Read Easter's Lilly Page 19

Every month was a new party. I was lucky enough to get a new dress, shoes and a handbag for each one. Sometimes, if I behaved as Diego preferred, I even got diamonds. Time was passing and Diego and I were a real married couple. He watched Max and me more closely now. When Diego was working we would try to steal a moment by the creek but more often than not, Diego would take his work home with him. There were no more evenings of romantic poetry. No more playing around like children. I could see that it was starting to take its toll on Max. His sense of humor had dwindled. I wasn’t sure how much more he could take.

  I put on my newest white, lace gown with diamonds dripping from my neck like icicles on the outside of a house. Diego preferred to see me in white. As I slowly walked down the spiral staircase, Max was waiting at the bottom. “Wow!” he said. “I always knew you were an angel.”

  “Maxwell, I have missed you.” I walked slowly to him as to not tear my dress. I looked around for company and saw no one, so I kissed his cheek. He sighed.

  “Sometimes, it just hurts,” he said. “I’m really starting to need you.” Just after he said that Diego came from around the corner with Jorge and Olivia. We weren’t sure if they heard.

  “Are you all right Max? You look a little sad. So unlike you.” Diego knew what was wrong and was being sarcastic.

  “I’m fine,” he said. “Let’s go.”

  It was the usual routine. Diego and Jorge being treated like kings and Olivia and I being discarded like coats headed for the cloakroom. Max and Hector were always left to watch us. That was the only part of the night I liked.

  The men went to their meeting as soon as Diego and Jorge came back inside from whatever it is they were doing and the women all had dinner together. “It’s weird,” Olivia said. “When he’s not around, it hurts.”

  “Max was just saying that,” I told her. “I feel the same way. I ache for him,” I answered. “If he were to leave, I would die.” Olivia smiled.

  “I’m so glad we have each other now,” she said. “We’re not alone anymore.” Only we were alone. Every time Diego or Jorge closed that bedroom door behind us, we were alone. I was vulnerable to whatever he wanted and he gave me no say. Every night that I had to be with him, I prayed that he would die or find someone else. When our dinner was over the men came out of the back room and Diego and Jorge came to claim their respective wives. Max and Hector were sent back to our house while they kept us there in hotel rooms for their pleasure. As Diego was shoving me into the room, I watched Max watch me go. Hector reluctantly pulled him down the hall by the back of his collar but Max watched me until I could no longer see him. When Diego closed the door behind him I was scared. Max was never this far away before. “What is it, Lilly?” he asked. “You look a little more frightened than usual.” I didn’t like his tone. I was afraid he may be speeding, but I wasn’t sure. “Come on Lilly, what is it?” he asked me again.

  “Nothing, Diego, I’m fine. The party was fun.” I was trying so hard to act normal but with Max gone, I was terrified.

  “It seems that you and Olivia have a lot in common.” He got close to me. I could just tell what was coming. Obviously, Jorge knows about Hector, and Diego thinks he knows something about Max. I was sorry that I hadn’t been with Max. I really thought he was going to kill me.

  “She’s very nice,” I answered with a lack of something clever to say.

  “Isn’t she, though,” he responded. “I think a little too nice sometimes.” He was watching me and his eyes looked dark.

  “Let’s go to sleep, Diego, it’s late,” I answered. I tried to step away from him. I was praying he would want to leave me alone tonight but I knew he had a plan if he kept me there.

  He put his hand behind my neck and grabbed my hair. I was startled for a second and then he kissed me pulling my head back. He threw me on the bed and began to take off his pants. I was thinking to myself, “If I could just get through this, I could see Max tomorrow.” But he had his way with me and then smacked me in the face as I went flying onto the floor. He picked me up again and threw me against the wall with another slap. “This is your last warning,” he said. “Stay out of my brother’s bed!” He reached down to the floor picked me up as he pulled me back onto the bed. I was crying by now, not sure if I was going to live through this. He put himself on top of me and rolled over. He passed out suddenly. I grabbed my clothes and ran out the door. I called a taxi and went home. When I got there, I quickly headed upstairs and changed into shorts and a T-shirt and ran to find Max. I got to his door and prayed he was alone. “Max,” I whispered and I peeked inside. He was laying in his bed in nothing more than boxer shorts staring at the ceiling with his hands behind his head. He was so beautiful. He sat up and looked at me.

  “Oh no, Lilly.” I walked inside and he locked the door behind me. He picked me up and put me in his bed and lay down next to me after he covered us in his blanket. “Dear God, Lilly, he beat you.”

  “Max, if you don’t make love to me tonight, I swear I’ll steal your gun and kill myself. I mean it!”

  “Lilly, did he rape you?”

  “Yes!” I cried and he pulled me close to him.

  “Lilly, I am not going to make love to you right after you’ve been raped, forget it.” But he sat up a little and took my battered face into his hands. Then he kissed me. He finally kissed me. I lost all feeling in my legs and collapsed in his arms. “Oh Max,” I cried.

  “You have no idea, how long I’ve waited to hear that.” He put his cheek on my wounded one.

  “I love you, Max. I need a reason to keep on going.” He dried my tears with his fingers and kissed me again. We lay in each other’s arms for what felt like forever, kissing and touching. “Max, please don’t leave me,” I cried. “I don’t think I can do this anymore.”

  “Lilly, you are my whole world. I love you with everything I am, that’s what makes it so hard not to just put a bullet in his head.” He kissed me again and said, “I don’t know if I can stay away anymore.”

  “I thought you said you don’t use drugs.” When I said that his face changed and he sat up startled. “What are you talking about?” he asked.

  “Diego was speeding on something,” I answered. “I think coke, but I’m not sure.”

  “You’re kidding me,” he answered. “Now he’s using?”

  “I think so Max. He looked weird and accused me of sleeping with you.”

  “I am such a fool,” he replied and lay back down next to me. “Everyone thinks we’re having an affair.” I smiled. “We may as well be having an affair.”

  “He told me to stay out of his brother’s bed.” Ironically, this was the first time I had actually been in his brother’s bed.

  “This is why I stayed away from you in the first place,” he replied. “Lilly, I am going to take some pictures of your face with my phone, okay?”

  “No police, Max. He’ll kill me.” I was terrified.

  “No police.” He started photographing my face. “I will talk to him tomorrow and tell him we are not sleeping together.” He stroked my bruise with his fingers. “But after tomorrow, we will be sleeping together.” I reached out and touched his bare chest. “We need each other,” he said. I knew he was right. We both knew Olivia was right.

  “Does Jorge beat Olivia?” I asked.

  “Sometimes,” he answered. “Usually if he has too much to drink or… something else.”

  “What does Hector do?” I asked.

  “As soon as we get involved, we open up an area of flying bullets. We have to be sure neither one of you gets hurt. He’s stopped Jorge from killing her before, as I did for you the night I found you at John’s house. But when we get involved in the bedroom, that confirms our involvement with you.”

  “You’re saying if he rapes me in our bedroom, you can’t help me?” I asked.

  “After I get done with him tomorrow, he won’t.” He seemed pretty certain. “I’ll have a substance abuse conversation with him again.” He put his cheek against mine. “H
e can’t eat up the profits… that kind of thing.”

  “So, no love?” I asked.

  He smiled. “You can spend the night here,” he answered. “He’ll probably crash hard and come back in the afternoon.”

  “I can sleep with you?” I was really excited.

  “You are so cute,” he answered. “Yes, baby girl, you can spend the night in daddy’s arms.” And I did. It was the best night I had ever had. He was right, Diego did not come home in the morning and we took a shower and ate breakfast together before we heard the angry bear slam open the door screaming my name like a crazy person. I gasped and Max put me behind him as he often did and pulled out his gun.

  “Where is she Max?” Then he saw me and reached for me but Max cocked his revolver.

  “I have no problem killing you right now,” Max said. “You raped her and beat her, you bastard!” For a minute, I really thought he was going to shoot him. There was a small part of me that was hoping he would. “We’re not together,” Max said. “I’m in love with her, but she won’t have me.” I couldn’t believe he said that.

  “What?” Diego asked. “Are you serious?”

  “She’s in love with you, Diego, or she was until last night.” I was shocked, confused and sick to my stomach. Diego calmed right down after that. He backed up and sat at the table in the kitchen.

  “How stupid do you think I am?” he asked. “She’s not in love with me.”

  “You have to cut this out, Diego. Stop beating her up. If you’re angry take it out on me. I can take it. She’s a little girl.”

  Diego appeared to think about it for a minute. “Lilly, I’m so sorry,” he said. Max put the gun down and stepped aside. He put his head in his hands and said, “I’m so sorry.”

  “No more eating the profits,” Max said. “You know you can’t use and sell, Diego.”

  “Come here, Lilly.” He put his hand out for me and Max gave me an approving nod. He put me on his lap and kissed me. Then he looked at my bruise and kissed it. “Forgive me, please.”

  “I already have,” I lied with tears in my eyes. He hugged me and then pushed me up so that he could get up out of the chair. “I have to go to work today, Max.” He started to walk away. “Keep an eye on her. I’ll be back in a few hours.” As he walked off I opened my mouth to scream at him but he shushed me. Then I whispered, “In love with him? Are you crazy?”

  “I had to defuse this,” he said. “He gave in way too soon. He’s up to something.”

  We waited about fifteen minutes after he left and he did not come back. We made idle chatter and had some coffee while we waited for the call from the guard confirming Diego had officially left the property. The call finally came in. Max’s face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. “Lilly?” He did not have to say another word. I knew what was on his mind. “If you feel up to it…” He paused and smiled at me. “Say something, baby girl, I ‘m going crazy here.”

  I smiled at him and said, “Did you just ask me that out loud?” I had been begging him for months to break his own rules. “Of course I’m ready.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked. “Are you sure this is what you want?”


  Oh Brother