Read Elusive Bride Page 3

  “To see me?”

  “Yes. He’s waiting downstairs.”

  “I’ll be right down,” she answered. She wondered if her fiancé’s family had tracked her down; with their connections she would be easy to find. No, she was sure they didn’t care as long as she was out of their precious son’s life. As she approached the kitchen she heard voices.

  “How have you been?” She heard Mrs. Swanson’s voice but she couldn’t hear a reply. “Ava, dear,” Mrs. Swanson looked up, “look who dropped by.”

  “Weston,” Ava said, “you came over to see me?”

  Weston nodded as he slid a sack across the table. “You forgot this.”

  Ava peeked inside the sack, “Oh, yes. I’ve been meaning to come by and pick this up.”

  “If you two will excuse me I’ve got an appointment in town. Don’t be a stranger, Weston,” She patted his shoulder as she left.

  Weston looked around. “The last time I was in this kitchen was after Mr. Swanson’s funeral, that’s been ages. Nothing much has changed around here,” Weston said as he shook his head.

  “What?” Ava asked.

  “I was thinking how Edith was. She probably didn’t have an appointment, she just wanted to give us time alone.”

  Ava suddenly looked at her watch, “I’ve got to get to work.”

  “You found a job?”

  “I’m waitressing at the Tic-Toc.”

  “No way!”

  “Yep, I’m working part-time to start and then maybe fulltime.”

  “Ava, you know most of Sam’s customers are just there to drink and blow off steam and try to hit on the female customers.”

  “I know, but I’m not eighteen years old. I can take care of myself.”

  “Sorry, I guess it’s not my business.”

  “That’s right, I’m not your responsibility. Remember, I told you I could take care of myself.”

  “I know, I know. Sorry, I should be heading back to the office myself.”

  Ava followed Weston to the door. “Ava, are you sure about this job?”

  “I’m sure, Weston. Don’t look so worried, I’ll be fine.” She said as he put her hand on his back and gently pushed him out the door, laughing.


  By Friday night Weston had come up with a thousand reasons why the Tic-Toc wasn’t the place for Ava to work, but she wasn’t his business. So, why was he pulling into the crowded parking lot of Sam’s Place? He had to check on her.

  Music filled the parking lot as Weston killed the engine on his truck. The Tic-Toc was filled to capacity. Weston followed a couple of guys into the bar and immediately noticed several fellows gathered around someone he couldn’t see who. Jake was putting the make on Ava! Weston watched as Jake moved his hand from Ava’s shoulder down her back and he saw red! He stormed across the crowded dance floor and jerked Jake around. “What the!” Jake’s eyes were red and bleary and his speech slurred. “Wes, what’s up bro?” He managed a lop-sided grin as he stumbled back against the bar.

  “Outside now!” Weston barked as he shoved Jake toward the door. “Move it!”

  Ava caught up with the two men on the front steps of the bar, “Weston, don’t make a big thing out of it, he’s drunk.”

  “Go back inside, Ava. I’ll handle this.” Weston shoved Jake down the steps not looking back at Ava. She returned to the bar.

  When he returned a few minutes later with no sign of Jake, Sam motioned him over, “Where is he?”

  “Sleeping it off.”

  “You didn’t flatten him did you?”

  “No. Give him a couple of hours and then check on him, okay?”

  “Sure,” Sam replied.

  “Sam, find someone to replace Ava. She isn’t working here anymore.” Weston said.

  Sam looked from Ava to Weston and back to Ava, “Well?” he asked.

  “Weston Morris, I can take care of myself!”

  Weston looked at Sam, “Can she have a break?”

  “Sure take all the time you need Ava,” Sam said.

  Ava reluctantly followed Weston outside. “Come on over to my pickup, we need to talk. “Ava, this place isn’t good for you.”

  “It pays the rent, Weston. I need this job.”

  “Have you thought anymore about going back to Nashville?”

  “Of course, I’ve thought about it but I’m not going back! I don’t have anything to go back to? I like it here and I can’t believe you just told Sam I quit? Weston, what am I supposed to do now?”

  “I don’t know what I was thinking. I was just so pissed off with Jake I just lost it. I couldn’t stand it when he had his hands all over you.”

  “I was handling him,” Ava insisted.

  “I’m sorry, but Ava, haven’t you ever done something on the spur of the moment?”

  “What a question to ask someone who ran out on a church full of people waiting for a wedding.”

  “I’ll think of something,” Weston tried to sound convincing.

  “No, please, Weston. Don’t think when it involves me. Let me handle it. Now, go home, please.”

  He waved as he left Ava wondering if perhaps he was right, the Tic-Toc wasn’t for her.

  Chapter 5

  The reception area was jammed when Weston arrived. “Morning, Marilyn. Looks like we’re in for a busy day.”

  “I heard you had a busy weekend,” she replied.

  “Gossip sure travels fast.” Weston disappeared into his office with Marilyn on his heels.

  “Weston, if you have a minute, I need to talk to you.”

  “Sure, sit down. It sounds serious.”

  “I need to take a few weeks off. My mother is having surgery.”

  “I hope it isn’t serious.”

  “She is having a hip replacement.”


  “The middle of next month, but I wanted to be sure you could manage without me for probably six to eight weeks.”

  “I’m sure I can manage, but, it won’t be easy, Marilyn,” Weston said. “Why don’t you call Temps Are Us and see if they have anyone who could fill in.”

  “I already phoned and they are working on it.”

  “You think of everything, Marilyn. Don’t worry it will work out okay.”


  A week had passed since Weston had taken the liberty of quitting Ava’s job for her and he hadn’t had the nerve to face her. He rang the doorbell and waited, hoping she didn’t sock him one when she saw him. The door opened slightly and instead of Mrs. Swanson, Ava, was standing behind the door, dressed in shorts and a knit top. “Weston, what are you doing here?”

  “I just dropped by to see how things have been going.”

  “Okay, I guess. Come on in.” He followed her to the kitchen trying not to look at her figure that fit so perfectly in those shorts. “Would you like something to drink?”

  “Coffee would be good.” While Ava poured the coffee, Weston tried not to look at her backside. “Have you found another .... job?”

  “Not yet, but I’ve put my application in everywhere I could think might hire me.”

  “I’m really sorry about that stunt the other night.”

  “Well, Weston, I’ve had time to think about it and I was pretty mad at first but I’ve decided that probably wasn’t the place for me.”

  Weston was shocked at her declaration, “Have you talked to your fiancé yet?”

  “No, but I did return the ring and I don’t miss it. My hand feels so much lighter.”

  “Didn’t he call when he got it?”

  “Not a word, but I didn’t expect he would.” Trying to change the subject she said, “How is Toby?”

  “Fine.” Weston hesitated, “I guess you are wondering why I’m here.”

  “Sort of.”

  “I have a proposition for you and before you say no, hear me out. I’ve been thinking, what would you say about working for me.”

  “I didn’t know you were hiring.”

  “My offi
ce manager’s mother is having surgery and she needs to take some time off and I thought you would be perfect. Let me make it up to you.”

  “You don’t have to do that Weston. I told you I didn’t really like that job at Sam’s.”

  “You’d be doing me a favor, Ava.”

  “Weston, please I’m sure there are dozens of women in Woodson who would jump at the chance to work for a handsome vet.”

  “So you think I’m handsome?”

  “Weston, please.” Ava rolled her eyes.

  “My housekeeper is leaving soon so I could use your help with Toby, too. Maybe you could work mornings in the office and afternoons at my house.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “Take your time. I think it would be the perfect solution for both of us. Now, I need to get back to work.”

  “Okay, and thanks, Weston. You seem to always be rescuing me.”

  Chapter 6

  Ava was up early on Monday. She selected navy slacks and a white blouse for her first day at Weston’s clinic.

  “Don’t you look nice,” Mrs. Swanson greeted her as she entered the kitchen.

  “Something smells great.”

  “I baked muffins. Have one, dear.”

  “You are spoiling me, Mrs. Swanson,” Ava said as she took a bite. “I must have gained five pounds already.”

  “Child, you need to add some meat on those bones of yours. Did you need me to drive you to work?”

  “No, Weston, is picking me up. He wants me to meet Maria before she leaves so she can give me Toby’s schedule. Didn’t I tell you I’d be working afternoons at Weston’s house.”

  “Yes you mentioned it,” Mrs. Swanson replied. “Now, dear, you have a good day and I’ll see you this evening.”

  The door bell rang signaling Weston had arrived. Ava drew in a breath, she hoped it would go well.


  Weston was quiet on the drive to his house. “Weston, do you think Toby will be okay with me taking Maria’s place?” she broke the silence.

  “And, why wouldn’t he?” he smiled at her. He suddenly pulled off the road alongside a woman and child looking down into the ditch. “What happened?” Weston called out.

  “I not sure. Becky and I were walking and she noticed the puppy down in the ditch. I guess someone hit him and drove off.”

  “I’ll check it out,” Weston assured the woman and child as he descended the embankment. He wrapped the injured puppy in a towel and put him in a carrier in his truck. “I’ll take him down to the clinic and check him out.”

  “Are we still going by your house first?” Ava asked.

  “No, you can drop me off at the office and take my truck over to the house and meet Maria. I’ll call and let her know what happened.”

  “You trust me with your truck?”

  “I trust you with my son, why wouldn’t I?” He was beginning to have feelings for her beyond someone that needed rescuing. He’d have to wait and see how things worked out.

  Chapter 7

  It was well after five when Weston arrived home. He checked the mailbox and went in search of Ava and Toby, “Hey, guys!” Weston called out.

  “Hi, Dad, guess what we’re doing?”

  “Reading,” Weston replied as he sat down beside Ava.

  “How is the puppy?” Ava asked, “I told Toby about how you rescued him.”

  “Yea, Dad, how is the puppy?”

  “He should be okay in a few days - nothing broken.”

  “Can we find his owner?” Toby asked, “I bet they are sad.”

  Weston didn’t have the heart to tell his son that someone probably dropped the puppy off on the road and didn’t care. “I was thinking we could call down to the newspaper office and see if we could put in an ad for a “found puppy” and see if anyone calls.”

  “Great, I know you can find his family.”

  “We’ll give it a try,” Weston said. “Now, what about supper? How does a pizza sound?”

  “Great,” Toby replied, “Can Ms. Ava stay and eat with us?”

  Ava nodded.

  “Sure, shall we get the deluxe?” Weston asked.

  “Yes,” They both replied in unison.


  Weston cleared away the dishes while Ava went inside to get her sweater. “I like Ms. Ava,” Toby announced.

  “I thought you would. Run inside and see if she is ready to go home.”

  “Can’t she stay here? No one is using Maria’s room.”

  “Toby, Ms. Ava rents a room from Mrs. Swanson.”

  “I know, but I was hoping she could stay here.”

  Weston smiled. He had considered offering Ava the use of Maria’s room but with the attraction he felt toward her he wasn’t sure it was a good idea. His cell phone rang as Ava was returning from the kitchen. A few seconds later Weston snapped his phone shut and turned to Ava, “We have a slight change of plans. Marty has a sick mare so I have to stop by the office and get some meds and then we’ll drop you off. Toby can sleep in the truck. I don’t know how long this will take.”

  Toby frowned, “I hate sleeping in that truck!”

  “I have an idea,” Ava smiled, “Why don’t I stay here so Toby could sleep in his own bed. I could use your sofa.”

  “No, just use Maria’s room. Toby can get you settled in.” Ava and Toby disappeared up the stairs, hand and hand. It looked right. He hoped he wasn’t getting in too deep.


  Weston found Ava and Rayland having coffee when he returned home. “Hey, bro, how’s the mare?”

  “Better, I think she will be fine.” Weston could detect a tension in the air between Ava and Rayland but he was too beat to question them. “Can you drive Ava home? I need a hot shower and some shut-eye before I go into the clinic and check on the puppy.”

  “Sure, if’s it is okay with Ava?”

  “Of course,” Ava answered quickly.

  Weston watched the two leave while he poured himself a cup of coffee. Something was going on between them and he aimed to find out what it was but at the moment he needed sleep.


  Ava tried to explain the picture to Rayland. She had been eighteen and her Mom was sick. She agreed to pose for the Harley Davidson calendar as Miss October. They needed the money.

  She shivered when she remembered Rayland removing the picture from the envelope and asking, “Does she look familiar?” It was her perched on a motorcycle dressed in a skimpy bathing suit.

  When Rayland asked ‘have you told him’, she had to say no. He had given her three days to tell Weston or he would. The last thing Rayland had said was ‘no one keeps secrets like that from my brother.’

  She had three days to decide how to tell Weston - three days.

  On day three, she arrived at Weston’s house feeling sick. Toby ran down the steps, “Ms. Ava, your back, I missed you. Dad wants to talk to you. I’ll go get him. He’s on the phone.”

  “I’ll find him, Toby.”

  Ava walked slowly toward the kitchen and entered just as Weston looked up. Unsmiling he motioned to a chair. He ended his call and turned to her, “You didn’t think I’d find out? How could you have posed for that? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Ava brushed away a tear, “I wanted to but I couldn’t.”

  “After Linda, I swore I would never get involved with anyone who didn’t trust me enough to tell me everything.”

  “I’m really sorry, Weston. I really am.” She didn’t give him a chance to speak, she grabbed her purse and left.

  How could he explain this to an eight year old boy without hurting him? Toby loved Ava and he did, too.

  Chapter 8

  Weston couldn’t sleep, eat or focus on anything. After Ava left, he felt lost. He lied to Toby when the child asked about Ava and told him she had decided to return to Nashville. He was pissed at Rayland for telling him and at Ava for not. After all the crap he had spouted off to her about telling him everything he couldn’t face himself in
the mirror. All he knew was he needed her, but first he had some secrets he needed to confess and until he did he would remain a lost, lonely soul. He thought about calling Ava but decided a visit might be better.

  Weston pulled into Mrs. Swanson’s driveway and immediately spotted the older woman working in her garden. She looked up and shaded her eyes with her hands, smiled, and said, “Weston, it’s good to see again. Are you here to see Ava?”

  “Is she around?” He asked.

  “That Tyler guy found her and came to take her back to Nashville. I think they patched things up.”

  Weston’s heart sank. He was too late. “Has she already gone?”

  “No, she is still packing. I don’t like that Tyler.” Mrs. Swanson said.

  “Is she up in her room?”

  “She was when I came outside. Do you want me to go get her?”

  “No, if it’s okay I’d like to surprise her!”


  Ava had spent the morning trying to decide if she was doing the right thing by going back with Tyler, but it was the only way to keep her brother out of prison. He had made it clear that if she didn’t go along with his plan his family would press charges against her brother and the rest would be history. She was ready to go but she wasn’t sure. She stared at the ring Tyler had put back on her finger but it didn’t feel right. A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts, “Weston!”

  “Can I come in? I’ll understand if you don’t want to see me. I need to explain some things and then you can tell me to get lost.”

  “Come on in. She stepped aside. “What did you want to tell me? Don’t worry I’m going back to Nashville.”

  “Why, Ava?”

  “I don’t want to cause any more trouble.”

  “So Tyler convinced you to come back.” He glanced down at her finger, “And, marry him.”

  “Yes,” she replied, “I’m not sure it will work out but we’ll see.”

  “Ava, I need to tell you something.”

  “No, Weston, you don’t owe me an explanation.”

  “But, I do.” He insisted. “Remember when I told you about my whirlwind courtship and quickie marriage and then how Linda got pregnant on the first night?”


  “I found out later she was already pregnant.”

  “Lots of people get together before they are married. Tyler wanted us to sleep together but I insisted on waiting.”