Read El Diablo Page 22

  She didn’t.

  She would be sore as fuck for the next few days, but everything would fade with time and rest.

  Except, her memories. Those were now a part of her forever.

  Dr. Valdez injected her with a strong painkiller and a sedative to keep her comfortable. Leaving a bottle of pain medicine on the nightstand for her to take as needed. He informed me she would sleep for the next few hours or so, and wake up when she was ready. I didn’t leave her side for one fucking second.

  Once he was gone, I bathed her in the bathtub, making sure to hold her head up the entire time. Running the warm water and soap over every inch of her battered body. Trying to pull the remnants of the motherfucker’s skull out of her hair. When I was finished, I lifted her up into my arms, gently drying her off, and laying her back in bed. Dressing her in some clothes that I ordered one of my men to go collect from her apartment. Along with other essentials she might want or need while she recovered.

  “Are you just going to sit there, and be all you?” She gestured her hand toward me, working it up and down.

  She still hadn’t even realized she was freshly clean and in her own clothing. Too consumed by the man sitting before her.


  “I asked you a question, Alejandro, I expect an answer,” she ordered, pulling me away from my thoughts. Enjoying the way my name rolled off her tongue.

  She had never called me that before.

  I grinned behind my hand, not allowing her to see how amused I really was by her snarky little mouth.

  “How did I not know that was your apartment building? And why were your men watching me?” she repeated, elaborating the same question. Jerking her head, waiting to hear my explanation. She was a feisty little thing when she wasn't getting her way, that’s for damn sure.

  “You need to get some rest,” I simply stated, trying like hell to stifle my laugh.

  She sighed, annoyed. “This is bullshit. You break into my apartment, and proceed to knock me fucking unconscious. Now, I’m in a room with you, in…” Her arms rose to her sides as she looked down at her body, realizing the blood was gone, she was clean. She cocked her head to the side, looking up at me. Feeling her head, running her fingers through her washed hair. “You undressed me? How did you do that? Where did my clothes come from? Oh my God, you saw me naked, didn't you?” She couldn’t get the questions to come out fast enough. “What the Hell?” she gritted, frustrated.

  I didn’t falter. “Yes. Very carefully. My men collected some of your belongings from your apartment, along with other things you might need.” I leaned back into my chair, moving my hand so she could see my expression. “And it’s nothing I haven’t seen before, sweetheart.” I grinned.

  Her eyes widened in disbelief, her mind spinning out of control. Not knowing what she wanted to ask me first. I wasn’t surprised when she blurted, “Are you going to hurt me?” The girl had no fucking filter.

  I shook my head, trying to hide the amusement she always provided me.

  “How long were you there? Did you let Nikolai hurt me?”

  “You,” I declared in a husky tone, “let that piece of shit hurt you. I shot him in the fucking head… for you.”

  The realization of my statement caused more turmoil, than ease. She peered around the room, avoiding my eyes. Her emotions getting the best of her, and for the second time in I don’t know how long, I resisted the urge to hold and comfort someone.


  “I want to go home,” she whispered so low, I knew she didn’t want to say it.

  “You’re not safe there anymore. You need to be here.”

  She frowned, tears pooling in her eyes. I couldn’t remember the last time I saw a woman cry. It had been that goddamn long too. I was never around a woman long enough to give a fuck.

  She bowed her head, defeated. And I hated seeing her so overcome. It wasn’t in her nature. Which only proved to me she needed to be here.

  With me.

  “You promise you won’t hurt me?”

  “Look me in the eyes when I’m talking to you,” I instinctively ordered.

  She peered up at me through her long, dark lashes. A few tears streamed down her face. She instantly wiped them away with the back of her hand not wanting me to see her looking so weak.

  “You’re safe here for the time being,” I answered her question the best I could. “Nikolai wasn’t who you thought he was. You can’t go home because his men will kill you. They’re already out there looking for you, as we speak. Your fucking screaming didn’t help the situation. I barely got us out of there fast enough and unharmed.”

  “What about you?” She gave me a questioning stare.

  “What about me?”

  “Are you in danger, too?”

  “Cariño, I’m always in fucking danger. Everyone wants me dead.”

  “Because of me?”

  “Because of everything.”

  She grimaced. It hurt her to hear the truth coming out of my mouth. Not granting her the peace she so urgently yearned for. She felt bad for me, and I would be lying if I said it didn’t faze me. Someone caring about my well-being. It had been an even longer time since anyone gave a shit if I was dead or alive.

  “Did you know Nikolai?” she flat out asked.

  “I suggest the next time you get a boyfriend—”

  “He wasn’t my boyfriend,” she interrupted. “I barely knew him. I’ve never… I’ve never had a boyfriend.”

  I blew off her reply, refusing to let it sink in. Knowing exactly why she felt the need to share that with me. I stood abruptly instead, not paying her any mind. Walking toward the bed, shocking the shit out of her. With wide eyes and parted lips, her chest rose and fell with every step I took, bringing me closer to her. Anxiously waiting for what I was going to do next.

  I nodded toward the bottle of pills on the nightstand, breaking her train of thought before hovering above her. Her eyes followed my lead, quickly making their way back up to me.

  I couldn’t help but notice how tiny and vulnerable she looked. How exposed she was to me in that second. Making my cock twitch at the sight of her.

  She slowly licked her lips, trying to govern her unsteady breathing. Hoping I didn’t realize how much she wanted me to touch her, hold her, comfort her.

  “So… I’m safe here. With you?” she coaxed the same goddamn question in a different way.

  I stepped back, and she immediately hated the loss of my dominance over her. I nodded toward the pills again, rasping, “Don’t take more than two of those, unless you want to be in a fucking coma. If you need anything, pick up the house phone and dial zero, the maid will bring you whatever you need.”

  Her breathing hitched as I reached for the switch on the lamp, thinking I was going for her. I shut off the light, instantly feeling her disappointment that our time was over.

  “Get some rest, Lexi. You’re going to need it.” I turned, making my way out of her room.

  “You don’t have to answer my question,” she whispered loud enough for me to hear, stopping me dead in my tracks. “You saved my life. That’s enough proof for me to know it.”

  Her response rendered me useless. My feet glued to the goddamn floor beneath me, my mind yelling to go back to her while struggling with my own demons until finally I said, “De más formas de las que tu nunca sabras, cariño,” murmuring, “In more ways than you’ll ever know, cariño.”

  And I left.


  This was not supposed to happen. She was not supposed to be in my home, in one of my guestrooms. Laying in one of my goddamn beds, like we were playing fucking roommates. I couldn’t get away from the clusterfuck of a room fast enough.

  This was bad.

  The blaze in her eyes.

  The feel of her skin.

  The smell of her scent all around me.

  I. Was. Fucked.

  But it didn’t matter. I was already going straight to fucking Hell. I just didn’t want to drag her
into the inferno with me.

  I hauled ass into my limo, telling the driver to take me to the nearest bar. Tugging my hair away from my face, wanting to rip it the fuck out the entire ride to the shitty hole. The drive seemed to last fucking forever.

  “Stay,” I ordered to my bodyguard like a fucking dog, stepping out of the limo.

  “Boss—” I shut the door in his face.

  I wasn’t my fucking father. I never rolled with more than one bodyguard, unless I had to. Often, I would go places by myself, not giving a fuck if I was protected or not. Leo always said I was asking for a bullet in my head. I had a death wish that would become my reality one day.

  Maybe I did.

  So fucking tired of being the goddamn Grim Reaper.

  “Bourbon,” I ordered from the bartender with her tits on full display. Taking a seat on the stool farthest from the other customers. “Keep ‘em coming.”

  “That’s what she said,” she giggled, thinking she was so fucking clever.

  Bringing my attention to her, I glared up.

  “My name’s Julie.” She extended out her hand.

  “I asked for a drink, not your fucking name.”

  Her eyes dilated. See, here was the fucked up thing about women. They loved men like me. No matter how much of an asshole I was to them, they still wanted to get down on their knees, and deep throat my fucking cock.

  The shittier I was, the better I’d fuck them.

  Lexi proved to be no different.

  I’ve fucked up so many times already when it came to her, I was surprised I could still fucking see straight. I lost all reason with her. I’d been protecting her for years. I couldn’t help myself. Soon enough she’d realize just how dangerous of a thing my protection was. I needed to get her out of my head, which was fucking funny considering she was in my penthouse.

  She wanted me, maybe as much as I wanted her. There was no way in hell I would ever allow it to happen. I had to prove to her this illusion she had in her mind about me, about us…

  Was just that.

  A fucking fantasy.

  A creation of a fairy tale in her mind.

  I didn’t do happily ever afters, and the sooner she realized who I really was, the better.

  My phone rang, pulling me away from my thoughts. “Habla,” I answered, “Talk.” Waving off the chick to fetch my drink. She rolled her eyes, strutting away. Purposely swaying her ass with every step.

  “Boss, the girl is fucking crying.”

  “She has a name, asshole. It’s Lexi. Learn it.”

  “Got it, Boss. Lexi’s crying.”

  “What do you expect me to do about it? Read her a fucking bedtime story?”

  “I just thought you’d like to know. You told us to keep you informed.”

  I spoke through gritted teeth. “About her safety, not hormonal bullshit. I want you to make sure she’s safe. That’s what I’m fucking paying you for. Not to call me and waste my fucking time because the girl is having a fucking meltdown.”

  “Should I… go in there? Maybe try to calm her—”

  “You touch her, I’ll rip your fucking cock off, and make you sit on it, mierda,” I spewed, “Fuck” and hung up. Throwing my phone on the bar. “Whose balls do I have to bust to get a goddamn drink around here?” I roared, looking all around me. Leaning my elbow on the hard surface, pulling at my hair again. Making a mental note to fire the son of a bitch.

  “Everything okay?” the same familiar voice shyly asked, setting my drink down in front of me. “I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop. I just heard… I mean… it sounded… really bad,” she breathed out.

  I took a swig of my bourbon. “My, my, whatever the fuck your name is, what big ears you have.”

  I could feel her anxiety searing off of her onto the makeshift bar between us. “I’m sorry,” she added, wiping down the surface with a wet rag.

  “What exactly are you sorry for?” I asked, finally looking up from my drink. “The fact that you can’t mind your own goddamn business, or the fact that you’re throwing yourself at me when you know damn well you shouldn’t be,” I paused to let my words sink in. “I’m the wolf, the one your momma warned you to stay away from.” Downing the rest of my liquor, I slid the empty glass toward her. Signaling for another.

  “I just… I wanted to make sure everything was alright. Friendly conversation. Remember, I’m Julie. That phone call seemed intense, that’s all,” she flirted, making her way around the bar, standing beside me. Placing my drink in front of me.

  I looked down at the glass, ignoring her advances as I brought the bourbon up to my mouth. “Ah.” I smacked my lips together, savoring the fiery liquid moving down my throat. I looked up, grinning, taking in her curvy body as she leaned against the bar. I watched her swallow hard. Taking in my penetrating stare, licking her perfect dick-sucking lips.

  Baiting me.

  “Let’s cut the bullshit.”

  “Excuse me?” she replied, surprised.

  “Say it.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Say what?”

  “You want me to fuck you.”

  She gasped. “How dare you?

  I grinned again, cocking my head to the side. “How dare I what? Speak the truth? Come on, sweetheart, aren’t we a little old to be playing games?”

  She blushed, and it looked so revealing on her light complexion.

  “Don’t play shy… Julie,” I said, accentuating her name. Grazing her name badge that was placed on her left tit, with my finger. “It only turns me on more. I love the chase. It’s the wolf in me.” I pushed off the stool, placing my glass beside me.

  She took three steps back as I came at her, the wall stopping her momentum. I smiled, caging her in with my arms. She sucked in another breath, her minty flavor scent hitting my senses.

  I leaned in near her hair and inhaled her smell of vanilla and honey. “You smell edible,” I groaned, running the tip of my nose against her cheek and smiling.

  Her eyes dilated with lust, like no one had ever talked to her that way before. The realization made my cock hard. “I want to fuck you,” I breathed out against her ear, continuing my assault down the side of her neck. “So the question really is… can you leave with me now?”

  She pressed her delicate hand on my chest, not pushing me back, but not pulling me in either. I didn’t give a fuck that we were in public or that this was her place of employment. They wouldn’t fire her. I’d make sure of it.

  “I don’t like waiting.” I glanced up into her eyes, removing my mouth from her neck. Sheer disappointment passed through her eyes.

  “Yes,” she practically, fucking moaned.

  I ran the tip of my finger along her cleavage, and her chest suddenly rose, making her tits look bigger. She would have let me fuck her up against the wall, but I had other ulterior motives. Ones that involved taking her back to my penthouse.

  I didn’t give a shit about her. She was a means to an end. Lexi’s room was the closest to mine. All I had to do was leave my door open. I never brought women back to my penthouse, no one knew where I lived. I made an exception, having no other choice in the matter.

  This would prove once and for all I wasn’t the man she thought I was. I’d make her believe I was savoring every thrust. The slapping sounds of my balls against her ass. Every push and every pull.

  Her screaming my name, begging me to let her come.

  It was what it was.

  End of story.

  “You’re not staying the night. I don’t cuddle. I don’t whisper sweet nothings in your ear. I don’t make love. I take. And then I take some more,” I stated, emphasizing the words. “I fuck, Julie. I’ll fuck you until you can’t come anymore.”

  She took in every word as if I recited poetry.

  “After I’m done, I’ll tell you to get the fuck out of my bed,” I crudely added.

  Her eyebrows lowered, causing her face to frown. At least I wasn’t a liar.

  “Love me or hate me, sweetheart, but
lead the fucking way.”

  She hesitated for a second, and then pushed off the wall. She hollered to her boss that she was leaving for the day, and walked out. I followed her, nodding toward my limo that was parked on the side. Watching her closely, her demeanor read of a woman who had never done this before. Almost like she was breaking all her rules, knowing that she was putting her job in jeopardy. Shitting on her morals and giving into the desire I promised her.

  For a second I felt bad.

  I almost wanted to tell her to stay. That it wasn’t a good idea.


  “Coming or staying?” I asked, walking in front of her. “Trust me… I plan on making you come, a lot.”

  She bit her bottom lip, and I silently laughed.

  I took her back to my penthouse, knowing Lexi heard everything like I wanted her to. I fucked her exactly how I promised and then some. It was late into the night by the time I was done with her and kicked her the fuck out the same way.

  Not even saying goodbye.

  I jumped in the shower, needing to wash away my sins. The fact that I caused Lexi pain, when in reality all I wanted to do was to provide her with comfort.

  I waited until I knew she would be passed out, probably from the pain medication she took for more than one reason tonight. Her door was now closed, knowing it was open when I came back earlier with my fuck buddy. She had slammed it, shutting out the noise. Really yearning to shut me out.

  Or at least trying to.

  I slowly opened her door, careful not to wake her. Walking into her room, I hovered over her petite frame, which seemed smaller since I last left her and that was only a few hours ago. She was curled into her pillow, the blanket almost covering her head as if she was trying to drown out the noises coming from my bedroom or possibly her own mind. Even in the dim lighting from the hallway, I could tell she had been crying. Her face flushed, her lips swollen.

  I gently brushed the hair away from her face, wanting to feel her soft skin against my callused fingers. She softly moaned in contentment, even in a deep sleep she liked my touch. Although, she probably fucking hated me now that I made her listen to me fuck another woman.