Read Elizabeth's Bondage Boxed Set Page 24

  "Oh?" she said, wondering desperately, Oh God, just what had André told him?

  Mark chuckled. "You poor thing," he said and cupped her face with his large hand, stroking her cheek with his thumb. "Okay, let me put you out of your misery. First, yes, I know all about how you and André have been having lots and lots of seriously hot sex."

  An odd unintentional squeak of surprise left her lips, and she sat up straight and felt her cheeks begin to warm. With an expression that was dark and unreadable, Mark watched her intently, saying nothing.

  "What…what did André tell you?" she managed to ask.

  Mark blew out a breath. "I saw the video. I saw the whole thing - more than once I might add."

  "Oh my God!" she exclaimed, putting her hands to her heated cheeks.

  "It was the hottest damn porno flick I've seen to date," Mark said, his voice harsh with lust. "Gave me the hard on of all hard ons."

  Mark has seen the video, she thought. He knows! But I'm in his arms and on his lap and he isn't mad. Jesus God thank you! Elizabeth giggled, almost hysterical with relief and laughed out loud. "Really?" Elizabeth said. "Oh shit! Really? You saw it and you aren't mad at me?"

  "I didn't say that," Mark said quietly.

  "Oh," she gulped and took an anxious breath. "You are mad at me?"

  "Yep, I guess I am," he said. "But I'm also mad at myself. I've been well aware that you haven't really been interested in sex lately, but I didn’t have any idea that you were faking orgasms. I know you didn’t want to hurt me, but I don’t think our marriage can survive without honesty." Mark's intimidating brown eyes pinned her to his lap, which helped prevent her sudden, overwhelming impulse to run. "I want the truth from you," he said, with a pronounced crease between his brows. "You'll tell me everything. Right now."

  Elizabeth stiffened at this demanding order, alert, and more than a little nervous. This was the dominant Mark she had glimpsed shadows of from time to time, the one that had turned her on so much. "Well," she said, swallowing hard in a dry throat. Then she began to tell him. Once the dam had burst, and Mark sat and listened without reacting badly, she felt more confident and resolved to make a clean breast of it and get every single secret off her chest.

  Elizabeth unburdened her soul. The countless times she faked orgasms and why, and her fear of upsetting him. The fact that she masturbated daily, sometimes twice a day because she was horny, and she just found sex with him too difficult, because of faking it. Confronting him with the truth had seemed impossible. She told him how it almost turned her off when he went down on her, because he was so kind and considerate, when she realized that most of all she wanted him to take what he wanted from her, to use her body for his pleasure.

  Elizabeth noticed that while she had been talking Mark's cock had been hardening, sitting solid against the outside of her thigh, but she ignored it. Mark had asked for her secrets and man oh man, it was such a relief! While Mark remained composed and listening she explained about how constraint or bondage had really done it for her, and how she had realized that she was submissive and that much of her pleasure came from pleasing her partner and being dominated. Mark let her run on and on, only occasionally asking a question or clarifying something.

  Elizabeth finished by explaining how she masturbated to the fantasy of when he had taken her against the wall at the wedding. When she couldn't think of anything else she had hidden from him, she said, "So that's about it, honey. That's everything."

  Mark shot her a broad grin. "Good," he said. "Thank you." He ran a hand over her head, cupping her face, and rubbing his thumb against her lower lip. "You did very well, Lizzy."

  "But what about you? What happened to you today? Do I get to hear any of your secrets? You do have them, right?"

  Mark pulled her against him and kissed her cheek, his rough bristles scratching her soft skin. While framing her face with his hands, he followed that up by brushing her eyelids, temple, and face with feather soft kisses. A long lazy kiss on the mouth was the finale – it was a kiss Elizabeth felt she could almost drown in. A warm liquid sensation pooled low in her belly, and she felt a surge of moisture between her legs.

  "Tomorrow," he said, breaking off the kiss. "I'll tell you all about me tomorrow."

  "But what now?" Elizabeth asked, licking her sensitive lips, and giving herself an internal admonishment for being such a slut. André had certainly awakened her sexuality. Uncountable orgasms already today and she still felt a stab of frustration because there wasn't enough time to get naked with Mark. "We only have an hour together," she said bitterly, finding herself inexplicably cross. "I don't want to waste it."

  Mark gave her a crooked smile, one she couldn't quite interpret. "By all means, let's not waste it." He looked at his watch. "It's after eight and André said I'm staying here tonight." He stood up and she was surprised when he brought her to her feet, a firm grasp on her arm. She was even more surprised by what he said next.

  "I get to sleep here with you, sweetheart," he said in a low, seductive voice. Then his dark eyes flashed with dangerous intensity and he added, "But first I'm going to do all the things I've wanted to do to you for years."

  "Oh!" Elizabeth said. She blinked with an inner vision of what Mark could possibly mean. In that split second, all irritation and frustration fled – leaving her with that sensuous liquid sensation low in her belly once more.

  8. Slave

  For a moment Mark just stared at her, musing over his physical battle with André, the long conversation afterwards, including discussing his BDSM fantasies and how to best enact them. Elizabeth would be annoyed, and probably furious that he started this project by hiring André without her agreement. So it was best to hold off on telling her that, too.

  His Lizzy was so small, so beautiful and yet so damn tough. It was a marvel even now that she was really his. And she wanted what he wanted. His big body was tense with growing arousal. There were so many scenarios going through Mark's head. He felt like an adolescent inundated with sexual fantasies, and now that he was going to give in to them, he wasn't sure where to begin.

  I'm going to do everything I want to do anyway, he reassured himself. His dick throbbed and twitched with that thought.

  Nerves warred with lust in Mark's mind, along with André's advice. He didn't want to screw this up, this first instance of knowingly dominating his wife, so he would take it slow, and keep control. Lizzy needed to get used to how it should be between them. Now was not the time to let the beast off its leash.

  Mark spun her around and took both of her hands, twisting them behind her back in a firm pressure hold that was close to pain. Elizabeth gave a small shriek of surprise and bent slightly forward, lessening the pinch. With her back to his chest, he marched her toward the full length wall of mirror stopping about two feet away. He brought both her wrists up and slapped her hands in front of her against the mirror, a couple of feet above shoulder height, his big hands pressing them into the wall.

  Elizabeth stared back at him in the mirror, her eyes wide with alarm, and perhaps a little lust. Mark wasn't sure, but it didn’t matter. The lust would come. "Don't you dare move those hands," he warned her, and then ran his own hands down her body from her shoulders, to her flanks and hips, resting them upon her waist.

  "Yes, Sir," she replied, her gaze trained on him.

  "No," Mark snapped, his voice sharp and cutting as a whip. "You call me, Master."

  If anything, Elizabeth's eyes got even rounder. "Yes Master," she said in a shaky voice.

  Mark kicked her ankles apart, and one knee pressed hard, high up against her inner thighs forcing her legs open still further. "That's right. I want those legs spread," he said. He pressed his big body up against her, the rigid length of his erection pushed into her soft skin, her buttocks and back. Then he brushed his lips against her earlobe, and his rough bristles along her jaw. Mark hadn't shaved, and knew that her soft skin was feeling every scrape. Elizabeth trembled under him, and her excitement and fear d
rove him on.

  With his face in close to her ear, he said in a deep, conversational tone. "I've wanted you to be my sex slave, Lizzy. That's always been my sexual fantasy." As he spoke his hands pulled her blouse out from where it was tucked into her skirt, then one arm wrapped around her, holding her firm against him, while the other hand began to move along her stomach, seductively tracing across the top of her skirt, and then across her hips.

  Mark continued, "My slave to do what I want in bed, exactly the way I want it. Do you want to be my sex slave, sweetheart?"

  Elizabeth moaned. "Oh God! Yes, Master!"

  Mark laughed. "Good. I am going to use that hot little body of yours for my pleasure. I am going to fuck every single hole at least once tonight, maybe more than once. Would you like that, Slave?"

  "Oh shit, Master," Elizabeth's voice trembled, and Mark felt the weight of her, heavy against his arm as her knees must have gone weak. "Yes! More than anything."

  "I might want to hurt you, too," he warned her, breathing those dark menacing words into the warm hollow behind her ear. He tongued her earlobe, and then bit it hard.

  "Oww!" Elizabeth yipped, but her hands stayed on the mirror.

  "Do you mind if I hurt you, Slave? If I cause you pain while taking my pleasure?" Mark's lips moved along the tender skin of her neck and below the sensitive shell of her ear, kissing, nuzzling, and licking. From time to time he bit her lightly, possessively sucking, and nibbling her body exactly as he wanted, because she belonged to him. As expected, Elizabeth quivered and trembled under this sensual assault.

  "Master," she said fervently, "You can do whatever you want with me, I swear it."

  Mark chuckled and his dick throbbed in his track pants. "Excellent. I think for now we should use André's rules, they're good ones, but we need a safe word. How about the color red?" Mark's hand roamed higher, reaching her bra, tracing under it. He un-snapped it and began to stroke her breasts then, squeezing, and roughly exploring them. Lizzy had such fantastic tits, large, soft and round, perfect to suck, fuck or lay his head on. As Mark caressed them he felt them grow heavy in his hands, swollen and plump with desire. Grasping her nipples between his fingers, he rolled and teased, occasionally pinching hard, right on the edge of pain.

  Elizabeth gasped. "Ah… red is good. I won’t forget, Master."

  "Okay." Mark kept one hand tugging at her nipples, and the other hand slid down her hip, to her round buttocks. The skirt hampered him slightly, but his fingers followed the crease of her bottom all the way around past her anus, caressing along the inside of her thighs, and advancing ruthlessly up between her legs to her pussy. Mark enjoyed cupping her mound and fondling her through her clothes. Elizabeth did too, as she made a soft "Ummm," sounds of pleasure. All the while his mouth and tongue continued nibbling her neck.

  "Don't move," he reminded her, then he unzipped the skirt and it dropped to the carpet. Both of his hands slid under her silken panties, and Elizabeth gasped again as he forcefully gripped her butt-cheeks. "This is a great ass. I'm looking forward to fucking it. You have no idea how long I've wanted to push myself deep into your tight little butt. Do you want me to shove my dick right up your ass, Slave?"

  Elizabeth moaned, "Oh, yes please, Master."

  Mark put one hand on her breast and the other slipped into the front of her underwear, stroking along her slick folds. Mark heard himself growl with pleasure. It felt amazing! Lizzy had never shaved her pubic area before, and her soft, swollen, hairless flesh filled his hand. Teasingly, he parted her nether lips and stroked, not entering her pussy, just spreading her dripping juices back and forth, circling her clit but not touching it. Her slick moisture slipped easily over her smooth flesh.

  Elizabeth squirmed under his hand and something inside just clicked. Mark's natural dominance took over, and he felt entirely comfortable with the task of controlling everything. Right now he had all the power, to make her orgasm, or to prevent her from reaching a peak. He could do anything with his willing slave, for she had surrendered herself to him completely. The beast inside him roared with joy. Mark continued to torment her until finally, breathless with need, Elizabeth gave a strangled moan and arched toward him.

  "I told you to be still," he reproved, and bit her between her neck and shoulder, gripping her tender flesh hard, marking her with his teeth. With a whimper of protest, Elizabeth became motionless. Like a wolf with a rabbit in its jaw, he held her there for a long moment, making sure of her compliance, and then he released her. "That's right, don't move," he said. "Good slaves are rewarded by their master. If you're good, I'll fuck you with my fingers, and I may even let you come. Would you like that, Slave?"

  "Oh God yes, Master," Elizabeth replied breathlessly. "Thank you."

  9. Climax

  Mark began to slide his middle and index finger inside her pussy, just to the first knuckle. They both slipped in easily because she was so slick. Elizabeth made a sweet unconscious sound of pleasure and Mark's balls tightened. Moving his fingers in and out, he pushed them inside a little further each time, pulling and stretching her warm swollen flesh as he went. Finally Mark buried both fingers as deep as he could shove them inside her and she moaned.

  Mark smiled. His Lizzy was flooded, he could feel her arousal dripping from his hand. Hyper-horny himself, his dick throbbed, demanding release but it was going to have to wait. André told Mark that he could do virtually anything he wanted with Elizabeth, as she was such a willing submissive, but advised him to fully arouse her first. Well, that plan was certainly working.

  Mark nestled his aching shaft between the cheeks of her ass, driving himself against her backside in a firm pumping movement, just to give his dick some relief. Then he drew his fingers out of her pussy, and rammed inside once again, rhythmically out and in, while continuing to pump himself against her ass. Elizabeth shivered, and moaned, making wonderful noises of arousal and need.

  With his own breath coming faster, Mark's tongue and teeth continued to kiss and lick, sensually tormenting her sensitive neck. Mark watched Lizzy in the mirror, noticing her every response. Her eyes were heavy lidded, her face a mask of sexual urgency, almost a grimace as she whispered, "Yes, oh yes, yes." All the while his big body erotically covered hers.

  Horny, happy and in complete control, Mark laughed and pulled his fingers out. He met her gaze in the mirror as he put his slick digits near his nose and breathed in her potent essence. "I like the way you smell," he said, and then licked some of her juices off. "And I like the way you taste," he added. Something low in his belly twisted with desire. Mark put his fingers near her mouth and she took them in, like a fish snapping at bait.

  "Um, um, um," she moaned, sucking both fingers hard.

  Mark's chest swelled, knowing he could take her at any time, in any way and he chuckled. "You're very hot for it, aren’t you, Slave? I guess you want your master to fuck you pretty badly, don’t you?" Elizabeth just moaned her agreement. Mark could see the pulse beat rapidly in her neck, and her nostrils flared. Elizabeth was breathing hard with her mouth closed tight, while sucking his digits as eagerly as if they were his dick.

  Taking his fingers away, Mark returned them between her legs, once more tormenting her. "I'm going to fuck you so hard that it's going to hurt. Would you like that, Slave?"

  "Yes, Master," she agreed. Her blue eyes stared at him in the mirror, dilated, heavy lidded and dark with lust.

  "That's good, because I'm not going to be careful or gentle." Mark was a big man all over and sex was a problem. When his long shaft bumped a woman's cervix it sometimes caused cramping in their uterus that really hurt. Early in their relationship Mark had accidently penetrated Lizzy too deeply. Consequently he had been extra careful ever since. It was inhibiting, and he had worried that the reason she had lost interest in sex was because of pain during intercourse.

  André had laughed loudly at this and said, "J'assure, mon ami, when the vagina is fully engorged, it gets longer and wider in order to accommodate the m
an's penis. And if the woman is fully aroused, pain is not interpreted by the brain as pain, vous comprenez? Any pain caused will not truly hurt. Non! Such torment will heighten pleasure and intensify her orgasm."

  Mark had snorted over that one, because it seemed a useful justification if one enjoyed whipping a woman, which the Frenchman most certainly did. André had highly recommended the use of a riding crop before vaginal penetration in Mark's case, keeping his partner on the cusp of orgasm and adding pain, so those two sensations became confused. Mark really loved the idea of whipping his Lizzy, he couldn't deny it, sick fuck that he was. But he hadn't made up his mind on that yet, either.

  When he had mentioned his anxiety of somehow screwing this up, André had laughed and assured him that all would come easily to him. "You must rely on your instincts, mon ami, the innate desires that you have repressed. Of a certainty, to dominate a woman is natural to you, and this is not any woman. This is Elizabeth, your wife. You know her better than anyone. As long as she has a safe word, all will be well."

  Finally André had assured him that he would be watching on the closed-circuit TV, and if he had any concerns whatsoever, he himself would come in well before there was a problem. "Mon Ami, I will sit watching, with my cock very hard, as you take your wife." Mark had laughed and told André he was a pervert, but inside he had been thankful for the backup.

  Mark pushed his index and middle fingers back into Lizzy's pussy, slipping in easily because she was soaking. "Uh, ah, oh, God!" she sobbed breathlessly. He chuckled and then teased her clit with a thumb, noticing how thick and swollen it was. Damn she was hot for it. So fucking horny!

  Elizabeth mewled in a plaintive whimper, indicating she needed more, and he gave a little snort at her craven demands. With two thick fingers deep in her pussy, he masturbated her clit with his thumb. Meanwhile his other hand was engaged in sensually pulling a nipple gently one moment, then tugging and pinching painfully the next, and all the time he pressed up hard against her, pumping his dick against her backside.