Read Embrace 1 - Immortal Embrace Page 17

“That is very interesting. I hope the protection spell for Nathanial and Matt works just as well.”

  “Grams, I never knew all that. I mean, you had mentioned something about protecting the book before, but never about it being protected and why,” Ebony says with interest.

  “There is so much for you girls to learn. I do not want to rush things and overwhelm you,” Ms. Edwina replies.

  “Thank you, Grams, but I think both Ebony and I want to learn it all. Finding out we are real witches was the biggest shock. Not much else could be more shocking or overwhelming,” Eliza confirms.

  “Oh just wait. The first time you have a meeting with a demon or some other evil supernatural being, you will be surprised. You always need to be prepared. They can show up anywhere and at anytime,” Ms. Edwina lectures.

  “Okay, Grams. We understand, but I think for now, we should try the spell,” Ebony suggests.

  “I am so excited to actually try a spell on something,” Eliza admits.

  “Okay, Sophia. May I please have the gifts?” Ms. Edwina holds her hands out.

  I place the gifts in her hands. She turns and places them in the center of the room and surrounds them with four white candles, one at each of the four points of the Earth: north, south, east, and west.

  “Okay. Now, Ebony and Eliza, I want one of you to stand to the east and one to the west sides of the gifts and candles and then start chanting the spell,” Ms. Edwina instructs.

  “By the dragon’s light,

  On this December night,

  We call to thee, give me your might,

  By the power within,

  We conjure thee.

  To protect all that,

  We surround,

  So mote it be,

  So mote it be,

  So mote it be!!!”

  As they complete the spell, all the candles flicker and go out.

  “That was so cool” I jump with excitement.

  “That was pretty cool, and so much fun.” Ebony runs to me, and we jump around in a circle with our arms locked like a couple of giddy young girls after their first date.

  “We should test it out and make sure the spell worked,” Eliza says as she puts each item on, one at a time.

  Ebony tries to move items to hit her. My keys fly out of my hand directly at Eliza, but about a foot away from her, they just stop and fall to the ground. She tries a coffee mug from off the table. It flies through the air, and we all watch as it explodes in the same spot where the keys stopped. It is like a force field is surrounding her. Items just bounce away or break as soon as they come within about a foot or two from her. Ebony continues to try, and Eliza dances around.

  “Na na na na boo bo... you can’t hit me!” Eliza taunts her sister.

  “Oh what are we, preschoolers again?” Ebony says.

  “Just trying to have a little fun, sis. Come on and take your best shot.”

  “GIRLS! Enough! You have proven that the spell works, and all you are doing now is destroying my home,” Ms. Edwina yells.

  “Oh, Grams, I am so sorry, I was just having some fun, and I will clean this mess up,” Ebony says with remorse.

  “I know, girls. It is the excitement of actually seeing a spell work. Now why don’t you celebrate and then clean up this mess.” She gathers the book and slowly down the hall to return it to the office for safekeeping.

  “You two are absolutely amazing.” I declare with elation. “This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen.”

  “Yeah, that is so awesome. I can’t believe we did that. I know we have been practicing and working on our magick, but I never expected anything like this,” Eliza boasts.

  “I cannot wait to see what else you can do. Remind me to stay on your good side,” I encourage with a joke.

  “Totally. I think I will start to study the Book of Shadows to see what else I can find,”

  Ebony proclaims.

  With the gifts now linked to a protection spell they are ready to keep the men we love safe. Ebony and I wrap them so I can head home. It is getting a little late, and I want to mention Ebony’s bad feeling to my family. I also still have to tell them about seeing Caspian earlier tonight. “I should get home. I can’t wait to tell my family about this and what we talked about, Ebony.” I say my goodbyes and head back home, where there are many things to be discussed.

  Chapter Thirty Eight


  Back at the house, I notice white lights hanging in all the trees that line our driveway, all the way up to the house. I walk in and see the biggest Christmas tree I think has ever been in someone’s home. It is standing beautifully in the family room, right next to the fireplace, perfectly placed in front of the huge bay window. Boxes of decorations are lying everywhere. Everyone appears hard at work decorating the house, hanging mistletoe and stringing garland throughout the huge house.

  I see Nathanial sliding down the banister of the grand staircase, and he lands right in front of me. He opens his arms to me. “I think this entitles me to a kiss.”

  “What do you mean?” I question, with a slightly puzzled look.

  He points just above my head, and I look up.

  I am standing under a large bunch of mistletoe. I smile at Nathanial. “I guess it does,” I answer.

  With his arms around me, he dips me down and plants a big kiss on me, as if he were Fred Astaire. I giggle like a little girl. “Hey, sweetie. Did you enjoy your time with Ebony? How is she doing?” he inquires.

  “She is well. We had a lot of fun. I got to hang out with her sister a little too.”

  I love it when he calls me “sweetie,” his little nickname for me. It’s so cute. Just seeing him makes me smile, but I really enjoy seeing him in my family’s home, alone with my family, as if he really does belong.

  “What time do I have to return you to your parents?” I ask.

  “You don’t. I called and explained that Alexander is helping me with something, and I am allowed to stay the night.” He surprises me with a grin.

  “Really?” I say with excitement.

  “Yeah. They spoke with Elijah and agreed, once he assured them I would be in a room away from yours.”

  We all laugh.

  “Cool, I get to keep you.” I move back in to his arms.

  “Only for forever.” he whispers.

  “You can’t live forever,” I said with a hint of suspicion and a dirty look toward Constance.

  “I can if I become like you.” He is very blunt.

  “And how would your family feel about that? What would we tell them?” I ask.

  “They would understand my decision. They are very supportive,” he begins to appeal.

  “What about all your plans? Don’t forget about football, college, and,” I argue.

  “Things always happen in life that can change a person’s plans,” he rebuts.

  I decide it was not worth the argument and ask, “Can’t we just enjoy things a bit before making any permanent life altering plans?”

  “Don’t get that pretty little head of yours in a knot. I am just playing with you.

  Alexander told me that would bother you. I am really just teasing. I am sorry. I am quite happy to allow the chips to fall where they may.” He looks at Alexander, and they both snicker.

  “What is...oh, never mind. I don’t even want to know.” I give Nathanial a kiss and go to put his gift in a safe place.

  When I come back downstairs, I grab some ornaments and begin to help with the decorating. The stereo is playing all our Christmas favorites, and we are all dancing around singing and laughing.

  Florence comes out of the kitchen and shouts, “I made some homemade eggnog with a little spiced rum, if anyone wants any.”

  We all enjoy a glass. Alcohol, in moderate amounts, is another thing that helps to curb our cravings, and everyone knows eggnog is a Christmas tradition. Thanks to our day crystals, we can partake in such traditions and formalities as Christmas dinner, and traditions are very importa
nt to our family.

  Isaac decides to make a toast. “Here is to friends, family, home, and eternal love.

  Thanks to Nate, another of our family has found love and is complete.”

  “Cheers!” everyone shouts.

  “So Sophia, on Christmas Eve, my family walks the streets of town and looks at all the lights and decorations. Would you be interested in joining us this year?” Nathanial requests with a glimmer in his eyes.

  “I would love to. I was also hoping you could sneak over here on Christmas day for a little while,” I request.

  “I didn’t really think about it. I just assumed we would be together on Christmas.

  I’m sure I can manage some time away,” he states. “We usually get up and check to see what Santa has left us. Dad makes breakfast, and Mom preps for a huge dinner. We sit around and play games like football and such. Then we eat and the exchange our gifts. I am sure I can sneak out after breakfast.”

  “I was also hoping to spend the holidays together, but I did not want to be presumptuous,” I explain.

  Once we finish with the decorating, we finalize our plans for Christmas, and then Nathanial sneaks off with Alexander again. I don’t know what to do with myself right now. I feel so giddy knowing that Nathanial is in the house. I just want to see him and hold him. I know I will get my chance in a while. I know when he’s done doing whatever he’s up to with Alexander; he’ll come and find me. I think I’ll wait in my room and have a little down time. Today was pretty busy, and I still have not had the chance to talk to the family about seeing Caspian and Ebony.

  I throw in a DVD of The Christmas Story, hoping it will put me to sleep since I’ve seen it a hundred times. It is awkward sleeping so much, as I’ve always needed just a small amount of sleep, maybe ninety minutes a day. Lately, I have been resting more and more, maybe because I found what I was looking for and am completely at peace now. Normally, I spend my nights reading, writing, or learning something new. There is so much to do, so why waste it sleeping? I always joke that I can sleep when I am dead.


  A few hours later, I hear footsteps heading toward my room, followed by a light knock at the door. “May I come in?” Nathanial asks softly. “No need to ask.” I sit up and run my fingers through my hair, trying to comb it out a bit.

  He walks over and sits on the bed next to me. He brushes my hair out of my face and gently kisses my forehead. “Sorry I woke you.”

  “No, I am glad you did. Are you and Alexander finished with whatever you were doing?”

  “Yep, and you are not getting anything out of me,” he snickers.

  “Okay, I won’t ask,” I huff and fold my arms over my chest.

  He lies back, and I snuggle right into his arms. I feel so safe and warm with him, like I am right where I belong.

  Nathanial is asleep almost immediately, so I just cuddle up to him. I enjoy watching him sleep. He is so peaceful. I only wish I could see into his dreams. I lie wrapped in his warm embrace, enjoying the aroma that is coming from him. It is so intoxicating and tempting. I fully remember the scent from his stabbing and how bad I wanted him. His scent is imprinted in me now. I can imagine it and almost taste it, but it does not pain me any longer. I can easily get lost within the rich bouquet of Nathanial.

  I need to get my mind off of his scent and just enjoy being in his arms with him next to me. I decide to pick up a book; closest to me is a compilation of Hemingway’s work called The Wild Years. I recall that it was published posthumously. I always enjoy his work, as it speaks to me in a way others don’t. I just finished reading The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank. I think I like that one because I saw with my own eyes the horrible atrocities committed by the Nazis. I can understand what she went through and felt. I relax and enjoy reading my book while the only man I have ever loved sleeps peacefully next to me.

  I finish my book and I snuggle in to Nathanial even closer. It feels so right, yet so wrong to be in his arms. I almost feel like it is wrong to be this happy, this in love. I know I don’t deserve him, so I wonder how I am so blessed to have him in my life. I close my eyes and imagine what it would be like to be a mortal again.

  In my mind’s eye, I see Nathanial and me enjoying high school and then college together. After both of us get our post-secondary degrees, we move back to Wenham and find jobs. I imagine if I was mortal, we would then begin to plan our wedding.

  Nathanial would ask my father for my hand before proposing, and he would plan the most amazing proposal. A small smile comes across my face at the thought of what could have been if I were someone else, and I continue my daydream a little more. After the most amazing wedding and a tropical honeymoon, we come back and announce to our families that I am expecting. Nine months later, I give birth to a handsome little boy, who looks just like his father. As I imagine this perfect life for Nathanial and me, I feel my face become damp. I can feel the tears streaming down my face like never before. I have always wanted children, a little boy of my own, and I picture him being just as amazing as Nathanial.

  I have to stop imagining what never will be. I will never be a mother and never have a happy ending. I am grateful for finding love with Nathanial, and I need to focus on now instead of a future that can exist. Christmas is nearing, and that is something I can be happy about, at least for a little while.

  Chapter Thirty Nine


  It’s Christmas Eve, and we have all been busy with party planning. “I think we have it all covered.” I say to Matilda.

  “I think you’re right. Things are falling into place,” she responds.

  Nathanial got a ride home from Alexander earlier in the day; he wanted some time with his brother. I love how close his family is, especially since so many families today are too busy for one another. That’s not how it is with the McCords. They always make time for family and friends.


  It is about seven o’clock, time to meet the McCords for a stroll down the streets, I am so honored that Nathanial and his family wants to include me. I make sure I drink before going, to avoid any problems. Everyone is ready to go when I arrive, so we start down the street immediately. The houses are done up nicely. Every house in town decorated, and it is brilliant.

  Food bank donation boxes line the streets throughout the town, and they are overflowing.

  “Thank you so much for inviting me. Is the town like this every year?” I ask, imagining this as a piece of heaven. The perfect man is holding me close, and his perfect family is guiding us through a perfect town during the most perfect season of the year.

  “Yes, it is tradition for every household to decorate. The town holds a contest every year for the best-dressed house,” Mrs. McCord explains.

  “These are amazing. I have never seen a community put so much effort into decorating,” I admit.

  “Yes, the holidays are very important around here,” Mrs. McCord replies.

  I examine each and every house, and they are all different. Some have thousands of lights, while others have animated reindeer moving to synchronized music. This is so magical, and to experience it with such a wonderful family is a wonder all its own. My every Christmas wish is coming true.

  “Sophia, I realize it is short notice, but we would love to have you and your family join us for dinner tomorrow,” Mrs. McCord requests.

  “I think that would be wonderful. You do know there are eight of us, right? I don’t want it to be too much trouble.”

  “I love to cook. I could probably feed the entire block if I put my mind to it,” she assures me, and everyone nods in agreement with goofy grins on their faces.

  I let out a slight giggle and accept the kind holiday invitation on behalf of my family.

  “We shall be there then. Thank you so much for the invitation.”

  We continue around the neighborhood and make our way back to the McCord residence.

  “Would you care to join us for some eggnog, Sophia?” Mrs. McCord invites.
  “Yes, I would enjoy that. Thank you.”

  Inside the house, Mr. McCord starts a fire, as his wife pours the beverages. I assist her in serving.

  “Thank you, Sophia. Your parents should be very proud of you. I believe you are a fine young woman,” she compliments.

  “I believe they are. Thank you again.”

  “Why don’t you tell us a little more about yourself? Luke mentioned that you told him and Nate you were adopted from Italy?”

  “Yes. Alexander, my twin brother, and I were adopted by the Pierce family years ago. We were a little older, so we still remember our biological family. We could not have asked for a better family to join though.”

  Nathanial’s mother smiles. “May I ask what happened that they were able to adopt you?”

  “Of course you may. Back in Italy, there was a terrible accident that made us available to the Pierces. We were very lucky they found us.” My explanation holds truth, albeit lacking a little detail.

  “I bet they believe they are the lucky ones.” She pats my knee.

  “So what about your family? What can you tell me about you?” I ask, trying to draw her attention away from my family.

  “There really is nothing exciting about us. Arthur and I fell in love about twenty-five years ago. We had known of one another but never spoke until we had English class together.” She smiles lovingly at her husband.

  “She had me at hello,” Mr. McCord says, and they both chuckle.

  I wonder what is so funny. I think it is sweet.

  “Dad, enough with the movie quotes.” Nathanial shakes his head.

  Luke smiles. “Sorry, Sophia. Our parents are movie freaks and can turn almost any conversation into some kind of script.”

  “Yes, I suppose they’re right about that. In my defense, though, the moment I first heard that line, I knew it described how I felt and still feel about your mother.”

  “That is cute!” I smile at the dream of everlasting love.