Read E'steem: Faerie Tale Page 1

  E’steem: Faerie Tale

  By Shawn James

  Copyright © 2014 Shawn James


  Chapter 1

  The concrete walkways transition into grass under my feet as I lead my blindfolded boyfriend through Central Park. Knowing him, he’s trying to use his three remaining senses to figure out what the clues are behind my secret surprise. He’s not getting anything out of me until I decide to reveal it to him.

  “Is it much further?” John inquires.

  “Not much further.” I chuckle playfully.

  “Can I get a hint?”

  “It’s something I’ve always wanted to do ever since I got into The City.”

  John falls silent as he tries to deduce what I’m up to. Anticipation builds inside me as we zigzag through the crowd of park goers lying on the plush grass of the Great Lawn to the place where I’ve had our interns set up my little treat.

  “Almost there…” I tell him as we slow our steps. “Almost there…Stop.”

  When I say stop, the toes of John’s dress oxfords brush against the edges of the blanket I had the interns lay out here. I can hear his heart racing as I rush behind him and my slender fingers undo his blindfold. When I peel the scarf away from his face I become eager to see his reaction will be to my surprise.

  “Can I open my eyes now?” I ask.

  “Yes you can.” I sing.

  John opens his eyes to be greeted by a blue gingham blanked spread out on the green grass of Central Park’s Great Lawn. A pair interns stand guard over an Original Ray’s Pizza box and a pair of IBC root beers. When I catch the smile on his face it makes my day.


  “I knew you’d love it.”

  “Pizza and a pretty lady. I can’t think of a better way to spend an afternoon.”

  I smile at the interns standing guard over our lover’s lunch and gesture for them to leave. As they head down the pathways back to the office, John gestures for me to have a seat. I slip off my sandals, brush back my red wrap dress and ease onto the blanket. John smiles back at me as he reaches out to me; when I take his hand I use a little super strength to him a gentle yank that sends him tumbling into my lap. As his bashful brown eyes meet mine he finds out what this is surprise all about.

  “So what’s the special occasion?” John inquires

  “Nothing. Just wanted to enjoy a beautiful day.” I chime.

  “I guess you don’t get many of these where you used to live.”

  “No…. And we don’t get many of them on earth.”

  “That’s what I love about you. How you help me appreciate the little things I take for granted in life.”

  “I bet you never spent a day like this with Colleen-”

  “It’s a shame that we never did.” John continues. “She lived right down the block from here and we never even once took a walk around the paths.”

  “Why wouldn’t you take her out here? It’s so beautiful-”

  “I was too afraid of muggers.”

  I’ll admit he is a lot safer here with me than with her. With my powers I can scare a mugger or two straight. “If you think this is great, you should have seen the meadows in the South of France-”

  “I bet you spent many a lazy day there with Gregory back in the 15th Century-”

  My face twists into a grimace on hearing the name of the hero in my failed literary opus. “Don’t tell me you found out about The Duchess of Death?”

  “It was on Amazon for 99 cents.”

  “Oh I’m gonna get D’lilah-”

  “You going to give her an extra punch in the face this time?”

  “I might give you an extra punch in the face-”

  “Hey, I was just trying to be a supportive boyfriend-”

  “Yeah right-”

  “Hey, you know about all my embarrassing moments. Isn’t it fair I know about some of yours?”

  I can’t be too mad at him. He did care enough about me to buy my book. “I guess it’s only fair.” I concede. “So what’d you think?”

  My indignation turns to curiosity as I anticipate hearing his opinion of my writing. I wonder if he’ll have the strength of character to tell me the truth or is he going to humor me because he knows I’m strong enough to rip him in half if he rips into me.

  “Man, that was one of the cheesiest books I ever read.” John blurts. “But I have to admit it was entertaining in a so bad it’s good kind of way.”

  After hearing his honest opinion, I flash him a smile. I’d have to say his assessment of my writing fits right in the consensus of everyone else who has read it.

  “You’re being a lot kinder to my story than the editors at Harlequin- ”

  “The writing was pretty good for what it was. I mean, the sex scenes were pretty steamy-”

  “That was pure fiction.”

  “So you and Gregory never…”

  “Nope. I have a strict policy about not having sex unless I’m married.”

  “So you and Gregory weren’t serious?”

  “He was one of the great loves of my life.” I lament. “It broke my heart to turn down his marriage proposal.”

  “So you left him a Dear E’steem letter on the night table like in the story?”

  “Nah, I broke up with him face-to-face on a hill.”

  “Why’d you leave him?”

  “I didn’t want him to find out about my other life. If he knew about what I really did for a living-”

  “A mob of villagers would be coming to get him.”

  “They’d be the least of his worries. You don’t get the reputation as the most powerful she-demon in All Hell without offending a few of the rank and file in the Legion.”

  “Do I have to worry about any of them?”

  “Er…Don’t you think you have your hands full with Lucifer?”

  “I’d like to know if there’s anyone else I need to be worried about.”

  “I doubt you’d have to worry about any of my old enemies.” I continue. “Anyone I didn’t kill probably got killed jockeying for my spot when they found out I was dead the first time.”

  John looks up at the sky and smile. “Great. I’d hate to worry about one of your old enemies coming to get us in the middle of this lovely spring afternoon.”

  “You only have to worry about one threat this afternoon.” I say flashing him a playful smile as I look down at him.

  “What’s that?”

  “My kisses.”

  Chapter 2

  I look thorough the eyes of the raven perched atop a tree branch in Central Park’s Great Lawn and watch my former foe frolicking with her lover in the noonday sun. So rumors going around the realms are true. The Kaitan still lives.

  I thought she’d have been a century and a quarter into her eternal torment in Hell. But here she is still roaming the realm of the living. And happy as a lark. She’s having the time of her life while I’ve been struggling for over a thousand years thanks to her cruelty.

  But there may be a way to right this wrong. From what I’ve heard from my sources in the realms, the Katian now works at Morris Phillips as the assistant to their new CEO. And since I’ve been looking to expand my business ventures across the pond and this would be the perfect opportunity to take a meeting with him.

  I reach into the pocket on the side of my wheelchair and realize my Smartphone isn’t where it should be. When I spot it on a coffee table across the room I realize where I left it. That’s right, I was using it as a remote to change the channel of the telly. I could scoot over there, but it’s a bloody nightmare getting this chair back up the ramp. Sure it’s motorized, but holding the control for that long puts me in such agonizing pain I need to take a double shot of p
otion just to recover.

  I gesture and point at the coffee table and my cell phone disappears into a flash of light. When I feel it in my hands I take all my concentration to tap the screen to contact my assistant Anne at the London office. When the smiling face of my secretary greets me on the screen I let her know about my business plans.


  “Yes Miss Fae?” Anne inquires curiously.

  “What’s my schedule look like?”

  “Pretty clear Madam. Everyone’s on Holiday right about now.”

  “Good. Fuel up my private jet at Heathrow.”

  “You’re planning business in the States?”

  “Yes. I’d like to set up a meeting with Mr. John Haynes of Morris Phillips.”

  Chapter 3

  I’m looking over the schedule on one of the screens of the dual monitors on the desk and finding a lot of empty dates on the calendar. It looks like almost every executive in world is on vacation. Maybe after we take this meeting with the CEO of Fae Snacks we can take some time off. I’d love to head over to the Island of Solitude and show him that new Chanel bikini I bought last week.

  I check the clock at the bottom of my computer screen that reads 10:53. I think I’ve got enough time to pitch that vacation plan before we meet our foreign guest. I hop out of my seat and head across the office suite over to John’s desk. The handsome husky golden brown skinned man wearing a tailored navy blue Italian suit, white shirt, and light blue tie peers up and flashes a smile at me as I approach him.

  “Is it that time yet E’steem?” John inquires.

  “No, we’ve got a few minutes.”

  “What’s up?”

  “You do know the rest of the world is on vacation.” I tell him.

  John gives me an awkward look. “I didn’t know I was working that hard.”

  “I know executives are supposed to work twenty-four hours a day seven days a week, but do you think we could schedule a day or two off? I’d like to wear that new Chanel bikini once before the summer is over.”

  John flashes me a coy smile as he imagines me in that sexy swimsuit. “Where do you want to go?”

  I’m about to suggest we take that trip to the South Pacific when the intercom beeps. “John, Miss Fae is here to see you.” Samantha says through the speaker.

  “Send her in.”

  John and I head over to the tall mahogany front doors of the office to greet our guest. As John opens the door we hear the sound of a motorized wheelchair buzzing in the hallway. In a few moments an attractive brunette Englishwoman wearing a green linen suit and heels scoots out of the hall into the office suite.

  “Miss Fae?” John greets extending his hand. “John Haynes, CEO and Chairman of the Board of Morris Phillips.

  “Nice to meet you Mr. Haynes.” Loren sings through a sultry English accent as she shakes it. “I have to say you’re more attractive in person than you sound over the phone.”

  Watch it chippy. He’s taken.

  “Why thank you.” John replies on hearing the compliment. I’d have to say you’re quite the looker yourself.”

  Loren blushes on the compliment. “Such charm. I’m hoping our business relationship can be just as amicable as our online one.”

  “Online relationship?” I inquire giving John a curious look.

  “We’ve been chatting on Facebook.” John explains. “Ms. Fae, this is E’steem Katious my assistant.”

  Loren gives me a playful smile as her green eyes meet mine. So that’s why I couldn’t tear him away from the computer for the past few weeks. He’s been getting chummy with the English tart behind the counter of the cookie stand across the pond.

  “E’steem?” She inquires curiously as she shakes my hand. “That’s a unique name.”

  “In my African ancestors native tongue it means Heralded.”

  “Well, John must hold you in high regard. He’s had nothing but wonderful things to say about you.”

  Looks like the relationship between them is a professional one. “It’s nice to know I’m appreciated.”

  “I told him to give you a bonus.”

  I give John a friendly look. “We’ll see what I can do after we get this deal completed.”

  John gestures and leads us all over to the leather sofa a few feet away from the door. As we take our seats on it. Morgan lights up at the sight of a tray of Morris Phillips most popular snacks. “So these are the world famous American biscuits called Chocs? She inquires as she takes one off the tray.”

  “They are one of our most popular cookies.” John replies.

  “I might have to ask you to ship me a case of these. They’re quite delicious.”

  “I think we can work that into the terms of the contract for exporting your baked goods to the States.”

  “Mmmmm...Sounds like you’ll do anything to make a client happy?” Loren purrs.

  “I like to put a smile on my business partners’ face.”

  Loren flashes John a friendly smile. “What would make me smile is seeing your reaction to our products. I’ve brought you some more samples for you to try.”

  Loren reaches into the bag behind her wheelchair and pulls out boxes of Fae’s Almond Windmills and Lemon Shortbread biscuits. “These are two of my most popular products.

  John eagerly opens the package of Almond windmills and takes out a cookie. After he scarves it down he gives Loren a friendly smile. “I have to admit they have a unique taste.”

  “It’s an old family recipe.”

  “Are the almonds always supposed to be so bitter…”

  Before John can finish the question, he slumps over on the sofa and passes out. I give him a nudge. “John? I say nudging him. John?-”

  As I’m shaking John to wake him up, I hear Loren snickering. When I turn around to find out what she finds funny, the supposedly disabled woman steps out of her wheelchair. A flash of light envelops her and changes her black blouse and green business suit changes into a medieval styled green velvet gown with a neckline that plunges down past her navel. I thought I killed this witch over fifteen hundred years ago. Looks like I’m going to have to go medieval on her ass again.

  Morgan brushes back her long black hair to reveal her pointed ears and flashes an evil grin at me as I jump off the sofa with my hands clenched into fists. “Don’t worry, he’s fine. I’m not a murderer like you are.”

  “I doubt the people in Avalon feel that way about you witch.”

  “Sorceress.” Morgan jabs. “ Sorceress. There’s a big difference.”

  As much as I’d love to renew my rivalry with Ms. Le Fay, I need to focus on my boyfriend. “What did you do to John? You know magic doesn’t work on Christians-”

  “I know. That’s why I had a unique chemical sedative baked into these biscuits.” Morgan snarls. “And I have the only antidote to it.”

  Morgan flashes a smile at me as she falls in to her wheelchair and crosses her legs. “If you want to save your sweet prince fair maiden, come and face me in my Castle above the Clouds.”

  Chapter 4

  Morgan’s laughter echoes throughout the office suite as she disappears into a flash of light. I’d love to go into that Castle above the Clouds and put that crippled witch in an iron lung. But that wouldn’t help John. From what he taught me in our time together is that I can’t let my emotions get the better of me. I need to find out why Morgan came after me after all these centuries.

  Maybe there’s a clue in her biscuits. I grab the package of cookies off the floor and take one out. As I hold it in my hand I chant a spell to see if there’s a potion on them.

  “Compoundus deconstructus”

  When the cookie doesn’t glow, I realize there’s no elfin magic involved in the making of her uncommonly bad products. At least I know she was telling the truth regarding the sedative in the cookies being biological and not magical.

  That does give me a clue to what she was doing while she was recovering from the beating I gave her over a
thousand years ago. It would make sense for her to spend her centuries studying science; after all, alchemy is the basis for man’s modern chemistry. There’s definitely a cure for the sedative in these uncommonly bad cookies. Unfortunately, John doesn’t have that time for me to discover it. It could take years for me to figure out the exact chemical compounds in these cookies in my efforts to create an antidote to her formula.

  Like it or not I’m going to have to face her. And I’m going to have to face her on her terms. I hear the sound of John’s snore, give him a gentle kiss on the lips, and say a prayer for him. Rest well, my prince, I’ll be back for you.

  Chapter 5

  A flash of light takes me from the offices of the Morris Phillips Tower to the throne room of my Castle above the Clouds. As my chair scoots into the place where my throne once sat, I feel a heaviness in my heart. I never thought meting out justice would give me a guilty conscience.

  All right, maybe it was wrong to use John to get to E’steem. He didn’t do anything to me; in fact he was very kind to me in our Facebook chats. If he wasn’t smitten by her, I’d have probably made my own advances towards him. He’s definitely my type. Unfortunately, he’s involved with that Katian witch, the demon who broke my body to the point where I’ve been stuck in bloody wheelchairs for centuries. And she needs to be made to suffer for all those she’s done harm to over the aeons. If God won’t let her soul know torment in Hell, then I’ll do everything in my power to make her life a living one as long as she walks the Earth.

  Chapter 6

  I’m about to disappear in a flash of light to find Morgan’s Castle above the Clouds when the pitcher of water starts shaking on the coffee table. Before I can grab at it, it falls over. But instead of the water in it falling to the floor and making a mess, it swirls around and becomes a whirlpool. In a few moments, a tall attractive blonde Englishwoman in a blue sheath dress and white high heels steps out of the portal and smiles at me. I’ll say this, The Lady of the Lake always knows how to make an entrance.

  The water stands still for a moment as she picks the pitcher up off the carpet and holds it up. As she gestures, all the water she used to create the portal, falls back into the pitcher.