Read Earth Biome Page 2

  Little did I know, everything was fake, the trees, the grass, even the small bugs watched my every move sending real time data to the Guardians inside the facility.

  One of them spoke to another, “Secure the blueprints.”

  “What of the human?”

  “Lock him up, he may be of use to the Prime Guardian.”

  The Guardians then aimed their weapons in my direction and slowly moved in on my position. When I tried to run, I collide with a forcefield which knocked the blueprints out of my hand causing them to land onto a ledge by a sheer cliff. Then suddenly I heard a sonic pulse followed by a muffled but powerful explosion, at first I thought they shot at me. As the smoke cleared from the entrance to the facility, an oddly dressed Guardian came running out. He used a similar weapon to shoot the remaining Guardians. The gun he had fired pulses that met each Guardian with a powerful blow causing their exterior plate armor to shatter as they flew back dropping their own weapon on the ground. The rogue Guardian and began to run into the forest, all the attention was on him now. I saw this as my chance to retrieve the blueprints, so I grabbed hold of a branch and use my other hand to try to grab the blueprints. However the branch detached to reveal the electronic inside, most likely a doing of the Guardians. I lurched forward and began to fall, but then something grabbed my hand. I turned and it was the rogue Guardian. Startled and confused, I grab the blueprints as he lifted me back onto the grass. More Guardians started to pour out of the facility, this time with heavy armor and larger weapons. One Guardian set up a tripod while another Guardian lifted something heavy and mounted it on the top. It was like they made fifty of their weapons into one big one. At the same time the Guardian grabbed me and said, “Follow me.” I did.

  He turned his weapon around and pressed a button on the back, a loud pulse emitted from the from it causing a ripple to erupt revealing multiple forcefields surrounding the facility like bubbles. The Guardians began to fire but their laser pulses were absorbed in the force-field, when the large weapon began to fire it caused the forcefield to glow white hot and then it shut off. Then the Guardian ran at the next forcefield. He pressed another button and part of the forcefield opened just enough to let us through then closed behind us. They start to charge us but when they got close they became stuck in the forcefield and slowed to a stop. The remaining Guardians charged us but became stuck in the secondary forcefield. The same act continued for the remaining ten forcefields until we were clear of the trees.

  Suddenly the grass began to change, like a wave from behind one by one became razor sharp. We sprinted as fast as we could, but it wasn’t fast enough. The backs of my shoes were hit first, I could smell the shredding rubber and knew soon it would be my own flesh. I knew from experience, the more you thought about pain the worse it would be. Then I felt the razors stab my back and shoulders lifting me up, I closed my eyes. Then I felt like I was floating, soaring through the sky, was I dead, was my soul finally saying goodbye? I opened my eyes to expecting to see God and sweet baby Jesus, but no, it was the bright shiny blue hood of my car. It didn’t hurt, because I theoretically just felt the power of a thousand spines, but when I looked at myself, I was completely fine. I looked up to the rogue Guardian who was walking towards the car pulling a few spines out of his arms and legs. I then felt my back and shoulders where the clawlike hands of the Guardian lifted me to safety.

  * * * *

  Chapter 6: Escape

  The rogue Guardian then reached into my pocket and destroyed my iPhone, he said the Guardians are always watching.

  Then he said, “We need to go, what is the location of your vehicle.”

  I told him, “Thank you for saving my life, but I have to get home, my mom is worried sick about me and you nearly got me killed.” It was a lie, the Guardians were already after me, I even drove there in the first place. “I mean who are you?” I yelled, then suddenly realized there must be Guardians looking for us.

  Then he calmly asked, “Who are you?”

  The rogue Guardian explained they wouldn’t let anyone that close unless they wanted them to be there. I debated that, saying I was quick and they didn’t know I was even there, then I realized I was on the run from the Guardians. He then said, “This map, you were carrying it, thats what they wanted.” I realized in my fear, he had grabbed the map from me and was holding it ever since.

  I tried to get the map from him but he grabbed my wrist and said, “I can take this map and leave, they will not go looking for you, they will leave you alone and you can go back to living your life.”

  I quickly made a decision, I did what I knew was right, “No, I will carry out the mission, it is my duty.”

  I realized, this was my mission. The Guardian and I were now driving. I was in the drivers seat but he occasionally drove from the passenger seat with amazing accuracy. Then he used a device on his wrist to put a cloaking device around our car when we got onto the main road, but that meant we were invisible to humans too. So he took the wheel.

  After a long awkward silence, we began to talk. I showed him the briefcase with the recordings. He fixed the alert message, which then revealed the images of my grandfather. He was shocked and excited at the same time, I could see it in his eyes. He then said, “It is an honor to meet the son of the great human Joe Iwamura.” Then I told him I was not his son but his grandson, which confused the Guardian. So he asked if anything happened to him, I said no. The Guardian concluded that my grandfather must have postponed the mission, possibly because his mindset had changed. I realized I was on this mission that I didn’t even understand. After playing him the recording, the guardian understood everything. He said it was proof that the Prime Guardian was going to destroy the human race, in order to complete the mission there needed to be some proof. This recording was enough to change the fate of the planet.

  There were still so many unanswered questions, I mean, what the heck was the whole story, what is going on. The Guardian gave me the answers. He told me the Guardians are an elite race of beings not of this world, which I had already learned from the recordings. They are the monitors of the universe and the pioneers of scientific discovery.

  * * * *

  Chapter 7: The Guardian’s Point of View

  I told the boy, whose name I had not yet learned, all the secrets of the Guardians. If he was half the man his grandfather was, he was more than worthy to hear the truth.

  I was part of the elite scientific discovery division that operated on the fringe of science specifically in the division studying the origins of life. In the time of Joe Iwamura, before the C.M.C. incident, he was about 32 human years old. His birth date was September 12, 1998 and the current date was about 2030. We operated on the Alpha Centauri spacecraft, one of twenty scientific exploration craft, each the size of three Earths. Each ship operates on its own and sends discovery to uplinks in the Prime Guardian’s planet “Cortex” where information is stored in the largest bio-database in the universe. My colleagues and I made a startling discovery that if proven true could change the way the universe was understood. Using various tools we found a link, a bond, between 28 planets throughout different galaxies trillions of light years apart. We called this the “Archnet.” These bonds are formed at the core of each planet. These planets have special cores made of entirely unique properties that are nonreplicable and exist nowhere else in the universe. They defied natural law. We couldn’t even begin to fathom how these cores were forged. Each of these planets were also traced back to be separate origins of life.

  These planets were created during a cosmic supernatural event, which the humans refer to as the big bang. After all, it is very logical that this event did take place and was created by something or someone. Our current hypothesis is our creator exists outside the boundaries of natural law that were created when the universe was forged. That is why we will never be able to understand until we venture further outside space and time.

  One of these 28 planets was called Earth, home
to a race of beings called humans. Here, many theories about the origin of life arose to prove there was no creator for example; multiple universes. However, that in itself is illogical since it creates the question who or what created the multiple universes in the first place. Our creator existing outside of natural law was sure to be able to create something out of nothing, like the universe. These studies were very valuable to the people of the Guardians who looked forward to the Prime Guardian’s broadcasts about the latest discoveries. That is where most of the funding for these operations come from, because the Guardians want to learn more and are willing to pay for it. That’s how we found the archnet.

  Our goal was to understand more about these bonds and learn about the core’s of the planets in order to possibly come close to understanding our creator. However, the most recent study showed that not only are these planets connected through a supernatural bond, these bonds are what holds the cosmos together, when one planet is destroyed, the universe goes with it.

  Another division of the Guardians, called the Seekers, are born with a skill to see the future of the universe and the planets inside it. Every Seeker is created to be pure and use their abilities for the benefit of the universe. The scientific team discovered something in a transmission from the Prime Seeker, Earth was among the planets soon to be destroyed and its core would too be destroyed. Soon after, we found out the reason for its soon destruction was a man named Joe Iwamura, I told the boy that it wasn’t his grandfather’s fault. Joe worked in a very secret division in a deep underground base inside of the Marine Corps Air Base. He was the leading scientist and the mind behind the scientific revolution in the 21st century, however he had a peculiar source of funding. An untraceable private company called Mid Pacific that was giving his grandfather billions of dollars to conduct research.

  I then told the boy we needed to find the base in order to understand more. We need to figure out who this private source was since their funding impacted his research. The boy asked, “What exactly was the reason, how was my grandfather the source of global destruction?” I told the boy, “Your grandfather was attempting to create a device that would expand the earth that would enlarge the entire globe from the crust to the core while maintaining stability in the currently civilized populations. The ocean would become larger and the land would stay the same size, then using a pre existing program called H.A.A.R.P. to raise up certain parts of land under the ocean to create new continents while controlling any tsunamis it would have generated.  This would have worked, all of the calculations were correct, this would’ve solved the overpopulation issue. However, for a reason we couldn’t understand, the experiment would have somehow lead to the implosion of the earth and the core would be disintegrated.

  The boy was now driving the car to the base while I continued to explain to him the events that took place. However, after further research, we found the people of earth were violent and the destruction of Earth by the human people was inevitable. Yet the Guardians are protectors of life, so we devised a plan to reverse engineer his grandfather’s device to create a way to duplicate earth and everything inside it. Since his grandfather’s knowledge of the device was more comprehensive than ours we gained his assistance. We told him that we were going to work together to create a replica earth that was 70 years in the past and send the old Earth into a different dimension while letting the Guardians keep peace on the new Earth along with life on the previous Earth being teleported to the new Earth. It would be a much better option than to suddenly appear and reform the governments of the world, we would have been met with much resistance. When we brought our case to the Prime Guardian he rejected it, however we demanded a council meeting. We brought along his grandfather to present the blueprints to prove not only is the human race worthy to live on, the event is ready to take place. The council ruled in favor and gave us funding for the project. That was when his grandfather helped build the C.M.E., Core Manipulator Complex to replicate the Earth’s core.

  After we built the outer shell work was suddenly halted. A secret military team came to the facility and terminated all of the scientists. The boy’s grandfather and I were lucky to be held as prisoners. We found out it was the order of the Prime Guardian to take over the facility. However, there was no way to warn the Scientific Division that something was wrong. The entire Guardian race was under the impression the C.M.C. was completed. Instead of replicating earth and creating a controlled younger earth, the Prime Guardian only reversed time to 70 years in the past. The Prime Guardian had conducted secret research on time travel and had nearly perfected controlled time travel. In this case it worked. Due to the properties of the C.M.C., the Guardians inside along with his grandfather were kept alive and ‘traveled’ 70 years in the past. Everyone else was still under the impression the experiment was a success and didn’t know what the Prime Guardian had done. Peacekeeping Guardians Were Dispatched to earth along with a device to brainwash the people into accepting the Guardians as part of history and not to question them.

  However, the Prime Guardian was controlling the C.M.C. to accept a very expensive material called Dark Lithion which was supposed to power the generator. But the generator that was supposed to stabilize the Earth’s core didn’t exist, because it didn’t need one. That’s when we knew this was the real Earth, but why was this happening? The shipments of Dark Lithion were going into a guarded room. The door was supposed to be the entrance to the generator but we assumed the guards are corrupt and being hired to only stockpile shipments of Dark Lithion.

  Then the news came, the project was going to be shut down, we didn’t know what that meant but something was going down. Whatever the ulterior motive of the Prime Guardian was, he was ready to make his move. The only way to stop this was escaping. However, only one of us could, and in an island humans, a Guardian could be easily spotted. We worked to find a way out, he escaped with a briefcase containing the things necessary to prove to the Guardians that a large scale deception is taking place. Many days passed and the boy’s grandfather continued to find a way to stop the Guardians, however he saw the Guardians were keeping the peace and hadn’t yet made their move.

  He didn’t intercept any transmission of any kind or observe any movement or attack against earth. He became convinced the Guardians were going to keep the peace and it stayed like this for many years. His grandfather became old, he continued to watch, and wait incase he would have to make his move. He hid for a long time, however his skills made it easy for him to stay secret. Until one day when he married the boy’s grandmother. At this time, since his grandfather would have existed in multiple timelines, even the most powerful Seeker could not predict his future, it made him dangerous. They could not track him even with the most advanced technology, the computers wouldn’t recognize his presence. The systems that ran on prediction were useless, he was a ghost. He then lived a normal life, he was himself for many years forgetting about the mission, he still checked to see if the Guardians were attacking but he never found anything. He told himself that if anything did happen, his son would have to carry it out since he was far to old. The time never came, until yesterday, the boy’s grandfathers mind is deteriorating since parts of his memories existed in different time periods, it is fortunate that the boy was there to talk to him. His grandfather said either he or his son would be here to carry out the mission, but the boy was his grandson. So that means something changed his mind and made him wait longer than he should have. I later found out from the briefcase his grandson  had found that he didn’t get the proof until recently. However, something needs to be explained, why would the Prime Guardian do this.

  * * * *

  Chapter 8: Marine Corps Air Base

  The Guardian and I arrived at the base. We entered the facility by following a large oil tanker through a checkpoint. It was both frightening and exciting to see the baffled Guardians and humans wondering why they heard two engines go by when there was only one truck. We drove around the airfield wh
ile the Guardian used something from the briefcase to holographically change his appearance to that of a Marine officer. Then we stopped right outside of a control tower. He ran inside and after a few minutes he came out. He knocked on the door and told me I needed to see this. I was given a personal cloaking device however I had to mirror his steps, all the way to the server room. He opened a screen and showed me a file called Mid Pacific. We analysed it but it was completely empty. There was nothing in the document at all until we found an invisible text file. There was a number, 142. The Guardian ran a complete island wide defense network search and figured out what it was. The only relevant finding was a file named 142. A classified file showed an underground facility located in the airfield under control tower 3. I asked the Guardian, “Is that where my Grandfather conducted his research?” The Guardian replied, “Yes, fifteen years from now he would have.” However he knew something was wrong. If my grandfather was conducting the research fifteen years in the future why was the facility there. Why were we even able to find a file on Mid Pacific that talked about the facility long before it should have been built. Was it already there to begin with? Also, if the Guardians succeeded in stopping the program, the facility should never even have been built in the first place.