Read Easter's Lilly Page 29

“I’m just going to say what everyone is thinking,” Hector said. “How do we know for sure that it’s really your baby in there?” He looked at Max.

  “Not in front of her father,” Max answered.

  “Hector’s right,” dad said. “We should get a test done or something.”

  “I’m sure it’s Max’s baby. I’m sure!” I was starting to get a little mad.

  “How can you be sure?” dad asked. “I don’t mean to hit on delicate territory but weren’t you with both men continuously?”

  “Oh God,” I said, turning different colors of purple. “I can’t have this conversation with you.”

  “I can,” Max, said. “Are you sure you want details, Mick?”

  “Yes, I’m sure,” he said. “Wait, I don’t know.” He stopped again. “Keep it simple,” he finally concluded.

  I sat there looking at Max but he was just having way too much fun with this. “Lilly and I waited… almost four years,” he said. “Really, no kidding.”

  “That’s a long time, Max.” he replied.

  “One day Diego made this huge speech about how he wasn’t going to force himself on her anymore and that they were going to make a baby together.” My dad made a face and put his head into his hands.

  “At that point I realized that I had waited too long. She might fall in love with him and I had never….” He stopped. “Well… you know,” he continued.

  “Get to the point,” dad said, obviously embarrassed.

  “I hadn’t been with a woman since I met your beautiful daughter,” he went on. “So, I knew I would get her pregnant right away. After that day, he didn’t touch her for a little over three weeks.”

  “Did you use protection?” he whispered.

  “Mick it was either his baby or mine… be happy she chose me or things would be much worse.”

  “Okay,” he said. “Go on…”

  “He slept with her the day they were both shot. You remember; I called you?”

  “Of course,” he answered.

  “The doctor discovered at that time that she was three weeks pregnant. Sorry you asked?” he said with a chuckle.

  “A little,” he answered. “But what about the times Diego and she were together before that day?”

  “We always used protection,” I said.

  “Still, Lilly, there is no guarantee.” I started to realize that he might be right. Max sensed my panic and grabbed my hand. “Even if it isn’t mine, which it is.” He looked over at my dad, and then he looked back at me. “I will love it and care for it as though it were my own.” Tears formed in my eyes.

  “That is so sweet,” Hector said, pretending to cry.

  “Shut up,” I blurted, hitting him in the arm.

  “Anyway, test… soon….” Hector said. “Okay Max?”

  “I’ll call the doctor tomorrow,” dad agreed. “Both of you go with her and Max do not leave her side.” He looked at me. “Even during the test, he stays.”

  “Yes, sir.” I answered.

  “I need to know how you got her to say ‘sir’ when you give her an order,” my dad asked laughing. “Good job, boys.” I was so embarrassed. But I was also very nervous. What if we were wrong and I was already pregnant when I slept with Max. I couldn’t think about that now. We were out and having fun and I didn’t want to ruin it. Besides as soon as we got back to the house, we would have to make sure there were no more bugs or cameras. I was very nervous about that too.

  When we got home the FBI was not there yet. We went inside and my dad said, “Just keep it casual until the house is clean.” Max grabbed me and kissed me. “You’ve got to stop that, he’s just going to get angrier.”

  “I don’t care,” he said. “He wanted to watch, let him watch.” He put his arms around me and looked into my eyes. “You are my whole world,” he whispered. Just then the TV popped on and Diego’s face was looking at us. I screamed and Max looked at my dad for some kind of confirmation.

  “What exactly is happening here?” Hector yelled.

  “Hi boys,” he said. “Lilly, you’re looking lovely.”

  “How did you do that?” Max asked. “Diego what’s going on?”

  “Keep your hands off of my wife,” he said. “You’re just making it worse for yourself.”

  “Mick, what is this?” Max asked again. “You can’t possibly see us through the TV.”

  “Cameras, cameras everywhere,” he laughed. “You have to wonder Max, don’t you?”

  “What?” he asked.

  “Maybe Hector’s a traitor. Maybe it’s Mick. Maybe Olivia wasn’t acting alone.” The men all looked at each other. “Maybe Max is the one on the wrong side.” Max went to the Television and tried to turn it off but nothing happened. Then he unplugged it. Diego’s face was gone and we were sitting in a sea of doubt. My dad motioned for us all to go outside. Max took my hand and the four of us went to the end of the driveway.

  “Come on boys,” dad said. “We can’t let him do this to us.”

  “Mick is right,” Max said to Hector. “We need to stick together.”

  The FBI arrived and swept the house for bugs, cameras and anything else that might have been planted illegally. We were pretty sure we were secure. We went to bed that night a little weary but Max and Hector re-checked the house after they left and found nothing. When we got into bed, Max was all excited. “I can’t believe we are finally alone,” he started. He began to kiss me and I melted into him like ice to fire. Then my TV popped on and I jumped. Max looked up, covered me up and said, “Diego, cut it out, man.”

  “Haven’t you learned that I am everywhere?” and his face went black. Max got up, put his clothes back on and started searching the room. He found a bug that he had never seen before just over my bed. “Oh God!” I said. “How humiliating.”

  “It’s Okay,” Max assured me. I’m going to put it in the kitchen with a note on it for Mick. We need to check this out.” He dropped it off in the kitchen and came back to check the rest of the room. “I’m sorry, baby, but I need to wake Hector so we can re-check.”

  I got dressed and the two of them went through the room with a fine toothcomb. “It looks like that was it,” Hector told us.

  “Thanks, bud, I appreciate it.”

  “You two need to chill for a few days.” Hector laughed.

  “I can’t leave her alone,” he said. “I just can’t.”

  Hector laughed and said, “Goodnight, Lilly.” We slept in each other’s arms and quietly made love under the covers.

  In the morning we went into the kitchen and the bug was gone. “Did you see the bug?” Max asked my dad.

  “What bug?” he answered.

  Hector and Max looked at each other in disbelief. “So, someone was here last night and …” Max paused, “stole it?”

  “What are you talking about?” dad asked.

  “I found a bug,” Max said. “It was strange looking. I left it for you, right here on the table.”

  “I didn’t see it,” he answered. Then he handed Max directions to the doctor’s office. “Leave them a DNA sample so they can match yours with the baby’s.”

  Max and Hector walked out with me and we got into the car to go to the hospital. “What do you think, Max?” Hector asked.

  “I think he’s still controlling him,” Max answered. “Lilly, I need you to make sure your dad does not find out the results of the test.”

  “Yes sir,” I answered. “You want him to think the baby is Diego’s. Why?”

  “You’re not supposed to ask why?” Max said laughing. “You’re just supposed to say, ‘Yes sir.’” He and Hector both continued laughing.

  “Max, you don’t think it’s my dad?”

  “Let’s get the test done and worry about the rest later,” he said, getting a little more serious. “Promise me Lilly, you’ll make sure Mick’s name isn’t on the chart.”

  “I promise,” I replied. “Max, why does he need to think you’re not the father?”

being pregnant with Diego’s baby is what will keep you alive, for now.”

  We got to the hospital and Max came with me into the exam room. The nurse put an ultrasound on my belly and we could see the baby moving around. “You’re about four months along, now.” She said. Max took my hand. “Would you like to know the sex?” she asked.

  “I think I see the sex,” Max answered. She laughed. “It’s a boy!”

  I could see how proud Max was. She stuck the needle in my belly and took out the fluid. “How long for the results?” Max asked.

  “A few days,” she answered. He pulled out his ID and said, “How about a few hours?”

  This startled her. “Yes, sir, a few hours.” Then she picked up the file. “I have here Mick O’Hara is the contact.”

  “Please erase that,” I asked. “Now,” I said, a little louder. She erased it looking at us like we were out of our minds. “I will put you down, Mrs. Montiago, as the only contact.”

  “Thank you,” I added. “Please get his DNA and compare it to the baby’s.” She looked at us in a disapproving fashion.

  “I know how this looks,” Max started. “But her husband is a very dangerous man and he cannot find out that I might be the father.”

  She paused for a second. “Wait a minute…” She looked us both up and down. “Aren’t you the wife of that Diego Montiago who was arrested in Las Vegas last week?”

  “That’s me,” I answered.

  “He’s a hottie!” she sputtered.

  “Yeah, we’ll call him that,” I said sarcastically.

  “Are you saying he’s better looking than I am?” Max asked, being his humorous, little self.

  “You are both very handsome,” she answered. “You’re a lucky girl.”

  “Not so lucky,” I said. “He’ll kill us both if the information leaks, so please…” I didn’t say any more. She smiled. She swabbed the inside of his mouth and put it in a baggie.

  “I will rush the results. You can wait or go out for a bit.”

  “We’re not going anywhere until the results are back,” he told her. We went out to the waiting room and Max asked Hector if he checked on the paternity of Olivia’s baby.

  “You know,” he said. “I need to do that.”

  We went to the desk and he asked for the results. “I’m sorry,” she said. “It is an FBI investigation and I can’t give out the results.” Hector and Max pulled out their ID’s.

  “Oh, I apologize,” she said. “I’ll go get the file.”

  “I love doing that,” Max started.

  The nurse came back and said, “I’m sorry sir, but you are not the father.”

  Hector looked at Max. “I will take a DNA test right now if you are doubting me,” Max told him.

  “Don’t be silly,” he said. “I know you’d never sleep with her.”

  “Then what?” he asked.

  “Who is?” he asked. “It’s not Jorge, it’s not me, it’s not you…” They looked at each other. “Lilly?” Max asked. “Do you have anything with you that might have Diego’s DNA on it?”

  “Why would I have taken anything like that with me?” I asked.

  “I’m going to call Miguel,” Max decided. “He can get his hair brush or toothbrush or something from the house and mail it to me.”

  “Keep the file open until further notice,” Hector ordered.

  “Yes sir,” she giggled. “Is there anything else that I can do for you?” Hector smiled a flirty smile at her. “No thanks,” he answered. “But I’ll let you know if I change my mind.” She brushed against him as she disappeared down the hallway. Hector watched her walk away.

  “Easy boy,” Max jested. “Remember, stay focused.”

  “You’re seriously talking about staying focused?” he asked.

  “Yeah okay, you’re right,” he agreed. They were a charming pair, those two.

  We waited for the amnio results impatiently, but Max was too afraid that someone might tamper with the test, so we stayed until she finally came to us with the test results. I held my breath as she approached. “I would like to talk privately if that’s all right?” she asked us. The three of us followed her into an exam room.

  “I’m not sure if this is good news or not, but I’m afraid you are without a doubt, the father of her baby.” I jumped in the air and threw my arms around him. I couldn’t stop crying. “Good news?” she asked.

  “The best,” Max answered. “Please remember this has to stay confidential.” Hector patted Max on the back. “Congratulations, man.”

  “It’s a boy,” Max said. “We’re having a boy!”

  “You guys are going to have to look sadder than that if you’re going to fool Mick.”

  “Thank you,” I said to the nurse, and she left.


  He had zero reaction time