Read Embrace the Power: A Paranormal Romance (The Blood Rose Series Book 9) Page 6

  Stone understood. Margetta had delivered a terrible fae potion with her battle energy that now afflicted his entire body. Whatever the nature of the poison, it sent a wave of fire through his bones. He couldn’t prevent the groan that erupted from him.


  ~ ~ ~

  Rosamunde couldn’t put off the inevitable a moment longer, not when Stone was in so much pain. “Fine, but I’ll need some privacy.” She’d heard many stories over the centuries about the seductive nature of blood donation. Given her current desire for Stone and his clear craving for her, she suspected that a lot more than a mere kiss would follow.

  Kaden nodded and with Joseph still sitting on his shoulder, she expected the pair to leave together. Instead, when Kaden moved away from the stone slab, Joseph remained levitating right where he was, a wicked glint in his eye.

  But Kaden, called to him, “What am I going to do with you? Sweet Goddess!” When Joseph stayed put and even crossed his arms over his chest as though getting ready to watch the show, Kaden added, “Get your butt over here, little man, or I will wring your neck.”

  “Fine.” Joseph, who could make more rude noises with his mouth than any realm-person Rosamunde had ever known, let loose with a wet rubbery sound somewhere between a raspberry and a cheek pop. “Have fun.”

  Once Joseph reached Kaden, the pair vanished, another sign of Kaden’s essential power. Rosamunde kept wondering if what she suspected was true. Yet the last of the evil elf-lords had died at least two thousand years ago, maybe three.

  Turning her attention back to Stone, she saw that his face was pinched in a painful grimace. His legs were now locked in painful cramps, a condition she understood very well. The poison appeared to be working in his body the way the elf-lord power always afflicted her lower limbs.

  She wasn’t sure exactly what to do, but she held her wrist to his mouth. “I’m here, Stone. Take what you need.”

  She thought she might have to encourage him, rub her skin against his lips or something. Instead, he must have smelled her blood because he grabbed her arm and opened his mouth. In a flash, his fangs appeared and he bit down on her.

  A small cry left her throat before she could stop it. The nip didn’t really hurt and was over before it had begun, but the quick bite had taken her by surprise.

  He had his lips around the wounds and was sucking hard.

  Maybe too hard.

  He could collapse the veins if he wasn’t careful. “Easy, Mastyr.”

  His eyes shifted to her. He squinted and she saw that the whites were a dark red. Even the irises were discolored from the poison. Instead of the beautiful mossy-green she’d come to know they were almost amber. He barely looked like himself.

  She pressed her free hand to his shoulder and let some of her own healing power flow into him. “You’re sucking too hard. Please, ease back a little.”

  He breathed hard through his nose as though struggling, then finally gentled the pulls on her wrist.

  She glanced at his legs and saw that the painful cramping of his muscles had begun to subside. Her blood must be working fast. She kept her healing power flowing as well.

  Stone’s skin was the color of a golden tan. He had a lot of tattoos especially over his broad chest, mostly swirls of knife points. A wavy row of black leaves and thorns went from his right thigh to his ankle.

  She let her gaze move all the way to his feet, then took her time on the return trip back up his legs. He had warrior limbs, sculpted with muscle and without hair of any kind. He was beautiful.

  Her heart started to pound in her chest and she felt suddenly light-headed. At first, she wondered just how much blood Stone had taken. But she knew from long study that wrist-draws were fairly weak in terms of delivering a large amount of blood, especially for a mastyr vampire.

  So, a loss of blood wasn’t what was causing her to feel a little faint.

  Had to be Stone, himself.

  As her gaze reached the well-defined muscles of his thighs, her breathing grew rough and out of nowhere a ripple of pleasure ran deep between her legs.

  Sweet Goddess.

  She couldn’t catch her breath. The response was so purely sexual, she couldn’t have mistaken it for anything else. She was grateful his private bits were covered up by the towel, though the lump of them had begun to expand. Again, a donor’s blood on a male vampire had very specific affects. His erect cock was lifting the towel.

  Her rational mind had stalled out. She should look away, but she couldn’t help herself.

  What was wolf and very physical took over. She could even feel the beginnings of a shift, that delicious sensation of energy racing through her muscles and bones. Her nostrils flared and her lips pulled back.

  Aralynn, his mind called to her.

  She met his gaze and growled softly, a low throaty sound that even to her own ears had the quality of an invitation.

  His eyes were no longer pinched and their beautiful mossy color had returned. The whites were as they should be.

  He stopped suckling and swiped his tongue over the wounds. Her forearm tingled with pleasure as the small cuts healed instantly.

  She had a moment’s awareness that her heart felt lighter.

  He slowly sat up. His complexion still hadn’t fully recovered. “I need more.”

  “I can tell you do.” She could feel his requirements like a vibration in her chest informing her exactly how much she needed to deliver in order to take care of him. She wondered if this was true for his doneuses as well. Could they sense his need as she did right now? “Do you want to take from my neck?”

  His eyes darkened and his gaze dropped to her throat. “Yes.”

  She flipped her hair back so he could get a good look. She could feel her vein pulsing, ready to give him all that he desired.

  The problem was, her own needs had formed a demanding symphony in her body and it went a lot farther than just his fangs in her throat. His scent teased her, though she could hardly define it. But it was sensual and smelled fresh, like a quick stream moving over rocks. There were undercurrents of gritty sand and moss and flowing water.

  She slowly unbuttoned her green leather vest. “If we’re going to do this, Stone, to get you fully healed, I need something as well, something I’ve wanted for weeks now. And I’m not holding back.”

  He lowered his chin and stared at her hard. He dropped his hand to his lap and pulled the towel away, setting it on the slab. Her gaze fell to his arousal. He slid his fist around his cock and began to pump slowly.

  A shiver chased over her body and she ached so deep within her well that she could hardly breathe.

  She took her time removing her vest. She wore no bra so that his eyes flared the moment her stiff nipples came into view. His fist went faster.

  Getting out of her boots and pants was a much less elegant process so she made quick work of it. Having gone commando, she now stood naked in front of him.

  He wore a dazed expression and he held his hand very still.

  They’d barely done anything and he was on the verge.

  She drew close and caressed the hand that held his cock. “You’re a beautiful man in every way.”

  He searched her eyes and a pained expression crossed his face. “You don’t have to do any of this, Aralynn. I need you to know that. You’re my battle partner and I want to do right by you. A blood donation would be enough.”

  At that, she shook her head. “I need to be with you, Stone. This isn’t pity-sex. Trust me.”

  “Are you sure?”

  She leaned in to kiss him, then drew back holding his gaze. “I’m doing this because I’ve wanted you from the time you saved those troll kids. It’s as simple as that.” The fae part of her kept sending sharp warnings that she should tell him the truth about who she really was. But right now, her wolf had command and, as Aralynn, she was not letting the moment pass without being with him fully.

  He nodded. “I’ve wanted you as well. I’ve had d
reams about you. I’ve craved you.” His eyes fell to half-mast and seated as he was now on the side of the marble slab, his hands landed on her hips. He spread his legs wider and drew her close.

  She slid her arms around his neck and his lips met hers, but not gently. Instead, it was a strong pressure that had her making warbles and coos in her throat. She wiggled her hips until she was smashed up against him and could feel the solid line of his cock against her abdomen.

  Her coos turned to a series of moans.

  He drew back and searched her eyes. “One last chance.”

  Her lips curved. “What are you waiting for, Mastyr. I’ve already said yes.”

  In a sudden whirl of motion, Stone levitated, picked her up with both arms then laid her out on her back on the slab of marble. At about the same time, he pulled her beneath him.

  She was a very physical woman, this shifter part of her, and she loved that he was strong enough to make the aerial move. This was all Stone, his ability, his muscles, his strong warrior physique.

  She felt him, the size of him, what she’d seen him hold in his fist. He settled his palms beside her shoulders and kept himself suspended above her. He held her gaze with the ferocity of his green eyes, his mossy irises with shards of gold.

  This was her time with Mastyr Stone, no matter what happened in the future.

  His gaze fell to her neck and the moment it did, she once more tilted her head in response, exposing the long line of her waiting throat.

  ~ ~ ~

  Stone’s fangs throbbed in his gums all over again and he let them descend once more. His nostrils worked like bellows now because her scent was really getting to him.

  The wound in his abdomen was completely healed and the blood he’d taken from her wrist had eradicated Margetta’s poison. But he still needed more blood to return to his usual Guardsman self.

  Within his chest, he felt his mating frequency light up.

  What the hell? His mating frequency had been dormant for a long time. So long, in fact, he’d thought it dead. But here was a fae-shifter, with red hair, and blood that smelled like the woods around the castle of Ferrenden Peace and his heart was on fire.

  Her eyes popped wide. “What is that? What am I feeling?”

  His gaze fell to her lips. “My mating frequency just came alive. Maybe you’re feeling yours as well?” He leaned down and settled his lips on hers.

  He felt an electrical current that had him moaning. What was it about this woman?

  When he drew back, she put her fingers on his lips. “Can you feel that, Mastyr?”

  “The soft vibrations? Yes, and call me Stone.”

  Her gaze slipped back to his eyes. “Stone. I’ve known who you were for a long time, I know your reputation, I’ve read every blog written about you. And here you are on top of me.”

  “So, you really do want me.” His lips curved.

  She slid her hands down to his waist and pulled him against her. She rocked her hips into his, then rubbed to feel him. “I want this, Stone. I want you. Buried between my legs. I can’t explain it, but I need this. You almost died out there tonight and getting you back here where you could be healed, well it’s done something to me. Take from my vein, and use my body. Now.”

  Something about the force of her voice, put him in motion. He stopped questioning whether or not this was the right thing to do. For now, he would slake his thirst on Aralynn’s blood.

  When she drew her knees up, he reached low, took his cock in hand, and pushed inside. The fae-wolf was wet and so ready that despite his girth he slid straight in. He groaned heavily and kissed her first on the mouth, then all down her throat.

  Her hands were wild on him, grabbing at his arms, his shoulders, his back. She cooed, cried out then gripped his ass hard.

  He drove into her a few times, letting her get used to him, while he licked a solid line up her throat. I’m going to bite you again.

  Do it. How easily she pathed with him. The woman had power.

  He paused the movement of his hips, then angled as she tilted her neck.

  He heard her sharp intake of breath. Stone, this is going to feel so good. Sweet Goddess!

  When his fangs descended, he bit quickly to the right depth. Blood, tasting woodsy and full of herbs, once more flowed into his mouth. His cock twitched and bucked inside her then he began to drive once more.

  He formed a careful seal around the punctures as his fangs retreated. He began to suck and with such a bountiful flow within his mouth, his whole body went haywire.

  As fire flooded his chest and his heart, his mating frequency spun so fast, he got dizzy. Though he’d only stroked her sex a few times, he was ready to come.

  Aralynn, I won’t last long. Your blood has wound me up like nothing I’ve ever experienced.

  I won’t last either. Go for it. Give me all you’ve got.

  ~ ~ ~

  Rosamunde was already rising toward a strong wave of ecstasy, only a lot more was involved than just the sweet spot between her legs. Pleasure flowed hard and fast around her chest and her mating frequency sparked and sizzled as though summoning Stone’s.

  Suddenly, his frequency broke through her chest, covering her own, swirling over hers and intensifying the pleasure as it crested. She shouted as he suckled her neck and drove in hard thrusts into her sex. He lifted off her neck shortly after then shouted as he came as well, his hips moving fast.

  Her own ecstasy tore through her once more, taking her sharply to the peak again. Her back arched and her hips rose to meet his as he released into her. She screamed, the pleasure was so intense.

  “Aralynn.” His deep vampire voice called to her. “Open your eyes.”

  She hadn’t even known they were closed as she blinked then met his fiery green gaze. His mating frequency was still swirling around and over her own, stroking her in a way she would never have believed possible.

  She moaned. “Sweet Goddess, that feels good. But you’d better stop. We really don’t know each other well enough, right? I mean, a bond would follow.” Bonds like this one would be permanent.

  He stared at her, then peered into her eyes as though he didn’t understand. “Aralynn, I would swear for a moment your eyes were violet, like the queen’s. Is there a chance you’re related?”

  Rosamunde had to think fast. “I don’t know. Maybe.” Great, now she was telling lies.

  Her heart pounded all over again, but for a different reason. She needed to own the truth. But how in the world was she supposed to tell him she was Rosamunde?

  He stroked her cheek, then her throat where he’d fed from her. “Hey, I didn’t mean to upset you. I was surprised, that’s all. And I know you have immense power and I also know that you’re fae. It sort of makes sense that your eyes might change color. They definitely do when you shift into your wolf form.”

  “That’s true.”

  He relaxed against her while still holding most of his weight off her body. “A beautiful amber brown when you’re a wolf.” He caressed her hair. “Damn, I feel better. Healed. Your blood is amazing, just like the rest of you.”

  Rosamunde finally took a decent breath. She slid her fingers into his long black hair. “This was wonderful, Stone. I mean not Margetta attacking us. But being with you. I can’t explain it, but it feels so right.”

  He kissed her. “Very right. And I love your mating frequency.”

  Rosamunde focused inwardly for a moment, on how their frequencies flowed over each other, back and forth almost with affection but certainly with a sense of belonging. She’d meant it when she’d said this felt right. It felt perfect.

  She blinked and focused again on Stone. “I think we’d better disengage our frequencies, don’t you?”

  “Probably a good idea because I’m having all sorts of visions about keeping this going.” He rocked his hips so that she could feel him. He was firming up again.

  Her whole body did a rolling arch and she squeezed her eyes shut once more. “You feel too damn goo

  He chuckled.

  She smiled up at him. “All right. We’ve got to be sensible and I’m going to do this.” She gripped his arms suddenly and lowered her chin. “I’m going to send your frequency packing, but you’d best hold on.”

  His lips quirked once more. She was pretty sure he thought she was offering a challenge. “I’m ready. Show me what you’ve got.”

  She revved up her internal skills and with a sudden jolt that passed through her chest, she pushed his mating frequency out of her body.”

  His brows rose. “That was something.”

  She caught his face in both hands. “I’m missing you already. But I think we might have work yet to do tonight and I promised Rosamunde I’d check in with her.” How easily the lies rolled off her tongue now.

  “You’re right.” He sounded reluctant as he eased out of her and made his way off the table using levitation. Even so, he took care not to jam either of his knees into her thighs or any other part of her body. She took it as a sign of his general consideration as well as his agility. There was so much to like about Stone.

  He picked up the towel from the end of the table and handed it to her. She slid it between her legs, yet didn’t mind at all that she lay so exposed and vulnerable on the marble. She trusted Stone that much and of course the wolf part of her felt very natural without anything on.

  Keeping the towel in place, she sat up and let her legs dangle over the edge of the slab. He’d turned away from her and was checking the room out, so she took the opportunity to do the same to him.

  Somewhere in Margetta’s attack, his hair had come loose from the woven clap and was wild around his face and shoulders. He looked like the warrior vampire he was and desire for him spilled over her entire body once more. His tattoos called to her as well. If ever there was an invitation for exploration.

  He was phenomenally well-muscled, a stallion in every respect. She wanted more and her mating frequency still hadn’t settled down even though she’d kicked him out.

  When he’d made a full circuit of the table, he finally said, “Aralynn, I remember getting hit then falling. I was sure I was a dead man. How did you get me here?”