Read Embrace 1 - Immortal Embrace Page 8

  Almost frozen, we all watch as before our very eyes the most amazing thing happens. Ebony and Eliza both look up to the ceiling, their eyes never leaving the light that radiates from the book. It is similar to the light on top of the Luxor hotel in Las Vegas, albeit on a much smaller scale.

  That is when I notice the girls’ eyes are almost completely white; they are in a trance of sorts. In that very instance, the light retracts, and the girls drop the book to the floor and fall to their knees around it. The area around them begins filling with their steamy breath, as if they have just stepped outside on the coldest night of winter.

  “Are they okay?” Matilda asks.

  “Yes, my dear. What you are witnessing is the transfer of power from all the ancestors in our family. The girls are feeling no pain–just a miraculous serge of power and energy. They are now fully connecting as the Magnificent Ones and can begin learning their craft,” Ms. Edwina explains in a very soft voice, so as not to interrupt the energy transfer.

  Once the girls become lucid and coherent again, we help them to the sofa. They both appear exhausted, and we allow them time to compose themselves. Florence, Constance, Matilda, and I decide to help them to their rooms so they can prepare for bed.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, Ebony. If you want to talk, I left my cell number on your nightstand. Call me anytime,” I whisper softly.

  It has been a long day. We say our goodbyes and excuse ourselves. Our family needs to go scout some animals and prepare for the week ahead by stocking our supply again.

  Since Isaac brought donated blood home from the clinic yesterday, we should be good on human blood for a while. I can’t face the same temptations as that first day. I need to be stronger. But a new sense of relief rushes over me. I am glad to have Ebony to trust, for I was so scared yesterday when she figured it all out. I have never truly trusted anyone outside of my family before, and now I know I might be able to trust others–to let some of them in, if only a little.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Settling In

  Over the next several weeks, my siblings and I continue to settle in to our routine.

  Ebony and Nathanial both are becoming huge parts of that routine. I am even letting go of the average girl façade, and I am just Sophia. Ebony and I are becoming the best of friends she is amazing. After school and on the weekends, I enjoy helping her work on her powers, spells, and potions. She is telekinetic and is getting better and better at moving things with her mind. Eliza works with her as well. The two sisters, the power of the moon bonded by the triquetra symbol and blood, is shaping up well. They have the power to become the most powerful witches the world has ever seen. They practice with the family Book of Shadows, but it must be protected as well because if it falls into the wrong hands, the book could end the world as we know it.


  I begin to dwell on the biggest problem I face, and that is not being able to stay away from Nathanial. I need to get to know him better, though I still can’t understand why I have this constant yearning. Although I have tried to keep my distance, I can’t fight it any longer. I simply must be near him. In the back of my mind, though, I always remember how things worked out for Caspian and his lover, Ashley, and I do not want to find myself putting dear Nathanial in that situation. He deserves someone better– someone safer–than me.

  Lunchtime arrives, and we hang out with Nathanial and Ebony. Her boyfriend Matt joins us today as well. I really feel the need to talk to Nathanial. He must think I am crazy, always struggling with my feelings for him, which I know are quite obvious. I try to push him away, but every time he utters one word to me with his perfect voice or looks at me with his captivating eyes or even comes near me with that alluring scent, I am sucked right back in to wanting him again.

  “Nate, you’re a really good guy,” I tell him. “I’m trying to keep you at a distance for reasons you might not understand, but I...well, I just can’t. What is it about you that makes you so irresistible?” I ask.

  “I don’t know, but I feel the same way about you. You are someone I want to know, and I want you in my life so bad. Why should we fight it? Look at what you are doing to are turning me into nothing but a big sap. My whole vision of what I want for my life has changed because of you, you know?” he admits.

  My thoughts and worries begin to take over again. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want him to readjust his life because of me, especially because I know there is no future for us and never will be. I will never be able to explain that to him, yet I feel so drawn to him. He really is a wonderful person, and I wonder if I can really trust him enough to tell him everything. If I could, and he doesn’t find me completely insane, maybe we could enjoy a few years together without this tension hanging over us. No,’s just not a good idea. Who would ever knowingly want a vampire for his girlfriend? I remember that Caspian did not even tell Ashley when they were together, and in the end, that did not work out for anyone. “I don’t want you to change anything for or because of me, Nate. You don’t know what could happen, and it would not be good for either of us,” I insist.

  “Well, I really think it’s too late for backing out now, don’t you? We are just going to have to roll with the punches. This is where life is leading us, Sophia, so will you please just stop fighting it already?” Nathanial reaches his hand out to mine.

  Lightly touching his fingertips, I answer, “I refuse to promise anything, Nathanial.

  Your friendship means everything to me.”

  “Well, that’s something, I guess. Now let’s just see where that takes us,” Nathanial rebuts.


  After school, I excuse myself to my room. I can’t stop thinking about Nathanial. Maybe he is right and I shouldn’t fight it. Maybe we are meant for one another, however long we may have together. I learned from Caspian and his mistakes, and I also have the help and support of my family. I have never found anyone that brings joy to my life the way Nathanial does. Is it possible that I should just enjoy this for as long as I can?

  Nathanial and I become closer every day. I want to tell him everything, but I can’t. I need to protect him from the truth. Matilda confirms that he is my soul mate and that he is pure, but I don’t need her conformation, because I already know this on my own.

  He is a more amazing person than I could have ever fathomed could exist. He’s even a true gentleman. What high school guy opens doors and pulls out chairs? Nathanial has old-fashioned manners, and that’s a refreshing changes from the other self-serving, impatient, disrespectful kids that I know in this generation.

  I begin thinking about all the things he has shared with me. When I look at him, I just get lost in the sapphire waves of his eyes. With every passing moment, I feel myself giving in to him and letting go of all my inhibitions. I even start to accept that fact and wonder if maybe my fate set out to be as horrible as I originally thought it would be.

  My mind is turning to mush as I over-think the possibility of a relationship with Nathanial, so I do the only thing I know to do: I call it a night.


  It is the first of November, a nice overcast day. It’s about forty degrees, brisk but not cold, or at least not for me. As I walk to the car, I decide to share with Danika a little, who is turning out to be less of a problem than I first suspected (aside from her obvious crush on Nathanial). “This is my favorite time of year, just before the snow sticks to the ground for the winter. It smells so fresh, like clean fresh linens hung out to dry, or a small babbling brook coming off the snow-capped Rocky Mountains.” “Yeah, you’re right, Sophia. It’s beautiful, and I must admit I’ve never noticed the smell of air before.” Danika smiles as she takes in a long, deep sniff.

  “As you get older, you will notice many things you never did before. You senses are still maturing. The older a vampire is, the easier things come to them. You practice makes perfect.” I chuckle at my own cliché.

  I’m really beginning to like this town. It
is a nice place with lots of history, old buildings that are hundreds of year’s old and well-formed family trees. But even with everything I enjoy, I am still trying not to become attached or get too comfortable because I know all too well that it can all change in an instant. It’s difficult to avoid making myself at home here, though, especially with such great and welcoming people around.


  “My older brother Luke is away at college,” he tells me. “He received a full-ride scholarship to Harvard. Of course my parents are very proud of him, and I hope to follow his footsteps. My parents always hoped for another baby, but due to complications while delivering me, they couldn’t have one,” Nathanial says with a sad look on his face that lets me know he blames himself for their heartache. From everything I have been learning about the McCord family, it seems his parents believe it wasn’t in their destiny to have another baby and are happy with the two sons they have. “Your family seems to be just as amazing as you are. From what you have told me, I think your parents are very content with their lives. Do both of your parents work?”

  “Yes, and they work hard. My mother is a nurses’ aide, and my father works in construction. They do everything they can to provide a dream life to both of us boys.

  We are very lucky to have them as our parents.”

  I don’t think Nathanial realizes that he and his brother mean everything to their parents; I noticed it the first time I saw the way they looked at him, the night of that first football game of the season. It was our first major outing in Wenham, and even from a distance, I could feel the love they had for him. I have dreamt of love like that. I just never imagined I would ever find it, and now it is sitting right in front of me.

  Nathanial explains how his parents save every penny they can for college. This is why receiving a scholarship is so important to him. He does not want to drain their savings, especially since Luke received a full-ride scholarship. Nathanial wants to achieve the same. Family is everything to the McCords, and they are always so thoughtful and considerate of one another’s needs and wants. When I was a mortal, I always wanted a family like that, but I guess I can be grateful for the amazing family I have now in my immortal life.

  Aside from my big secret, Nathanial and I are getting to know everything about each other. I love learning all the little things and make mental notes of them: His favorite band is Nickelback; his favorite show is House; his favorite color is green; his favorite book is The Da Vinci Code; and as far as movies go, he adores Star Wars almost as much as I adore him.

  “You know Star Wars is in everything.” he adds with a chuckle.

  I am starting to learn his little mannerisms, like how when he is confused about something, he bites on his lip and smirks, turning up the left corner of his mouth and showing off his adorable dimple, or the way I often catch him staring at me when he thinks I am not paying attention. Everything about Nathanial is amazing, and it all just makes me want him even more.

  With each passing day we grow closer, and nothing can stop it from happening.

  After more than a century, I am finally allowing myself to fall completely, utterly, and hopelessly in love with someone, with Nathanial. I sometimes forget about my situation and feel like the luckiest girl in the world, if only for a brief moment.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Letting Go

  “So, Sophia, the winter formal is only a few weeks away, and I was hoping you would allow me the privilege of escorting you,” Nathanial asks with complete confidence.

  “I would be honored,” I agree.

  “Perfect.” He smiles, and we both let out a little chuckle. He excitedly moves closer and hugs me.

  At this moment, time seems to slow. We gaze into each other’s eyes. As we move slowly toward each other, I can feel his breath and hear his heart racing. I begin to feel weak. I have to be careful, and every instinct I have tells me to turn away, but whatever piece of a heart I have left wants to hold him and never let go. As we move closer, our lips touch ever so softly. Nathanial’s arm slowly tightens around my waist, pulling me even closer. This is the most amazing feeling, like millions of fireworks exploding inside my body. The kiss continues with his left hand cupping the back of my head, moving around to my cheek, and stroking along my cheekbone. His right hand is still wrapped around my waist. This kiss is so soft, gentle, but utterly passionate. A crowd starts to form, and everyone is in shock. Nathanial has never been interested in anyone, let alone kissed anyone before.

  We don’t even notice until Alexander taps Nathanial’s shoulder. “Hey, get a room, bro, or else we should start charging admission for this,” he jokes.

  We part and realize we are in the school courtyard with an audience. As is par for the course for his usual class clown antics, Nathanial turns to the crowd and shouts,

  “Thank you, thank you! Hope you all enjoyed Act 1. Please tune in next week.”

  I bury my head in his chest and giggle a little.

  “Sophia, sweetie, I am sorry. Are you alright? I shouldn’t have disrespected you that way. Please forgive me,” he begs.

  “I am great–just a little overwhelmed. There is nothing to apologize for,” I insist. I wonder if he regrets our kiss and asking me to the dance.

  “I should not have showed off like that. It was very disrespectful of me. I feel horrible. You deserve so much better.”

  “Nate, you have nothing to worry about. I am fine.” I give him a small kiss on the cheek, and in usual form, he grabs my books. This time is different, though, because he also grabs my hand, and we walk to history class together. Today, November 26, I am finally hand in hand with the love of my life–a love I never thought existed or that I deserved...and I only met him a few short months ago.

  History is more exciting than it has ever been because Nathanial gently holds my hand under the table as we watch a movie about the cold war. I am so glad he is in so many of my classes. This movie is boring, but we are building a history of our own, and I must admit it’s an exciting feeling to not have to fight my urges for Nathanial anymore.

  After class, as Ebony and I are chatting about today’s events, I notice Danika talking to a guy. I don’t recognize him, so I ask Ebony who he is.

  She takes a good long look at him. “Hmm. He doesn’t look familiar, but I don’t know everyone. Ever since my magickal incident that day, no one really crosses my path anymore.”

  “I noticed that too. It must be nice to finally have some peace from all the bantering and teasing,” I reply.

  “Yeah, they leave me alone now. There’re a few people who are curious and kind to me, but I think it’s just because they’re scared I’ll put some kind of hex on them or something.” She lets out a laugh. “Come to think of it, that could be kinda fun,” she adds.

  “It could. Maybe we should look into it,” I joke.

  “As much as I would love to, I have to avoid personal gain and focus on the greater good. I am afraid I have to let it be.” Ebony rolls her eyes and laughs.

  “I am wondering about Danika and this guy. I hope she is not getting involved with him. She is just too young.” I begin to worry, yet feel a sense of relief that she may let go of her obsession over Nathanial.

  “She will be fine. She’s probably just making friends,” Ebony reassures me.

  “Worrying so much isn’t good for you or all the people you worry too much about. Plus you don’t wanna get wrinkles.” She jokes.

  The bell rings, and we all start to head to our classes. I watch Danika say “Goodbye”

  and go to class as the boy she was with turns and walks out the door. I find this a little peculiar, but I will ask her later at home.


  After the wonderful blood meal Florence prepared, I ask Danika to join me in the music room. “I just wanted to check in with you, girl to girl. We have been in Wenham almost three months now. How have you been coping?” I ask, attempting to find out more about I saw today. “Pretty good. I will admit it is tough at times.
One kid cut his finger in biology when we were dissecting frogs. I felt my fangs coming out, so I covered my mouth and ran to the restroom as if I were sick,” Danika explains with a sense of pride over how she handled the situation.

  “Good cover. Are you making some friends? I noticed you with a boy today.” I had alerted Alexander of my concerns and he agreed to listen in without alerting Danika.

  “Oh, him? He is just a guy, nothing to worry about. He asked me to hang out with him. I told him I couldn’t, end of story,” she says, appearing a little uneasy with her vague explanation.

  “I understand. Just know I am always here for you. I know I was hard on you at first, but I realize I was wrong, and hope we can be friends.”

  “Thanks. That would be great.” Danika stands with excitement and gives me a hug.

  Alexander keeps a tight hold on our thoughts and informs me that Danika was truthful and is excited about me accepting her. He adds that she is concerned about letting the family down and that she wasn’t thinking details, but her thoughts did have something to do with the mystery guy. He found it awkward that he couldn’t get a full read on her. I decide to let it go for now and try to keep some trust between Danika and myself. I will look for this guy later and try to reveal his intentions.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Danika’s Distress

  “You can’t keep coming around. My sister Sophia saw us talking yesterday and started asking questions.” I look over my shoulder nervously.

  “I’m sorry for that. If you come with me, you will not need to keep all these secrets any longer. You can live the way our kind is meant to live,” the short scruffy male says.

  “I can’t. They are all finally accepting me as one of their own. The Pierce family is great to me, and I don’t wanna disappoint them.”