Read Embrace the Wild Page 9

  The charm broke instantly.

  Willow had never really seen any of the Guardsmen in action before, so watching Malik take charge as swiftly as he did stunned her. Witnessing this side of him caused her interest to rise yet another notch. Of course, he was a man of war, and he’d chosen the simplest route to disarming the situation. But it had worked.

  The vines called to her suddenly, a soft frequency reminding her that she had a job to do.

  She slipped past Malik and melted into the wounded vines. She ignored the smell and quickly began the healing process. Releasing her power in a steady wave, the stench dissipated swiftly as the vines regenerated at lightning speed.

  At the same time, she could see and hear both men. Axton had gained his feet and stood with his fists at his side, his neck arched forward as he confronted Malik.

  The leader of The Society had dark, almost black eyes and a feral look that had always given her the creeps. He was Guardsman height, though not as tall as Malik and had thick light red hair that he wore short and shaved close on one side. Though predominately vampire, his sharp chin spoke of a partial fae heritage. His unusually pale skin and boney look indicated a use of cocaine, one of the imports from the States that had afflicted at least one percent of the realm population.

  “Where did that woman – that fae – go? Is she the one protecting these wraiths?”

  “You’re on a need-to-know basis, and right now you don’t fucking need to know. You’re trespassing.”

  At that moment, at least eight of the Vampire Guard floated in from the canopy above, descending to form a half circle around Axton. One of them she knew as Evan, Malik’s right arm.

  “Couldn’t handle this alone?” Axton spat on the ground.

  “Just wanted witnesses to your crime. You’ve broken two of our laws: the illegal use of fae charms and being on private property without permission. I can arrest you or you can keep the hell away from here from now on. Which will it be?”

  Willow understood exactly why Malik wasn’t in a hurry to arrest Axton. The vampire was a pro at using the media for his own purposes and wouldn’t hesitate to exploit an arrest to his advantage. The Society would go to work as well, spreading its hate propaganda all around the realm until Willow would end up with a mob at her gates and more dead half-breeds.

  But for a split-second, she had a terrible feeling that putting Axton in jail was exactly what Malik should do.

  Axton sniffed long and loud, a by-product of using the white powder. “You’re missing the point, Malik, as you always do. This woman is hiding wraiths on her land, wraiths that could easily become Invictus.”

  “And I think you’re missing the point. You’re trespassing.”

  Axton took a step toward Malik. “I’ve done more for Ashleaf than you ever will. I’m hunting wraiths, a service I performed long before you arrived and the reason our realm has the lowest percentage of Invictus attacks than any of the other realms. The people you serve know it and one day there will be hell to pay. You’ll see.”

  Willow thought Axton was the consummate hypocrite and that Malik had called it right; Axton’s mind was bent. He was a real sociopath, seeing life through the prism of his own perverted ambitions.

  The vines were now fully healed and the entrance to the colony protected once more. Willow could have remained in the safety of her invisibility, but everything was changing and instinctively she felt she needed to be part of the stand against Axton. She also thought it would be wise for Malik’s Guardsmen to see what she could do because every particle of her being told her that what had happened here tonight was just the beginning. Axton all but vibrated with his determination to get at the wraiths.

  She emerged from the vines which brought a few ‘holy shits’ moving through the gathered Guardsmen.

  “You’re back,” Axton said, but as he stared at her, a frown formed between his dark, angled brows. “And where exactly did you go?”

  “I repaired the vines.”

  “How?” But even as the word left Axton’s mouth, he got a funny look on his face as his gaze bored into hers. “By all the elf lords, I can smell what you are. Holy fuck. You’re a goddess-be-damned blood rose.”

  Malik tensed beside her. “It’s none of your business what Willow is. Now get the hell out of here.” He even moved to position himself slightly in front of her.

  Willow suddenly understood the mistake she’d made by emerging before Axton left, but it was too late.

  Though she stood close to Malik, her blood rose drive to feed all mastyr vampires roared to life until she was completely focused on Axton. To her horror, she realized she was drawn to him for the sole reason that he was a mastyr vampire and she was a blood rose.

  His eyes glinted and he angled his head in a way she could only describe as predatory. Yet, she liked it, liked him for looking at her. “So, what’s your name, Mistress?”

  “Willow.” The part of her rational mind that still worked, despised that she could be drawn to him on any level, yet she was.

  “I don’t recall seeing you around Ashleaf. You must be new to these parts.” Even his voice sounded seductive to her receptive ears.

  Because Willow’s mind had shifted its focus and she began picking up on Axton’s mastyr frequency, she didn’t quite get the affect this exchange was having on Malik. In fact, she’d all but forgotten he was there, until he caught her arm and turned her toward him, breaking her mounting drive toward Axton.

  His fangs sat on his lower lip and he was growling. Her whole body shivered with sudden unexpected need, although now directed entirely toward him. She leaned close, ready for him to do whatever he wanted.

  His nostrils flared and he gripped both her arms, still growling in a possessive way peculiar to vampires and shifters. The air seemed to swell and heat up, then suddenly Malik roared.

  She only really figured things out when Malik released her abruptly and launched at Axton. She stepped back several feet until her back was against the vines. She grabbed onto a couple of thick stems and held tight because the fight was on.

  Her own wraith fangs itched to descend as she watched the men rolling in the dirt, snarling, both sets of fangs exposed. Blood flew in all directions as one or the other would break skin.

  Malik got in a solid punch to Axton’s jaw, but he retaliated by rolling swiftly and throwing Malik into the air.

  Axton then levitated and shoved his head into Malik’s chest, which threw Malik against the stone monolith not far from Willow.

  But Malik wasn’t a mastyr vampire for nothing and he launched in Axton’s direction, swept upward in the last second then caught Axton’s head in a choke hold and squeezed hard.

  Axton flipped around several times, finally wrenching himself from Malik’s control, then lifted his palm where battle energy gathered. Malik did the same.

  Two blue streams of electric heat and energy released and met in the middle. An enormous ball of white heat and fire rose from the center.

  Both Axton and Malik began moving toward each other, the blue-and-white fire growing larger and hotter with each inch they covered.

  And that’s when Willow knew this would be a battle to the death, without either man surviving, if they sustained their battle frequencies. In the same way that she had an irrational drive toward both men, they would in turn fight on until a victor arose or they were both dead.

  She left the vines and flew toward Evan, who now had a horrified look on his face. “Evan, you have to stop them. Use all the men. Split them up. Have them grab Malik and Axton at the same time from behind. Their touch will break the energy streams. You’ll see.”

  “Got it.”

  She levitated and flew well away from the Guardsmen.

  Evan coordinated his men and just as the ball of fire would have exploded, the Guardsmen caught each of the mastyrs around the waist and just like that, both mastyrs drew in their blast frequencies.

  The air smelled burnt.

  Axton fought again
st the hold the three Guardsmen had on him, while Malik, as soon as he recognized Evan’s voice, dropped to the ground and sat down, breathing hard.

  Willow ignored Axton and kept herself focused on Malik. He lifted his gaze to her and his voice, full of rage, pierced her mind, You’re not to look at other men.

  In any other circumstance, she would have yelled at him for such a chauvinistic attitude. But her own body was in an uproar, screaming for his attention, a result of the battle, of the way he looked at her, of the sight of his fangs still low on his lips, of his torn, bloody clothes.

  The vein in her neck thrummed.

  Sweet Goddess, she wanted him bad.

  Evan shouted a few things at Axton, who shortly afterward took off. But her attention was all for Malik. With Axton out of the picture, she started moving toward him. He rose to his feet, his arms cut up, his eyes wild, his fangs an erotic invitation.

  Evan must have understood, because he took the Guardsmen away.

  Willow knew exactly what was going to happen, but she didn’t want it to take place out in the open so she ran in the direction of the entrance to the colony. Just as she reached the vines, Malik was on her, turning her in his arms to face him, and trapping her in a caveman-like embrace.

  Her body melted against his.

  She pressed herself backward, however, taking him into the vines. He held her gaze, his nostrils working like bellows, his fangs fully extended. He made grunting noises that had her sex clenching hard.

  She moved to the side, and with the vines behind her, she called to them to close up the entrance and give them privacy.

  As Malik worked his zipper, she got her shoes off, then her jeans and her thong. He lifted her up and she slid her legs around his hips. Holding his cock in his hand, he found her entrance and began pushing inside. She was so wet and so ready and each thrust felt like heaven.

  She angled her head, her heart laboring with the additional blood she’d created for him. Definitely a blood rose.

  She whimpered as he licked up and down her throat, grunting again. She felt the sides of his fangs as he nuzzled her. Malik, do it, please. I’m in agony.

  He didn’t say anything or even attempt a telepathic communication. On some level, she knew he couldn’t. He’d devolved into something that resembled what his species had looked and acted like tens of thousands of years ago.

  And she loved it.

  With her legs, she tightened her hold on his waist and kept him anchored as he drove his cock into her. He was a solid, hard missile, working her just right.

  Then he struck, sinking his fangs to just the right depth so that her blood flowed into his mouth. Her whole body trembled with need and desire.

  Malik smelled like battle as well, as though his rich forest scent had been lit on fire. The vines around her moved wildly, slapping erotically at her arms and legs and at him, then surrounding them both as they had earlier, binding them together.

  Malik sucked heavily on her neck and with each pull, her inner well tugged on him. The earlier lovemaking had been almost tender, but this spoke to another side of her nature – blood rose or not – that loved being connected to the wilderness, the forest, all that was wild.

  “Malik, you’re fucking me.” Had such words really left her mouth? Where was this boldness coming from?

  He continued to grunt as he suckled, his hips moving faster now. She felt a vibration from him first at her throat where he drank from her, then between her legs as he revved up the frequency he could release through his cock.

  She cried out at the dual sensations, grinding her hips against him, her body arching.

  I’m so close.

  Come for me, Willow. Come hard. And come now.

  His deep resonant voice in her head, the vibrations of his stiff cock thrusting in and out, and the feel of his mouth holding her neck captive, pushed her straight over the cliff.

  The orgasm ripped through her, opening her vocal chords wide. She screamed. The pleasure was so intense, more than she’d ever experienced before.

  He let go of her neck, holding her gaze, his eyes boring into her as he continued to thrust heavily inside her. And just as she was easing back from the orgasm, he commanded, “Come for me again, Willow. Now.”

  His words were like magic, taking her over the precipice once more. Her neck arched, and pleasure stroked her deep as his cock hit her in just the right place. She screamed as an intense sensation rose into her abdomen, pleasure on pleasure, flowing through her chest, her heart, and straight up into her mind.

  He moved faster now and lights exploded in her brain. She knew that she hadn’t stopped screaming but she was also pretty sure she’d left the planet.

  She heard him shouting and the feel of his release added to her own thrill. Her mind whirled and eddied, streaking through a vast sea of stars.

  When she finally returned to herself, she had her arms draped over Malik’s shoulders and he was breathing hard, petting her hair all the way down her back. The vines clung to her and to him, another layer of perfect sensation.

  “I think you should get Axton back here, because that was incredible.”

  She’d meant it as a joke, but Malik drew back and pierced her gaze with his own. “Don’t even speak that bastard’s name.” He then kissed her, forcing her against the wall of vines once more, penetrating her mouth in a way that had her panting all over again.

  This time, when he pulled away, he asked in a harsh voice, “Have you got it, Willow? You’re mine.”

  She put her hand on his face. “Then I suggest you stick close, Mastyr, because this is an unbonded blood rose thing, and I don’t exactly have control over my response to other mastyrs. Have you got that?” Boldness again.

  He growled, though more softly than before, and slid his arms all the way around her. “Sweet Goddess, I want to take you again. And again.”

  Shivers chased down her shoulders and back. “Oh, Malik. This was incredible and the moment I saw your fangs, even before you battled Axton, I needed you, had to have you.”

  He blinked and shook his head and she could tell he was coming back to himself. “Damn, I was so out of control.” He narrowed his gaze at her. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “Not even a little.

  He drew a deep breath and pushed her hair behind her shoulder, then kissed her throat. “Thank you for sharing with me again. I still can’t believe how much better I feel. Thank you.”

  She held his gaze for a long moment. He was still inside her, still connected and it felt wonderful. She really didn’t want the moment to end, so she made no effort to encourage him to disengage. “I guess we’re going to have to work together, aren’t we?”

  He rubbed her arms and her lower back as though he, too, wanted to stay right where they were. “I think so, because I’ll be damned before I ever let Axton get close to you again.”

  She slid her hand beneath his shirt and fondled his neck. “And I don’t want him near me. I loathed the blood rose part of me that responded to him.”

  “If it’s any consolation, I knew exactly what had happened, and that you would never willingly choose that man.”

  “This part is really upsetting to me.”

  “I know. Me, too. I can’t remember the last time I brawled with another vampire.” He glanced at the cuts on his arms and his torn shirt. He then sighed heavily and met her gaze once more. “I know I should move things along, but I hate the thought of separating from you right now.”

  “I feel the same way.”

  He kissed her, a long lingering kiss, sliding his arms around her again and pulling her close. She’d been so long without a man in her life that she’d forgotten how wonderful these moments could be.

  After he slowly withdrew from her body, he reached down and tore a fairly clean portion of his shirt apart, handing her the remnant. “Thought this might help.”

  Her cheeks grew warm again as she tucked the cloth between her legs. She’d forgotten this part as
well, that when a man left his seed behind, it wasn’t always a simple matter to get on with things.

  She quickly donned her thong and her jeans, socks and shoes.

  He was looking around at the vines, when she was finally ready to face him. “So, we’re in the middle of the entrance to the protected part of your property.”

  “Yes,” she said. “This is a very short tunnel through the granite monolith.” Once more, she debated how much she should tell him about the wraith colony, but decided he should just see everything for himself. “Malik, I think it might be best if you got to know these families before you made a final decision about relocation.”

  “I’d like that, but you should know that I’m set on this course.”

  “I understand, which is why I really want you to meet all of them. But first, I need you to take me back to my treehouse because we both need to get cleaned up. You have blood on your arms and on your uniform, for one thing. And I’ll want to wear something very different from my jeans.”

  ~ ~ ~

  As Malik flew Willow back to her treehouse, his mind began to clear. The powerful, animal-like drive he’d experienced that had caused him to battle Axton, had also sent a strange, sludge-like hormone through his veins.

  When he’d left the vine-laden entrance with her, he’d half-expected to be dragging his fists on the ground. Fortunately, he seemed to have come back to himself.

  Once he arrived at her bedroom treehouse, he took stock of his Guardsman coat and shirt, as well as the blood on his skin and a few painful lacerations that he needed to heal. Just scrubbing up in the bathroom was not going to make him very presentable.

  As he watched her pull a long, light green silk dress from the cupboard, his eyes widened. “You’re going to wear that?”

  Willow laid the gown out on the bed. “One of the couples will receive us formally.”

  Though it wasn’t a full-out ball gown, it was the type of dress the fae often wore during ceremonies. He hardly knew what to make of this except that he now had a strong suspicion that the families Willow protected weren’t your average wraiths. “We aren’t talking about a couple of farmers and their families, are we?”