Read Easter's Lilly Page 4

  When I got out of work the next day, I noticed Johnny standing outside my car. He was casually leaning on the hood with a smug smile on his face. Grateful that the parking lot was so far from the restaurant, I briskly ran to the car and scolded him. “For goodness sakes, Johnny, would you just go away.”

  “I’m afraid I can’t do that,” he answered. “Let’s head back out to the crossing. I’m not expecting company today.”

  “Are you sick?” I was shocked at his shameless behavior. “I’ll never sleep with you. So, if that’s the plan, make a new one.”

  “You’d better hurry up and let me in.” He pointed to the restaurant and Pierre was watching us again.

  “Are you trying to get me fired?” I was furious.

  “He’s all talk. He won’t fire you.” He leaned in closer to me. I backed up.

  “Please Johnny.” I tried to calm my voice so he would see that I was serious. “Please stop coming here.”

  “Still watching…” He pointed to Pierre, who by this time had taken a seat and was watching us while smoking his cigarette. He was looking at us like we were today’s entertainment.

  I hurried over and let him in. “Crossing?” he asked me.

  “I’m taking you home,” I answered. He was still smiling. I don’t think he quite accepted defeat yet.

  “Home?” He reached for my hand as I started the car. I looked over at him.

  “John, I can’t keep doing this.” I pulled my hand away. “I will never be what you want me to be in your life. I’m taking you home. Just leave me alone.”

  I hadn’t put the car in gear yet as he leaned into me and pulled me close. I swallowed hard. He was starting to make me uncomfortable. He put his face up close to mine. His breath was warm against my ear. He touched my cheek with his. My dad was right; he was clever. I must admit the logical side of me was still standing in the parking lot outside of the car. There was something about him… I couldn’t explain it. I pushed his chest back away from me but it took all of my strength to do it.

  “Fine!” I gave in.

  “You know you’re sexy when you’re mad.” He was still pretty pleased with himself.

  “Don’t push it.” I tried not to smile back but it was hard. I could feel the sides of my mouth begin to turn up but I fought it.

  I drove out there against my better judgment and we walked back to our original spot. He stopped by the rushing waters and took both my hands in his. He pulled them tightly around his waist and put his hands around the back of my chest. He pulled me close into him. I was sure he was going to kiss me. My heart was beating loud enough for him to hear it. He pulled back for a moment. “Lilly, let’s go for a little hike.” I wasn’t sure if he was messing with me or looking for a place to be alone.

  “I’m in my waitress uniform,” I answered.

  “Okay, maybe next time.” He smiled as he let me go. The water was crashing in the background against the rocks. I could smell the spray as it gently touched my skin.

  “I don’t get you,” I started. “Why are you pursuing me?”

  “I like you. We don’t have to be exclusive to date.” He was pretty sure of himself.

  “We can hang out now and then,” I continued. “But we’ll never be more than friends. Not unless you clean out your bedroom.” He laughed and took my hand.

  “Can I kiss you?” He didn’t wait for a response when he began pulling me to him.

  “Can I stop you?” I braced myself for his touch. I needed to stay strong.

  “Probably not.” He stared into my eyes with excessive longing. He had me in such a lock that it frightened me. It was like a car accident you happen to see on the street. You know you shouldn’t look but you can’t keep your eyes off of it.

  He placed his lips ever so gently on mine and drove himself closer and closer into my body. When he kissed me I melted like the wax of a candle under a hot flame. He stopped there this time. He didn’t lose control. He didn’t try to push. I was almost disappointed.

  I drove him home and he asked me if I wanted to go inside. “I’m not that stupid,” I answered. “I’m sure that someone is in there waiting for you.”

  “You may be right,” he answered. “After all, I am the candy man.”

  “So you’re selling drugs to these girls?” I asked, almost astonished that he admitted it so freely.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He smiled mischievously. “I just mean that I’m so very sweet.”

  “Get out.” I pushed him out the door and he stumbled. “I’m sure I’ll see you soon.” He went to his front door and the blond was there waiting for him. Diana was what he said her name was. He waved to me and I drove away from the house. I could feel the tears well up in my eyes. It was clear that if I didn’t sleep with him, this kind of behavior would continue. But on the other side was always the question of whether or not he would stop even if I did sleep with him. Would he just add me to the list? I parked the car in my driveway and noticed the black sedan was still outside my house. I got out of the car and walked inside.

  My dad was pacing back and forth with his arms crossed. Being Irish probably accounted for his bad temper. His fair skin was red with anger. “Why Lilly? Why do you lie to me?”

  “Hi daddy.” I began to try to pass him and go to my room.

  “Get back here NOW!” He was pretty upset. He grabbed my forearm and pulled me backwards. I stopped, almost shocked at his tone. “You obviously don’t see the severity of the situation.”

  “What situation, dad?”

  “Stay away from John, Rudy and all the other delinquents that are involved with him.” He was so angry. I thought the vein in his forehead was going to burst.

  “No problem dad. But really, is having me followed necessary?”

  “I guess so,” he answered. He was still pacing.

  “So you are having me followed?” He stopped pacing and sighed.

  “Okay Lilly, go sit down.” He had a defeated tone in his voice. I went to the couch and my dad sat beside me. “Johnny is a drug dealer who gets his supplies from a man we’re trying to find, probably in Mexico. Many women in Johnny’s life have turned up as lifeless bodies along the creek.” This startled me and I shuddered. “I know he takes you there. I’m really afraid, Lilly.”

  “How do you know he sells? I mean, are you sure?” I could feel myself beginning to panic. It was getting hard for me to breathe.

  “There’s something about that man that women find irresistible. But you’re going to have to trust me.”

  “I won’t see him anymore,” I lied.

  “He has a multitude of women that he is with constantly. Don’t embarrass yourself any further.”