Read Embrace the Passion Page 15

  What she hadn’t said to her mother was that as soon as dark fell, she would do everything in her power to escape her captivity. If in the end, she found it impossible, then she’d find some way to terminate her own life. She’d rather die than contribute to Margetta’s ambitions to rule and create her version of a perfect society.

  * * * * * * * * *

  When Seth regained consciousness, he was alone though the sound of rushing water made it difficult to hear much beyond the shallow cave.

  The pain in his back had eased and his blistering had subsided. He was on his way to being fully healed, but where was Lorelei?

  He recalled Margetta had been ready to burn them both to a crisp, then he’d blacked out.

  So, what could have happened to prevent Margetta’s attack?

  He reached out for Lorelei telepathically and became worried when nothing returned to him, not even a hint of her telepathic frequency.


  Panic set in.

  He sat up, a wave of dizziness battering him.

  Where was Lorelei?

  Then the harder question rose to pummel his mind: had Margetta killed her?

  A different kind of pain suddenly rolled through him, waves of agony in his chest that had nothing to do with the effects of sunlight.

  His gaze slowly drifted around the cold, damp shelf. A sheet of icy water flowed in front of him, a perfect representation of how his ribcage had contained his solitary heart for centuries.

  He was alone.

  Yet for the past month, he hadn’t been.

  Lorelei had accompanied him every night, always guarding him, thinking about him, putting his safety above her own.

  Now she was gone.

  Margetta had intended to kill them both, so what had changed her mind?

  He drew his knees up and rested his forearms over the tops of them.

  He knew then what she’d done; Lorelei had made a bargain with the ancient fae. He knew it as surely as if the words had been spoken aloud in his cave-like prison.

  Lorelei had sacrificed herself and she’d done it to save his life. This was the truth of her character.

  Another powerful wave of emotion gripped his chest. How many times did Lorelei have to prove her loyalty or her character before he found her worthy?

  He’d kept himself removed from her, even though Queen Rosamunde herself had sent Lorelei to guard him. That alone should have alerted him that he could trust her, that he could bring her into his life without fearing she’d betray him.

  Instead, he’d held back at a critical moment, even after she’d saved his life when Margetta had fired away at his tree house.

  And now Lorelei was gone, caught in the grip of her mother’s evil hands, and what would her future be? Would she be forced now to enter into an Invictus wraith-pair bonding? Would she be used for even more experimentation by her parents? Would she become the weapon that her latent power suggested she could become?

  Almost completely healed, Seth rose slowly to his feet. Night had almost come, just a few minutes more now and he could leave the safety of the waterfall.

  But he knew only one thing. He needed to find Lorelei and bring her home.

  This was her home, with him, beside him, whether wolf or fae or even wraith. Lorelei belonged with him and he with her.

  He’d been a fool to let his past experiences with Kristen determine his relationship with Lorelei. He’d allowed Kristen’s betrayal to rule his life all this time, never once letting anything remotely like love or affection come near him again.

  As he waited for the last of the light to disappear and glanced around the dark gray stone shallow cave, he finally admitted the truth that he’d been avoiding, that he’d fallen in love with Lorelei.

  He loved her.


  Lifting his chin, he squeezed his eyes shut and turned his hands, palms up. His heart swelled and his mating vibration opened fully.

  He loved her. His entire being felt lit on fire as though he could fly to the stars and back. And on some level he’d felt this way from the moment he’d first seen her standing outside his back door in her fae form. She’d had a soft curve on her lips and a gleam in her eye, part-challenging, part-amusing and all Lorelei.

  With his eyes still closed, he savored the tremendous freeing joy he felt, that love had come to him, that for the first time in centuries he could open his heart and truly love without reservation.

  He felt powerful in this moment with his mating vibration throbbing. And he felt certain that if he tried, he could reach Lorelei through time and space.

  Again, without opening his eyes, he let that vibration flow, pulsing along the airwaves, reaching for the one woman in the Nine Realms who could satisfy him on every possible level.

  When he hit home, when he found her, he shouted for joy. At the same moment, his eyes popped open and he saw that the ledge was full of her signature of silvery-teal light. He’d found her.

  Lorelei, he pathed.

  Seth… Her voice faded as quickly as it came.

  He tried again, but he got nothing. He moved in a brisk circle, reaching for her, shouting, then finally roaring, but nothing came back.

  For a brief second, he must have breached Margetta’s powerful shield, but the ancient fae had shut him down.

  He moved in circles now, pacing, waiting for the last of the sunlight to disappear, then he’d be on the move. Confessing the true state of his heart had given him the one tool he needed to locate his woman. Opening up his mating vibration had made it possible for him to see her trail even at what he knew to be a tremendous distance.

  And in a few more minutes, he’d hit that trail, track her down, and pull her out from whatever prison Margetta kept her in.

  But he didn’t want to go alone, an unusual thought all by itself. And maybe this was a new decision. From this point forward, he wouldn’t be going it alone ever again, Goddess willing.

  He contacted Ephyx first, letting him know that Margetta had taken Lorelei, probably in exchange for Seth’s life.

  Very clever of her, but you’re going after the prime female, right?

  Damn straight. But I won’t be able to promise I’ll be back by midnight.

  We’ve got this covered. All four gorges are well-protected, our best archers are in hidden cover, and our people are safe.

  After issuing an order to let the other alphas know what was happening, he contacted Jude. I need your help.

  What’s wrong? What’s happened? Seth, dammit, I’m so sorry about Lorelei and everything.

  I’m sorry for attacking you as well, but all that’s behind us. He then told Jude what had happened.

  Will you help me get her back?

  Hell, yeah. Whatever you need.

  As the last rays of the sun slipped behind the mountains to the west, Seth glided behind the fall of water. He didn’t bother dealing with the elephant in the room, as in what would happen if Jude got to Lorelei first.

  Yet somehow, it no longer mattered, as though his own recent personal revelation about his love for the woman would resolve the situation as soon as he could connect physically with Lorelei.

  He started following the silvery-teal trail, heading in a clear northwest direction across the Shauck Mountains. At the same time, he directed Jude to fly north along the Bephotine Gorge which would cause their paths to intersect.

  You got it.

  Seth shut down the telepathic communication and addressed the second issue, as in how the hell he was supposed to get Lorelei away from the ancient fae?

  * * * * * * * * *

  Lorelei sat in her fae-form, in a sun-protected tent, at the edge of Margetta’s army camp. Night had fallen at last, which meant Seth would be recovered from his wounds and able to leave the shelf cave behind the waterfall.

  And for the barest second, she’d heard him call to her, but all her attempts to find him telepathically had failed.

  She wasn’t surprised. Margetta had tak
en every possible precaution so that Lorelei couldn’t communicate using her telepathy or mating vibration.

  By now, Seth would have figured out that she’d abandoned him, but would he understand why she’d gone? Or would he consider it another betrayal?

  She hoped not.

  She had no illusions about what she was up against. Her mother had tremendous power and only now, when she’d seen the massive control she wielded over her Invictus army, did she truly understand that given enough time, Margetta would prevail against the Nine Realms.

  As it stood, Lorelei had only a slim chance of getting back to Seth and to the Shifter Brigade. Margetta used her enthrallment almost exclusively to manage her army. She had a huge support staff at her beck-and-call as well and was in constant communication with the Invictus in every part of the Nine Realms.

  Mastyr Jude had always had a strong conviction about the need for a more unified Nine Realms, which began, in his opinion, with better communications realm-to-realm. Though she hadn’t been in touch with him for a long time, she knew that he would have approved of Mastyr Quinlan setting up communication centers in each of the Nine Realm’s human earth access points.

  She stood up from the camp chair and paced the eight-by-eight tent. A powerful fae spell kept her imprisoned. Touching any of the canvas walls, or even the entrance flap, burned in the same way the net had with Seth two nights ago. Margetta had made it clear Lorelei would stay here until after the battle, no matter the outcome.

  Though she continued her attempts to reach Seth, nothing came back to her. Despite her failure, however, she kept her telepathic pathways wide open as well as her mating frequency. The latter because she had this nagging sensation that when Seth had reached out to her earlier, he’d used his mating frequency.

  She paused in her pacing and put a hand to her throat. She had a funny feeling that something had happened to Seth, something powerful. Her heart rate sped up and in a very realm way she knew he was headed in her direction.

  * * * * * * * * *

  Seth flew high in the frigid air above the northwestern portion of the Shauck Mountains at the farthest reaches of Walvashorr Realm.

  Lorelei’s silvery-teal trail had been a beacon in the dark, snowy night. Jude tracked with him, off his right shoulder, and just a little behind. Seth understood why. If for some reason Lorelei actually came into view, Seth needed to get to her first.

  They both understood the blood rose reality of the situation.

  When his battle frequency lit up, he knew he wasn’t far from Margetta’s camp.

  Do you feel that? Jude’s voice in his head, confirmed what he felt.

  Sure do. He slowed down, dropping closer to the approaching ridge. The Invictus army isn’t far from here.

  What do you want to do?

  Let’s land near the top of this next ridge and have a look. We’re at Nimbus Vale, a perfect place for an army to set up camp.

  He drew down behind the snow-packed ridge and wished he had just a little of the fae’s ability to create an enthrallment shield. Especially dressed in black, both he and Jude stood out like pillars against the snowy landscape.

  In a dip near the southern end of the ridge, he found a few lone trees for cover next to a massive twelve-foot-high boulder. He moved slowly from behind the trees, levitating to gain a view of the vale below.

  What he saw were hundreds of tents and dozens of fires. He heard laughter throughout the camp. Clearly, the ancient fae wasn’t worried about discovery.

  Sweet Goddess. Jude stood next to him now. I was sure Margetta would have hidden her army behind an enthrallment shield. I wonder why she hasn’t?

  Seth had no idea. Maybe she’s that arrogant, but it’s damn lucky for us.

  Jude kept his voice low. Do you see how the tents are lined up, in precise order? This really is an army that the woman keeps building.

  I know. I don’t think I would have believed it if I hadn’t seen it. Invictus wraith-pairs were notorious for chaotic, impulsive kills, so to have brought them under control like this was yet another indication that Margetta was serious in her intentions. On the other hand, Margetta may be employing her enthrallment skills on keeping the wraith-pairs subservient to her.

  Can you sense Lorelei yet?

  Seth shook his head. Nothing, but then I’m sure Margetta is keeping her locked up tight, including her own brand of enthrallment shield.

  How the hell are we going to get down in there?

  We need help. And he knew exactly who he needed to contact.

  Shifting telepathic frequencies, he aimed this one at Ferrenden Peace.

  I’ve been expecting your call. Queen Rosamunde’s voice rattled his head. She sounded urgent and upset.

  He told her exactly where he was and what had happened in as few words as possible. I need your help. Though I have no proof, I’m convinced Lorelei is in the camp but I can’t get in without your assistance. Are you willing?

  Rosamunde grew very quiet, then finally said, More than you can imagine.

  Seth breathed a sigh of relief. This whole operation could still go south, but at least now he had a chance of getting Lorelei out.

  He was about to give Rosamunde directions to his and Jude’s position, when she was just suddenly there, standing next to him, peering between the trees as well. It’s worse than I thought. How could Margetta have done this?

  Jude hadn’t met the queen before, so he offered a telepathic introduction. She wore a fur muff and removed her hand from within to shake Jude’s. He seemed appropriately startled as he bowed slightly, and after releasing her hand, he took two steps backward.

  Rosamunde didn’t seem to notice. We’ll need a diversion.

  Seth knew she’d spoken to both Jude and Seth at the same time and that she’d essentially set up a powerful conference call among them so that they could continue in a quiet telepathic exchange.

  Rosamunde met each gaze. I can only offer you a shield for a brief time. The moment Margetta realizes something’s afoot, I’ll need to disappear. She can’t know I’m involved or Ferrenden Peace will be at risk. Do you understand? For the sake of the outcome of Margetta’s war, Ferrenden Peace must be protected at all costs.

  He nodded as did Jude. Can you discern her location?

  At that, Rosamunde smiled. She’s in the tent with the flag, at the western edge of the camp.

  He turned to look down at the encampment, and saw the tent she referred to. He smiled. He’d finally cut a break, but how the hell was he supposed to get Lorelei out of there, once he reached her?

  Rosamunde withdrew her gloved hand from her muff and placed it on Seth’s shoulder. You’ll know exactly what to do once you’ve seen her. Trust me in this.

  Had she read his mind? I do trust you. Implicitly.

  She’s a good woman, Mastyr Seth. She deserves you, even more than you know.

  His recent understanding of exactly how he felt about Lorelei swept through him once more and his throat tightened. I love her. The confession left his mind before he could stop it. Then he realized that at this point, his sole desire was to shout it into the heavens.

  Rosamunde leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. You’ll be wonderful together. Her gaze shifted to Jude. As for you, Mastyr Jude, stay away from Lorelei. I suggest you set up a diversion at the east end of the camp, but don’t leave the ridge. And as soon as you see the army mobilizing in your direction, head back to Big Timber. Do you understand?

  Yes, my queen.

  Good. When she shifted her gaze back to Seth, he felt her enthrallment power pouring over him in a tremendous flow of energy, so strong in fact that he almost fell backward.

  He caught himself at the last moment. Wow. Okay. He thanked her again but she frowned.

  Margetta’s on the move. Go get Lorelei now. Hurry. Jude, start firing in the next few seconds. Having issued her final order, she simply disappeared the way Davido could.

  Seth felt the layered shield that Rosamunde had created aroun
d him. Just as he heard Jude’s energy blasts start striking in the east, he launched full bore and crested the ridge, aiming himself directly at Lorelei’s tent.

  Opening his mating frequency, he telepathically shouted Lorelei’s name.

  By the time he reached the tent, dropping down in front of the netted door, she was there waiting for him, eyes wide. Can you see me? He asked.

  She nodded. But I can’t get out of here.

  Seth felt the fae power of the tent, but he’d rip the damn thing to shreds with his bare hands if he needed to. He started to reach for the net, but she stopped him. We’ll never be able to do this, Seth. The power my mother built into this tent is too great.

  Seth knew she spoke accurately because he felt it as well. The tent could kill them both.

  Yet he recalled what had happened when he’d made contact with Lorelei, even while in wolf form, back at Loperz Canyon.

  We have power together.

  She shook her head sadly. Not enough. Not for this. You should leave, Seth. Save yourself.

  Like hell I’m doing that. In fact, I can’t.

  Why the hell not?

  Because I love you, and I’m not leaving here without you.

  * * * * * * * * *

  Lorelei drew as close to the netted doorway as she dared and stared into his eyes, unable to believe what he’d just said to her. You love me? How? When?

  I think from the first moment you appeared outside my back door. Remember?

  She nodded and tears flooded her eyes. Of course I remember. You scowled at me.

  I was feeling way too much even back then. I just didn’t trust you or any woman. I haven’t for a long time.

  She reached for him, almost touching the net, but pulled back just in time. I know. Seth, what are we going to do? Her gaze shifted past him. The entire camp was alive with movement, heading toward the east end. What’s going on?

  He explained about Jude and Rosamunde’s help.

  Lorelei felt wild with panic. I just wish I had a solution for us, but I don’t know what to do.

  Seth searched her eyes. I think I might. His next words rushed at her. Lorelei, will you bond with me? Right now, I mean.