eyed me. “No, you wouldn’t have.”

  “Can you just get to whatever was so urgent that you summoned me in the middle of the night?” I suggested not so nicely.

  She sighed. “Since you’re never here, you don’t know much about Whisper’s situation. The Queen is weakening and the other lines are disagreeing over who should replace her. She fears it will come to an all-out war. Already there is a Seeker who has been assassinating all possibilities. The Queen has decided…” she sighed dramatically, “that you are to be her replacement.”

  I burst out laughing. “That would be believable except I’m like…” carry the six, subtract the four, “twenty seventh in line for the throne. Now, seriously…” I waited somewhat patiently with a smile on my face.

  “You’re the only one she believes can protect yourself and stamp out this little problem.”

  “Little?” I repeated. “I have been trained to kill every creature under the sun, not rule a country full of disgruntled fairies.”

  “There’s really nothing you can do about it. Rule has already been transferred to you.”

  I sighed and lowered my head dejectedly. “Look, when you forced me into training when I was six, I cooperated. When you told my line that not all of us could resign and turn in our wands, I cooperated. When you people took my brother when I was eight, I dealt with it. I have done more than my fair share. You cannot force this on me. I didn’t want any of this, let alone the crown.”

  “It’s too late,” she enunciated. “It’s already been done.”

  “Take it back and give it to whoever is number twenty eight.”

  “Once the powers are transferred there’s really nothing you can do. Except…”

  Here it comes. The real reason I was being stuck with the crown. I refused to be baited. “If you could take out the Seeker and whoever is ordering her around, you could perhaps convince the next heir to take over.”

  “How does one transfer a Queen’s powers?” I asked. “Theoretically speaking, of course.” So I could do it immediately and save myself a whole busload of trouble.

  “I wouldn’t worry about that. I would worry about surrounding yourself with some backup you can trust.”

  “Since I’m Queen I can restore powers right?”


  “Then I have just the team in mind.”