Read Earth Angel (Angels and Seers: Book One) Page 17

Chapter 17

  Dinner is a communal affair, just as it would be in a military mess hall. There is a designated cook who doesn’t train with us, but who provides us with simple, nutritious and energy-rich meals three times a day. Long tables and benches line the community room of the village church where we’ve set up our dining facilities. It reminded me of regimented high school lunch tables at first, with everyone sitting in their own cliques, but I’ve gradually become accustomed to it. I’ve even come to enjoy it, because it gives me the opportunity to talk to the other seers and angels in the camp, and everyone is mingling more as they get to know each other better.

  I move from seat to seat with great regularity at these meals, always seeing someone I want to talk to some more. The angels are especially welcoming and forthcoming with information, and I’m learning so much more about the world and the universe as a whole than I ever realized was possible. My comrades in this camp, because that’s really what the village has turned into at this point, are everything I could have wanted and more, and I am pleased to count them all as friends, regardless of species. In fact, I don’t make a distinction between humans and angels anymore when I say “people,” because we’re all working for the same cause, and actually not all that different from one another.

  Usually, we have some brief free time after dinner, where we go outside to watch the Northern Lights, which are often visible in this remote, upper part of the state. Sam proudly pointed them out to me the first night we were here, telling me how they’re maintained by a special group of angels, distant and ancient cousins of his who have been doing this astonishing work since the Earth was created.

  Sometimes, we watch TV together at the church or take in a movie at the village cinema. Other times, we just lay out under the stars and talk, getting to know each other even more, and strategizing about winning the war that hasn’t had its first official battle yet. The younger seer soldiers, who aren’t more than 18 or 19, usually play video games together, far enough away from the adults to not be disturbed in their own game-related conversations.

  We go to bed pretty early, no later than 10 or 11 pm, because we get up before dawn to have a communal breakfast and an informal strategy session before starting each day’s training. Most of the humans in our group already live in the village, so they go to their own homes. The three seers who have come from elsewhere, plus the angels and I, are assigned to the homes of those who have enough room to accommodate one or two of us.

  Sam and I are staying at Linda’s house in an attic guest room she made up especially for us, with twin beds. No one said it, but it was an unspoken assumption that, as this movement’s leaders, we would stay here with the leader of the London family, who is also the mayor of the village.

  Linda only had one guest room, and asked Sam and I if we minded sharing. She didn’t want to put us in a situation that made us uncomfortable, which was nice of her. We assured her we were okay with it, and Sam even went so far as to point out how he was my de facto guardian now and needed to be near me to protect me…a fact I thought was a bit TMI. Then again, Linda surely noticed my guardian angel was missing the moment she saw me in the diner, and was too polite to ask why.

  Even though there is nothing going on between Sam and me besides friendship and being sort of co-workers, I like the idea of sharing a room with him and having him always nearby. I’m still in love with Harry and definitely consider myself married to him in my graveside ceremony, but I can appreciate a sexy angel, and especially one like Sam, who always treats me with such gentleness, compassion, and respect. What warm-blooded woman wouldn’t enjoy that kind of relationship? He’s the best kind of friend and I care about him more than I can say.

  And there are times, many times, actually, when Sam looks at me with what I swear is longing. I may have returned those looks a few times…inadvertently, of course. There are no official prohibitions on human/angel relationships of a romantic nature or otherwise. In fact, they are to be found throughout history, and even into the present day. They’re by no means common, of course, but not unheard of, either. As might be expected, there are angels, and seers who do not approve of such relationships due to their own prejudices, but that can be found in nearly any society on Earth, and no doubt throughout the universe.

  The fact is, we could be a couple if we chose. Some people in the camp seem to think we are. Whether we would choose to be is a moot point, due to my loyalty to Harry, but the attraction is undeniably there. If Sam were to approach me in a romantic way, I don’t know what I’d do. I still love Harry and miss him, and if things were different, I would still want to be with him and marry him as we intended. But, I also know myself well, and know my body would respond to anything Sam may want to do. For simplicity’s sake, especially with war coming, it’s a relief it hasn’t come up as an issue between us.

  Tonight, I spend my after dinner hours talking with some of the newest recruits, a pair of cousins from John and Linda’s family on their mother’s side. Both females, they are only a few years younger than me, but already have so much more angel knowledge than I do. Everyone here does, though I am quickly catching up. Sam’s opening of my third eye has helped me tremendously in understanding a lot of things I previously had trouble wrapping my mind around.

  The young cousins talk to me about learning angel magic when they were children, such as summoning certain castes of angels or individual angels who are known to them, and when such a spell should be done. We also talk about the angel language, Enochian, and how everyone in the village is taught it from the time they are young enough to form words. All members of the London family are bilingual practically from birth in both Enochian and English, even the ones without the seer genes.

  I get them to teach me a few words to use to impress Sam, and make a mental note to ask Linda if there are any books on Enochian I can study in my limited free time. Becoming fluent in this language like the others may be useful at some point, and I want every advantage I can get.

  After chatting with the girls for a while, I’m ready to head back to Linda’s house and get ready for bed. I’m not exactly tired per se. Thanks to Sam’s little trick with my third eye, I’ve got tons of energy and much less mental need for sleep than I previously did, but I do recognize that my body needs to unwind and rest.

  I haven’t seen Sam since dinner, but I know he’s nearby. He often spends his evenings talking to the other angels, making recruiting and battle plans with them, talking about their homes, and telling stories of their own personal adventures on and around Earth. So far, we only have Nature, Messenger, and Elemental Angels in our ranks, so they all have interesting stories of their own kingdoms to tell each other.

  Only twice in the six weeks we’ve been here has Sam joined any of the humans in a social activity. Once, he came to the movies with a large group of us, something he appeared to enjoy quite thoroughly, as it was a comedy. The other time he joined us, he gathered with a group of some of us younger adults to watch TV.

  Both times, he sat next to me, close enough our sides were touching, his head slightly above mine thanks to his height. He always seems to seek me out wherever we are, putting himself near me whenever he can manage it. In fact, his patterns where I’m concerned are so predictable, I already know he will appear on the street shortly after I start to walk back to Linda’s house. He always materializes seemingly out of nowhere to walk me back each night, even if we aren’t together when I begin the walk.

  Just as I expect, Sam appears at my side almost as soon as my feet hit the street after I leave the church. I don’t ask where he’s been. It doesn’t matter. He was doing what he needed to do, wherever he was, and so was I. He’s here now, just as always, and that’s the point. Sam is nothing if not reliable.

  “Are you enjoying your new powers?” he asks, falling into step close beside me, just shy of touching my side, per usual. His voice is soft, gentle, and almost like a warm, loving hug, the vibrations of his speech enveloping me w
ith comfort. I enjoy his company immensely, regardless of what we are or are not to each other. I even revel in it when we’re training, and he is mock-kicking my ass over and over again.

  “They’re not new,” I reply, smiling up at the stars. “But yes, I’m having a great time learning what I can do. I never imagined seers could do so many amazing things.”

  “You can do more than most.”

  “Well, I’m still learning what’s normal, what is exceptional, and what pertains to just me. It’s a fascinating journey.”

  “You’ll naturally become more powerful over time. Many of your abilities will present themselves only when needed, so be prepared to continue being surprised by what you can do. When a new ability comes to you, it will feel totally natural and you’ll know instinctively how to use it, but you’ll likely be a bit stunned by it at first. Just so you know.” He raises his eyebrows and wiggles them comically, and I laugh.

  We walk in silence for a while, until Linda’s house comes into view up the road. It is only three blocks from the church, so it isn’t a long walk. Nowhere in town is a long walk, actually. The entire village is only a square mile in size. However, a lot goes on there, that’s for sure.

  “I think we should bring your family as soon as possible,” Sam says, as we approach the house. “I gave it some thought, and you’re right about them being in danger. I’m so stupid to have not thought about it before. Jonathan has the sense of your energy, and your family will have similar energy signatures, enough that he will be able to guess a relationship if he gets near them. If he does, he will use it against them…and you. That would cause us to have to use valuable resources to mount a rescue mission, if he doesn’t kill them outright. Their guardian angels will only be able to do so much to defend them against such a powerful, higher caste angel.”

  “Then I’ll call them tonight,” I promise. Honestly, I am trying not to jump through the phone immediately and demand they come without delay. The thought of anything happening to my grandparents, my brothers, their wives, or my nieces and nephew…God, I couldn’t bear it. I’d find a way to kill Jonathan myself, no matter how unprepared for battle I may currently be. He’d never be able to hide from me, and I’d end up putting Sam in danger as a result of my vendetta. That won’t do, so we need to get them all here, now. I’m glad Sam brought it up, because it is something I meant to do weeks ago. Unfortunately, the idea got lost among all the planning and training, not to mention the discovery of all these powers inside me.

  “Once you talk to them, I can have them transported here right away,” Sam assures me, and I think he can sense the invisible tension that has formed in my muscles. It’s probably showing on my face, too. My emotions are ridiculously readable in my expressions. It’s why I quit playing poker years ago, after consistently failing to win a single hand thanks to my inability to bluff effectively.

  “Angel teleportation?” I ask, already knowing the answer, but eager to keep the conversation going.

  “Yes. Jared has a contact who will be joining us soon, and he can pick up your family and bring them here with him. We can have them here tonight if they agree.”

  “They better agree. Of course, I’m not giving them any choice,” I mumble under my breath. “They are coming here, like it or not.”

  “If you say it will be so, it will be so,” Sam says, without a hint of irony. He knows me well. I am a typical stubborn Taurus when it comes to things that are important to me, and when I decide something, I normally can’t be moved. “I’ll make the arrangements as soon as you talk to them. Give them time to pack a few things, you know?”

  “Right, but we’re not waiting too long. They need to get here now. This has been put off for far too long. We’re lucky he hasn’t been back to Orlando.”


  We’re already at Linda’s house, it’s so close to the church, so I pull out my cell phone and call her as we head up the cobbled path to the front door. Phones aren’t permitted on the training field, as calls distract when we need to be focusing, so I leave mine in the kitchen at breakfast. It makes it easy to grab at dinner, without having to go back to Linda’s house for it. If any of our relatives or friends outside the village need to get in touch with us and it’s important, they can call the city hall, where Linda’s sixteen-year-old daughter Amanda answers the phones, and she’ll get a message to us. So far, her services in that regard haven’t been needed, which is a blessing. We don’t need outside concerns distracting us while we’re training, which is why I need to get my family here ASAP.

  I’m grateful my grandmother answers right away, as the enormity of the potential danger to my family truly hits me.

  After talking to my grandparents, I make a phone call to Matthew and one to James. They all agree to come, bringing their wives and children with them. It’s a good thing they’re seers, because it makes them understand the threat Jonathan poses to them in particular and the world in general much more than it would otherwise. Each one promises to be ready in the morning, and I talk to John and Linda about where to put them when they arrive.

  A few phone calls by John secures living quarters for everyone among three different families in town who haven’t taken in anyone yet. Sam summons Jared, who sends word to his friend to pick up my family the next day. Finally, it is all arranged.

  I sit down on my bed, relieved. However, I won’t be totally comfortable until they’re all actually here.

  Sam knows this, bless him. In keeping with the theme of being my partner and friend, he does something he hasn’t done once in the six weeks we’ve shared a room…he sits down on my bed next to me. Up until now, he has most carefully avoided coming within a foot of it, which is about as far away as he can get in this crowded guest room. We often talk to each other from our own beds, but approaching my bed has been out of the question for him. Accordingly, I’ve avoided his in a similar manner, since it seems to be what he wants.

  Now, he is sitting beside me, and takes my hand in his, touching me outside of training for the first time since we arrived. He says nothing, just sits there and holds my hand. Soon, without thinking about it, as if it is the most natural thing in the world, I rest my head against his shoulder, feeling safer and more protected than I ever have in my life. He pulls me closer beside him and wraps one arm around my shoulders in a way that is clearly meant to be comforting. We sit there like that in silence for a long time. There is no need for words. There is an unspoken understanding flowing between us that we are, indeed, more than just friends. What we are to each other, I don’t know and neither does Sam, but this moment we’re sharing together is enough for now.

  I nestle into Sam’s strong, taut body, enjoying the feel of him next to me. Eventually, I fall asleep sitting up leaning against his chest. When I wake up, I am tucked into my bed, wearing my pajamas, and clean socks are on my feet just as I like, because my feet get so cold in bed without them. I know Sam must have done these things, then gone to his own bed, gentleman that he is.

  Sam isn’t in his bed, though the covers are shifted just enough I can tell he slept in it, and then made the bed after he got up. He can’t have been gone long. He’s likely outside, getting ready to meet my family when they arrive. That’s something I can’t miss.

  I quickly bounce out of bed to track down Sam and be there beside him to welcome my loved ones. My family is coming, which means I can relax. They’ll be safe from Jonathan and his spies, and I can rejoice in the comfort of knowing they’re safe within the borders of the village of London.