Read Edwina Page 1



  Patricia Strefling

  Copyright © 2008 written by Patricia Strefling


  All rights reserved solely by the author. The

  author guarantees all contents are original and do not infringe upon the legal rights of any other person or work. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the permission of the author. The views expressed in this book are not necessarily those of the publisher.

  Unless otherwise indicated, Bible quotations are taken from The NLT (New Living Translation). Copyright © 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993, 1996 by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois.

  To my beloved friend Shirley who always believed in me.

  Chapter 1

  “But see here. I am who I say I am. Edwina Emily Blair from the United States. I have the reservations right here. The extra large suite for two weeks starting today at the Old Waverly Hotel.” Edwina’s voice cracked. “My sister made the arrangements. There must be a mistake. This is the third person I’ve spoken to!”

  “And ‘twil be the last,” came a voice behind her. A strong Scottish brogue. Edwina turned slightly, glad for anyone who would speak for her. Alone in a foreign country on a trip she had not planned—nor had wanted to experience—she stood on tired legs, wishing for nothing more than a bath and a bed.

  “Ye see the lass standing ’ere.” He stepped ahead of her, glancing at his watch.

  “Doesn’t match the name I ’ave here, a Miss Cecelia Giatano and she is not that person, came the stubborn reply from the bearded man behind the counter. Also a Scot.

  “Yes, Miss Giatano is my sister... I...” Edwina’s voice faded away as the man interrupted her.

  Miss Giatano did not appear within the allotted time.” That room has been given to another party.”

  A last-minute emergency had sent her sister, the one who’d planned this trip, flying off to Italy. Too tired to say another word, Edwina hoped this man could help.

  She recognized him as someone who had flown on the plane from London to Edinburgh. His handsome appearance had not been easy to ignore. Women had turned to look at him, but he’d seemed oblivious to the doting females who flitted by like bluebirds trying to find a place to land. She’d studied him from the seat behind. He had been intent on his laptop.

  It had been pleasant to observe him as he pointed out the obvious to the stubborn man behind the counter who held her destiny in his hands. She loved the study of human inter- action. One of her few creative gifts, she noted tiredly. This particular male would provide the perfect character profile for the book she would write one day. For that reason alone she made note of his features as her sleepless eyes tried to focus. He turned slightly, giving her a perfect profile. Straight nose, perfectly chiseled chin. Green eyes, thick dark hair, and tall. Very tall. She sighed. A study of human nature secretly woven into a fictional story including mystery, suspense, and romance. The latter she would no doubt never experience, except perhaps through the writing of the book.

  Shaking the thoughts from her head because her book and its story were only a dream at this point in her life, she moved slightly away from the handsome stranger who even now was speaking on her behalf. He seemed too perfect to touch.

  Suddenly her brain felt strange as the world around her began to fade. Her knees began to wobble and, to her horror, Edwina slipped to the floor as the black hole became smaller and smaller until she disappeared inside of it.

  * * * * *

  “Ah now, see here, she has fallen dead away. Ye have pressed the poor lass.” Alex Dunnegin scolded as he caught the woman just before her head hit the floor.

  The man behind the counter continued with the long line of travelers that awaited his evil eye and suspicious nature.

  “I have no time for this. I must be about getting home. I am late already,” Alex mumbled and looked about. No one came forward, so anxious was each not to lose their place in the dreadfully long line.

  He could not leave the woman to her own affairs. She undoubtedly was without assistance. He’d heard the entire conversation with the infernal hotel employee. This one time he wished he’d ignored his gentlemanly duties allowing her to step in ahead of him. Alone in Scotland, from the looks of it, most likely an unmarried lass. And for that he felt a kinship. He too was unmarried—considered a catch in modern Edinburgh, sought after by many, but loved by no one.

  Bending on one knee he lifted her shoulders and cradled her head in his elbow, her long, dark hair slung over his arm. He waited for the color to return to her cheeks. Slowly she came round and looked up into the face of the stranger and immediately jerked away from his touch.

  Smiling, the Scot helped her stand, steadying her with a slight touch at her elbow.

  “I’m... I’m so sorry,” she blurted out breathlessly as flashes of heat burnt her face. She lifted a shaking hand to her temple. “I’m fine now, please... please...” her voiced failed her as her knees turned watery again. Not sure if it was the closeness of the handsome stranger or lack of sleep, she stumbled to the nearest chair and sat down, relieved.

  “Stay here while I make a call.” He ordered before turning his back. He was speaking into his phone.

  “Bertilda, has she arrived? Aye. Tell her I’m on the way.... Tell her not to fly away,” his tone serious “Is Reardon waiting for me in the car? Aye... good.” He snapped the phone shut. The wedding suite would have to be secured later.

  Edwina saw the hurry in his stride as he walked back to her. Immediately she wished to release him from his obligations and said boldly,

  “I’m fine. It seems I have found what I need.” She fished in her purse and pulled out a folded paper and waved it in the air. “You may be on your way, sir.”

  “Ah, so ye think a menu would buy your way through the line?” his lips turned upward slightly

  She looked at the paper in her hand. Indeed she felt her face warm again as she stuffed a Starbucks menu back into her purse.

  Formidable thoughts raced around in her brain, threatening to send her to the floor again.

  “Come. Ye will be my guest this night,” he said forth- rightly and reached for her bag.

  She started to protest, but with a wave of his hand he said, “Tis not for you I am offering my services,” he stated firmly, “but for my own desires. My fiancée who is now waiting at my home has flown in from Madrid, and I am here.”

  “All the more reason to leave me where I sit,” Edwina stated flatly. “Be about your business, sir. I will be all right.” She willed her bloodshot eyes to behave and not give her fears away.

  He pulled his small black bag alongside hers and ignored her request. “My man will take these to my auto and come back for you. Ye will come with me, lass.”

  And by the tone of his voice, Edwina knew she would.