Read El Diablo Page 35

  We just enjoyed one another’s company. Then I’d take her to bed and spend hours consumed with her body. There wasn’t an inch of her skin that I didn’t touch, lick, or kiss. When I was done having my way with her, she’d lay in my arms, passing out as I rubbed her back. I stayed with her for a few hours, watching her sleep, the way her chest would rise and fall with each breath, how her pouty lips would part, her hair cascading all around her face. She was so content and happy. It brought me great joy knowing I was the cause.

  Late into the night I would slip out of the room leaving her to rest. I’d sit in front of the family portrait over the mantle, rubbing my fingers over my lips, staring at it for I don’t know how long. Contemplating over and over if I was the same man as my father. The one I hated so fucking much. Watching the ghosts of my mother and sister dancing around me, wondering when my time would come, too. Praying their souls were resting in peace. Every morning the sun would come up, and Lexi would wake, knowing where I was. She’d sit with me, laying her head on my lap, as I ran my fingers through her soft brown hair.

  The only angel in the room.

  It was our last night in Colombia and Lexi had already been teary-eyed twice that day, saying she didn’t want to go back to our lives in New York. She wanted to stay in her little piece of heaven with me, forever. I promised I would bring her again soon. We laid out on the lounger for the last time, both of us lost in our own thoughts. Her head rested on my chest as I caressed the side of her arm.

  “Do you want children?” I found myself asking out of nowhere.

  She scoffed, “I don’t know.” Nervously laughing. “I’ve never really given it much thought.”

  “Yes, you have.”

  She shrugged, knowing I was right. “I don’t think I’d be a good mom to be honest. I’m probably not maternal. There’s no need to bring a kid into my mess. I didn’t exactly have the best upbringing, no example to lead by.”

  I caressed her cheek. “You’d be an amazing mother. Any kid would be lucky to have you as their parent.”

  She smirked, her mind running wild. I didn’t have to ask what she was thinking. It was blatantly obvious. So I wasn’t surprised when she asked, “What about you?”

  I peered back up at the sky. “If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?” I questioned, ignoring her.

  She sighed, disappointed. “That’s easy. Italy. Off the Amalfi Coast. Live in one of those houses on a cliff. The people are supposed to be very welcoming. It would be a nice change of pace from New York.”

  “I’ll take you there one day,” I simply stated, smiling down at her.

  “I look forward to it.” She nuzzled her body closer to mine. “How about you? Where would you live?”

  “Cariño, I’ve been everywhere. There’s very little I haven’t seen. I’m an old man, remember?” I chuckled.

  “That you are.” She nodded.

  “Ask.” I could feel her mind stirring, wanting to ask me more, but afraid to.

  “Do you ever regret the things you’ve seen? The things you’ve done?”


  She nodded again, looking back up at the stars. Not knowing what else to say.

  “It wouldn’t have brought me to you.”

  She immediately peered back at me, stunned by my response.

  “I’m fucking exhausted, Lexi. You’re the only thing keeping me going. I’m getting older as you like to remind me. There’s only so much more I can take.”

  She sat up, straddling my lap. Laying against my chest, listening to my heartbeat. “Are you ever scared of dying?” she said just above a whisper. Fumbling with my mother's cross that still hung around her neck.

  She never took it off.

  “No, cariño. I’m not. When it's your time, it's your time. But no one fucks with me. I’ve spent my whole life making sure of it.”

  My response gave her the peace she needed. For now.

  “The things I regret, haven’t happened yet.”

  She sat up, looking me dead in the eyes. “Wha—”

  “If something ever does happen to me. Just remember I’ll always be with you. No matter what. In here.” I placed my hand over her heart.


  “Look! A shooting star. Make a wish, baby.”

  She peered up at the sky as I looked at the side of her beautiful face. Making my wish and praying to God, it would come true.

  We sat in the back of the limo on our way to the church for the christening of his niece’s son. I hadn’t met Briggs yet, at least not officially. I didn’t count our brief run in at the penthouse. She lived with her husband Austin and their two kids in Oak Island, North Carolina. Amari, who was almost three years old, and Michael, who just turned four months. Both named after Briggs’ parents, her mom being Martinez’s sister.

  “Stop fidgeting, Lexi,” he ordered in a demanding tone. A strong hand came down on my bouncing legs, holding them still. Not looking up from his damn laptop. I swear he was on that thing more and more every day. Ignoring me in the process.

  “I can’t help it. I’m nervous!” I expressed, trying to free my legs from his grasp.

  “Cariño, she’s my niece, not my fucking mother. I don’t need her approval for anything. Especially who I fuck. I’m a grown ass man. Now relax.”

  I scowled. “It matters to me! And I’m not just someone you fuck.” Trying to shift my body away from his.

  He took a deep breath, shutting his laptop, placing it beside him. Grabbing my hand, tugging me over to his lap. I wrapped my legs around him.

  He pulled my hair back, away from my face, rubbing his thumb along my pouty lip. “What do you need from me? Huh?”

  “I thought I’ve been telling you.”

  “No…. you’ve been whining. I don’t like playing childish games.”

  I tried to get off his lap, but he held me firmer in place.

  “Briggs and I don’t have a close relationship. Not by traditional family standards, at least. She will be more shocked that I’m there than meeting you.”

  “But I still want her to like me,” I whispered.

  “I like you. A lot.” He grinned, lifting up my chin.

  I smiled, blushing from the simple sentiment. Making up for the fucking remark before. It was the first time he’d ever said anything like that to me. It wasn’t the three words I wanted, but I still cherished it.

  “Cariño, you’ve sucked my cock too many goddamn times to still blush like that.”

  I gasped, slapping him on the chest. “You ruined it.” Trying to slap him again, but he caught my wrist in the air. Jerking my face inches away from his mouth.

  “Well, now we are even. You’ve ruined me. This,” he skimmed his thumb against my heat. “And these,” he pecked my mouth, biting my bottom lip. “Have all ruined me. I’d like to ruin that pussy in the nicest possible way right now, right here. But I’m not going to lie, cariño, that slap kind of hurt,” he lied. “So, how about I let you make it up to me?”

  “We’re on our way to a church and you’re talking about sex, Martinez. That can’t be right.”

  “It got you to stop whining. Didn’t it?”

  I smiled. I couldn’t help it. He could be an insensitive bastard, but at least he always made me feel better after.

  “I don't even like you right now. You should at least pretend to be sorry, or at least try to get on my good side again,” I argued, smirking.

  He cocked his head to the side, narrowing his eyes at me for what felt like forever, but was truly just seconds. He didn't falter. With a mischievous grin he reached over and cupped my pussy, moving his rough, callused fingers ever so slightly over my silk panties.

  I gasped.

  “Hmm...” he groaned, immediately making me remember the feeling of him everywhere and all at once. “Your pussy fucking likes me,” he rasped, leaning in close to my ear, never stopping the light brush of his fingers against my heat. “And that's all that fucking matters to me.?

  We sat in the back of the church. I was thankful it didn’t come crashing down on him when we stepped foot through the doors. Watching Michael get baptized was such a beautiful sight. I loved every second of it. Briggs was gorgeous. I’ve never seen anyone pull off vibrant purple hair the way she did. She also had bright, intricate sleeve tattoos running down her arms. More scattered throughout her body. I would have never guessed she was a mom of two, her figure was flawless. She looked like such a tender person, totally opposite of her uncle. Her husband Austin, looked at her lovingly as she held their baby in her arms. He was covered in tattoos too. Definitely had that whole bad boy thing going for him.

  From what I gathered they had a rough relationship from the start, but love prevailed, and here they were a happy family. What completely caught me off guard was that Martinez knew every bible verse, every step to follow, as if he’d been going to church every day of his life.

  The man was a walking paradox of contradictions.

  “Unkey!” a little girl with bright blue eyes and pigtails came running up to him outside after the christening. Her chubby little legs moving faster than they should.

  “Mi niña bonita,” he replied in Spanish, immediately picking her up.

  I jerked back, surprised. Who was this man, and what did he do with Alejandro?

  She wrapped her tiny little arms around his neck, laying her head on his chest. Hugging him tight with her eyes closed. He kissed the top of her head. And I swear I almost fell over, stunned by what was going on in front of me.

  “I miss you, Unkey. Why don't you come see me no more? Mama says you busy. I not busy. I come see you, okie?” she spoke sincerely in the cutest baby voice I’d ever heard. She held his face in between her hands, looking adoringly into his eyes.

  And… my ovaries just exploded at the sight.

  “We Skyped last week, silly girl.”

  They did? How did I not know this?

  “That’s not the same, Unkey,” she giggled.

  “Amari! What have I told you about running off like that,” Briggs reprimanded, coming up behind her.

  “Uh oh…” Amari turned around, laying her head on his shoulder. “I sorry, Mama. But my Unkey here.”

  She smiled, rolling her eyes. “Hi, Uncle,” Briggs greeted, such a different reception to him than her daughter. She glanced over at me with questioning eyes.

  “Briggs this is Lexi,” he gestured toward me. “Lexi this is my niece, Briggs,” he simply stated, flipping Amari over, tickling her to death.

  Briggs cocked her head to the side. “I know you from somewhere. Right? You look so familiar.”

  “Yeah. We met briefly, a long time ago. You came to your uncle’s penthouse one night. But we weren’t properly introduced.” I looked over at Martinez who was still entertaining his great-niece.

  Her eyes searched all around her, until realization hit her face. “Oh…”

  “Is she your girl, Unkey?” Amari chimed in, hanging off of him like a monkey.

  “You’re my girl.”

  She nodded, ecstatic with his response. “I good sharer. I share him,” she reassured me.

  We all laughed.

  “Come, baby girl. Let’s head back to the house. People are probably already there.” Briggs looked at her uncle. “Austin left with Michael already, he needed to go down for a nap. You’re coming back to the house, right?”

  “Please, Unkey. We can have a tea party in my room.” She clapped, excited.

  “Of course. This little monkey and I have some catching up to do, and apparently some tea to drink.”

  Briggs nodded, reaching for Amari who leaned further into his chest.

  “No. I stay with Unkey.”


  “It’s fine,” he interrupted.

  Briggs bit her lip, skeptically. Looking from him to the limo, knowing there were bodyguards in there. Knowing she could possibly be putting her daughter’s life in danger. She didn’t feel comfortable leaving Amari with him, and I couldn’t blame her. A hurt look flew by Martinez’s face, it was quick but I saw it. My heart immediately hurt for both of them. I knew there was so much he wanted to say, but for some reason.

  He couldn’t.

  “I’ll be in there with them,” I blurted, needing to say something. Hoping it would help.

  Briggs looked over at me and then back at her uncle, sighing. Finally smiling lovingly at her daughter, who was so happy and content in his arms. Not paying any mind to the uncomfortable scene playing out in front of her.

  “Okay,” Briggs agreed. “I’ll follow you back to my house. Do you remember where I live?”

  He nodded.

  Amari sat next to Martinez in the limo, hugging his arm as she told him all about her baby brother. I sat across from them, admiring the bond they shared. She showed him that she knew how to count to ten and recited all her colors. Letting him know all the things that were important to her. He paid close attention to each and every word that came out of her mouth. And for the first time since I met him, I thought about having a family one day.

  With him.

  I peered out the window, trying to shake off the thoughts. Feeling his intense gaze on the side of my face as if he knew what I was thinking, without me having to say anything. He turned his attention back to the enthusiastic little girl, grabbing at his chin. Needing his undivided attention.

  Briggs and Austin’s home was beautiful. It sat right on the water, and had a dock that extended out toward the lake. Countless pictures lined their walls. Their kids were the center of attention, but they also had a number of them alone, as well as plenty with their friends and family. All of their memories hung proudly on display. Their home was so inviting. You could feel so much love everywhere.

  I couldn’t help but think of our future. Would we ever have what they did, one day? Wondering if it was in the cards for us, if he wanted more with me. He wouldn’t have brought me back with him if he didn’t, right?

  I didn’t have too much time to dwell on my suddenly, plaguing thoughts. Briggs pulled me away, introducing me to all her friends, who were more like family, she said. She called them the good ol’ boys, which included Austin. Lucas was married to Alex, Bo and Half-pint was what they called them. I guess Alex was a tomboy who was a part of the group growing up. None of the boys wanted to see them together and made sure to put them through hell. Jacob was married to Lily, who was Lucas’s baby sister. And that relationship was pretty much self-explanatory on why they had to keep it a secret from everyone. Especially Lucas, who never imagined they’d get together. Dylan was a narcotics detective who was married to Aubrey, a girl from California. I guess they had spent years apart before finding one another again.

  All of them had kids, most of them teenagers already. From what I gathered they all had tumultuous relationships from the start but love prevailed in the end, and I would be lying if I said it didn’t give me hope.

  “So, tell us Lexi, what’s it like being with Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome?” Lily asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

  We were all sitting outside on the patio while the younger kids ran around playing in the yard. The men were off bullshitting somewhere. The only teenager that was at the party was Mia, which was Lucas and Alex’s fifteen-year-old daughter. I couldn’t help but keep an eye on her. She seemed to be lost in her own head.

  “Eww, Lily,” Briggs replied, pulling my attention away from Mia.

  “Oh, come on, Briggs. Have you seen your uncle? The man is gorgeous. I think he’s better looking now than he was when I first met him. I mean, look at Lexi. She’s what? Twenty years younger than him?” Aubrey added, making Alex laugh. “Obviously the man has some pull.”

  I laughed. I couldn’t help it. It wasn’t just a pull, it was a tight lock. “He’s umm… intense,” I replied, clearing my throat. “Amari doesn’t seem to think so. She adores him,” I added.

  “Yeah… She’s loved him since day one. Austin and I were dumbfounded when he sho
wed up in my hospital room right after I’d given birth. We hadn’t even told him I was in labor yet, but of course, he would know. He was the first person to hold her after Austin and I. It was actually his idea to name her Amari. He said she looked just like my mom.” She reminiscently smiled. “He’s been here for every important event ever since. He sends the kids gifts all the time, they Skype at least once a week. No one else matters when Unkey is around. He is definitely not the same man that raised me. Not even a little. I mean, hell… my bodyguard Esteban took care of me more than he did.”

  He raised her? I started to feel like I didn’t know this man at all. What else has he kept from me?

  Taking in my surprised expression, Briggs asked, “You didn’t know?”

  “I just assumed it was work-related stuff when he would go out of town, or get back later than usual,” I candidly spoke.

  “With my uncle, never assume anything. That’s the best advice I can give you. But he’s taken with you. I can see it when he looks at you. I’ve never seen him look at anyone like that before. My uncle is hard to live with and hard to love but you have to understand when he loves, he loves hard. It is the only way he knows how to.”

  I didn’t know what to say, so I didn’t say anything. I sat there and fidgeted with my napkin instead.

  “Do you love him?” Aubrey asked, taking me by surprise.

  I simply nodded, unable to form the words.

  “Then that’s all that matters. The rest will fall into place,” Alex chimed in.

  “I’m going to get something to drink. I’ll be right back.” I excused myself, needing a minute.

  All of this was a little overwhelming, I never had girlfriends to sit around and talk with. And the last thing I wanted was to answer questions I didn’t even have answers to. I spent the rest of the afternoon taking in what it truly felt like to have friends and to be a part of a family. They were all so close with one another, the love these men had for their women was indescribable. I’d never seen anything like it before. I loved them all instantly. The girls welcomed me with open arms, including his niece. I even caught Martinez having what appeared to be a serious conversation with Briggs at one point.