Read Embrace the Passion (The Blood Rose Series) Page 4

  He had a sudden fantasy of licking along that curve, teasing the folds of her ear, the hard edges of the jewels rubbing over his tongue.

  Time slowed to a stop as he watched her staring at the mountain vista once more. And that’s when he caught a faint scent coming from her, something very light. He breathed in, letting the unusual fragrance flow through him. After a moment, he realized her scent reminded him of apple blossoms and once again desire swept through him, so sudden and profound that he barely repressed a groan.

  Images sped through his mind of taking from her neck, then carrying her to the bed and having his way with her.

  He needed to get himself under control, but her proximity seemed to be taking a sudden and profound toll.

  Returning to the table by the fireplace, he gave himself a shake. He didn’t like feeling this edgy and his blood hunger had revved up again.

  He took a few deep breaths to calm his body down. He just didn’t understand why he was reacting to her like this, with such immediate need for both her body and her blood?

  After a long minute, he felt more in control, and took the mug to her.

  “You need to eat.” He held it out to her.

  She took hold of the handle and smiled. “Oh, thank you. This smells like heaven.” Her gaze flitted to him, then away as she brought the mug to her lips.

  She was nervous around him right now. He could see that.

  She took a long drink and her shoulders eased down. “My wolf likes this.” She even smiled again.

  His breath caught. She had beautiful teeth, long incisors that made her look both predatory and adorable at the same time. Why was he so drawn to her?

  Then he caught the scent of her blood once more, only richer this time, like apple blossoms and wine, and he listed on his feet.

  “Are you okay? Mastyr Seth, what’s wrong?”

  “I’m fine.” He righted himself. His doneuse would be here within the hour. He’d tank up and be more like himself.

  “I guess we’ll both be lying for a while.”

  His gaze shot to hers. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, we’re both fine, right?”

  At that, his lips curved. “I see your point.”

  * * * * * * * * *

  Lorelei watched Seth over the rim of her mug. His aromatic, mossy scent had thickened in the air which meant he desired her and that made her want him more than ever. He’d asked what was wrong but she could hardly tell him she wanted his pants off.

  He turned to lean an arm along the support beam next to the window, his gaze fixed outside to the opposite tree-lined ridge. He seemed preoccupied, perhaps with ignoring his interest in her. He would think it inappropriate, part of what she understood to be true about him, not just from her research but because she’d tracked him for weeks.

  Seth had a highly developed sense of propriety.

  She knew as well that his blood hunger had reached a critical point, but how she knew, she wasn’t exactly sure.

  She continued to sip her broth as she watched and wondered exactly what was going on with him.

  Vampires gave off a lot of signals that they wanted to tap into a vein, the most powerful being a spontaneous appearance of fangs. Yet Seth showed no fangs, although she understood why. He was a man of strict control so he’d probably leave the room before he let her see his fangs in a situation like this.

  But what she felt emanating from him differed from anything she’d known before. It was as though she could actually feel his hunger like a soft vibration against her skin and he wasn’t just hungry, or even blood-starved. He needed to feed or he’d die within a couple of hours, he was that close.

  Sweet Goddess, why had he let himself get this far strung out? Yet knowing how ordered he kept his life, and that he took from his doneuses twice a day, he no doubt had a woman flying in right now.

  But she didn’t want another woman in his house.

  She wanted to feed him.

  If she offered, would he let her? Would it even be wise?

  “There’s bread.” He pushed away from the window, and returned to the small table. He brought back a plate that bore a thick slab of sour dough slathered with butter.

  “That looks wonderful.” She set the now empty mug on the wide shelf just below the window, then took the plate in hand.

  The first bite was heaven. “Amazing.”

  “Fresh-baked. My housekeeper comes in every couple of days. She’s a stubborn troll who bakes bread fresh for me and keeps me stocked with soups, meats, all kinds of home-grown food.”

  Lorelei took another bite and her eyes rolled in her head. “I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

  His lips curved. “Her husband tells her that her bread could bring a dead troll to life.”

  “I so believe that.” She chuckled, then put a hand between her breasts. Her heart felt very strange suddenly, almost leaden. She’d been feeling this way since she’d awakened in Seth’s bed, but the sensation had worsened.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know. I just feel so heavy here, in my chest.”

  His nostrils flared and his gaze fell to her throat. “By all the elf lords, I can smell your blood. Lorelei, what’s going on with you?” He trembled now.

  She had a sudden fae-ish premonition that she was destined to feed him. What’s more, once she offered and despite his self-discipline, he wouldn’t be able to hold back.

  As she watched his eyes dilate and his gaze slide up and down her throat, she knew she’d wanted this from the first moment she’d seen him.

  She made her decision quickly and set her plate beside the mug. She gathered up her hair and twisted it to lie down her back, away from her neck. You hungry?

  His eyes widened and for a moment he looked panicky. You sure?

  Take what you need, Mastyr Seth. I’m here for you. My blood is yours.

  His fangs descended and once more desire ripped through her. She wanted Seth to drink from her, but she wanted his body as well, moving over hers, into her, possessing her.

  His beautiful gray-green eyes glazed over, a look she’d never seen before, blood-lust maybe. Her heart beat hard in her chest now and desire for him spread like a wave of heat through her abdomen. She wanted this. She’d dreamed about servicing him in as many ways as he’d let her and now the time had come.

  She spoke aloud, commanding him. “Take me, Seth.” Her voice sounded hoarse.

  She had just enough time to anchor herself, when he was on her, pinning her against the cold window, his fangs buried in her throat, piercing her vein.

  He grunted strangely as he retracted his fangs.

  Then he began to suck, deep draws that felt so good.

  Lorelei lost herself in the sensation, in the way she’d desired Seth from the moment she’d first seen him in Rosamunde’s castle, in the deep mossy scent of him that brought desire rising sharply, in his lean tough body pressed against hers. She could feel his arousal, a solid rope against her abdomen.

  Caressing his shoulders and back, she slid into his head once more. You smell extraordinary, Seth, and I love that you’re drinking from me. Feed until you’re satisfied. And use me. Please use me.

  He grunted again, but his hands moved down her sides, then pulled up the long t-shirt she wore until his fingers dug into her bare hips and buttocks.

  She whimpered at his touch because vibrations came from his hands, flowing through her skin, increasing her need for him. More. Do that more.

  He gripped her hips, caressing and letting his frequency flow. She moaned against his shoulder and kissed his neck, then using both her hands, she pushed in sideways along his hips to the front of his jeans. He grunted his approval, giving her access as he continued to drink.

  Your blood…an elixir…sweet goddess, like wine…intoxicating.

  She worked swiftly, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, then tugging them down his hips.

  He sucked harder now and groaned, which only made her need him
more. His hips moved in a promising rhythm, getting ready for her.

  Don’t stop, Seth. Whatever you do, keep taking my blood.

  She worked his jeans until they fell to the floor and using both hands she caressed the hard length of him. He was a big man and the shifter part of her had grown needy so that her body writhed as her hands stroked him.

  Suddenly, he left her neck, his green eyes glowing and wild. He took his cock in hand and, dipping his hips, he found her entrance. The moment he pushed inside her, she met him with an answering grinds of her hips.

  So good.

  Feed if you need more.

  He didn’t hesitate, but attacked her neck again, sucking hard as his hips set up a strong rhythm.

  You’re so wet.

  And you feel so damn good.

  He grabbed her bottom, lifting her up just enough, so that she could wrap her legs around him. The angle was perfect and with each roll of his hips, he hit her just right, all the while drinking her down.

  At the same time, he sent a vibration through his cock and the sensation pushed her toward the edge. She groaned heavily, slinging her arms around his back, clutching him. His hard body met her soft curves with just the right pressure.

  She wouldn’t last long. She’d been wanting this for two full months now, waking up from erotic dreams of Seth, aching for him, lusting every time she shifted to her wolf form and ran through the mountains with him.

  Seth, I’m ready. I’m going to come.

  Those words drew him off her neck. He looked down at her, meeting her gaze and breathing hard. He still had that wild look, almost as though he didn’t know where he was.

  His gaze fell to her lips and he crashed down on her mouth, kissing her wildly. She opened for him and that’s when she started to come. Pleasure gripped her as she tasted her blood on his tongue, felt the vibrations flowing through his cock, and savored the swift pumps of his hips.

  And as ecstasy rolled through her in powerful waves, desire flowed, tightening her deep inside so that the pleasurable pulses kept washing through her. Passion moved up through her abdomen to gild her heart, drawing air in and out of her lungs in heaving gasps, forcing her arms and hands to move over the muscles of his shoulders and back. She cried out again and again.

  Just as the orgasm started to ease down, another replaced it, rushing through her again, taking her to another peak. She leaned away from him, pressed her head against the window and screamed.

  Seth arched as well, then he roared as he came, a sound she would never have believed could come from the most stoic of the mastyr vampires, a guttural claiming sound that reached into the night sky, calling every wild thing down from the hills.

  In the distance wolves howled.

  And as pleasure continued to possess her body, Lorelei smiled.

  Chapter Three

  With his eyes closed, Seth’s mind spun. He didn’t know why, but he was locked into some kind of deranged animal state that made it impossible for him to recognize his surroundings or even the identity of the woman he was with—he was that lost.

  At the same time, he reveled in the drugged-out, groggy sensation that possessed him. He had no stomach pain and he felt free, relaxed, and above all, the woman’s blood had satiated him as never before.

  But which woman?

  One of his doneuses?

  The woman trembled in his arms and kept sighing. He sensed her satisfaction as well, as though what he’d given her had been the fulfillment of a dream.

  With his arms wrapped around her and holding her close, he caressed her. He felt t-shirt fabric, incredibly soft, beneath his fingertips. Even his sense of touch was more heightened and alive.

  A light apple blossom scent returned to him, feeding his desire for the woman. His hips flexed slightly so that his cock moved inside her warm nest again, and that’s when he began the strange glide back to reality.

  He’d had sex with one of his donors, something he never did. So why this time? He made it a practice to keep his relationships with his doneuses strictly professional. So what had prompted him to cross the line?

  Slowly, the careful, controlled part of his brain began functioning and his eyes opened. He had a view of Shauck Gorge, snow falling on fir trees, frost on the window probably from all the heavy breathing.

  He was in his home. He’d never had sex in his home before. He kept this dwelling sacred, simple, a refuge from the difficult path he walked as Mastyr of Walvashorr.


  Lorelei’s voice. Against his shoulder. How was that possible?

  Her legs were wrapped around his waist and her arms around his back. She stroked the length of his long hair.

  He was holding Lorelei?

  He’d buried his cock inside her? His bodyguard, who’d almost just died?

  He didn’t understand.

  Then his mind cleared with a sudden, abrupt start.

  Shit, he’d just fucked Lorelei, the fae-shifter-wraith, also part vampire, who had saved his life, who served as his wolf-guardian, and who’d almost died. He’d fed her some broth and buttered bread and somehow thought he had a right to her body.

  “Lorelei, I’m so sorry. Sweet Goddess, I hadn’t meant to do this.”

  “I know.” Another sigh followed. She said nothing more and for that he was grateful.

  There were so many things wrong with this equation that he hardly knew where to begin. He drew back slowly, easing out of her, which created a new problem. After pulling up his briefs and jeans, he took off his t-shirt and handed it to her.

  She nodded, a worried frown between her brows as she cleaned up. Sweet Goddess, he’d just had unprotected sex with Margetta’s daughter.

  But for just a moment, his mind traveled back a few minutes, to what it had felt like driving into her, his body satiated with the blood from her throat, the orgasm shooting through him like a pleasurable fire, the best sex of his life. Best blood. He put a hand to his stomach again. But this time, no pain.

  No pain.

  Who was this woman?

  He murmured another apology and turned away from her, heading toward his closet. He pulled out another long-sleeved shirt, navy blue this time, and slid his arms into the sleeves, then pulled it over his head.

  He felt dizzy. Nausea would probably follow, the usual progression of the chronic blood-starvation that he suffered from as a mastyr vampire.

  Still no pain.

  Not a single cramp.

  No nausea.


  He felt … normal. Dizzy in a euphoric way, but normal.


  He hadn’t felt this way since before he’d become a mastyr a thousand years ago.

  Turning to look at Lorelei, a new terrifying suspicion emerged. “How do you feel right now?” Slowly, he made his way back to her, watching her intently.

  She held her hands wide, his t-shirt bunched up in one hand. The long shirt she wore once again hung to mid-thigh. “I feel really good. In fact, I feel wonderful.”

  He frowned as he searched her eyes. “You touched your chest before I drank from you. Why?”

  She shook her head slowly. “I’m not sure. I was feeling strange. My heart was beating hard. It felt heavy, like I had ... too much … blood. Oh, God, no.”

  She’d just drawn the same fucking conclusion.

  “That’s what I’ve been thinking.”

  She looked horror-stricken. “Seth, this can’t be happening. I can’t be so many species and a blood rose. I’m Margetta’s daughter, for the Goddess’s sake. I can’t possibly belong to you in this way.”

  She dropped the t-shirt on the floor then covered her face with her hands.

  “I’m sorry.” His voice sounded dull. He didn’t know what else to say to her. He could only stand where he was and stare at her. Lorelei. A blood rose. Sweet Goddess.

  She shook her head back and forth several times. “This can’t be happening. I mean I knew I liked you as in really liked you, but?
??” She turned to face the window once more. “The wolves howled. Did you hear them?”

  “I did.”

  He wanted to touch her, to offer some comfort, but what could he do or say?

  In the end, he decided to tell her what he knew. “I’ve talked enough with Gerrod and Ethan, and more recently with Quinlan, to know that you’re right about being a blood rose. My starvation is gone, as though it never existed. But I shouldn’t have attacked you like that and afterward, I didn’t even know who I had in my arms, I was so deranged by the experience.”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “You didn’t know it was me?”

  “I barely knew where I was and I don’t like being this out of control. I’m never out of control.”

  “No, you’re not, so this must be as horrifying to you as it is to me.”

  She put her hand to her throat. “Rosamunde must have known. On some level, she must have known.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “That I was a blood rose. She must have foreseen this, maybe the attack in the canyon as well, I don’t know.”

  His hair had come loose from his woven clasp and he shoved the long strands away from his face. He’d been like a wild beast when he’d gone after Lorelei.

  He turned toward her, a different kind of concern surfacing. “Did I hurt you? Just now, when I drank from you and used your body, did I hurt you?”

  “No, of course not. I wanted it, too. Couldn’t you tell?”

  “I guess so, but I barely remember why I suddenly let go of my rational mind, except that I smelled your blood. You give off this powerful scent, like walking through an apple orchard in early spring.”

  She smiled suddenly, a familiar warm expression that reached into his heart and gave a hard squeeze. “That’s funny, because your scent reminds me of those moments when I’m running through an old part of the forest, one full of rich earth and covered in moss.” She closed her eyes briefly, her nostrils flaring. “I can smell you even now.”

  He watched pleasure move over face, her head tilted back slightly. She had a beautiful complexion, like cream. Her brows were arched, her chin an exquisite fae point, and the amethysts winked at him, teasing him all over again.