Read Earth Stands Alone: part one Page 4

Chapter 4: The War

  President Bush was rushed into the Newark Defense Base. Where, he was debriefed on the situation.

  ‘Mr. President, the situation is desperate, we have spaceships all over the planet and our conversional weapons seem to have no effect on them’ said General Fox on a monitor. ‘Let me patch you through to the Air force captain Willow, who is leading our first air strike against one of the spaceships, over Washington DC’

  ‘Eagles approaching spaceship DC, preparing to engage target; Eagle one, I have lock, bark eight’ Captain Willow reported as he and his squadron opened fire. The missiles hit their target, but there was no damage on the ships. ‘No damage to spaceship, I repeat no damage to spaceship’ Captain Willow responded, when one of his fellow pilots plane shut down and fell. One by one the electronics of the jets stopped functioning and fell to the ground. When captain Willow’s jet experienced the same malfunction, he struggled to fight it, but it was to effect as the jet fell to the ground.

  ‘All Eagles are down Mr. President’ General Fox said

  ‘What of our un-conversion weapons’

  ‘There on standby awaiting your orders’

  ‘Bring the case’ the President ordered, as the nuclear brief case was brought to him. Upon going through the authentication process, the President proceeded with the targeting stage. ‘What should we target?’

  ‘I suggest Mr. President, the ships in New York city’

  ‘Where I am?’

  ‘The base, Mr. President, can survive a direct strike from two Nuclear Warheads, you will be fine’

  ‘What of the people outside’

  ‘Mr. President, if you do not do this, then the world as we know it, will end’

  The President pondered on his words and decided to go ahead. After pressing the lunch button, a nuclear warhead lunched from the Eastern sea board of Florida, but was immediately shoot down by a beam from the sky. It was a moment later that a spaceship appeared over the lunch site and destroyed the base.

  ‘Mr. President, Florida base is down and we are receiving reports of our other bases being under attack’ General Fox said

  ‘What do we do now?’ asked the President

  There was a break in Transmission, as technicians tried to reestablish communication. The monitor returned a picture, showing General Fox on his knees, as a black skinned alien stood in front of him. It stood on its skinny three toed legs, waving a weapon attached to its right arm straight at his head; its big head with dark blue eyes gazed into his eyes, before executing him on sight. The shock of the people was heard by the alien through the monitor, before it gazed right at them.

  ‘I ‘am President John K. Bush of these United States of America; what do you want’

  The alien gazed into the monitor, before speaking in a creepy voice, ‘we have what we want, you have nothing to offer, die human; Diiieeee’

  A large thump was heard at the reinforced nuclear blast door, as aliens tried to gain entrance.

  ‘Agents, secure that door’ Martina instructed, as she grabbed the President, ‘follow me Mr. President.’ The door is blasted open, as the alien’s race in, taking out the agents and personnel. Martina takes the President through a tunnel, leading him to an escape capsule, ‘enter the escape capsule, Mr. President it will eject you to the surface.

  ‘What about you?’

  ‘I will hold them off’ she replied, pointing the gun towards the other end of the tunnel, as they heard a thump coming towards them

  President Bush, thought to himself, as the thump got louder and closer, ‘to hell with this, you’re coming with me’ he said, as he grabbed her by the arm and dragged her into the capsule, before pressing the eject button, sending the escape capsule horizontally away from the base, exiting from what seemed to be a drain pipe. President Bush and Martina found themselves outside, as spaceships converged together in the sky like a giant puzzle, blocking the sun. The whole planet was covered by the ships; no sky could be seen, plugging the world into darkness. The whole world stood still, as the blackness engulfed every corner; Susan held Pamela close, as the darkness made it almost made it impossible to see anything, until light was emitted by the ships. The bright lights shun on everything; the world seemed to everyone, like a stadium at night. They looked on when they noticed small blue lights falling from the ships; they had no idea of what had happen to lead to this.

  The alien commander, upon receiving conformation of the destruction of the armies, of the world had ordered the conversion of the spaceship, where once completed, he gazed down on the earth cities with his gazing blue eyes. ‘Kill the humans, leave none alive and prepare for mineral extraction’

  ‘Does that mean we start to collect the sun’s rays?’ a second alien asked


  The spaceships collected the sun’s rays, powering the lights that now shun on the earth, as the blue eyes that people saw descending upon them, were the eyes of the alien begins.

  ‘Run’ screams were heard by Susan and Pamela, as it became known that the aliens were killing everyone.

  ‘Run’ Susan screamed to Pamela, as they fled the aliens’ rampage. They ran in the direction of Central Park, as aliens fell from the sky onto roof tops and stress, shooting and slashing victims everywhere. Once they reached the park, they hid in the bushes and observed a slaughter. An alien sneaked from behind them, its blue eyes zoomed on their position. Susan turned her head behind them, and looked on in terror, as the alien took aim at them; Pamela noticing her mother’s turned head also turned her head, before turning screaming; as the alien prepared to fire, Susan and Pamela embraced in terror, when the alien was struck from behind with a fire axe. The alien fell to the ground and standing behind it was Mark.

  ‘Mark’ Pamela cried, as she rushed into his arms

  ‘Are you guys alright?’ he asked, before receiving a nod from Susan, ‘Pamela, hold on to your mother and follow me’ he instructed

  Mark cut the arm of the alien with his axe and took the alien weapon. He removed the alien arm from the weapon, before he slid his arm in; the weapon activated and turned his eyes blue, as he developed the alien vision and targeting capabilities. They ran through the park, as alien all-round attacked everyone in sight; Mark protected the girls, as he shoot every threat posed by the aliens while they ran through the park. They reached the Columbia University Street, where Mark instructed them to go down the man hole into the sewers. Mark closed the man hole behind him.

  ‘Where are we?’ Susan asked

  ‘We are under the Columbia University; I used to play here when I was at school here’ Mark explained

  ‘You used to play in the sewers’

  ‘No. I used to play in the old basement of the school; this sewer connects to it’

  ‘How are we going to find?’

  ‘I think I dropped the flash light I had; but wait, my vision is changing. Woe’


  ‘I can see; this weapon must be adjusting my vision to compensate for the darkness. Follow me’

  ‘We can hardly see you’

  ‘Hold my hand, I will guide you’

  Mark slowly guided them through the sewer; they reached the basement entrance door, where Yuan was waiting with an axe held up high to the door.

  ‘Mark’ Yuan said, before embracing him.

  Their brief embraced caused a slight jealousy in Susan, as she looked on.

  ‘Susan’ Yuan said


  ‘Yuan, how is everyone’ Mark asked

  ‘There alright, but eager for news’

  ‘Let’s go’

  The entered the basement, where a group of people rose from the ground where they sat, as Mark walked in. Men, Women and children were among the people. They asked of the situation above.

  ‘Their aliens everywhere and their killing everyone’ Mark informed

  ‘What do they want?’ asked a woman with child

  ‘I don’t know, but its obverses that they are
not here to negotiate’

  They group grew into despair, as the news sunk in.

  ‘What do we do now?’ asked a teenager named Mathew from Columbia University

  ‘I don’t know; we have to try to survive somehow’

  It was at this moment that Pamela who had held her mother so tightly, collapses.

  ‘Pamela’ cries Susan, as check her daughter, who lies on the floor unconscious

  ‘Let me look at her’ said Brick, a med student at the school, as he checked Pamela. ‘She was shot’ he says, causing a cry from Susan, ‘but it’s not bad, I don’t think she’s bleeding internally; it must be a combination of exhaustion and the flesh wound here’

  ‘What do you need?’ asked Mark

  ‘There is a medical room in the school; it has all I will need to fix her; bandages and antibiotics; food and water, she will need that to restore her strength’

  ‘Alright; Sir, what is your name’

  ‘I ‘am Dave, this is my wife Carol and kids, James and Kim’

  ‘Can you get the axe from Yuan and guard the door to the sewer; Mathew, lock the basement door behind me when I go out’

  ‘You’re going out there’ Yuan asked


  ‘Don’t, they will kill you’

  ‘Not while I hold this weapon they won’t’

  ‘You’re still out numbered’ she argues

  ‘Pamela needs what he said now and I ‘am not going to sit here and watch her die’ he replied, as he stormed out the room