Read Dust to Dust Page 8

I cracked open my bedroom door and peeked out. It was one in the morning, nobody should be up. I’d been holed up in my room for hours and I’d refused to come down and eat so now I was going after sustenance. I’d waited this late because I really did not want to see anyone. Really, I didn’t want to be seen. I’d cried for a while and my face was still puffy and my eyes were red. Basically I looked nasty. But I wanted so badly to get out of that lonely room where I just sat and stared at all my childhood memories, shot to pieces. Literally, shot to pieces.

  I quietly crept down the stairs, still in my cute outfit. I’d slipped on my tennis shoes since I didn’t want to step on a huge splinter and have it go through my foot. That would just be the perfect ending to a perfect day. I paused at the bottom of the stairs. Flynn usually slept on the couch. Since it had probably been shot to pieces who knew where he was. And Cael hadn’t even tried to knock on my door so I didn’t know where he was sleeping either. I didn’t hear anything so I figured it was safe enough to go grab a snack from the kitchen.

  Glass crunched quietly under my shoes but it didn’t matter because within two steps I was in the kitchen. The food in the cabinets likely had splinters in it so I went straight to the fridge. I opened it up and looked over my choices. They were limited. I chewed on my bottom lip. Carrots or… wilted celery. Carrots it is.

  I grabbed the bag of carrots and shut the fridge, turning to flee back to my room. Except when I turned, someone was waiting for me. The bag of carrots dropped to the floor as I clapped my hand over my mouth so I wouldn’t scream and wake everyone up. “What are you doing?” I hissed.

  “I heard someone sneaking around and you were the only one who didn’t eat. I figured now was my best opportunity to talk to you.”

  “Cael, it’s one in the morning. We are standing in the middle of my destroyed kitchen. I think you could come up with a better time.”

  “I’ve decided that I’ll take what I can get. You’ve either been avoiding me or surrounded with everyone else and I really didn’t want to talk about this in front of an audience.”

  I rolled my eyes and sighed. “I don’t want to talk about anything with you at all.”

  “Well, too bad. Take a seat.”

  I made a big production of looking around. “Gee, it looks like our talk will have to wait since all of my kitchen chairs are currently toothpick material.” I bent to pick up my carrots and then went to brush past him. It almost worked.

  Instead he grabbed me around the waist and lifted me up, depositing me on the counter. He hopped up next to me. “So, honey, how was your day?”

  I looked at him incredulously. “Well, Cupcake, it was just wonderful. I just love being chased and shot at. Oh, and getting yelled at by my long lost brother was the cherry on top.”

  “Listen, Cortland, I’m really sorry that I didn’t tell you about Flynn. But he’s been my best friend for ten years and I didn’t want to risk that for you. And I didn’t mean to take things so far today but you’ve got to realize that I saw something in you from the beginning, when you stood up and wiped away the blood from your nose and laughed.”

  “Sarcasm?” I suggested. “Wit?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe. But whatever it was, is, it’s beautiful and it’s you. And I know I probably screwed up my chances with you but I just wanted to apologize and tell you that you’re doing amazing and I will be here whenever you need me.”

  I stared straight ahead. That was a really sweet apology and I’d be a horrible person if I said anything rude to him. But he hadn’t really apologized for not telling me about Flynn. I needed to handle this in an adult fashion. “I’m sorry, Cael,” I said, sliding down from the counter. “But I just can’t trust you anymore.” Chin held high, I made my exit.

  I made it back to my bedroom, closing the door gratefully after me. Being around people all the time sucked majorly. I turned to face my empty room and dropped the bag of carrots again. “Seriously?” I demanded, flipping on my light.

  Flynn was sitting on my bed, the picture frame in his lap. “I needed to talk to you, and apparently you’re not going to leave your room. I heard you sneaking to the fridge and I was going to corner you there, but Cael beat me to it. So I cornered you here.”

  “Uh huh… And what’s stopping me from turning around, opening the door, and leaving?”

  Flynn shrugged. “Because you need to talk to me.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. Then I shook my head. This was not worth it. I would just go to the room Shay, Kendall, and Monty were sharing. They might make me talk about my feelings but they’d wait until morning. I’d twisted the doorknob and was mid-swinging it open when it was forced shut. I turned to glare at Flynn. He hadn’t even moved from his spot on my bed. “Or someone could cheat and literally stop me from leaving,” I said dryly.

  “Listen, Corty…”

  “Don’t call me that,” I said. “My big brother called me that and you are definitely not it.”

  Was that hurt I saw cross Flynn’s face? No. It couldn’t be. “As much as you hate to believe it, I am your big brother. Maybe not in feeling but in blood. You can’t get rid of me. And as much as I hate to dredge up the whole emotion thing, I’m really glad that I found you.”

  “You really could have fooled me,” I said, bending to pick up my carrots. I’d gone through all the trouble to get them and now I’d dealt with two uncomfortable situations. All for these stupid carrots. They’d better be the best carrots I’d ever had or there would be blood. I crunched on one. Eh. What are you going to do about it?

  “Cut me some slack. I was ten years old. All I knew was that my family didn’t come and rescue me. And we all know that I bottle my feelings up so I’ve got a lot of rage. So maybe I threw out some insults that weren’t necessary but dammit, Cortland, I get tossed back into Whisper affairs in the middle of a war and lo and behold my baby sister is right in the middle of it.”

  “So all the hurtful things that you said, that was all your repressed fear and abandonment issues coming to the surface.” This was a load of B.S. if I’ve ever heard it.

  “Pretty much, yeah. But don’t make it sound insincere or like it’s a load of crap. I walked into this house and got blindsided with a picture of my parents and then I look at you and I can totally see you as the little eight year old that used to follow me around. And then I walk around and I see all these pictures of you growing up and having the life that I should have been around for. Don’t get me wrong, Cael and Cam’s parents were great, but they weren’t mine.”

  “I just want to know why you didn’t tell me the moment you walked in here,” I said.

  “Because it was hard.”

  “Bullshit.” I threw a carrot at his face as hard as I could. “Hey, Cortland, I do believe I’m your brother. That was pretty easy.”

  Flynn threw the carrot back at me. I dodged it. Ha. “You think you were the only one to picture the moment our family reunited? I had some pretty good daydreams too and they did not turn out like that. Or this.”

  “Or this,” I echoed. “My daydreams did not involve assassins spilling the beans before they attempted to kill me.”

  “Yeah, that’s always a downer. So… are we good?”

  I walked over and sat next to him. “I don’t know. I’m so confused these days, it’s hard to know which way is up, let alone analyze my feelings.”

  Flynn held my hand. “Well, now that I’m back in business, if you ever need to talk about anything, just let me know.”

  Well, Flynn, I slept with your best friend and at first I regretted it but now I’m thinking he could actually be… Oh god, I was not going to say The One because that would be so tacky and cliché. So, not The One but something close to it. Well, identical really but I had no un-tacky, not a total cliché way to describe it… and it doesn’t matter because I will never in a million years tell this to Flynn.

  The touc
hing brother-sister moment was interrupted by my bedroom door flying open. “Listen Cort, about the whole sleeping together thing, I’ve decided I don’t want to apologize… Oh hell-o Flynn.”

  I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. There goes the momentary truce. “You what?” Flynn asked in a dangerous sounding voice.

  I looked at Cael. “Way to go, genius.”

  After a sleepless and hunger filled night, it was time to face the house. And the people that occupied it. Flynn was no longer speaking to me and Cael couldn’t speak to me for the fear that Flynn would snap and kill him. Cam was avoiding me in case I was still angry about his whole keeping secrets thing. Shayla, Kendall, and Monty were always handy in case I needed back up in giving someone a dirty look. That’s the great thing about best friends. And Asher was just… there. He was the smartest of us all, staying out of the drama.

  “I wish someone could go all Mary Poppins and clean this mess up with a snap of their fingers,” Shayla said, uselessly trying to sweep some of the debris into a pile. It’s impossible to clean when everywhere you looked it was a mess.

  Flynn looked at me. “You haven’t been doing your reading, have you? Busy with other things, I suppose.” He made it clear that he knew what other things I had been doing.

  “I have too been reading. And Cael would quiz me and if I answered wrong I’d do laps or push-ups or other torturous things you would have approved of.”

  “Then you should know how to deal with this.”

  I sighed and rolled my eyes at him. I really wanted this whole ordeal to be over so I could have my normal life back. Ugh, no more boys or assassins or studying or boys. I focused and tried to run over what I’d learned. There had to be some sort of spell or fairy wave or something that would repair the house. Repair. That was it. There’d been a wave that would result in the repairing of anything that was physically broken. One for figuratively broken things would be handy to have around here but alas, I’d use what I had.

  I waved my hands and then took in my handiwork. “Good as new,” I beamed triumphantly. I wish I could say the same thing for my sanity.

  “We need to sit down and figure out our game plan,” Flynn said.

  Cut to all of us sitting down at the kitchen table. I was sitting at the head of the table, across from Flynn. Cael was sitting next to me and every time I glanced at Flynn, Flynn was studying the two of us. It was really creeping me out. Shayla was sitting on the other side of me, prepared to kick Cael under the table. Kendall was sitting next to Flynn, prepared to punch him again. She’d gotten a taste of his blood and now she couldn’t wait for the excuse to knock him out again.

  “So obviously the assassins have kicked the game up to the next level,” Flynn said. “We need to get down to business fast.”

  “I’m glad you call that a game,” Kendall said. “I’m still not sure that there isn’t something underneath the whole thing. It’s just never made sense that Cortland got it.”

  “Yeah, they picked the one Seeker who didn’t have a built in back up system and castle and troops,” Asher said. “Almost like they were rooting for this side to lose.”

  “I resent that deeply,” I said to him. “I am the best in the biz.”

  “You may be the best at Otherworldly hunting but that’s a whole different game than taking on Whisper plots and assassins.”

  “Again, I’m glad it’s all a game to you,” Kendall said.

  “I think they might be on to something,” Cael said. “And there’s only one person who knows everything Whisper related.”

  I looked at him expectantly. Flynn was nodding thoughtfully. “We take Corty and get the details out of Mack.”

  “Who’s Mack?” I asked.

  “Don’t worry about that. Just go find your most intimidating, I’m related to Flynn outfit,” Flynn ordered.

  “What’s wrong with my regular look?” I asked, sounding offended.

  Shayla smirked. “I have just the outfit in mind.”

  I burst out laughing, looking at myself in the mirror. “I would never have thought of this outfit.”

  “That’s why I am the resident stylist,” she said, flipping her dark hair over her shoulder. “Not only do you look hot and intimidating but you’re also secretly mocking the macho men.”

  I turned and assessed myself in the mirror again. “This was definitely the greatest Halloween ever.”

  “Good times,” Shayla smiled. “Good times.”

  I bounded down the steps and Cael and Flynn stopped and looked at me. “I am ready to go.”

  “What do you call that look?”

  “That is her Britney Spears costume. Shayla had the Madonna one. It was popular after that whole ‘Me against the Music,’ video.” Monty paused in her yogurt eating to look me over. She nodded. “It still looks good on you.”

  I smiled at the two guys before me. Flynn looked like he wanted to deck me. Cael looked like he wanted to… never mind. “I can change,” I offered quickly.

  “You’re not changing,” Shayla called from the top of the stairs. “It took me forever to find those suspenders.”

  “We don’t have time for you to change,” Flynn said. “But I sure wish there was a way to make you look less like Britney Spears gone wrong.”

  Cael pursed his lips and stepped into my comfort zone. “Well… definitely lose the hat.” He plucked the stylish black hat from my wild curls and tossed it to the side. “And the hot pink tie.” He reached for the tie, loosening it and pulling it over my head. My pulse jumpstarted as his knuckles grazed my skin and the tie hit the floor. Bad idea, Cort, I admonished myself. This would not be the smartest thing you’ve ever done.

  I stepped around him and looked to Flynn. “Is that better?”

  He looked me over thoughtfully. I was left with my black dress pants, white tank top that cut off just below my belly button, and the black vest that was skin tight. Over that went the black suspenders that crossed my back, where mostly the tank top was visible. And I wasn’t without my signature black heels.

  “You’ll intimidate Mack, so that’s enough. Let’s go,” Flynn held open the door.

  “Have fun,” Monty called.

  “But not too much fun,” Shayla called after us before the door shut.

  “So, how far away is this Mack person?” I asked. Trust me when I say, I was not looking forward to being in the car with my brother and his best friend. After a super awkward conversation last night, I was hoping to be done with ever talking about that fated dance to Britney Spears.

  Flynn looked at Cael as he pulled out his wand. Cael was doing the same. “Not far,” Cael answered nonchalantly.

  “You could have said we were going to Whisper,” I said, pulling out my wand. “Now I feel dumb.”

  “Well, you look dumb so now you match.” Flynn waved his wand and was gone.

  I made a sound of indignation but he was already gone so it was pointless. I rolled my eyes, mostly for my own benefit. “I don’t think you look dumb,” Cael said, taking my hand. “I think you look hot.”

  “Oh dear god,” I said, trying to pull my hand free.

  “I wouldn’t do that since you don’t know where we’re going.”

  “Or you could tell me and then let go of my hand.”

  Cael smiled at me and waved his wand. By the time we appeared next to Flynn he was tapping his foot, looking at us suspiciously. “What took you so long?”

  “You caught me,” I said dryly. “In the two minutes that we took to get here, Cael and I-“

  “Ick,” Flynn cut me off. “Ick, ick, ick. I do not ever want to hear anything about the two of you.”

  Cael was shaking his head at my antics. So what, I’m known to be sarcastic every once in a while. I turned to survey the ramshackle building we were standing outside of. “What is this place?” It looked haunted. Maybe Mack was a ghost.

  “This is the Whisp
er equivalent of a bar,” Flynn said. “Cael and I practically grew up in this place.”

  “Aw,” I said. “How nice.”

  “We have informants, how about you?” Cael asked tauntingly.

  “I beat out the information I need.”

  Flynn grinned at me over his shoulder. “So do we.”

  We stepped into the bar and I almost laughed at the transformation that Flynn and Cael went through. All traces of smiles and laughter disappeared and they seemed to be taller, more sure of themselves. Basically they had a rep here that they were trying to uphold. Instead of ruining it by laughing, I threw my shoulders back and lifted my chin confidently. Flynn glanced at me and there was an imperceptible nod of approval.

  No sooner had we stepped in before a little runty looking thing pushed back from the bar and bolted for a door on the opposite side of the room. “Is that our guy?” I asked as the door slammed shut.

  “Yep. I love when Mack makes it so easy,” Cael said to Flynn.

  Instead of bolting for the door like our informant, Cael and Flynn strode across the bar with purpose, flinging open the door that Mack had just run through. I followed at a more sedate pace, trying to look Queenly. This was like Otherworldly central. I didn’t have a problem with them since they were at the bar tossing back pigs blood instead of munching on people. They all looked at me so I was really glad that I didn’t trip or do anything not graceful.

  I followed Flynn and Cael and almost gagged when I stepped into the little room. “Oh my god, what is this place?”

  “Bathroom,” Flynn answered. “And that little window is where Mack was trying to squeeze through to avoid talking to us.”

  I went around Flynn, Cael, and our captive to open the window wider. I breathed in some of the fresh air. Once my lungs were functioning again I turned to face them. Mack looked like a cross between a slug and a walking pug. He was sickeningly pale and had massive fat rolls that were bursting out of weird seventies pimp suit that he was wearing. His little dog ears stuck out jauntily from the bowl cap that he was wearing. I totally could have worn my hat. His little button nose was wobbling like crazy as he begged like crazy. “Please, don’t hurt me, Flynn.”

  “I’m insulted,” Cael said jokingly. “Aren’t I intimidating?”

  “Let’s cut to the chase,” Flynn said, taking a step towards Mack. “What do you know about the rule of Whisper going to the new girl?”

  “New girl? It didn’t go to a new girl.”

  “Hi,” I waved, trying not to breathe from my nose. “I’m the new girl.”

  Mack sort of choked. I know how he was feeling. This bathroom was like vomit/other bodily fluid central. Heck, there was probably a body in here. I kind of surveyed the room. Yep, that dark corner could totally hide a body. “I didn’t know,” he said quickly. “I don’t know what they’re doing.”

  “Who are they?” Cael asked.

  “They? Did I say they? I don’t know who is involved. I didn’t even know who the powers got transferred to. I heard it was some girl who doesn’t know anything and they said that all she had for back up were her best friends.”

  I was insulted. I know stuff. I know a lot. I did not appreciate being told I was chosen because I didn’t know anything. “Yeah, well, did you know that Cael and I are now her advisors?” Flynn asked, stepping even closer. Obviously Mack had a bubble and Flynn was in it, making him extremely nervous. If some scary guy had me cornered in a dimly lit bathroom that smelled like bodies were already buried in here, I’d be worried too.

  “Well, you must not be advising her very well, bringing her to Whisper like this. They’ve just been waiting for her to step over the realm line. They can’t do anything to her when she’s in the other realm.” I begged to differ. I’d been shot at and chased and kicked. That was not nothing.

  “Who are they, Mack?” Cael asked. “I know you’re not telling me. But ask yourself who is more of a threat…”

  I knew the answer to that one. I would be spilling my guts if Flynn were threatening me. I’d never seen him and Cael like this. They both looked dark and scary. They got into this scary zone and their eyes were on the prize. I was reminded of the cross country’s motto. Trample the weak and hurdle the strong. This was what these guys did. No obstacle stood in their way of getting to the gold.

  “I don’t know who’s involved, really. I know the old Queen is in on it and a couple other nobles. Her Fairy advisor is in on it and some Seekers pretending to be assassins.”

  I narrowed my eyes. I knew that little snippet was evil. She’d always been mean to me.

  “What do they need her for?” Cael asked. “Answer fast, Mack, we need to get her out of here.”

  “Trust me, Cael, they’re already on their way here. They really want their hands on her.”

  “Why?” Flynn asked.

  “I don’t know.” Then he started to sniffle. Okay. Up to this point I’d felt sorry for the little weasel but now I was starting to despise him. “Nobody tells me anything.”

  Flynn pushed him against the wall. “I am really invested in this mission, Mack, so you better tell me the truth. That’s my baby sister, Mack. I really want her to win and I really like to win. You know that. So tell me what the plan is.”

  “Nobody tells me anything,” Mack wailed. “And how am I supposed to know that she’s really your sister.”

  I figured now would be the perfect time to channel my Flynn-ness. Before Flynn and Cael could blink I was shoving past them and I had Mack pinned to the wall, my hand clenched around his throat. For the extra boost in strength I kicked on my Fairy senses so my eyes were glowing menacingly. “How about you tell me what the plan is, since I hear that you hear everything, and I’ll let you walk away.”

  Mack struggled weakly but there’s no stopping me when I get in a mood. “Fine,” he croaked.

  I tightened my grip. “I’m sorry, did you say that you’re going to cooperate? I can’t really hear you.”

  Cael stepped forward and rested his hand on my shoulder. “Cort, I think he’s going to answer our questions now.”

  I merely let go and let Mack drop to the ground. He collapsed into a pile at my feet. “I don’t know much,” he began to sputter.

  I stepped forward. “B-b-b-but I do know that they had to transfer rule to her because there’s this cycle coming around that happens every hundred thousand years or something that will allow Whisper, as a realm, to expand and kill out the other realms. But the only way to do it is to kill the Queen. And the real Queen is in on it and obviously she doesn’t want to get sacrificed so they transferred it to this new girl because they thought she’d be easy to get rid of.”

  I took a step back, a little numb. They were really trying to kill me. And not just one little group, the entire realm. I’d played right into their hands. And if that wasn’t bad enough, killing me would end the rest of the realms. Who knew Fairies could be so flipping evil.

  “Have you heard any way to do the opposite?” Flynn asked Mack.

  “No, that part has been protected. I’m sure there’s some way to not have her die but they’re convinced that this is the time it will work. Something about the Queen having a Seer as a brother.”

  “A seer?” I repeated.

  “You’re the Queen and you don’t know what a Seer is?” Mack looked at me disdainfully.

  “I’ve been a little busy over the years,” I said, wrinkling my nose at him.

  “A Seer is a special type of Guardian who can like, tell the future. He can take certain elements and make it real in a vision.” I was obviously confused. Mack rolled his bulbous eyes at me. “So take you and Cael, for instance. I’m seeing a little something going on there. Flynn looks at the two of you and decides that he wants to see what would happen if you two get married. Then he sees it.”

  I looked at Cael. Flynn looked at Cael. Cael looked at me. “Nah,” we
all said.

  “Why didn’t you tell me this?” I asked Flynn.

  “Because it’s really not that important,” Flynn said. “And I hate doing it.”

  “Listen, I like you guys, I really do, so this is why I’m cutting my interrogation short,” Mack said. “You need to get her out of here. The time is ripening for sacrifice. She shouldn’t have set foot in this realm.”

  “He’s right,” Flynn said. “Let’s hit the road.”

  We stepped out into the bar and knew immediately that something was wrong. The place, which hadn’t exactly been bursting with business before, was completely empty. Not even the bartender was to be seen. “Go,” Flynn said to me. “We’ll hold them off.”

  “But,” I started to protest.


  I pulled out my wand and started to wave it around. Instead of feeling a portal open, it was like I was hitting a brick wall. “There’s something wrong,” I said.

  “Cael, get her back,” Flynn ordered.

  Cael pulled out his wand and grabbed my hand. “Once I touch her the portal goes dark.”

  Mack poked his head out of the bathroom. “The Queen can’t leave Whisper once she’s here.” Then he was gone.

  Flynn swore. “They’ve got to be close. We can’t leave her here.”

  “Yes, you can,” I said, turning to face the two of them. “Mack made it sound like it wasn’t time. They get me and I’m the good captive while they wait for the sacrificial time to roll around. Then you guys do some research, figure out how I turn the tables, and then come save me. It’s the only way.”

  “Or we all stay and make a run for it.”

  “Flynn, it’ll never work. They’ll kill the two of you and then I’m screwed. The only way I make it out of this is if I have the two of you to protect me.” I looked over my shoulder. I could hear the sounds of someone heading this way. “Go home, rally the troops, and get me back.”

  Flynn and Cael were both looking at me reluctantly. Obviously their chivalrous mode was going full blast and leaving the damsel in distress was not part of the package. “Go.” I said. I think what broke Flynn was me giving him a kiss on the cheek. He hugged me, so hard I thought I heard a rib crack, and then he was gone. I turned to Cael.

  “Cort, what if you need healing?” he asked.

  “They’re not going to hurt me,” much. “I’m too important to the plan. But if you stay they’ll get rid of you. Cael, the only way this will work is if you go back now.”

  He clenched his teeth and wrapped his arms around me. “Let the record show that I was totally against this plan.”

  “Then the record will show that I was right.” I stood on tiptoe and kissed him quickly. “Avenge me.”

  “Not funny.” But he was gone.

  Then I turned in time to get darted in the leg. “Was that totally necessary?” I asked Blondie.

  “What’s with your outfit?” she asked, looking me over.

  “What are you, the fashion police?” Then my knees were buckling.

  I came to, in a giant cage. I would say jail cell but this was literally bird caged shape and was a gilded golden color. I was slouched in a throne, leaning against the side. I sat up straight and clutched at my head. That one hurt.

  “Oh look, Sleeping Beauty has awoken.”

  I rolled my head to look at Blondie as she strode in through some big, majestic wooden doors. They slammed shut behind her. “Aww, you think I’m pretty?” I said, using my patented wit.

  “I think you’re a pretty big pain in my butt. But now I’ve won.”

  “I don’t think you’ve won yet,” I argued, dizzily getting to my feet and walking over to the bars of the cage.

  “Says the girl in a cage.”

  “You say cage, I say giant frame to draw attention to me.” The bars of the giant frame were all that was holding me up. Holy hell, I was dizzy.

  She waved her hand at me carelessly. “Whatever. Here’s the deal. All the important Fairy people are going to be showing up for our big event. If you behave, I’ll make your death painless.”

  “That’s really not very good incentive for me to be good.”

  Blondie reached through the bars and slapped me so hard my head was ringing. “That’s a little better,” I said sarcastically.

  I quickly found that my food and treatment was better if I was good and if I kept my sarcastic comments to myself. That last part was pretty hard when they made me change into a whole different outfit. My first night was spent in a dress that was like Tinkerbell gone wrong. It was a dark blue with silver, sparkly swirls that made me feel like I was wearing the Milky Way. The top was strapless and made of a corset-like material. It was stiff and not breathing friendly, especially when the friendly neighborhood assassin tightens it for you. The bottom was layers of veil-like material that was dark and poufy. I hated it.

  I spent my time practically bored out of my mind in the cage while the other Fairy nobles stared at me. I was almost worried to fall asleep but at a certain point I was so tired my eyes wouldn’t stay open. I fell asleep in the throne, my head leaning against the edge of it, my legs draped over the other side. So it wasn’t the most regal way to be seen in public but they wanted to kill me.

  Day two I was chained to a long table and I got to listen to all the nobles blab on and on about their problems. I think my problem trumped theirs. Since I’d been up until the wee hours of the morning I slept most of the day away. And then I was awoken to be dressed up like a life sized doll. This dress was white lace. The part that covered my stomach was see-through, revealing the abs and my not so tan skin. To top that off it was a strapless sweetheart neckline that left little to the imagination and the skirt was barely decent. Whoever was in charge of my wardrobe needed to be fired.

  Again I sat in my gilded cage. This time I started to plan. I’m not the type of girl who sits around and waits to be rescued. If I could get myself out of this, I would. There were more people here tonight, all mingling with each other. There was chatter and laughter and I really so badly wanted to get them all. Instead of making a spectacle of myself I just sat at my throne, still as a stone. I was going to be strong, even if I didn’t make it out of here.

  I was sitting there, staring straight ahead when I caught a glimpse of the back of someone’s head and I did a double take. It had surely looked like Kendall’s dark hair. But it couldn’t be. There was no way that she could have snuck into this party. I’m sure security was tight. A short time later I could have sworn I saw Campbell. I had to be seeing things. Maybe they were drugging me to keep me docile.

  Day three dawned. I was allowed to sit in my cage, still in that hideous lace dress. When there was no one in the room I tried the bars of the cage and tried to loosen the bolts of the door. This thing was pretty secure. The only way I would get out would be through magic. Unfortunately that would make noise and they’d put a stop to my plan. I would need to plan this perfectly.

  Before the hobnobbing that night I was taken back to get dressed. Tonight’s dress actually covered me. It was a floor length ball gown with layers and layers of poof. It was this gorgeous aqua blue that really brought out my eyes. It had sleeves but it was like a one inch layer of fabric that fell off my shoulders anyway. It was tight around my chest and then had an A-line waist line. The train trailed behind me. It was heavy but it was gorgeous.

  That night when I made my entrance at the top of the stairs, I made my entrance. Everyone stopped talking to stare at me. Maybe now they would feel bad that they had been plotting to kill me. Then the band struck up a cheerful song. Or not. I carefully picked my way down the stairs, the dress floating along behind me. I trailed my hand on the wooden banister, feeling like a princess about to meet her prince. But really I was a queen about to meet her fate.

  I was ushered into my cage and I took my spot on the throne. I sat up straight and p
retended to be watching the people dancing. Really I was looking for any of my friends. It had been three days. That was plenty of time to formulate a rescue. There were a couple of times where I thought I caught a glimpse of Monty and once where I thought I saw Asher but nobody got close enough for me to really see. The dancers whirled about merrily, smiling and laughing. At that moment I could truly say that I hated fairies. They all had on masks tonight, like Romeo and Juliet, so their eyes were glowing from behind them. It was creepy.

  One of the dancers, mask in place, was slowly approaching my cage. I sat up slightly, wanting to be ready to duck in case it was someone about to kill me for funsies. I stayed emotionless when I realized that it was Shayla, a pale gold mask over her features. She said nothing, only slid this giant candle closer to my cage. They’d been lighting them next to my cage this entire time but I hadn’t really seen them as helpful. Without a single giveaway Shayla turned and walked back to the dancers.

  I was wracking my brain for what that candle could do for me. I couldn’t get it through the cage. It could take years for it to weaken the bars of the cage. So that meant it had magical importance. This was obviously a Flynn plan. He was testing me while trying to save me. Jerk. Okay, Cort, focus. Fire, what was fire to a Fairy? It was an elemental and could be handled by those of its line or the… I bit back my smile. Only the queen could handle fire. Once I touched the flame I would have complete control of it.

  I kept still and formed my own plan. Four steps and I could reach the flame. Then I would hopefully be able to melt through the bars of the cage and keep the rest of the fairies off of me. But then I was at a blank because I had no idea which way to go. This dress would really slow me down but with fire under my control, I was pretty sure I could handle them.

  Well… no time like the present. I stood up and saw Blondie, clad in a little black dress, head in my direction. Oh goodie. She knew I was up to something and started shoving her way through the dancers. But I was already at the edge of the cage, within reach of the candle’s flame. It really went against everything I’d ever been taught about fire but I reached out and stuck my hand in the open flame. It didn’t hurt.

  I pulled my hand back and watched as the flame just rolled over my hand. Cool. I aimed it at the bars of my cage. Nothing. And Blondie was getting closer. I closed my eyes and allowed myself two seconds to panic. When that was over I opened my eyes and the flame on my hand was gone. But the tattoo on my wrist was glowing. I pointed my hand at the cage again and visualized it on fire and melting and it happened. Ha.

  I stepped through the gaping hole and stopped to pull my dress off when it got stuck on the bars. Blondie was running towards me. I pointed my hand at her and visualized flames. Blondie screamed and fell back. I just opened fire then, aiming fire at random things. The rest of the fairies were screaming and milling around and generally getting out of my way. I ran for the door I’d seen the waiters using all night. Of course that led to the kitchen. I ran through that, my dress trailing behind me.

  I didn’t hear any sounds of pursuit but that didn’t mean they weren’t following. I used my fairy vision to follow the thickest dust trails, thinking that it would lead me to some stairs to get me the heck out of here. I followed the dust trail through a door and suddenly I was assaulted with a wind.

  “I’m on a ship?” I asked. I was on a ship. And I was pretty far up on this deluxe cruise. The water below looked like glass it was so still. I’d heard of this lake. It was called the Crystal Springs. When a queen died her body was brought here and dipped into the water. When the body was brought back out it was glass. I really didn’t want to go swimming in that but I might have no choice.

  I was out on the main deck and people were milling about. Someone saw me and yelled something. I aimed a flame at the table nearest them and it went up in flames. Unfortunately it caught the sail next to it on fire. My bad. I aimed some more flames at random places and raced to the edge. I looked around frantically for something to save me.

  By now I was super ticked that none of my friends had stuck around to make sure I got out. I was in a dress. A heavy dress. And now the ship was on fire. I needed a smaller boat to make my getaway. I looked over my shoulder. Blondie’s Guardian was heading my way. Down we go.

  I grabbed hold of a rope and swung myself over the rail. I lowered myself down about two deck levels and then raced for the other side. And that was a mistake. From the other side I could see shore. It was a distance off, but at least I could see it. On this side there was no shore to be seen. I heard yells from above and things falling. Fire crackling. I needed to get off this ship. There were stairs at the far end of this deck. Maybe if I could get to them… I took off in that direction and quickly turned back when Blondie’s Guardian came racing down them. He moved fast.

  I was screwed. I couldn’t fight in this. And the fire could kick out of my system any minute now. There was one way out of this. I threw myself over the side again, grabbing for the rope. I had to stop and tear my dress when it got caught on something. Then I was lowering myself down the rope, hoping to get closer to the water before I had to drop into it.

  The Guardian came to the edge when I was just out of reach. I looked up at him, and he grinned. “Well, Queenie, enjoy the water. I hear that it’s cold this time of year.” Then he cut the rope.

  I plummeted, silently, to the water below. For a moment my breath was knocked out of me at the shock of hitting the water so hard and the coldness of it. I stayed under for a moment, swimming blindly, just trying to get away from the ship. The water was so cold. It felt like tiny needles were being jabbed into my skin. I broke the surface, gasping for air. My teeth were chattering. Great. I had escaped certain death at the hands of my captors and now I would freeze to death in a pond.

  My dress was really weighing me down so I was awkwardly trying to swim around the ship so I could get to shore. And then I started thinking. That shore was closest so everyone would be heading in that direction. After floating in this giant case of hypothermia I would be in no shape to fight off anyone. A toddler could probably take me down. So I turned and headed in the other direction.

  I don’t know how long I was in that water before I found a floating log. My arms, which I’d lost feeling in a while ago, wrapped around it in a death grip. I pulled myself half out of the water and just mechanically kicked my legs. The log was awkward and it really slowed me down but it was keeping my face out of the water. I was so cold.

  Eventually I stopped kicking and I didn’t even realize it. My thoughts were just hazy and all over the place. I don’t even know how I managed to hang onto the log but I did. I was fighting to keep my eyes open because I knew if they closed they would stay closed. There were beads of ice on my eye lashes and my hair was frozen in weighed down curls. My bangs were stuck in my face, frosted over. I just wanted to give up.

  To keep myself awake I started singing. As morbid as it was I was softly singing “If I Die Young.” I thought I saw shore so I halfheartedly started kicking again. I didn’t think I’d ever be warm again. But I wanted to get out of this water. I got closer and I saw that it was a shore. It was a bunch of rocks, piled everywhere. I could make it now.

  The log was slowing me down so I carefully let it go, almost crying out when I had to straighten my fingers. They were white, so white I thought I was dead already. I awkwardly swam, heading for those rocks. I finally reached shore. I grabbed a handhold on the rock that tilted into the water and used it to pull myself up onto shore. My entire body felt so heavy. I crawled and dragged myself until my body was out of the water. The train of my dress still trailed in it but I didn’t care.

  Instead of getting warmer my body seemed to be getting colder. I wanted to cry but I think my tears were frozen behind my eyes. All I wanted was to sleep. My eyes were struggling to stay open but it was so hard. I tur
ned my head and looked to the side. I could see my pale hand, palm to the sky, the pale wing tattoo seeming so stark against my white skin. “Stupid. Tattoo,” I said.

  It was too much effort to turn my head back so I continued to look at my hand. My breathing sounded funny. Offhandedly I was wondering why I couldn’t see my breath. If I was this cold, my breath should be a mist. I nonchalantly started singing again. This time it was Britney Spears.

  “She is so lucky…but why does she cry?”

  I could hear someone moving in the distance. In the back of my mind I knew I should be worried about that but I couldn’t make myself move. I just continued to sing. “If there is nothing…missing in her life why do tears come at night?” What were the rest of the words? Huh. Oh well. “I must confess… that my loneliness…”

  Suddenly Cael was there. “Cortland,” I heard him say. He practically fell to his knees beside me. He grabbed my cold hand. “Cortland.”

  I turned my head to look at him. It took a lot of effort. “Cold,” I said, my teeth chattering.

  “I know, baby, I know. Just hang on. I’m going to get you home and then Flynn and the others will be right after us.”

  “Home?” I asked, teeth chattering. I was so cold.

  I saw Cael take out his wand and wave it around. Suddenly I wasn’t lying on a cold rock, I was on my comfy bed. Oh, how I’d missed this thing. I tried to curl up in a ball but my legs weren’t cooperating. Cael released my hand and I reluctantly let go. Then he stretched out beside me, pulling me close. I snuggled against him, reveling in the warmth. I could feel his heart beating as the blood began to warm up and flow through my body. It especially hurt in my fingers so I clenched them on his shirt.

  I knew in the back of my mind that he was healing me, warming me up faster. He was stroking my thawing out hair and talking quietly. “I can’t believe you burnt down that ship. I was supposed to grab you when you got out of the cage but you started throwing fireballs left and right and I had to duck and cover. Kendall followed you out of the kitchen and said she just saw you go over the side. She thought you ducked in the water then so she headed back to our escape boat. Then we all spread out on shore to find you. Shayla said you’d head for the farthest side and that’s where I found you.”

  “Shay knows everything.”

  “That she does. I am so glad that I found you because you scared ten years off of my life. I thought you were dead and I…”

  “Cael!” A door slammed shut downstairs. “Cael! Cortland!”

  “We’re up here, Shayla,” Cael yelled back down. “Are you okay now?” he asked me.

  I took a second to assess my appendages. I could bend and unbend my fingers without crying and I could feel everything else. “Yeah,” I said. “Help me up so she doesn’t get worried that I’m worse off than I am.”

  Cael helped me sit up even as I could hear Shay’s footsteps pounding up the stairs. I no sooner sat up before she threw herself at me, hugging me with so much force we both fell backwards. “Don’t ever do that to me again,” she ordered. “I thought I was going to have to find a new twin. Do you know how few naturally curly haired girls there are around here?”

  “Shayla,” Cael cut in. “Do you think you could let her breathe?”

  “Sorry,” she apologized. She hopped to her feet. I was still a little too frozen to manage that so I helplessly waved my hands around in the air above me. Cael and Shay jumped to help me sit back up.

  “Cortland!” There was another yell from below. “Cael!”

  “Why are they all so sure that you found her?” Shayla asked Cael as he held me steady as I rose to my feet.

  “Maybe because they doubt that your attention span allows you to find someone since they’ve seen you at work here.”

  “I resent that.”

  I shook my head. They were bickering like siblings. Speaking of siblings, I could hear mine yelling my name downstairs. Cael had a steadying arm around my waist as we walked down the hall to the stairs. “Let me walk from here,” I said to him. “I don’t want to scare them.”

  He took a step back but I knew if I faltered the slightest bit he would be at my side in a second. It was annoying and comforting at the same time. My friends were all clustered at the bottom of the stairs, looking concerned, as I started down. I was three steps from the bottom when Shayla accidentally stepped on the train of my dress and I tripped and fell forward. Luckily Flynn was there to catch me.

  “Corty, you are never allowed to do that again,” he said, crushing me in a hug. “And not only because it was stressful and Kendall and Shayla threatened my life.”

  “You’re hogging the queen,” Kendall punched his arm. He released me and stepped out of her way. “Or beauty pageant contestant. Nice dress, Cort.”

  “Like I picked this out,” I said. “And it’s better than last night’s dress.”

  “I like this one,” Monty gave me a hug. “You look very regal.”

  “How did you guys get me out? I thought I couldn’t get back through the realm.”

  “Flynn found a bylaw that said the queen could leave if she was wounded,” Cam said.

  “But how were you sure that I was going to be hurt?” I was still confused.

  “We had tricks up our sleeve,” Kendall grinned at me.

  I was kind of weirded out. I looked at Shay. “Kendall was going to cut you,” she informed me.

  I looked at Kendall with a mildly horrified look. “A small cut. It was going to barely qualify as a cut,” she said comfortingly. Then to herself, “I really was looking forward to it.”

  “I’m going to go upstairs before I get cut,” I announced. “Plus I could really use some sleep in a position that isn’t sitting up in a throne.” Ah, my nice soft bed. And my warm blanket. I was so going to sleep for about thirteen point three hours.

  I closed the door after my dress and went to stand in front of the mirror. I looked at myself. My dark hair was curling loosely on my shoulders, a striking red against the blue dress. My eyes seemed bigger than usual. I tilted my head. I could totally pass as a queen. I was almost pretty. And I was almost sad to take the dress off.

  There was no give in that dress. It was loosen the corset ties in the back or stay in this dress forever. Unfortunately the straps were at that awkward spot on my back where I couldn’t reach it, no matter how I bent my arms. I was twisted, trying to use the mirror to my advantage so I could stop accidentally pulling my hair when I thought it was the strap, but there was no way I was getting out of this dress myself. I sighed and turned to exit my room to ask Shay for assistance.

  Before I could reach the door it quietly opened and Cael stepped in. “I thought you would be asleep by now,” he said.

  I made a face, trying to reach the strap with one hand. “I can’t get this stupid thing untied. That blonde ho of an assassin tightened it so I can barely breathe.”

  Cael smiled at me and motioned for me to turn around. “You know, I think this whole ordeal would be a lot worse if you and Shay didn’t have such awesome senses of humor.”

  “Victory,” I said as I turned. “I’m going to have to tell Shay that you admitted that you like us.”

  “I happen to like you a lot more,” he said seriously. “Could you get your hair out of the way?”

  I obligingly reached around and pulled my hair to the side so he could unknot the straps. “So…” I began, twirling a curl with my finger. “You really like me?” God, I felt like I was back in junior high.

  “Yes, Cort, I really like you. Leaving you behind was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. There’s just something about you that drew me in and now that I know you better, I just want to know more. I’m aware that Flynn isn’t totally sure about his best friend being serious about his little sister but I’m prepared to deal with him. And after tonight, seeing you lying there like that… You looked so serene and bea
utiful and I honestly thought you were dead. And then I got hit with some emotions that I am still assessing.” He was slowly untying the little ribbons, about halfway down my back. I could probably get out the dress by now but I was basking in being close to him.

  “That does sound serious,” I said. “I don’t know how I feel about that.”

  Cael put his hands on my shoulders and turned me around. “I can bring you around to my way of thinking.”

  “Really?” I asked, a smile playing at my lips.

  Cael leaned down and rested his forehead against mine. “I’m pretty confident.” His pretty grey eyes were staring into mine. I could see the smile in them. And it hit me that Cael was one of the most beautiful people that I’d met. Cliché or not, what was inside was like an explosion of fireworks, ready to make someone stop and stare. He was funny, serious, hardworking, and he honestly wanted to help people.

  I stood on my tiptoes. “I’m pretty confident too.”

  Cael suddenly swept me off my feet. “I like confidence in a girl.” He turned and flipped the light off and… well, a girl doesn’t kiss and tell.

  The worst feeling in the world is when you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep. You’re so tired and sleep would be a state of bliss but there’s so much on your mind. The darkness presses in around you, the silence so horribly loud. There’s no escape because you’re the only one awake. And unfortunately, tonight I had a lot of things on my mind. As always there was the whole Seeker thing weighing on me, with the added bonus of being Whisper’s most wanted. Then there was finding Flynn and trying to figure out how to be a little sister again. And then Cael.

  I rolled to my side and watched Cael. Breathe in, breathe out. With the light from the full moon washing across his face he looked so striking. His face couldn’t have been more perfect if Michelangelo had chiseled it out of stone. I knew if I woke him up he would talk me through this waking nightmare. But I didn’t want to wake him. Everyone in this house had earned this sleep. I wasn’t going to ruin it.

  I silently sat up and slid out of the bed, slipping into my robe. I grabbed the first book I felt on my bookshelf and quietly crept to my door. I opened it without a creak and stepped into the hall. I cracked the door and padded down the hall to my bathroom. I turned on the dim light and closed the door. I sat on the edge of the tub while I ran the water as quietly as possible. I poured in some lavender bath oil, hoping that would relax me. I settled in the warm water and opened my book.

  Normally this would calm me, get rid of the worries that were plaguing me, even in my dreams. But not tonight. There was only one thing to do.

  I drained the bath water and dried off. I opened up the cabinet underneath the sink and grabbed the extra clothes I keep in here. Sometimes Otherworldly hunting required me to go directly to the shower, not allowing me to get untainted clothes. This cabinet was pretty much always stocked. I pulled on some sweats and a baggy t-shirt that I’d gotten from the last concert I’d gone too. The steam from the bath water had frizzed out my hair so I quickly put that in a low, sloppy bun.

  I tiptoed down the stairs, trying to avoid the creaky parts. I knew it was stupid of me to want to go outside and sit on the porch swing but that’s what had gotten me through my really bad nightmares in the past. Occasionally my mom or dad would hear me sneaking out there and would come out and sit with me but tonight it would only be me. Or I thought it would be.

  I paused around the corner of the living room, where I knew Flynn was sleeping. He had supersonic hearing. And if he caught me sneaking outside alone he’d kill me himself. I peeked around but all I could see was blackness. My eyes kind of adjusted and I saw a lump on the couch, not moving. Okay, he was asleep.

  I quickly stepped past that doorway and crept down the short hall to the front door. It was locked of course, and I held my breath as I flipped it, that little click so loud in the night. I froze, my hand still on the lock, waiting for Flynn to descend on me like the plague. Nothing. I put my hand carefully on the doorknob and I twisted ever so slowly… “What are you doing?”

  My heart tripled in speed as I spun around. “You almost just gave me a heart attack.”

  “You almost just gave me a heart attack. I just hear the door start opening and everyone is supposedly asleep so my mind immediately jumps to bad guy.” Flynn lightly shoved me. “We just get you back and already you’re trying to get taken.”

  “I couldn’t sleep,” I explained. “When I can’t sleep I go out and rock on the porch swing to calm down.”

  Flynn reached around me and locked the door again, dead bolting it. “Well, until we get this whole thing settled, you’re going to have to settle for the nature channel and rocking in the recliner.”

  He led me to the previously mentioned recliner. I sat in it and almost laughed when he really did turn it to the nature channel. Unfortunately it was a hunting show so he quickly flipped it while I hid my eyes. “Maybe a movie?” he suggested.

  “Can I ask you something?” I asked, curling my legs up on the recliner.


  “Why do you go by Flynn?”

  He smiled, almost imperceptibly. “When Cael and Cam’s parents’ first got me, I was pretty upset. Every time I went in to a room, their mom or dad would ask how I was feeling. Cam caught on to it but he was only six, so it quickly got shortened. Then he thought it was my name. It just stuck.”

  He picked a movie that sounded innocent from its title but quickly turned into a slasher film. There was something I’d been dying to ask him. I just didn’t know if I wanted to hear the truth or not. “Cael and Cam’s family. Were they-?”

  “They were great,” he answered. “Cael and Cam were fun to grow up with. They just weren’t my family.” He volunteered to change the channel again but I was already attached to the characters and wanted to know who survived. I did end up moving to sit next to him on the couch. Even though the girl on screen was being stalked by the killer I found that my eyes were getting heavier and heavier. I stretched out on my side, propping my head on the arm of the couch. Before I knew it I was pretty much out of it.

  I was just on this side of dreamland when I heard someone fly down the steps and past the living room. I had a pretty good idea who it was. Quick, fall asleep.

  “Cael,” Flynn called.

  “Can’t talk now,” Cael said. “I think I might have lost your sister.”

  “She’s right here.”

  I heard the front door shut and then sensed that Cael was in the room. He sighed loudly. “She is extremely sneaky. And prone to instigating heart attacks.”

  “Don’t I know it? She wanted to go sit outside and sit in the porch swing but I convinced her to sit in here and relax.”

  Cael paused. “By watching a horror film?”

  “She seemed to enjoy it. Before her eyes started closing she was commenting on the plot and the acting.”

  I sensed Cael settle on the floor in front of me. “So what is this movie about?” Then I was truly asleep.

  I woke up with the sun on my face, stretched out on the couch. Someone had settled a blanket over me during the night. The TV was off and the living room was empty. I lay still for a few more minutes, relishing in the rested feeling. This feeling was bound to wear off.

  I sat up and stretched, feeling all the bones pop back into place from a snooze on the couch. I could smell fresh coffee. The kitchen was the place to be. I got to my feet and ambled to the kitchen.

  I could hear two deep voices talking seriously. The last part is what narrowed it down. Serious meant Cael and Flynn. I was almost curious enough to eavesdrop around the corner but I really wanted that coffee. All I caught was “Dark red hair,” before I breezed in.

  “Who has dark red hair?” I asked as I picked up Cael’s coffee cup and took a sip. I made a face and put it back on the table.

?You do,” Flynn answered. He and Cael watched as I poured my own cup of coffee and flavored it to my liking. “Would you like some coffee with that sugar?”

  I stirred the coffee and took a sip. “Nope. This is perfect.”

  Flynn eyed me. “Your teeth are going to rot out of your head.”

  “But at least I will have been happy,” I said, taking another sip.

  “Speaking of happy, I would be much happier if I hadn’t woken up in the middle of the night to find my Seeker missing,” Cael made a move to slap the back of my head. I blocked absently with one hand and sipped from my coffee with the other. “Warn a guy next time.”

  “I didn’t want to wake anyone up,” I said. “Everyone looked so tired.”

  “We’re also worried,” Flynn pointed out. “But now I’m more worried because my little sister doesn’t want to put any one out so she tries to go off by herself.”

  “I can handle myself,” I sang, grabbing for the newspaper.

  Cael slid it out of my reach. “We’re not saying that. We’re saying that everyone needs to be cautious.”

  “This whole tag teaming the overprotectiveness is kind of making me sick,” I said frankly. “Can we be done now?”

  “No, Miss Snotty,” Flynn said. “I’m your big brother and I want you to stay safe and running around by yourself at night is not the way to do that.”

  “And I’m your… I… You…” I raised my eyebrow at Cael. It’s good to know that I’m not the only one who finds this relationship thing confusing. “You’re a girl. I have this overwhelming urge to protect you and you’re making it very difficult.”

  I felt my face turn to stone as I looked at the two of them, looking down at me. I so badly wanted to toss my coffee in someone’s face but I didn’t want to burn their retinas or something. I calmly took another sip of my coffee. Lukewarm. It wouldn’t cause much damage. Now I just had to figure out who I wanted to toss my coffee at more. Eenie, meenie, miney… Throw.

  I pushed back from the table and stomped for the door. I bumped into Kendall and Shayla as they came into the kitchen. Shayla looked over my shoulder at Cael’s dripping face-Cael’s livid dripping face- and then focused on me. “Do you need to talk?”

  “Yes, take her,” Flynn said, fighting back the laugh. “Stick with her please.”

  Shayla and Kendall turned and followed me out the front door. “Why did Cort just toss coffee in Cael’s face?” Kendall asked Shayla.

  “I don’t know,” Shayla said. She sped up to catch up to me. “Cort, why did you toss coffee at Cael?”

  I had quickly covered the ground to the barn so I swung the door open. “Because he called me a girl.”

  Kendall gasped. “Oh, how dare he?”

  I glared at her as Shayla asked, “Isn’t that a good thing?”

  I whirled around, looking for something to take this anger out on. Punching bag. That would do it. “No,” I said as I kicked the punching bag. “It’s not a good thing.”

  “I am so lost,” Kendall said, standing behind the punching bag to hold it steady.

  Shayla, her best friend role down to an art form, wasn’t lost. “What would you want him to describe you as?”

  I furiously punched the bag. I was going to be lucky if I didn’t end up breaking my knuckles. “I don’t know,” I said. “Girlfriend? True love? Hell, I would have settled for Seeker.”

  “Wait,” Kendall popped her head around the punching bag. “Are you and Cael-?”

  I nodded at her. “Catch up,” Shayla said to her. “So, why don’t you talk to him?”

  “We talked a little last night. He said he could see things getting serious and that leaving me in Whisper was the hardest thing he’d ever had to do and that he still had some feelings he was assessing.”

  “This is a tough one,” Kendall said, abandoning the punching bag. I did the same. The three of us took a seat on the floor in the middle of the training room. “It could be the kiss of death and that was him putting you off, stringing you along, however you want to put it.”

  “Like him giving you a promise ring when we all know you want an engagement ring,” Shayla used a comparison. “But it could also be that he is really serious about you but that was him getting cold feet.”

  “It’s not my fault,” I said sullenly. “Why did he have to call me a girl?”

  “Because he’s confused. And he probably doesn’t know how to describe you or how you want to be described so he settled for the easy road.”

  “And you coffee-d him,” Kendall said.

  “He was being a jerk.”

  “I’m sure Flynn was being a jerk but you didn’t toss hot coffee in his face,” Shayla said.

  “It was lukewarm,” I said defensively. “I checked before I tossed it in his face.”

  “Well, if that isn’t love, I don’t know what is,” Kendall said dryly. “Seriously, why did no one tell me that Cortland and Cael were an item.”

  “There were bigger things going on,” Shayla said to her. “Like a war between realms and our best friend getting kidnapped. We got shot at and chased and you were hiding out in an attic while I was finding out.”

  Kendall’s eyes widened. “Oh. That day. I was wondering about the way Cael was acting that day.”

  “Honestly, guys, I don’t know what to do,” I said, falling backwards dramatically. That gave me the perfect view of the Whisper grenade that shattered the glass window in the tack room turned armory. Kendall and Shayla leaned over to look quizzically at what had just happened. The three of us realized the implications of that little top spinning around, smoke whizzing out of it. Simultaneously we jumped to our feet and raced for the door.

  I know it was kind of rash to run out the door, with the likelihood that there was someone out there waiting to kill us as we did this very escape but a maybe death at the hands of an assassin was better than a sure death of being blown up by a Whisper grenade. Kendall was ahead of me, the track star that she was, and I was making sure Shayla didn’t stumble. She got clumsy at the worst possible times.

  We made it almost fifteen feet away when there was this muted boom. The barn exploded. I sort of got tossed at Kendall and Shay, knocking us to the ground. I had my arms pressing those two down, my face pressed into the dirt because I did not want to see what was falling towards us.

  It was probably over within a minute or less but it seemed to last forever. Why was nothing raining down on us? I lifted my face from the ground and saw that there were weapons scattered all around us. I was having a little trouble hearing. I could hear screams, but it was like they were really far away. I looked at Kendall and Shay and saw that they had their hands over their ears and they were screaming. That hit me hard. Through all of the horrifying, scary stuff that we’d seen and been through, I’d never seen these two scream. Then I focused on myself. I was screaming too.

  It sort of clicked in our brains then that we were still alive so the screams died down. “Holy! Shit!” Kendall shrieked, pushing herself up. “They tried to blow us up!”

  Shayla was just breathing deeply, eyes closed, as she rolled onto her back. I pressed my face into the ground. I heard the front door slam open, so I looked up. “Cortland!” Cael yelled, sprinting for us.

  Shayla crooked her eyes over at me. “I’m no expert, but I think he loves you.” Kendall nodded and slapped my back.

  Cael practically slid the last five feet, grabbing me by the arms. “Holy. Shit.” He kissed my eyelids, my cheeks, and then my lips. “You almost just got blown up,” he said between them.

  “Could you stop kissing my sister?” Flynn demanded as he helped Kendall to her feet. “What the hell happened?”

  “We were sitting there, talking, when the window in the tack room shatters and a Whisper grenade started spinning around. We got the hell out and ended up here.”

  Monty came sprinting out, carrying the first aid kit that we keep
under the kitchen sink. “Is anyone hurt?”

  “No,” Shayla said. “That’s the weird part. We were running and then KABOOM. Then we’re flat on the ground and stuff is falling all around but none of it was hitting us.”

  “By rights we should look like pincushions,” I said, gesturing at the dagger to my right.

  “There was some sort of shield around you,” Asher said. “I heard the explosion and looked out the window and I could see the weapons and wood falling towards you and then bouncing off.”

  “Must be something to do with being Queen,” Flynn said.

  “Where’s Cam?” I asked.

  “He’s out doing recon, making sure whoever did this hit the road.”

  Cam jogged around the house. “There’s no sign of them. Everyone okay here?”

  “I’m just fabulous,” I said sarcastically, getting to my feet. I started to wave my hand to repair the barn, much like I’d repaired my house, but stopped at the panicked look on Flynn’s face. I paused. “What?”

  “You might not want to do that when we’re all surrounded by weapons and shards of wood.”

  I pondered that. “Perhaps.”

  Once we’d all moved out of the way, I did the spell. Within seconds that barn was standing again, the weapons no longer littering my yard. “That is one handy incantation,” I said to Flynn. “And as much as I love the satisfaction of a job well done, it doesn’t take away from how I’m totally pissed off.”

  “No one tries to blow me to smithereens and gets away with it,” Shayla said.

  Kendall cracked her knuckles. She got that scary, in the zone look that made me feel lucky that I was playing on her side. “Please tell me that we’re not going to take this sitting down.”

  Flynn got this narrow, dangerous smile that made me feel even luckier to be fighting on this side. “Now we’re taking the fight to them.”

  -Chapter 8-