Read Elizabeth's Bondage Boxed Set Page 27

  Sliding in and out in a rapid rhythm, Mark felt her body beginning to tighten. "Come for me, Lizzy," he said urgently. "Come now! I want to feel you milk my dick."

  Elizabeth screamed then as her entire body stiffened, the prelude to an orgasmic explosion. Mark said, "Let her go, André. Let her go." André released his grip on her wrists, and Lizzy's arms flew around Mark, hugging him to her. Elizabeth embraced him as if he was the only other person alive, as if she had been totally lost and alone until that exact moment.

  Mark felt her urgent tightening hold, the smell of her, and the feel of her soft damp skin as she crushed herself against him. Elizabeth's pussy clenched and tightened, again and again and again as she climaxed. Mark's need was savage, and his own orgasm took him without warning, unexpectedly slamming into him. With a guttural incoherent shout, Mark cried out in surprise. Then he lost all control. Hips jerking ruthlessly forward as he convulsed, Mark's head flew backwards as he arched and thrust, spurting inside her in fierce waves of pleasure. His violent spasms seemed to go on and on, longer than ever before.

  They lay together afterwards, he on top of her as if felled by an axe, too exhausted to pull away. Chest heaving, heart thudding, covered in sweat and other body fluids, Mark utterly sated, smiled. They had both been well satisfied. And he noticed that his Lizzy even then, while barely sensible and shivering with aftershocks, continued to clasp him firmly in a loving embrace.

  16. Brothers

  They all washed up. Then Elizabeth lay on her stomach, while both men massaged her, particularly her legs and back, loosening any muscles that had been held in an unnatural position for too long. Elizabeth lay on the bed between André and Mark, her eyes shut. Mark thought she may have fallen asleep. The emotional, mental and physical stress they had put her under certainly could have caused this reaction, and he let his hard working slave rest. When she began to softly snore, making little sounds almost like a chipmunk, Mark and André both quietly snickered.

  "You have worn her out, mon ami," André said.

  Mark snorted. "You started it," he accused. "But yes, it really has been a big day for her."

  Mark and André lay on their sides facing each other, propping their heads up with one arm. The other arm of each man rested lightly on Elizabeth's back, in a sharing, comfortable manner, each man idly caressing her, and chatting in companionable whispers. When both men stroked her soft round buttocks at the same time, they exchanged a look, and grinned at each other.

  "It is a most perfect ass," André said.

  Mark gave him a proprietary, self-satisfied smile. "And it's all mine. I am sooo going to fuck it. I'm going to fuck it so hard that Elizabeth won't be able to walk properly for a week."

  André laughed, and shook his head. "Mon ami, I believe you," André said. "I would like to offer my compliments. You arranged a masterful scene, and played it out quite skillfully. I told you to trust your innate gift. I tell you again, you are one of the most natural Dom's I have ever had the privilege to watch. It is in your nature to dominate, as it is in Elizabeth's nature to submit."

  "Ah, thank you, my friend," Mark said. "But I would have failed without your support, as you well know. I faltered right from the start."

  "Non," Andre said. "You acted correctly and you had stopped flogging your slave without the safe word, by the time I arrived. It was a small mistake that you were, even then, setting right. The punishment was appropriate, your sub has, as they say, learned an important lesson."

  "I worried about the beast."

  "Eh Bien." André arched an eyebrow. "And yet, mon ami, I find the beast oh so charming, and not at all troublesome."

  Mark laughed. "If you say so, but I don’t know if I will feel comfortable dominating Lizzy without back up for a while. I find it curious, my interest in watching you, my pleasure in seeing you climax. Part of it was because you were fucking my wife. Do you have any idea what that is about?"

  Andre gave him an impish grin and clenched his fist, bringing it to his chest with a thump. "We are brothers now, my friend. Bonded."

  Mark laughed. "You mean because I beat the crap out of you?'

  "Oui," André said. "I am no danger to you mon ami. For all your problems you are not threatened by me. You have dominated me in the most primitive manner of all. More importantly you know that the inestimable, most perfect Elizabeth loves you, and only you."

  "But why should I enjoy seeing you climax?"

  "You are gay perhaps?"

  They both laughed. André said softly, "You do not fear a man's touch, mon ami, but no, I think it is the pleasure of having your slave serve me so well. She is yours, and thus you are serving me, via her. You appreciate my small efforts on behalf of your marriage, I think?"

  Mark's response was heartfelt. "That much is true. I owe you big time. But it was also weird how I enjoyed the fact that you had climaxed inside Lizzy, before I entered her. She was slick with your cum and I loved that. It was kind of like sharing blood, only in this case semen."

  Andre gave a wry smile, clenched his fist, and once more brought it to his chest with a thump. "Warrior brothers, sharing the same woman – sleeping in the same cave."

  They both chuckled, again quietly, as they didn’t want to disturb Elizabeth. Mark explained how he was going to tell Elizabeth everything in the morning, and asked that André particularly make sure all recording was turned off, as his childhood events were sensitive. They discussed the beast for a while, and once more André explained that if Mark humored his animal needs from time to time, it need not be so unmanageable.

  André said. "And now I will, perhaps foolishly, tell you mon ami, that I have fallen in love with your wife."


  "It is true," André said. "But do not be jealous, for I am the one that is jealous. You have love together and respect. Now you have love, respect and excellent sex. For the first time in my life I feel incomplete and bereft. It is your wife that has opened my eyes. Oui, and seeing you together. Now nothing can be the same."

  "Why did you tell me?"

  "Ah, mon ami," André said. "Why not? Perhaps so you can even more appreciate what you have? But you have many more days of vacation, and you have paid for my time. I will teach you all I know of BDSM, and you may teach me of love, for it pleases me to see it between you. I have given Elizabeth many orgasms this day, as I am skilled in bed. Yet nothing I did compared to what you shared together tonight. I saw Elizabeth's arms surround you the moment I released them. Poetry should be written about such an embrace. I feel honored and privileged to see it, oui. Such devotion and passion brought tears to my eyes."

  André gave Mark a boyish, irresistible and utterly appealing smile. Just then Mark could completely understand how anyone – male or female - could fall in love with André Chevalier. The man was charming, honest, and he seemed to perfectly understand everything.

  André shrugged his shoulders in a depreciating manner. "But I am French, you understand, and the French are not ashamed to appreciate such beauty."

  16. Explanations

  André bid Mark good night, and left. Mark fell into bed. He cuddled into Elizabeth, and she unconsciously snuggled into his arms. After that he fell almost instantly asleep.

  Mark woke sometime in the middle of the night, achingly aroused, and reached for her. In the darkness with only a digital clock for light, he stroked her awake, erotically caressing her sensitive skin. His chest was against her back, the hard length of his erection pressing against her buttocks. Mark's probing fingers found she was already wet and ready for him. He lifted her leg to give himself access, and when he pushed inside her, she made a cute mewling sound of pleasure. Sex was slow, sweet and easy, graced with soft whispers of love and tenderness. They surged together in the darkness, the sound of their ragged breaths loud in the empty room. When Mark felt her close, he told her to come for him, and she did. Their near mutual completion satisfied them both, and they went instantly back to sleep.

  Breakfast arr
ived in the morning, the silver serving cart brought in by a stranger while Elizabeth was in the shower. Mark, dressed only in a bathrobe, thanked the waiter and then frowned in consternation when he realized he didn't have his wallet. The attendant, a tall, stocky man, had an understanding smile in his eyes. "No need to tip, Sir. I'm an employee of Mr. Chevalier."

  Mark and Elizabeth sat down to strong coffee; “baguettes;” French cheeses including Gruyere, and Brie; ham omelet's, and hot milk to dilute their coffee with. Honey, strawberry and apricot jam was available as well as a kind of slightly sweet light bread, rather than toast. Mark burst out laughing. There wasn't even any orange juice. Clearly André had not yet acclimatized to American breakfast food.

  As they ate, Elizabeth, also in a bathrobe said, "So, it's your turn, Mark. Can you let me know what happened to you? What has André told you? You said you would tell me your secrets. You were no paragon this year either, you know. You avoided the whole sex issue, too. Do I get to flog you for things you shouldn't have done?"

  Mark gave her an intent, heated look. "You can try, sweetheart," he said in a deceptively mild voice.

  Elizabeth, who had brought her coffee mug to her lips, almost spilled it when she choked on a surprised giggle. "Forget it. Anyway, I'm all ears."

  Mark decided to start from the beginning. For some time he had noticed that she was subtly avoiding sex, and when they did end up in bed together he knew that something was missing. He spoke to her of how he worried about hurting her during intercourse. Elizabeth burst out laughing at that, murmuring that he seemed to have gotten over that problem - as seen by the way he had mercilessly flogged her the night before.

  "Yeah, well," he said. "I didn’t know that you could like pain."

  "I don’t know if 'like' is the right word," she said. After he stared her down she lowered her eyes and blushed with embarrassment. Mark chuckled, and stroked her face, deciding to leave it for now, and not to trace that thought. This was about his confession right now. "I'm glad you do like it, Lizzy," he said. "It turns you on, and it turns me on too."

  "That is probably why it does turn me on," she said, her blue eyes flashing with exasperation. "It's not my fault that your pleasure is my pleasure. Apparently I'm built that way."

  He brought his chair closer, and pulled her into his big body, kissing her neck and collarbone. "We are a very good fit, sweetheart, and I can't tell you how glad I am about that."

  "A perfect fit would be about an inch or two shorter," she observed with asperity.

  "Yeah, well, that's not going to happen," he said. "Come here," he added, dragging her into his lap.

  "Oh no you don't," she said. "Don't try to distract me."

  Mark simply picked her up and carried her over to the big couch. "I just want to hold you a bit, particularly while I talk."

  Elizabeth's brows drew down in a frown, and her eyes glinted with suspicion. "Just keep talking big guy. I'm thinking you want to divert me with sex, to get out of 'true confession' time, but it isn't going to work."

  Mark grinned, staring at her lips, wanting to kiss her. "I bet I could make it work."

  She snorted. "Yeah, you probably could. But c'mon honey. Give."

  Mark started to tell her about his childhood, witness protection and his real father and mother. The strange overwhelming response he had with the baseball bat, his fear of the darker side of himself, the fact that all his life he was drawn to BDSM but he had intentionally kept away from it, associating it with sin and the dreaded beast. The early "other" childhood fascinated her, and Mark spent some time talking about his older sister, and how he had once lived. He didn’t tell her which city he came from, or details from the case.

  Lizzy was attentive throughout his story, moving through the full gamut of emotions including concern, sympathy, shock, anger and horror. Under that tough, feisty trial lawyer exterior, Mark knew his wife was incredibly kind. As for the beast and BDSM, he explained that he had a sadistic side. He confessed that he wanted to explore it with her, and discussed some of his more comprehensive, recurring fantasies. Mark said that from now on, if they were both honest with each other, he hoped they could work everything out. He admitted that, like her, he also had been jerking off daily, because he had felt like he was imposing on her with his constant need for sex.

  With his arms tight around her waist, Mark added, "I'll never show you so much consideration in the future, Lizzy, because now you're my willing sex slave. From this moment on you'll serve me whenever, and wherever I want."

  "Oh," Elizabeth said in a small voice, and Mark saw her face heat with arousal. They both got a little frisky then, kissing and nuzzling after this demanding erotic proclamation, but Elizabeth refused to be diverted.

  "Is that all?" she asked.

  "Well," he said. "Not quite." He told her about how he had woken up spread eagle on a bed, except in his case he was on his stomach. And he told her how André, the rat bastard, had put a vibrator up his ass and punished him with whipping and forced ejaculations. Mark told her how André had soon discovered Mark would never yield, and how he had subsequently released him. Elizabeth said she sympathized with André.

  "No one is more stubborn and wants his own way than you do, Mark," she laughed. "Not even me."

  Elizabeth also laughed over the big fight and how André and Mark, beating on each other had resulted in a form of male bonding. "So typical of a man," she said, "to only feel better after hitting something. But I don’t understand. Are we free? And why did André do all this? It makes no sense. Did you come to an understanding?"

  Mark heaved an inward sigh. This was the part that he had been dreading. "Do you recall meeting Ronald Billingsworth? That red-haired guy? You would have met him at a work function. Anyway, remember when I worked with him on that difficult account? Never mind," he said, realizing that he was beating around the bush. "I told Billingsworth I was worried about our marriage."

  "You did what?" Elizabeth sat up outraged. "You talked to him about our sex problems and not me?"

  "It wasn't like that," Mark said, shifting uncomfortably. "Billingsworth had marriage troubles of his own, and he said that he had solved them with the help of a sexual counselor. The man he heartily recommended was kind of expensive, but really got results. His name was André Chevalier."

  Mark saw that it took a moment for the significance of that remark to sink in, but when it did Elizabeth jumped up off his lap. Her blue eyes blazed with fury, pinning Mark to his chair. "What?" She stormed back and forth for a bit, and then pointed a finger at him. "Does that mean what I think it means? That you hired André Chevalier?"

  Mark nodded and said, "I'm afraid so."

  Enraged, Elizabeth threw up her hands and screamed. "Oh! That's right," she said. "I forgot. We should just be honest with each other, right? You think?" She stood directly in front of him, red-faced and wild-eyed. "What a good idea! You bastard!" she said, and slapped him across the face hard.

  17. Elizabeth's Anger

  Elizabeth's eyes flew to Marks' face, gauging his reaction to her slapping him, but Mark hadn't moved and she couldn’t read his unfathomable expression.

  How could he? Elizabeth thought. André scared the shit out of me yesterday morning, tying me up and strangling me, and I worried about Mark all day, too. And what do I find out? Mark set the whole thing up.

  Elizabeth began pacing in earnest, needing to expend the energy from her overwhelming rage. Her pink bathrobe flew out behind her with the speed of her long strides. "Mark, are you telling me that you talked to some stranger rather than me? And you got André to kidnap us?" She spun on her heels, turning to face him. "I thought I was going to die!"

  "I didn't know what he was going to do, Elizabeth, I swear," Mark said, standing up in an attempt to make his case. "Do you think I sat down with André and said, 'Oh, here's a good idea, why don’t you drug us and abduct us?' Besides," he added with a sarcastic ringing tone to his voice, "while you spent the first day screwing your brains
out, I spent it getting butt fucked with a vibrator and starving to death. You think that was the result I was going for?"

  Elizabeth intentionally disregarded the sex comment. It was true, of course. Mark had apparently suffered all day, while she had been having the most intense orgasms of her life. But she was going to ignore those circumstances right now, because she was angry. Instead she said, "You flogged me for keeping my secrets! And look at yours! I didn't even know who your parents were!"

  "Oh, perfect," Mark replied, his dark eyes becoming stormy. "Just perfect. You're going to hold that against me too, are you? Right, that seems fair. It was fucking witness protection, Elizabeth! I broke the law just telling you about it! I'm not supposed to tell anyone!"

  "Not even your wife?"

  "No! Not even my wife," he said, blowing out a deep breath. Mark stood with sagging shoulders, looking kind of defeated. For a moment Elizabeth could clearly read his expression and unexpectedly she saw a world of hurt there.

  "I have never even been to their grave, Lizzy," Mark said softly. "Not my mom, my dad or my big sister. Nor do I have pictures. Everything is locked away in evidence. I've been told that someday I'll have access to it, but not for many more years."

  As quickly as her rage exploded, it evaporated. "Oh God, Mark," she said, putting her arms around him. "I'm sorry, honey. I'm so sorry. You went through so much when you were only a child. I had no idea. You were nine years old when you killed a man, but I'm really glad you did. You suffered so much. Oh baby, forgive me. You married an unfeeling shrew."

  Mark put his arms around her, pulling her closer. "I should have talked to you about the sex thing, but I don't know how much it would have helped. I'm pretty sure we needed a professional. I was afraid, sweetheart. I was such a coward, so afraid that I'd lose you."

  "You'll never lose me!"

  He laughed and firmly gripped the nape of her neck with his long fingers. "You're right about that, because I'm never going to let you go," he said. The feel of his strong hand implacably holding her, combined with such possessive words, made her instantly wet. She mentally shook herself, returning her attention back to the subject.