Read Dutch the Diver; Or, A Man's Mistake Page 53



  Keziah Bay had made up her mind to go to Mr Tom Brough, and, attendedby Peter Pash as her faithful squire, she started, loading him to beginwith in case of rain, for on one arm Peter carried a large scarletshawl, and under the other a vast blue-faded gingham umbrella, with agreat staghorn beak and a grand ornamental brass ferule.

  But Peter Pash looked proud at the confidence placed in him, and,following rather than walking by the side of his lady, he accompaniedher to Finsbury-square, in one corner of which place lived Tom Brough.

  All the same, though, Peter Pash was not comfortable, for he did notknow the object of Keziah's mission. What was she going to Mr Brough'sfor? It was not because she was sent--she had declared that beforestarting, and when pressed for her reason she said that she was "goingbecause she was going," and Peter did not feel satisfied. In fact,before they were half-way to Finsbury, Peter was fiercely jealous, andtelling himself that he was being made a fool of.

  "You'd better let me carry that umbrella if you are going to bring itdown thump at every step like that," said Keziah.

  "No, thank you, I can manage it," said Peter, as, tucking it once morebeneath his arm, he trotted on by her side, trying to make up his mindhow he should find out the truth of his suspicions.

  "It only wants a little looking into," said Peter to himself, "and thenyou can find out anything. I can see it all now. And do they thinkthey are going to deceive me? No, I've boiled down and purified toomuch not to be able to separate the wrong from the right. She's goingto ask him if he means to marry her instead of Miss Richards, and if hedon't, she'll fall back on me. But she won't, for I don't mean to befallen on, and so I tell her."

  "Here we are," said Keziah, stopping short in front of Mr Brough'shouse.

  "Yes, here we are," said Peter, with what he meant for a searching look.

  "Now, look here, Peter," said Keziah, "I'm going to see Mr Brough, andyou'll wait outside till I come back."

  "But what are you going for?" said Peter.

  There was no reply save what was conveyed in a hitch of Keziah's shawl,and then, her summons being responded to, she entered, leaving Peterperspiring on the door-step, brandishing the great umbrella and peeringat the door with eyes that threatened to pierce the wood--varnish,paint, and all.

  Meanwhile, Keziah was ushered into the room where Tom Brough was seated,rosy and hearty, over his decanter and glass.

  "Well, Keziah," he said, "and how are all at home? Take a chair."

  The visitor did not condescend to reply until the door was shut, when,folding her arms, she stood looking at him with a fierce uncompromisingaspect.

  "I've come about that poor girl," she said at last.

  "About what poor girl?" said Tom Brough.

  "That poor girl whose heart's being broken up into tiny bits by you andhim--her father," cried Keziah, fiercely, "and I've come to know if youain't ashamed of yourself. There, hold your tongue, and listen to whatI've got to say; I haven't said anything to him at home, because it'slike talking to stone and marbles. But I've come to talk to you."

  "Talk away, then," said Tom Brough, pleasantly.

  "I'm going to," said Keziah, angrily, "and don't you think, Mr Brough,that you're going to get rid of me like that, because you are not, sonow then. This marriage can't go on."

  "Why not?" said Tom Brough, offering a glass of wine, which was refused.

  "Because I'm not going to see my darling that I've nursed and tendedever since she was a baby driven into her grave to please you. There,keep off--gracious, if the man isn't mad!"

  Keziah half shrieked the last words, for, leaping from his seat, TomBrough made a rush at her, chased her round the table with an activityhardly to have been expected from one of his years, followed her out onto the landing as she hastily beat a retreat, down the stairs, along thepassage, and caught her on the door-mat, where, after a sharp scuffle,he succeeded in imprinting a couple of sounding kisses upon her cheekbefore she got the door open, and, panting and tumbled, rushed outnearly to the oversetting of Peter Pash, who, with his eye to thekeyhole, had seen the chase in part, heard the scuffle in full, and nowstood gazing grandly at the panting object of his affections.

  "Keziah!" he exclaimed at length, "I thought better of you."

  "What do you mean by that?" exclaimed the irate dame.

  "I thought you had been a woman as could be trusted," he said, sadly.

  "Trusted, indeed!" cried Keziah. "Why, he's a madman, that's what heis. He's off his head because of this wedding: see if he ain't."

  "Keziah!" said Peter, loftily, "I've done with you."

  "Give me that umbrella," cried Keziah, snatching the great gingham fromhis hand. "Now just you speak to me again like that, young man, andI'll talk to you."

  "I'll see you home. I won't be mean," said Peter. "But you've broken atrue and trusting heart, Keziah."

  "Hold your tongue, do," she cried; "just as if I hadn't enough to botherme without your silly clat. I did think he'd be open to reason," sheadded half aloud.

  Peter did not answer, but walked by Keziah's side till they turned downby the Mansion House and entered Walbrook, when with a start the lattercaught Peter by the arm and pointed down the deserted way to where alight figure was seen to hurriedly leave John Richards' door, and thento flit beneath lamp after lamp in the direction of Cannon-street.

  "Where's she going?" exclaimed Keziah, hoarsely. "What is she out forto-night?"

  "Who is it?" said Peter, though it was for the sake of speaking, for heknew.

  "She's mad, too, and we're all mad, I believe," cried Keziah. "O,Peter, if you love me as you say, hold by me now, for there's somethinggoing wrong; don't lose sight of her for an instant, if you value me.Make haste, man, and come on."

  "That's cool!" said Peter, "and after me seeing some one else kissingand hugging you."

  "Quick, quick!" cried Keziah, excitedly catching Peter's hand in hers;and then together they passed down Walbrook and across the street at thebottom, both too fat and heavy to keep the light figure in sight withoutgreat exertion.

  Down one of the hilly lanes and into Thames-street they panted, with thelight drapery now lost sight of, now seen again at some corner, and thento disappear down one of the dark fog-dimmed openings, up which came thefaint odour of the river and the low lapping noise of its waters againstthe slimy steps below.

  "Quick, quick!" said Keziah hoarsely, "or we shall be too late."

  Her earnest manner more than her words seemed to impress Peter Pash, andhurrying along he was the first to catch sight of the light figure theychased now standing motionless on the edge of a wharf, while the windcame mournfully sighing off the river, in whose inky breast, all blurredand half-washed-out, shone the light of star and Keziah's breath seemeddrawn in deep groans, as for a few minutes she stood, as it were,paralysed. Then recovering herself, and motioning Peter back, sheadvanced quickly, and just as the light figure gave a start and seemedabout to step forward, she threw her arms round it and held it tightly,sobbing hysterically the while.

  But only for a few seconds.

  "Here, Peter, quick," she cried, "that shawl. And were you looking forme, my pet? We've been walking. But never mind, we've found you now,and I won't leave you again. Don't talk--don't say anything, only comehome quickly!"

  Without a word, without resistance, May Richards suffered herself to beled homeward, merely gazing from time to time at her old servant in ahalf-dazed way as if she could not understand the meaning of it all, noryet why she was being led with Keziah's arm so tightly holding hers.

  And so they walked back to find the door in Walbrook ajar, with TomBrough standing in the entry.

  "Go back now, Peter," whispered Keziah, "and not a word of this to asoul."

  "But what's he here for?" said Peter, in the same tone.

  "You miserable jealous pate," whispered the old servant fiercely, "ifyou don't be off--"

/>   She said no more, for Peter _was_ off, and then she turned to MrBrough.

  "You may well look," she whispered to him, as he said a few unnoticedwords to May. "All your doing--all your doing. Another minute, and thepoor lamb would have been sleeping in the river."

  Tom Brough started, and then caught May in his arms, and bore herup-stairs, where for quite an hour she sat in a dazed, heedless way thattroubled Keziah more than would a passionate outburst.

  "If she'd only cry," she whispered at last to Mr Brough, "But you won'tpress for it now, Mr Brough; you won't, sir, I'm sure. People sayyou're a good man, and that you're kind and charitable. Look at thepoor thing; her heart's broke--it is indeed."

  "I'm going now," said Mr Brough in answer, and then when Keziahaccompanied him down to the door, "Do not leave her for an instant, ifyou love the poor child; and, look here, Keziah, the wedding must takeplace, and it is for her good--_mark me_, for her good. I love her toowell to make her unhappy, and if you do your duty you will help me allyou can."

  Keziah closed the door without a word, and a minute after she waskneeling beside and crying over the heartbroken girl.