Read Earth Kid Hero Book 1: Lift Off (A Sci-Fi Series for Kids 9-12) Page 3

  The excited students shuffled out to the buses in a semi-orderly manner. Boys will be boys, so Mrs. Cantwell expected the horseplay that goes along with being so young and full of energy. Tyler laughed with all his friends as he boarded the bus. The joking around kept his attention off the strange occurrences earlier in the day.

  Tyler took a seat next to the window, completely transfixed by his friends’ cool story. The bus pulled away from McLaren Elementary School and headed toward the science museum downtown. The bus rocked and bounced (as buses do) in a rhythm and hums which had some kids nodding off.

  Tyler's heavy big eyelashes began opening and shutting like the waves of the ocean lapping the beach. Oops! A bob of his head! Tyler quickly snapped back upright. He rubbed his eyes, yawned and turned left to gaze out the window at the world passing by.

  Suddenly he locked eyes with the passenger of a fire engine driving next to the bus. The strange boy in Tyler’s clothes again! This gave him a surge of energy like a dose of cake and ice cream at a birthday party. Tyler noticed the boy wasn't wearing the yellow fleece anymore but instead wore the same Star Wars Lego shirt he had on.

  A shadowy figure sat in the driver’s seat. The driver appeared blurry, as if distorted by a haze. This time Tyler did not pull away from the gaze of the smiling boy. Something held his attention.

  The boy had the kindest, warmest smile Tyler had ever seen from anyone other than his parents. He gave a snappy Forrest Gump wave as the fire truck slowed to let the bus go ahead and faded from view.

  At the museum the students went through the rituals of museum field trips, wristbands on, a buddy to walk with and instructions from a tour guide. Tyler had to be reminded to get his head out of the clouds.

  The tour stopped at the entrance of a large room with tall black walls and a black ceiling. The dark space had white beams of light shining down on individual exhibits, making each piece pop out of the darkness.

  Tyler got a lump in his throat and butterflies in his stomach. Fifteen foot tall facial pieces were scattered throughout the room. A giant nose you could walk through. An enormous ear with a slide. All parts of the human head that should have been fun, but today they totally freaked Tyler out. He recalled coming here a year earlier with Dad and Grandma and Grandpa.. “I am brave. I am brave!” he repeated to himself, over and over.

  Still chanting and in full reverse, Tyler backed into something. He stopped with a quick flinch and almost fell backward when a pair of hands caught him. Turning to see who had helped him, Tyler found himself standing nose to nose with the strange boy! The boy had an odd yet comforting look. His brownish skin had a reddish shine on his cheeks.

  The most remarkable thing about the boy's face was its unremarkable features. He had a smooth complexion without blemishes, scars or freckles or anything. His face was symmetrical. The narrow nose was perfectly straight. The boy’s mouth was long with stark white, straight teeth. His large, round eyes with a light brown hue, which bordered on yellow, were warm and welcoming, and thick, wavy, chestnut  hair reached to his earlobes.

  “Hello Tyler,” the boy said happily. “It is so nice to meet you.”

  Tyler twisted around to straighten up from his awkward position, gulping hard. “Who are you and why are you following me?”

  The boy grinned with a sparkling smile as he explained his strange presence. “I am visiting. I know this may sound odd but I have been looking forward to meeting you Tyler.” The strange boy pointed at the exhibit. “This is all so interesting. Do you not find these objects fascinating?”

  “They used to scare me,” Tyler responded. “But I’ve learned how to make them not as scary. I’m the boss of my thoughts.”

  The boy tilted his head with a whimsical smile spreading broadly across his face. “Indeed you are Tyler, indeed you are.”

  As the two stared at the giant nose, suddenly Tyler snapped out of his funk. “Wait a minute. What’s your name?”

  “Oh, in my language my name is pronounced Adababyitsaboy, but translated to English it is Ethan,” he replied, eyebrows raised, “You can call me Ethan unless you prefer to say Adababyitsaboy.”

  “No, it’s okay, I like Ethan better,” Tyler giggled. “Where are you from, another country?”

  “Well, sort of,” Ethan said with a slight chuckle. “My home is far away. You might say I am on a special secret mission.” This got Tyler excited! A secret mission? For real? Wow! “What kind of a secret mission?” “The answer is complicated. I will explain later,” Ethan responded.

  “Are you all right?” asked Ethan.

  “Yes I’m okay.”

  “Tyler you look as if you need to urinate,” Ethan said rapidly. “Perhaps we should find a facility so you may eject the waste.” Huh?  Urinate?  Eject waste? Who talks like that? “I have to go the restroom,” Tyler finally explained. “Ah, understood,” said Ethan, “Let us find a lavatory. But you must first notify the adults.”

  Ethan walked out of the exhibit and waited in the hallway as Tyler found a teacher. While walking to the lavatory Ethan and Tyler continued to quiz each other.

  “Why did you not tell me you needed to go to urinate? You seemed distressed and uncomfortable.”

  “I’m having too much fun talking to you. I didn’t want to leave,” Tyler replied.

  “Tyler, if you have to go, you will go,” Ethan said calmly, as they entered the men’s room. “The result will be the same no matter how long you wait. So why not make it on your terms? Take charge of your body, Tyler. You are worthy of such self-respect.”

  I think I understand him, Tyler thought to himself, but he sure doesn’t talk like any kid I know.

  After Tyler finished ‘doing his business,’ he washed his hands and stepped to the restroom door ahead of his new friend Ethan. He headed down the corridor towards his classmates when he noticed Mrs. Cantwell waving her arms in the air as if landing a plane. “Come on Tyler, let’s get a move on! We’re about to leave,” she bellowed. Tyler turned to tell his new friend he had to go  Ethan had disappeared. This kid must be a ninja shadow warrior Jedi...poof! Gone! Tyler opened the restroom door, peered in and called “Ethan, are you in here?” He craned his neck around the room to find only a blur, as if looking through foggy shower glass.

  But the blur lasted for only for a second, then snap! Back to normal. Tyler backed out of the doorway, letting the weight of the door shut itself. He turned around and found his teacher smiling. “Tyler you are my lost little sheep” she said, “I always have to find you.” They both chuckled as Tyler grabbed her hand and met up with the class.

  The trip back to school passed as normally as expected. Tyler paid little attention to the shenanigans going on during the bus ride. He stared out the window, scanning every car with no sign of Ethan. Tyler wondered if he’d ever see his new friend again. He hoped he would.

  Ethan didn’t pop up during the bus ride after school either. Now that Tyler wanted to see the strange boy, he couldn’t find him anywhere.