Read Embrace the Power: A Paranormal Romance (The Blood Rose Series Book 9) Page 13


  He was heading in her direction before he’d ordered his feet to move.

  As he drew close, her eyes widened. She looked him up and down. “You’re wearing a suit. Is that silk?”

  She’d asked a question, but he hadn’t heard her. “You look beautiful.” Understatement. She’d somehow tamed her hair into a braid she’d twisted and pinned to the back of her head, showing off her strong cheekbones. She’d added some make-up as well that enhanced her brown eyes.

  He leaned close and could smell the rich scent of her blood. He kissed her cheek. Aralynn, slipped from his mind to hers.

  She caught his arm. “We have to talk.”

  “We will. Whatever you want.” He meant it, too.

  But right now all he could think about was how beautiful her throat was. She wore a black dress with a neckline that plunged to a deep ‘V’ and really showed off her breasts. As he guided her to their booth, his gaze kept returning to the sight of her cleavage. His tongue vibrated with need. What they’d done earlier in Joseph’s lair had been wild, incredible and very fast. This time, he wanted to slow things down.

  She scooted into the booth and he joined her on the opposite side. “You ordered a beer for me. Thank you.” Her wolf voice called to him. “But I think maybe you’d better kiss me before you explode.”

  His arm was already settled along the back of the booth, close to her shoulders. “Does it show?”

  “Not ‘show’. But your mating energy is pounding against mine so hard, I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to keep my hands off you.”

  His gaze fell to half-mast. He leaned in and as she turned her head in his direction, he caught her lips with his own. He hadn’t even noticed his mating drive, but she was right. He was already begging admittance.

  He deepened the kiss and when she parted her lips he moved inside, plumbing the depths of her mouth with his tongue. She moaned softly and pressed herself against him.

  He only stopped when he heard Marny clear her throat. He drew back. “Sorry to disturb, but here are the grilled artichokes you ordered.” Though she spoke respectfully, her eyes were dancing.

  He picked up his beer and let a few gulps slide down his throat. He needed to calm down, but he wasn’t sure how.

  Aralynn sipped her beer as well, her complexion high. “I’m so embarrassed,” she whispered, once Marny left. But she was laughing.

  “Why embarrassed? Don’t worry about Marny. She’s discreet.”

  “That’s not it.” She met his gaze. “Because kissing you isn’t exactly a simple business.” She switched to telepathy. The whole time you were working your tongue in my mouth, I was thinking about your cock and having you inside me again.

  He sat back in his seat and gasped for air. Her words had stiffened him so fast, he was bent sideways at an uncomfortable angle. He had to move to adjust himself.

  “This artichoke smells wonderful.” She smiled at him as she drew the small white platter closer and began serving up portions.

  He took a moment to look away from her and to focus on anything but his desire for her, like the new accounting staff he’d hired to maintain the business end of the Com Center. One of the recent invoices was at least five pages long. He’d been right to hire some accountants.



  For the next few minutes, he focused on his beer and the artichokes. He let her know he’d ordered filets, rare. Her eyes lit up. “I’m always surprised how hungry I am after a night of battling. Steak sounds perfect.”

  Pleasure filled his chest at knowing that he was taking care of something as basic as what she needed to eat. He was providing for his woman and he loved it. He hadn’t expected to feel this way ever, but in the time they’d been together, and maybe especially since he’d made love to her on the marble slab, he’d come to really care about her.

  When she picked up her beer, she put a hand to her chest and rubbed. “I keep forgetting that I’m a blood rose now and you’re a mastyr vampire. I’m feeling very full here, having created a fresh supply for you.”

  He pressed his hand over hers. “What does it feel like?”

  “A heaviness, as though my heart is pumping harder than normal.”

  “Are you in pain?”

  Her brows rose. “No, not at all. It’s not a discomfort. In fact it’s pleasurable, even sensual.”

  Sometimes Aralynn surprised him as she did right now. She spoke straight and true. Not unlike Queen Rosamunde. Odd that he would think of the queen right now. But if he’d understood Aralynn, the queen had trained her from the time she was a child so of course there would be similarities.

  She bit the end of the artichoke leaf. He followed suit. Food was a good thing for warrior-types who battled all night.

  The steaks arrived soon after and he ordered a couple more beers, this time with a shot of whisky.

  She grinned and tipped the shot glass back eagerly. She came up sputtering. “I’ve never done this before.”


  “The, er, Castle Guard post is a pretty tight leash. You have no idea.”

  “Drink your beer, then. Time to let go.”

  “I think you may be right.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Rosamunde leaned back in the booth and closed her eyes. The steaks had been heaven, very rare which her wolf loved. And the whisky had set her mind to spinning slowly. She was behaving badly and she knew it. She’d had two beers and a shot of whisky and she wanted more.

  She didn’t want to think about that other thing. She wanted to forget that she was the Queen of Ferrenden Peace and for just this moment in time pretend she was a simple realm-woman, a shifter wolf on a date with a handsome man for whom she felt a mountain of admiration and yes, affection. Hell, maybe she even loved the vampire.

  “You okay?”

  “Unh-huh. Sort of. Really good and yet, Stone there’s something I’ve got to tell you. It’s important.”

  He drew close and cupped her face, then kissed her. You sure it can’t wait?

  No, it can’t.

  He drew back. “All right. Let’s have it.”

  But Marny returned at exactly that moment with two snifters of brandy. “I saved this for you guys. It’s from my best stock.”

  Stone took one of the goblets and dipped his nose close. “Nice.”

  “From France,” she added. “Extra-aged.” She then got a very serious look on her face. “And it’s on the house, the whole dinner. My treat, for everything you do for our world.”

  Rosamunde watched tears fill the woman’s eyes. Stone grabbed Marny’s hand and squeezed. “I say this with my whole heart: It’s my pleasure. What I do, how I serve Tannisford, it’s my pleasure.”

  “You’re a good man, Stone.”

  She pulled her hand away and drew upright. She wiped her tears then patted her belly. “Sorry, I’ve been very emotional lately.”

  When she moved away, Stone handed Rosamunde the snifter then picked the other one up for himself. “To Tannisford.” He held his goblet close to hers.

  “To the Nine Realms.”

  When he nodded, she tapped the glass gently against his. She took a sip and saw that Stone’s eyes were wet as he tilted his head back and took a drink.

  Rosamunde didn’t really taste the brandy even though she suspected the bottle cost a small fortune. Instead, all she could do was look at Stone and marvel at the man he was, at his goodness and the way he viewed centuries of sacrifice as his pleasure.

  She made a decision then and there that she was done talking. She’d tried several times to bring up the difficult issue, and she would have seen it through if she hadn’t witnessed the tender, powerful exchange between the restaurant owner and Stone.

  She knew she was being selfish, but she wanted this time with him, to open her vein for him, to make love with him and to share his bed through the day. She knew something else as well, he’d have a hard time forgiving her once he learned the truth. But
she couldn’t help that and right now, after her own thousand years of sacrifice, she would have this one moment with the man she loved.

  Yes. That was it. The man she loved.

  She loved Stone.

  She had since he’d first come to the castle to meet her as the queen.


  “Yes?” He settled his snifter on the table. “Right. You had something you wanted to discuss.”

  “I’ve kind of let that go for now. I have something else on my mind. You have a home here in the city, don’t you?”

  “I do.” His lips curved. “You’d rather go there than my lake house?”

  “I would. It’s closer, right?”

  His lips curved. “Hell, yeah, it is.”

  “Then I want you to take me there,” she paused for effect. “Then I want you to take me to bed.”

  As he rose to his feet, he leaned close to her and growled softly at her words. “Let’s go.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Stone thanked Marny for their meal, bid her a goodnight, then led Aralynn out onto the sidewalk. He held his arm out to her. “It’s only a few miles from here.”

  He hadn’t flown Aralynn often. He hadn’t needed to. She usually either levitated by herself or if she knew the destination well enough, she teleported.

  He lived in the hills northeast of the city in a house he’d built twenty years ago out of a lot of stone and wood. It was a sprawling modern home, single story with terraced landscaping front and back and lots of concrete.

  He loved his city dwelling but spent an equal amount of time at his lake house. He also had an apartment downtown which he reserved to meet women or at other times his doneuses when he needed to feed.

  He took her on a brief aerial tour of the property which spanned three acres with the house in the center. A powerful security system, similar to the one at the lake house, covered every inch of his home and gardens.

  He’d made a woodland environment with tall pine trees around the entire perimeter. Holding Aralynn tight against his side, he pointed to the south. “The trees begin there and make a full circuit.”

  “I see you have a dedicated path.”

  “Yeah. I wanted that, too. A place to walk and think.”

  “I know this may sound odd, Stone, but suddenly I want to run.”

  He felt her strain against him as her wolfness rose to the fore. He felt an urgency to hold her close since his blood-hunger had risen once he had her in his arms. His fangs throbbed in his gums.

  But he set aside his own need and dropped down to the edge of the long driveway where the walking path began. He was a little surprised when she leaped from his arms and shifted into her wolf form while midair, absorbing her clothes as she went.

  She landed hard then rolled. She lay on her back for a moment, and yelped playfully a couple of times. Stone, I’m tipsy. What with the beer, the whisky and the brandy.

  He smiled. “Maybe we should just go inside.” Okay. He was totally thinking about himself.

  Not a chance. I’ll make one circuit, then I’m all yours. She flipped over and took off running at breakneck speed.

  “I’m coming with.”

  He flew above her, careful to keep from slamming into any trailing branches. She ran hard, her paws barely visible as she weaved and lurched along the winding path.

  You’re loving this.

  I am. I’m always cooped up in the castle.


  He heard her wolf voice, a sort of strangled yelp. Maybe that’s how wolf’s laughed. I mean my cottage. Yup. I’ve been drinking.

  She rounded the back of the property and he continued to move with her. He could feel her joy like a wave of pleasure rising from her body. She was beautiful to watch as she ran. She had dark reddish brown fur with a darker strip down her spine. She had a narrow muzzle and elegant forelegs.

  He had it bad for Aralynn which made him think they were meant to be together even if she had concerns she needed to tell him about.

  As they reached the far side of his property, a warning vibration went down his spine. Dawn’s close.

  I know. I’m feeling it, too.

  Suddenly, she whirled through a shift, returning to her womanly form. She rose into the air at the same time and threw herself on him. He caught her and held them both steady in the air as he settled his lips on hers and kissed her hard.

  She drew back. “We’d better get inside. I can hear your automatic steel shutters lowering all over the house.”

  He flew with her in his arms, cutting through the woods. He crossed the east collection of concrete pads, garden beds and the occasional massive landscaping boulder. He landed on the front walkway which was lined with large pots of evergreens.

  He lowered her to her feet and walked her to the front door. He used a keypad and let them in.

  Whisking her into his arms, he took her across the threshold.

  Once in the foyer, and with the door closed securely behind him, he levitated to a stop. He held her cradled in his arms once more and realized there was something he wanted to say to her. “I’ve never had a woman here like this before. I never wanted to. I’ve had parties and meetings, but nothing of a personal nature. Not like this and I want you to know that. You’re special to me, Aralynn.”

  She stared at him, a soft smile on her lips. “I love that you’ve brought me here, Stone. This means a lot to me, more than you can know.”

  He levitated slowly to the right of the large entry and passed by the library, then the closed doors of his massive office, and a billiard room. When he reached the small atrium that was normally open to the sky, Aralynn said, “I love the design of this home. And all night you could see the stars through there.”

  “Yes, you could.” Now, however, the atrium was shuttered but soft lights throughout the space created a glow revealing an array of ferns and palms.

  “This is such a beautiful home. I’m impressed.”

  “I’ve always loved it. I had a spectacular elven architect who took my less than well-formed ideas and turned them into this house.” He moved past the atrium to a small sitting area that led into his large bedroom. The windows were shuttered as well. “You can see the pool from the window when we’re not closed up for the day.”

  Setting her on her feet, she went straight for his large Guardsman-sized bed. Without hesitation, she flipped the covers back, throwing them all the way to the bench at the end of the bed. Very wolf.

  She turned to him, laughing. “I’ve always wanted to do that.”

  “And I think it’s brilliant.”

  Because of her wild shifting, her braid had come undone. He went to her and helped her pluck the pins out and free the rest of her hair. He set the collection on the nightstand, then slid his hand behind her neck. “I’ve wanted this so much, Aralynn, ever since we were at Joseph’s. That must make me sound crazed. Hell, maybe I am.”

  He kissed her hard, driving his tongue in and out of her mouth. She groaned, but not politely like she had in the restaurant. This time, she let it out.

  Her arms snaked around his neck and he held her tight against him. He was pressed the full length of her, enjoying how she writhed against him.

  He released her, whirled her around to face away from him then unzipped her dress. He didn’t waste time, but unhooked her bra, then fell to his knees. While she remained standing, he grabbed her hips and spent some time kissing her bottom. He bit at her playfully which caused her to cry out. “Yes! More of that. My wolf wants to feel those teeth.”

  He was careful not to use his fangs. They were meant only for opening a vein. But his incisors he used vigorously which had her reaching to pull off her panties.

  “Bite me everywhere.”

  He removed her heels and her thong. “I want you face down on the bed.”

  She chuckled. “Yes, Mastyr.”

  He watched as she slowly and with several intentional rolls of her hips, obeyed him. He’d been with several shifter females and knew
what they liked. He was glad of the experience because the only thing that mattered to him right now was making sure Aralynn loved every second of what he was about to do.

  He stripped out of his suit in a blur of motion. It felt good to be naked, in his home and with the woman he intended to make his own.

  He moved in behind her, slid his hands beneath her thighs, then pulled her backward to the edge of the bed until her feet were flat on the floor. He dropped to his knees again and took his time kissing the insides of her thighs. He nipped at her as well and used both hands to knead the flesh of her ass. She moaned often.

  He began kissing her sex which made him as stiff as hell, especially because she tasted of her woodland-herbal scent. He used only his lips at first, but when her hips began to rock and she was groaning heavily, he dipped his tongue inside.

  She arched and cried out. “Sweet Goddess, Stone! Do more of that.”

  Hell, yeah, he would. He licked her sex in long swipes then once more dove inside. He set up a rhythm that had her crying out again. But he wasn’t about to make this simple for her.

  He withdrew and kept up the external kissing and licking then added some serious bites. She growled and yipped in her wolf voice and hit the bed with her palms.

  He tongue fucked her again only this time he added a vibration that had her shouting for more. He lifted up her hips to get the right angle then went vampire fast with his tongue, pummeling her until her whole body writhed and she jerked sideways several times, shouting the whole time.

  He felt her release roll through her, which had his cock twitching some more.

  When her body began to relax, he slowed the movements of his tongue and lowered her hips to the bed. He rose up and drifted his erect cock over her dripping sex.

  He wanted to be inside her so bad. With all those juices flowing, he’d slip all the way in. But he wanted her to take a moment.

  Stone, you okay?

  You’re beautiful from here and I loved what I just did to you.

  I need more.

  Tell me. I’ll do anything.

  To his tremendous relief, she rose up on her hands and knees then looked back at him. “I’m a wolf, remember? You need to bite the back of my neck to really bring me. I mean, to bring me hard.”