Read Edge of Shadows (Shadows #1) Page 12


  The next day brought about the first frost of the season, and the air held the bitterness of winter’s arrival. Ellie cut Skipper’s walk short again, preferring the warmth and comfort of the fireplace and her book to traipsing around outside.

  The shop was closed on Sundays. It had been one of Jake’s stipulations when she told him she wanted to start her own business. He said she should have one day to focus just on them. Later in their relationship, Ellie had often worked that day anyway in an attempt to avoid him. Now that she was alone, Sundays were just empty days for her.

  Today felt different, though, and Ellie knew it was because of David. But she was still troubled how things had been left with Linda. She didn’t know what to do when she saw someone who was strong like Linda just break down. It was doubly distressing that she had to rely on her regular five senses to try to make any sense of the matter. She hadn’t realized until last night how much she depended on that extra bit of information that only she could see. Perhaps her little extra talent wasn’t so bad after all.

  When Kevin called to check in on her, she gladly invited him over for a cup of coffee and conversation. They sat by the fire, Ellie curled up under a blanket in her overstuffed chair, while Kevin lounged on the sofa. It didn’t take long for the conversation to turn to what had transpired the previous evening.

  “So you tried to call her this morning too?” Kevin asked.

  Ellie nodded. “No answer, though, so I left a message for her to call me. I’m really worried about her.”

  “It was all so strange,” Kevin remarked. “That creepy story about the Bradfords, and then she just had a meltdown. Linda doesn’t seem like the type to get so carried away like that.”

  “I know. It was so strange,” Ellie agreed. She took a sip of her coffee. “David thought that the story, mixed with her own past, may have overwhelmed her emotionally.”

  “Speaking of that fine-looking man, how’d things go?” Kevin leaned forward eagerly.

  Ellie giggled and tried hiding her smile behind her hand. She felt like she was a teenager gossiping about a boy at school. “Good,” she said shyly.

  “C’mon. Tell me everything!” Kevin prodded.

  “He walked me to my car and asked me on a date. So nothing crazy happened,” she said, but then couldn’t help herself from dishing the rest. “He did kiss me on the forehead. He was a perfect gentleman all night.”

  Kevin sighed and leaned back. “Ah, romance. It’s a glorious thing.”

  “You and Eric have plenty of romance, I’m sure,” Ellie quipped.

  “Eric and I have been forever together and you know what they say, the romance is the first thing to go,” Kevin said, winking at her.

  “I think you two are perfect for each other,” Ellie said. “I’ve always been jealous of you.”

  “Who knew that you could meet your soul mate when you were eighteen years old.” Kevin shrugged, looking down into his coffee cup. “Between work and school I’m gone a lot, but he’s always supportive. I know I’m lucky. I don’t ever want to lose him.”

  Kevin’s aura pulsed a deep blue. Ellie had known him long enough to know that it wasn’t that he was calm, but that he was melancholy. “He’s crazy about you, Kevin. I know you don’t have anything to worry about,” Ellie said. She reached over and squeezed his knee. Kevin patted her hand.

  “Thanks, sweetie, but enough about me. When’s your date?” he said, changing the topic.

  “He’s supposed to call. He’s got a hectic schedule at the hospital,” she said.

  Kevin nodded in understanding. At that moment the phone rang. Kevin raised his eyebrows. “Perhaps that is Prince Charming right now.”

  Ellie laughed and went over the phone. She looked at the caller ID. “It’s Linda!” she exclaimed and picked up the phone. “Hello,” she said, expecting to hear Linda’s voice.

  “Ellie? It’s Randall,” said the deep voice on the other end.

  Ellie shivered. “Oh, hello, Randall,” she said slowly. “How’s Linda this morning? Kevin and I are pretty worried about her.” She shushed Kevin as he started to rise from the sofa.

  “I’m a little worried about her as well,” Randall admitted. “Last night seemed to take quite a toll on her.”

  “I’m so sorry to hear that, especially with how much time and effort she put into planning that dinner party. She was so excited about it. Is there anything I can do?” Ellie was now very worried.

  “Linda and I were talking this morning, and we both think that a change of pace might do her some good. It’s been a long time since she’s just gotten away from everything, and she loves Paris. It is a city with calming energy. We’ve decided to go on a bit of a sabbatical, so to speak.”

  Ellie was shocked. “I guess I don’t know what to say. This seems quite sudden, Randall.”

  “I know, but sometimes it’s good to shake things up. Linda’s really looking forward to shopping in Paris. We thought we might stop in London as well for a while.”

  “When are you leaving?” Ellie asked.

  “Immediately. I found a flight out today, actually, and I can tell that Linda is in better spirits already. That’s why she asked me to call. She obviously needs to take some time off, and she hopes that you can find someone to cover for her.”

  “How long will you be gone?” Ellie’s head was spinning.

  “That’s the other thing. We have no desire to rush our trip. The time away will help Linda clear her head, but I don’t know how long it’ll take for her to feel better and she’ll want to come home. So the answer is indefinitely,” Randall answered.

  “Indefinitely…I’m just really surprised, Randall. Can I speak to Linda, please?” Ellie asked.

  “Unfortunately, she’s not up for taking a call right now, Ellie. I’m sure she will phone you once we reach Paris, though. She wanted to know if you would be willing to watch the house while we’re gone. You were the first one to come to mind. She thought you might gain some positive energy by changing up your environment as well. Of course we’ll take care of all the utilities and things, and we’ll make sure that the kitchen is stocked while we are away. It’d be the least we could do, for you taking care of the place.”

  “Me?” Ellie said faintly. “Of course, if that’s what Linda wants...”

  “Excellent. That’s settled, then. I’ll send a courier over with the keys and the other paperwork you’ll need. Linda sends her love and as I said, I’m sure she’ll be talking to you soon,” Randall said. “As always it was a delight talking to you, Ellie.”

  “How can I reach you?” Ellie said to a dial tone. Randall’s last words turned her stomach. He hadn’t said anything inappropriate, but it was just the way he said it. Her friends’ comments from the night before popped up in her mind.

  “What is going on there?” Kevin said. He was sitting on his knees looking over the back of the coach expectantly.

  “That was Randall. He’s taking Linda to Europe. Indefinitely. And Linda wants me to stay at the house while they are gone,” Ellie said.

  “What?” Kevin exclaimed. “Sit down here and tell me everything he said. Word for word.”

  After Ellie had finished relaying the conversation, Kevin sat back down with a whistle. They sat in silence for a few minutes staring into the fire.

  “This all gets stranger by the minute,” he finally said. “So they are going to courier over the keys?” At Ellie’s nod he continued, “Doesn’t that seem a bit strange to you? Why don’t they drop the keys off here on their way to the airport?”

  “Sounds like they are in hurry,” Ellie said.

  “He didn’t say how to reach them either?” Kevin asked. “Call him back, Ellie. Talk to Linda. This just seems like craziness to me.”

  “Good idea,” Ellie said. She walked back over to the phone and dialed Linda’s number. She shook her head at Kevin. “No answer, and the answering machine isn’t picking up.”

  She and Kevin looked at each other
with unanswered questions hanging heavy in the air.