Read E'steem: Demons Anonymous Page 3

  “Glad to be here Claudius. So do you have a minute to talk more about your organization?”

  “I’d love to, but we’re running kind of late. But I’ll be glad to answer any questions you have after the meeting.

  Maybe we can talk about what’s wrong later too. “Okay.” I tell him.

  “You can just grab a seat anywhere. There’s refreshments on the table.”

  I grab a brownie and a glass of lemonade off the coffee table and find a seat on a sofa next to the blonde girl who first noticed me. As I ease into the cushion she quickly starts texting into her smartphone. I glance over and notice her typing OMG! I’m sitting next to E’steem! And posts it on her Facebook status. Across the sofa I notice several of the other demons texting into their phones or holding them in such a way to get a picture of me. I really better watch myself here. The last thing I need is another humiliating moment broadcast to social media.

  The chatter in the room dies down as Claudius stands in the center of the room and gets everyone’s attention. “Guys, we have special guest visiting our group. It’s my honor to introduce you all to Madam E’steem.”

  I’m greeted with a round of applause as I ease up off the sofa and smile at everyone. After I’m introduced, I fall back into my seat on the sofa and Claudius gets back to the business of the meeting. “Guys, why some of don’t you introduce yourselves to E’steem.” He requests.

  The blonde haired girl in the white blouse and khaki pants sitting next to me jumps out of her seat and smiles at me before she introduces herself. “Hey, I’m Becky and I’m a demon. I’ve been out of the Legion six months now and I’m loving every minute of it.”

  As she sits down her brunette friend wearing jeans and a T-shirt hops out of her seat and makes eye contact with me. “My name is Larissa and I’m a demon. I’m Becky’s BFF, and when I saw how Christ had changed her I became inspired to give my life to the Lord. I’ve been out of the Legion two months now and I’m finally starting to enjoy the freedom I have in Christ.”

  A long silence passes as the Black teenager in saggy jeans and T-shirt eases out of his seat. “I’m Dorian and I’m a demon. I been out the Legion for two weeks now and I’m hoping Christ is the way for me. I’m just tired of destroying people’s lives with drama and nonsense. I don’t know if God is it, but anything has to be better than what I’m doing right now.”

  An older man in a tailored suit and tie rises from one of the chairs on the outer circumference. “I’m Zachary and I’m a demon. I’ve been a Closet Christian for about fifteen years now. I felt I had too much to lose. You see, I had a nice job, a family and a high-ranking position among Hell’s Demons. I was afraid of losing all my belongings But I’m more afraid of losing my soul. That’s why with the help of my wife and my children, I left the Legion about six months ago.”

  The Asian kid slides up off the sofa and pastes on a nervous smile. “Hey, I’m Zen and I’m sixteen and I’m a demon. I grew up in a house where I was told all there was to life was the Legion. And if I worked hard, I’d be a top-ranking demon in Lucifer’s corporate industrial complex just like my dad and my brothers. But in my heart I knew it just didn’t feel right. I want to quit the Legion and I was hoping you guys could help me out.

  A long silence passes as Claudius smiles and looks out at the other demons in the group. “Anyone else want to introduce themselves to E’steem?

  Claudius gives the silent demons a smile as tension fills the air “Okay, since no one else wants to introduce themselves, I guess I’ll talk about myself. Hey, I’m Claudius and I’m a demon. I’ve been out of the Legion about two years now. I gave my life to Christ when I was in the senior year of college. Now I was gonna live the rest of my life as a closet Christian after I finished school. But I kept running into other closet Christians when I was working at Lucerne Holdings. As I researched us, I did a Google search on the Internet and I found out there were other closet Christians. And they were going crazy about a year and a half ago when rumors spread about E’steem’s conversion to Christianity on her Facebook group.

  Wow. I had no idea I had that much of an impact on people.

  “Inspired by her, I decided to come out into the light.” Claudius continues. “I started the Demons Anonymous board and the blog. Unfortunately I used a work computer to update the site. And I lost my job.”

  That must be what got him fired from his job at Lucerne Holdings. The IT people must have flagged the site or other religious keywords when they found it.

  “But even though I lost my job, and my family disowned me, I persevered. With the help of a friend I started working here at the Java Joint and I continued on with the work of Demons Anonymous, offering demons a place to meet and talk about Christ.”

  Claudius smiles proudly as he looks over at me. “Would you like to say something E’steem?”

  I really wasn’t expecting to speak tonight. “What would you want me to say?” I ask as I ease up off the sofa.

  “I was hoping you could tell us why you gave your life to Christ.”

  I guess it would be rude for me to remain silent after hearing his story. He’s made so many sacrifices to help all these demons, the least I could do is share my story with them. I look out to the group in the circle and take a deep breath as I try to find the words to tell them about me.

  “My name is E’steem and I’m a demon. I’ve been out of the Legion for over a year and a half now and-”

  Before I can start telling my story, a flash of light explodes in the room. Demons gasp as D’lilah cuts a cold look at me. “I believe you’ve said enough.” She says.

  The room fills with nervous chatter as my hands clench into fists. I’m about to confront D’lilah when another flash of light explodes in the room. “Yes, I think what I have to say is much more important.” Lucifer says as he walks out of a flash of light.


  Chapter 15

  The air is tense as Lucifer looks out to the group of scared demons on the sales floor. Anticipation builds as they wait for his punishment. He flashes a smile at everyone before he speaks. “Demons Anonymous.” He dismisses. “What a farce.”

  While many of the other demons cringe on the idea of offending Lucifer Claudius isn’t fazed by Lucifer’s grand entrance or his threats. “Don’t listen to him. He’s not your Lord anymore-”

  Lucifer’s hands clench into fists as he cuts a cold look at Claudius. The worried look on D’lilah’s face makes him back away. I wonder what their relationship is.

  “You know all of you have offended your Lord with by attending this meeting. Lucifer continues. “But I’ll make you all an offer. “Since I’m in a benevolent mood, I’ll have mercy on the lot of you. Leave now and I’ll allow you all to remain in the Legion in your current positions.”

  Claudius looks Lucifer in his cold dark eyes before looking out to the crowd. “Guys, don’t be afraid of him. Do what the Bible says. Resist the Devil and He’ll flee from you-NGGHHHHHH! ”

  A backhanded slap from Lucifer sends Claudius crashing into the parquet floors of the Java Joint. On seeing him fall, Zen, Dorian and a few of the others who were silent jump out of their seats and rush out of the coffee house.

  Rebecca and Larissa look to me to do something. I want to fight back. Show them that Lucifer is nothing to be afraid of. But what do I do? I can’t use my powers on Lucifer. The last two times I tried to do that I wound up in the exact same spot Claudius is in.

  Lucifer picks up Claudius from the floor by his neck and hoists him in the air. Claudius looks out to the remaining demons in the group and tries to rally them. “Don’t be afraid of him. He doesn’t have any power over you but what you allow him to have-AGGGK!!!!.”

  “I’d say I have the power over you boy.” Lucifer says applying pressure to his neck. “The power of life and death.”

  Lucifer looks out to the crowd and holds Claudius up to show him to the terrified demons. “There is no place for dissent in my Legion. Let the
fate of Claudius be an example to all who seek to leave me.”

  The scent of Hellfire and brimstone overtake the scent of coffee as smoke wafts in the air. D’lilah takes her eyes off me and focuses on Claudius. While she bites her lip in anticipation of his death, I look over at the desserts on the table and spot a coconut crème pie among the confections. Just the thing I need to break Lucifer’s concentration. In the moment he takes he looks in Claudius’ eyes to gloat I let him have it.

  “You want to be with your Lord, I’ll send you to him in ashes- MRRMPH!”

  Direct hit! As remnants of the Java Joint’s coconut crème pie slide down Lucifer’s face and laughter fills the room, I flash him a playful smile. “What? You were expecting me to rebuke you?” I tease.

  “You dare mock me!” He barks.

  Now that he’s focused on me, I’ll get Claudius to safety. “CLAUDIUS TELEPORTUS!” I chant as I gesture my hands.

  A flash of light takes Claudius out of Lucifer’s grip over to the sofa where Rebecca and Larissa are sitting. I rush over to him and find out how he’s doing. Outside of some scorching of his shirt collar he looks okay. “You okay Claudius?”

  “I’m in one piece.” Claudius replies looking up at me. “Thanks for saving me.”

  “Can’t let a sweet taste of honey like you leave this earth just yet-”

  Just as Claudius flashes me a friendly smile I’m grabbed from behind, and hoisted in the air. “GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY EX-BOYFRIEND!” D’lilah growls.

  There’s some gratitude for you. But I guess no good deed goes unpunished. I catch a series of cell phone cameras being held in the air as I’m tossed across the room and crash into a bookcase in the back of the shop. I’ve really got to watch it, the last thing I need is another X-rated episode of the E’steem show on the Internet.

  D’lilah charges at me as I scramble up off the floor to my feet. I give her a playful smile as blue flames explode from her fists. “Hey, I didn’t know you were still interested in him.” I jab.

  “You take everything in my life and ruin it!” D’lilah growls as she swings at me. “If you’d just go away my life would be a whole lot better!”

  I think she’s the one with the unhealthy fixation on me. “You know you should see a therapist about all this baggage you’re carrying.” I say as I dodge the punch. Maybe the Lucerne Healthcare plan has one in their HMO.”

  “You’re the one who’s gonna need a doctor when I’m through with you.” D’lilah spits.

  D’lilah is so enraged with emotion she doesn’t think to telegraph her punches; I duck and dodge a series of blows aimed at my head. An uppercut sends her flying across the room over the sofas and crashing into the dessert display on the coffee table. As her eyes flutter closed, I smile at her.

  “Still not at the Super Sayian level where you can engage me.” I tease patting her on the head.

  I feel Lucifer’s broad chest on my back and his thick hard hands clutching my shoulders. “Maybe I can give you a challenge.” Lucifer growls.

  I think I’m the one who needs a power up to Super Sayian Level 2. Maybe I shouldn’t have wrecked all the snacks. I could use a senzu bean right about now.

  Lucifer gives me a shove. As I tumble to the floor, Claudius peers down at me. “Remember what the Bible says.” He tells me. “Resist the devil and he’ll flee from you.”

  Resist him? Without my powers I’m just as weak as an ordinary mortal. I don’t see any way to overcome him except…Lord, I hope this works on the Lord of Hell like it works on other men.

  Just as Lucifer grabs at the front of my dress I jam a knee in his crotch. The Lord of Hell doubles over and grabs himself as I spring up from the floor. The remaining demons in the coffee house erupt in cheers as I deliver a right cross to his cheek that has him crashing into the table next to the unconscious D’lilah.

  Lucifer smiles smugly seeing me standing over him. “So you figured it out.”

  Maybe I am getting stronger in my faith in God. “Claudius was right. You have no power over me other than what I allow you to have.”

  “Don’t think this is over between us because you’ve gained the support of these upstarts.”

  “Consider yourself rebuked.”

  Lucifer picks up the unconscious D’lilah and disappears into a flash of light. As Rebeccca and Larissa begin uploading cell phone footage of my fight with Lucifer to the World Wide Web, Claudius gives me a round of applause.

  “What was that for?” I ask.

  “You always know how to put on a show.” Claudius replies.

  Final Chapter

  I smile after taking a sip of the Java Joint’s premium roast coffee. While the Morris Phillips Maintenance crew cleans up the mess from this evening’s Demons Anonymous meeting, I finish sharing the story of how I gave my life to Christ with Claudius. His eyes light up like a child on hearing how John and I escaped the towering inferno of the Morris Phillips tower.

  “Wow. You jumped off the balcony?” Claudius asks curiously.

  “It was the only way to escape the flames that destroyed the penthouse.” I reply.

  “I bet John was freaked out seeing you fly.”

  “He was.” I chuckle. “But he’s getting used to life with creatures like us. In fact he’s more comfortable around us than he is around ordinary humans.”

  “He sounds like a great guy. Are you two…”

  “How’d you know?”

  “The way you smile when you talk about him. Sounds like you found the one for you.”

  “I’d like to think he is. Were you and D’lilah an item at one time?”

  “Yeah, we were something at one time.” Claudius says smiling. “Then I gave my life to the Lord and D wanted to stay in the Legion.”

  “She loves her Lord more than you?”

  “She loves the power he thinks he’s giving her.”

  “I used to think like that. Then I realized how much power I was sacrificing to Lucifer in my quest to move up in the Legion’s hierarchy.”

  “I wish I could get D to see that.”

  “Maybe one day God will open her eyes and she’ll wake up.”

  “It’s one of the things I pray for.”

  “I’d say you were blessed today. Thank God Lucifer didn’t burn up the coffee shop.”

  “Yeah, I’d hate to look for another job.”

  I wonder if he’d like to join forces with us in our struggles against Lucifer. “I think John wouldn’t mind having you on the Morris Phillips team.”

  Claudius flashes a smile at me. “I think I’m content here.”

  Here’s a surprise. I thought he’d be eager to take another corporate job after struggling in poverty for so long. “Come on, this job can’t be paying you enough to pay your rent let alone fund a nonprofit-”

  “What can I say, I’ve gotten used to the taste of Ramen.” Claudius continues. Besides, a servant of Christ gets used to a life without creature comforts.”

  “I guess John and I have to continue our struggles against Lucifer on our own.”

  “Hey, you have your mission and I have mine.” Claudius says. “But we’re all doing the work of the Lord.”

  That’s the most important thing. “If you ever need anything, just let me know.” I say easing out of my seat.

  “I’ll definitely be in touch.” Claudius says. “It’d be a lot cheaper to print fliers on Lucifer’s dime than on mine.”

  We’ll have to work out some sort of clearance for him to use certain parts of the Morris Phillips tower. “I guess you’re planning on having a packed house for next week’s meeting.”

  “Now that everyone knows you’re a Christian they’re gonna want to hear your story. I want to make sure it reaches the largest audience in the Legion.”

  “Looks like I better brush up on my public speaking.” I say easing out of my seat.

  “I’ll see you next week E.”

  “I’ll see you next week Claud.” I say disappear into a flash of li

  The Isis Series

  Isis: Trial of the Goddess

  Crime and Punishment in the realm of the Egyptian Gods.

  For the first time since the trial of the evil god Seth, The Court of the Elders is brought to order. Ra, Chief Justice of the Elders has issued a warrant for the arrest of Isis, the long-lost daughter of Osiris. Teleported from the remains of her North Carolina home, she’s brought to justice for allowing hatred in her heart and forsaking her heritage to worship another God, crimes punishable by death.

  Grieving the tragic loss of her family and dealing with the shocking revelation that she’s a goddess, Isis has no idea how to defend herself in the Court of the Elders. Born of a mortal woman and raised in human culture, Isis is about to be taken advantage of by Ra when Queen Isis intervenes. Acting as her counsel, the Queen helps the young goddess adjust to the culture of New Heliopolis and plan a defense for court in the realm of the gods. Will the gods offer her a second chance to be redeemed? Or will she be judged to suffer the same fate as Seth?


  A lost goddess.

  A heritage Found

  A greater destiny to be achieved.

  In the aftermath of a horrible tragedy, Isis the long-lost daughter of Osiris, has committed a heinous crime. Because she didn't receive guidance from her father, the elder gods show mercy on the young goddess by stripping her of her powers and imprisoning her on an uncharted island in the South Pacific.

  Osiris and Queen Isis reunite with his long-lost child to begin the difficult process of establishing a familial relationship. Hoping to guide Isis towards the greater destiny she's supposed to fulfill, her parents begin teaching her the ways of the gods. However, Seth's herald E'steem lurks in the shadows offering the young goddess freedom for a price. Caught in the middle of a never-ending war between the gods, Isis must choose to either return to the troubled world she knows all too well, or take a journey down an unknown path where faith is her only guide.

  The Temptation of John Haynes