Read Dutch the Diver; Or, A Man's Mistake Page 16



  There was a silence almost awful, affecting those on board so that theyspoke in whispers; but every now and then some strange howl or wild crymade sailors and passengers start, and listen again for the weirdwhispers and noises that arose.

  The solemnity of the scene had its effect on the men, who gatheredtogether talking of supernatural visitations, haunted ships, and theghosts of the old buccaneers who watched over their buried treasure,till they were all more or less infected with fear; and the squintingsailor expressed his opinion that no good would come of meddling withwhat was evidently meant to lie buried, he was sure--a declaration thatexcited the laughter of Tonio, who ended by calling him a cowardly fool.

  Meanwhile, on deck the excitement of being at last so near the goal oftheir hopes kept the leaders of the expedition from seeking their cots,and Dutch was gazing thoughtfully at the breaking sea falling back in amurmur in golden foam, when he started, for a little cold hand was laidupon his, and he found that Hester was by his side.

  "What do you want?" he said, coldly; but his voice had lost its formerharshness.

  "My husband to tell me that he believes and trusts me once again," shesaid, piteously. And she sank on the deck to embrace his knees.

  Dutch Pugh was a stern man, but he could not long resist this appeal.He had fought against the piteous glances now for many days. He hadturned a deaf ear to Bessy Studwick's rebukes and insistance uponHester's innocence; but now, in the soft darkness of that tropic night,in the silent grandeur of that mysterious sea, he felt his heart beatwildly with its old love. But there was that damning scene that he hadwitnessed from the garden seeming to rise up like a grim shadow betweenthem, and, with a sigh, he raised her and led her weeping to the cabinstairs.

  "Good-night, Dutch, dear Dutch," she filtered, clinging to his arm.

  "Good-night, Hester," he said, coldly.

  "Pray, pray do not let us part like that," she whispered. "Dutch, dearDutch, if you could only read my heart, you would know how unkind areyour suspicions, how cruel to me. Let me explain. Question me--anything."

  "Good-night," he said. "Go down below. I will not have a scene here."

  "I will obey you, Dutch," she said, quietly, as by a great effort shemastered her emotion. "Some day, dear, you will find out the truth.Till then I will wait patiently and unchanging. Don't be angry with mefor coming. I should have died if you had left me behind."

  She spoke with so sweet a pathos in her voice that Dutch's heart beatpainfully, and the words were on his lips to say, "Come to me, darling,I do believe you;" but they were not spoken, for she slowly descendedthe stairs to the cabin, leaving him gazing wistfully after her. Then,walking to the side, he leaned his head upon his hands, praying in thebitterness of his heart that this painful time might end, and listening,as it were, to adverse promptings of his spirit, seeming to hear thesweet innocency of her life proclaimed to him on the one side, while onthe other, in hateful repetition, came the scenes he had witnessed, thedreamy vision, the strange alteration in her manner, Laure's triumphantsneers, and the shadow on the blind.

  "If heaven had but given me the strength of mind that has been given tomy outward frame, I could have been happy," he groaned.

  "If you lean there and doze, so close to these forests, friend Pugh, weshall have you down with fever," said the captain, laying his hand uponhis shoulder.

  Dutch started up, for he had not heard him approach.

  "I was only thinking," he said, hastily.

  "I know what about, Pugh; and, from what my girl Bessy has said to me, Ishould like to talk to you. But I can't help feeling that matters arecoming right without my interfering. There, I'll say no more. I onlywanted to have a chat with you quietly. I've been talking to Parkley,and I wanted to tell you that I have made the strictest arrangements forguarding against surprise. Regular watch will be kept, just as if wewere at sea; for, of course, before long it is probable that we may havemany thousand pounds' worth of metal on board. But at the same time Ithink we have circumvented the enemy."

  "You have seen nothing to excite your suspicions, then," said Dutch.

  "No. Nor you?"

  "Nothing whatever."

  "That's well; but, all the same, we will not relax our watchfulness.Parkley and the doctor have both promised, and you must do the same."

  "What is that?"

  "Whenever you wake in the night, get up and come and have a turn roundthe deck. It will keep the men well to their work if they feel that atany time they may be overhauled."

  "What was that?" said Dutch, softly; and he laid his hand upon thecaptain's arm.

  They both stood listening intently, and gazing in the direction whencethe sound had come.

  The night was now intense in its darkness, and for reasons of theirown--being, of course, far out of the track of ships--no lights whateverwere shown; even those in the cabins were out, or so arranged that theywould not attract attention if a wandering savage should have drawn uphis canoe on the beach. The stars glittered overhead, but the greaterpart of the sky was overcast, and the heat seemed to portend a storm;but all was perfectly still, except the low, soft wash of the water asit broke upon the sands, and bathed them with the pale goldphosphorescence.

  "I heard nothing," said the captain, softly. "I'm afraid, Dutch Pugh,that we have frightened ourselves rather too much. All we need fear nowis the weather. Perhaps we might have a little trouble with the Indiansif they found us out; but we could easily keep them at bay."

  "I certainly heard an unusual sound," replied Dutch. "Let's walkquietly forward."

  They walked towards the bows, and as they did so a dark figure that hadbeen lying a couple of yards from Dutch, close beneath the bulwarks,glided softly away, like some huge snake. So dark was it that it washard to distinguish the outlines, and to trace where the figure went,while its movements were so silent that the two watchers saw nothing.

  They went and spoke to the man leaning over the bows, who proved to beDick Rolls.

  "Heard anything?" said the captain, going up so silently that the manstarted.

  "Lord's truth, capen, don't do that!" he exclaimed, in an injured tone."It's skeary enough here listening to the things creeping about in thewood there. No, I ain't heard nothing else."

  "Keep a sharp look-out," said the captain, and the man uttered a growl.

  Walking softly aft, they found the man on the watch to be Bob Lennie,who was seated on the bulwarks, making a sort of humming noise tohimself, under the impression that he was singing. He, too, allowedhimself to be so closely approached that they almost touched him beforehe spoke.

  "No," he said, slowly, "I ain't seed nor heered anything; only thelights over yonder in the woods, and the black things crawling in andout of the water where that there patch o' yaller sand is."

  "You must have been mistaken, Pugh," said the captain. "All's right;let's go and turn in."

  Dutch followed him down the cabin stairs, and the deck was left to thewatch.

  For quite half an hour all was perfectly still, except when some strangeforest cry arose, and then two figures stole softly out from under thebulwarks, and went forward, to find that Dick Rolls had joined hisfellow-watcher for company's sake.

  That was sufficient. The next minute the falls were seized, and thelittle dingy which hung from the davits was softly lowered into thewater; two men slid down the ropes, unhooked the boat as it rose withthe swell, and, without attempting to use the sculls, let the currentdrift them slowly away into the bank of darkness that closed the vesselround.

  Before dawn every man was on deck waiting for the rising of the sun, forthere was not one who did not look forward with great excitement to thecoming day, which might bring large wealth to some, and to all anincrease of pay, besides which there was a certain fascination in thesearch. The mystery and uncertainty of the adventure had their charms,while to the more ignorant there was a thrill of excit
ement in thesuperstition with which their minds mingled the project. Those who hadin their lives toiled hard to obtain the treasure must, they felt,return to the place in spirit where it was lost, and try to guard itfrom sacrilegious touch.

  The subject had been well discussed in the forecastle, and there washardly one who did not feel the childlike desire, mingled with dread,that is felt by the ignorant over some ghost story--the shrinking andthe desire to know.

  It was, indeed, felt to be an eventful morning, and Mr Parkley lookedpale as he stood on deck in the cool grey mist talking to Dutch, andwondering whether good fortune was to attend their venture. As forOakum and 'Pollo, they, too, were both on their mettle, for on themdepended a good deal; while old Rasp also appeared among the excitedgroup on deck, where he had been seen but little during the voyage afterthe first few days, for he had spent most of his time below, polishinghelmets and oiling and re-oiling valves in the cabin he shared withOakum, and where they had squabbled and disagreed all through thevoyage.

  There was a complete change in Rasp as he came up to where his employersstood, for his listless way was thrown off, and a look of importanceoverspread his features as he gave a side glance at Oakum, which plainlysaid, "There, your reign is over, and mine has begun."

  "Shall I be getting up the tackle, Mr Pug?" he said, "so as to be wellready."

  "No, Rasp, we shall not want you yet," replied Dutch. "Wait till we getto the spot."

  Oakum gave a chuckle which made Rasp turn upon him angrily; but the oldfellow's face was as hard and solid as if carved out of wood, and withnot the vestige of a smile thereon; but 'Pollo, who stood close by, wasshowing his white teeth to the fullest extent.

  "What are you grinning at, old ebony?" snarled Rasp, glad to havesomebody upon whom he could turn.

  "I just tink, sah, dat as I go to be berry busy find de treasure ship'long o' Mass' Oakum, you like to come and 'joy yourself, poke de galleyfire all day."

  "Yah!" ejaculated Rasp, angrily; and he walked to the side, and beganspitting viciously at the rippling waves under the schooner's counter.

  "How is it that boat's down in the water?" exclaimed the captain,suddenly, as he crossed to where the dingy was swinging by her painter.

  "I left her hanging to the davits last night," said the mate. "Do youknow, Oakum?"

  "Wasn't my watch," said that worthy, "but the skipper's. Dick, 'Pollo,and Bob Lennie was on deck for one spell."

  "Do you know why the boat was lowered?" said the captain, turning to themen, who had just left their hammocks.

  Bob Lennie the quiet shook his head, and Dick Rolls' eyes nearlydisappeared under the thick bridge of his nose as he stared down withhis head first on one side, then on the other.

  "No, I dunno," he growled. "I never knowed it was lowered."

  The question was passed round, but no one knew anything about it; andthe men shook their heads, and seemed to think it was very mysterious.

  For there seemed to be no reason why it should have been let down. Hadit been missing altogether, and a man or two with it, the cause wouldhave been plain; but every man of the crew was on deck, and one and alldenied knowledge of the boat having been touched.

  This excited the suspicion of the captain again; but the busy events ofthe morning chased the feeling away, and it was soon forgotten.

  For Sam Oakum was to all intents and purposes now captain of theschooner, and 'Pollo his mate, as the former took the direction, had theanchor heaved up, and, consulting again and again with the latter, thevessel was allowed to drift with the current a few hundred yards.

  "Do you feel pretty certain, Oakum?" said the captain, after a time, forthe old sailor's actions did not inspire him with much confidence. Infact, after running half a mile with the current, he suddenly gaveorders for a couple of sails to be hoisted, put the schooner about, andbegan to beat back.

  "You let me alone," growled Oakum. "I'm a-doing the best I can. Yousee, it's a good many years since I was here, and the bearings ar'n't sofresh in my mem'ry as they was."

  The captain said nothing, only glanced at Dutch, who had heard everyword, and as the eyes of these two met they seemed to say to oneanother, "Suppose that this--trust of ours should be a foolish one,after all."

  Mr Parkley went up to Oakum once and spoke, but he received so sharp areply that the old fellow was left alone. It was evident that he was agood deal puzzled, for in the course of an hour he renewed his quid oftobacco half-a-dozen times, and literally scraped the perspiration offhis face with his rough finger, as he stood by the wheel givingdirections to the man who was steering.

  It was a most interesting time to all on board; the passengers were ondeck, and even listless John Studwick stood leaning over the bulwarks,with his eyes brightening, and Mr Wilson and the doctor seemed to be aseager as the rest to find the buried treasure. Even the mulatto and theblack sailor seemed roused from their slow-going apathy, and watchedOakum as he changed the course of the vessel from time to time, runningamongst rocks, now close in shore, and once so near to a point that thewaving cocoanut and other palms almost touched the rigging, and CaptainStudwick stood ready to seize the wheel himself, for it seemed as if theschooner would be run aground.

  If the thirst for gold had been less strong, no one there could havefailed to revel in the beauty of the scene; for now, in theever-increasing heat of the morning sunshine, the black mystery of theforest seemed to be swept away, and they gazed upon a belt of wondrouslytinted green, with leafage of every variety and shape, seen beyond anarrow strip of golden sand, while sometimes, where rock took the placeof the sand, the strange tropic trees waved right over the limpid seawhich washed their roots. So close were they at times that the veryveins of the great leaves could be traced, and the beauty of the varioustints and lovely flowers of parasitic growth, which climbed up and thenhung down their great trumpet-shaped bells with lavish prodigality toswing in the hot breeze, was reflected in the little creeks and inletsof the coast.

  Wilson was in raptures, and wanted to form an expedition directly to goin pursuit of the gorgeously-feathered birds that came down to the edgeof the forest, and then, uttering strange cries, flitted back into itsshades. John Studwick looked earnestly at the leafy paradise, with itsbrilliant blossoms, and longed to lie and dream away his hours in thedelicious shade, and even the doctor ceased to watch intently everymotion of Bessy Studwick, and gazed with delight at the beauteous scene.

  But there was the adverse side to the beautiful picture; for here andthere in the inlets black, rugged, weird-looking forms could be seenlying apparently asleep on the sand, but ready to scuffle back into thewater on the vessel's approach--alligators looking as dangerous asloathsome. There were dangers, too, in the sharp-edged rocks, aroundwhich the pale blue sea rose and fell so placidly; and a score of timesit seemed as if the schooner's planks must be pierced by the sharppoints that were so threateningly near. Always, however, in the mostthreatening times, a turn of the wheel sufficed to send the gracefulvessel clear, and so skilfully was she handled that Captain Studwickgrew more satisfied on that point, as he felt doubts of Oakum's otherknowledge grow stronger every hour.

  His doubts were shared, too, by Dutch and Mr Parkley, and it was veryevident that he was at fault, for 'Pollo was severely snubbed uponseveral occasions when he hazarded a remark, and the men began to talkin whispers as they saw the schooner retrace her path again and again.

  "Can't you find it, Oakum?" said Dutch at last, as he dragged his eyesfrom the group composed of his young wife, Bessy Studwick, and herbrother, all seated in the mellow shade cast by an awning; for the sunwas now sending down a shower of silvery, white-hot arrows upon thedeck.

  "Don't you be in such a mighty fuss, Mr Dutch," was the tetchy reply."These here things ain't done in a hurry. I'm a-working as hard as everI can; its hereabouts somewhere, on'y the bearings don't seem to be thesame."

  "Can I be of any assistance to you?" said Dutch.

  "Yes; just get out of the way, sir. There
, be smart ahead there. Beready to let go the anchor when I cry let go."

  As he spoke he gave the man he had placed for the time at the wheel animpatient look, took the spokes in hand himself, ran the vessel intowards the shore, then gave the word; there was a dull splash, thechain rattled out through the hawse-holes, and was stopped; the sailsflapped and shivered in the gentle breeze, and the schooner softly swunground, with a motion hardly perceptible, till she lay with her head tothe current, now so slow that its effects on the vessel could hardly beseen.

  "Is this the place, then?" cried Mr Parkley, eagerly, as he ran to peerover the side, where half the men were already similarly engaged.

  "No 'taint," said Sam, crossly, as he let go the spokes, and, taking offhis straw hat, began scratching his bald head in a vicious way. "It'ssomewhere about here, but the bearings is altered. There was four tallcocoanut trees on a bluff, and you had to bring them in a line with abit o' rock sticking out o' the water like a wet monkey, and they'regone."

  "But are you sure this was the piece of coast line?" said the captain,rather sternly.

  "Course I am. This is one of the places, and there's two more--one on'em ashore, 'bout fifty miles from here."

  "Had we not better try that first?" said Dutch.

  "What's the good o' your talking like that, sir, when you've broughtdiving things o' purpose to go down? No, I ain't half done yet. Here,I've finished my bacco; some 'un lend me a bit."

  The mate handed him some, and Sam stood staring about, while the menwere evidently laughing at his failure.

  "Think, Mass' Oakum, sah--"

  "No, you don't," said Sam, who wanted some one on whom to vent hisspleen. "You don't think, and you never did think, and never will withthat thick skull of yours. So hold your tongue."

  'Pollo held his tongue, put all the little nose he had in the air, andstalked off with great dignity to his galley.

  "What do you propose doing?" said Captain Studwick.

  "Lower down the jolly-boat," said Sam, after indulging in another goodscratch.

  This was immediately done, and with four men at the oars, and Dutch, MrParkley, the captain, and Oakum for freight they pushed off from theschooner.

  Oakum took his place in the bows with Dutch, and then, directing the mento row very softly as he directed, they went slowly forward over thelimpid waters.

  "You keep a good lookout over the side, Mr Dutch Pugh," said Sam, "andI'll do the same. It's so clear that you can see seven or eight fathomsdown; and if you see anything particular, give the word, and we'llstop."

  Heedless of the blazing sun--which, however, made their task very easy,lighting up, as it did, the clear waters below--they zigzagged for hoursin all directions from the schooner, seeing below groves and trees ofcoral of the most wondrous tints, among which darted and played fishbanded with gold, vermilion, and azure, silvery-sided, olive, green, andblue of the brightest and every tint. Great shells, almost as gay incolour, were slowly kept in motion by their inhabitants as they crawledover the surface of the many-hued rocks. Shoals of fish played amongstthe moving seaweeds, and then flashed away like some brilliant silverfirework as the shadow of the boat approached them, its shape beingplainly seen on the sand below; and on every side new objects of beautycame into sight. Treasures of natural history there were of every kind,but not the treasure they sought; and at last, worn out with heat anddisappointment, Mr Parkley proposed that they should return.

  "What an opportunity," thought Dutch, as, after a growling protest, SamOakum seated himself in the bottom of the boat and began viciously tocut off a wedge of tobacco--"what an opportunity we have given those onboard for a rising, if there are any suspicious characters there." Andthen his heart leaped and his hand involuntarily sought his pistol as hethought of his wife and the danger to which she would be exposed.

  "Suppose," he thought, as he shaded his eyes with his hand, and gazed atthe distant vessel, "those two scoundrels should assume the command, andset us at defiance, we could never get back on board."

  Me shuddered as these thoughts gained stronger power over him, andlooked from one to the other; but it was evident that no such thoughtstroubled them, for as the oars of the four sailors lazily dipped, andmade the water flash and sparkle, he could see that his companions,listless with the heat, were leaning back and troubled more withdisappointment about the failure.

  "Look here everybody," cried Sam, suddenly, in a voice that, heard inthat wonderful solitude, made every one start. "I'm not beat, you know;not a bit of it. Them there ships is to be found--what's left of 'em--and I'm going to find 'em."

  "I hope you are, Oakum," said the captain, quietly; "but don't boast.The first effort has not been a successful one."

  "I never said as I'd find 'em the first time," said Sam, sharply."'Taint likely as a man's going to sail a ship thousands o' miles andput her right on the spot. You wait a bit."

  No one answered; and, to Dutch's great delight, they were soon back onboard, to find everybody half asleep, and no sign whatever of danger;and though far from being disposed to greet his wife in the old way, hefelt, in spite of himself, obliged to say a few kind words as shepressed forward to meet him, her eager eyes telling of her joy to seehim back. Then he shrank away with a frown, for it seemed to him thatthe mulatto was watching them curiously, though the second time heglanced at the man he was busy arranging a brightly-coloured kerchiefover his head, before leaning back against the bulwark with half-closedeyes.

  Nothing had taken place in their absence, and a dead calm had fallen.The heat was excessive, for not the faintest breath of air came fromland or sea; but the beauty of the surroundings seemed to have itseffect upon all, even to the lowest sailor; for as the evening came on,and the stars were lighted aloft, there was a dreamy delight in thedarkening forest shore, where fireflies flitted; and once more strangewhisperings, rustlings of trees, and splashes in the water were heard.But they did not excite the superstitious dread of the previous night;and at last, when most careful arrangements had been made by CaptainStudwick to guard against internal and external surprise, watch was set,and the silence of death seemed to tall upon the schooner.