Read El Dorado: An Adventure of the Scarlet Pimpernel Page 52

  I need not ask either of you two to trust me, knowing that you will. ButI could not die inside this hole like a rat in a trap--I had to try andfree myself, at the worst to die in the open beneath God's sky. You twowill understand, and understanding you will trust me to the end. Sendthe enclosed letter at once to its address. And you, Ffoulkes, my mostsincere and most loyal friend, I beg with all my soul to see to thesafety of Marguerite. Armand will stay by me--but you, Ffoulkes, do notleave her, stand by her. As soon as you read this letter--and you willnot read it until both she and you have felt that hope has fled and Imyself am about to throw up the sponge--try and persuade her to makefor the coast as quickly as may be.... At Calais you can open upcommunications with the Day-Dream in the usual way, and embark on her atonce. Let no member of the League remain on French soil one hour longerafter that. Then tell the skipper to make for Le Portel--the place whichhe knows--and there to keep a sharp outlook for another three nights.After that make straight for home, for it will be no use waiting anylonger. I shall not come. These measures are for Marguerite's safety,and for you all who are in France at this moment. Comrade, I entreat youto look on these measures as on my dying wish. To de Batz I have givenrendezvous at the Chapelle of the Holy Sepulchre, just outside the parkof the Chateau d'Ourde. He will help me to save the Dauphin, and ifby good luck he also helps me to save myself I shall be within sevenleagues of Le Portel, and with the Liane frozen as she is I could reachthe coast.

  But Marguerite's safety I leave in your hands, Ffoulkes. Would that Icould look more clearly into the future, and know that those devilswill not drag her into danger. Beg her to start at once for Calaisimmediately you have both read this. I only beg, I do not command. Iknow that you, Ffoulkes, will stand by her whatever she may wish to do.God's blessing be for ever on you both.