Read Embrace the Wind Page 10

  Oh, you are so funny.

  When he set her down on a rock path leading to the entrance, she couldn’t make her feet move. In many ways, she’d been avoiding this moment all her life, afraid to discover how unwanted she’d been. It also didn’t help that she was part human and even in shifter terms could do things that would be considered bizarre. How was she supposed to fit in? And how angry was the alpha, anyway, that she hadn’t submitted herself to him when she first arrived? Zane could joke, but the shifter part of her knew this wouldn’t be easy.

  Her heart set up such an annoying racket that she finally stomped her feet and shook out her hands.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  “No. I feel like I’m facing a firing squad.”

  “Oh, it’s worse than that. Just sayin’.”

  She turned to Zane and shoved his shoulder. Hard. Or at least tried to. Being the size of man he was, he barely moved.

  He did smile, however. “I’m teasing you, trying to get you past this. You’ll be fine, and I think the wolf in you will know exactly what to do once we’re inside.”

  She huffed a heavy sigh. Maybe her life had been horribly isolated because of her overactive shifter genes, but she hated cowardice more than she feared walking up the steps and through the doors.

  She got herself moving and heard Zane murmur an approving, “You’ll do.”

  He followed behind. This was her show.

  She lifted her chin as she mounted the short flight of steps.

  The lodge was enormous, which made sense since shifters as a group were on the big side, unlike trolls or even elves and fae.

  Pulling the door wide, she stepped into a vestibule but could see beyond to what looked like a throne and a massive blond shifter lounging there in black leathers and an open, woven shirt. On either side of a long wide aisle ranged at least three hundred shifters.

  Oh, shit.

  Reaching the threshold to the large communal room, she glanced behind in Zane’s direction. He remained back several feet in deference to the shifter community, no doubt. Zane might rule Swanicott, but the lead alpha held sway in all things having to do with the four packs of the realm.

  She sniffed the air and straightened her shoulders. All eyes were on her and no matter what, a shifter never showed fear or backed down from a fight. These things she felt deep in her wolf bones.

  She ignored all the other shifters in the room, focusing her attention solely on the man on the throne. She kept her shoulders well back, her spine straight, and flared her nostrils.

  She heard a lot of growled disapproval because Zane was right; she’d broken protocol and now felt the displeasure of the community. She knew the shifter population of Swanicott numbered over a hundred thousand, and those present represented the leadership from all over the realm.

  When she was within fifteen feet, the Alpha’s features told its own tale, and might have been the real reason Zane had pushed for this meeting. She knew by his blond hair, green eyes, and the general look of him that this man was family. She also knew instinctively he wasn’t her father. But he was definitely a relative. Cousins, maybe?

  She wished now she’d spent a little more of her Realm Internet searches on the shifter world instead of almost exclusively on Zane.

  She took two more steps then dropped to her knees and bowed her head. Slowly she stretched her body forward until she was on all fours with her chin touching the floor.

  She said nothing else, but waited.

  The creaking of the boards that led up to the throne told her the alpha approached her.

  The room was completely silent.

  Luther spoke in a loud, booming voice, “Shifter, Olivia, why did you not present yourself when you arrived in our realm? I understand you had knowledge of our protocol and knew what was required. Our community demands an explanation.”

  She didn’t say anything yet, sensing it was important she remain silent. She saw his heavy boots as he marched in a circle around her.

  “You may rise and give your answer.”

  She stood slowly, her heart pounding so hard in her chest she only wondered why it didn’t explode. As before, she pulled her shoulders back and stood as upright as she could manage. But she didn’t look at Luther, though he drew near and stared at her. Eye-contact would have been a mistake, so she focused on his forehead as she answered. “I have never been part of any community. The idea is foreign to me, as foreign as Swanicott when I arrived.”

  “You insult us.”

  Surprised, she asked. “How? The difficulty is mine, not yours.”

  “You may look at me, but I wish to know what you want from us now.”

  She met his gaze and unwilling tears filled her eyes because it was like looking in a mirror. She saw herself in this man and for the first time in her life she thought maybe she would finally belong.

  “I want to be here now. I want to serve in whatever way the pack wishes me to. I have no other desire.”

  At that, the severity of his features softened and he nodded. He narrowed his eyes, however, and drew closer still. He sniffed her on either side of her throat, then he smiled. “You are more than you seem, Olivia.”

  He stepped back several feet and held his hands wide, turning to the four packs as though embracing them all. “Watch and see what the Goddess has sent us in this lost soul.”

  He began to pace and every fourth step, he slammed his foot hard on the wood floor. The sound reverberated through the building. He continued to pace. Step, step, step, boom. Step, step, step, boom.

  Back and forth.

  The shifters picked up the rhythm, but not just with the foot. Some clapped on the fourth beat, others gave a shout.

  And Luther paced.

  The rhythm began having an effect on Olivia. Something about his pacing and his movements struck a deep chord within her. She started pacing with him, back and forth, joining in with all three expressions: stomp, clap, shout.

  She made several passes and her fur began to sprout more heavily on her chest, her hands and her feet.

  The wolf within took over and she began to shift. Luther must have known this would happen because he double-timed his pacing and stomps. The moment she completed her shift, she began to race and bound around the tall, almost cathedral-like lodge, just as she had at the beach. And every fourth beat, she slammed her hind paws into a beam or a wall, pushing away to bound through the tallest points of the room.

  Luther kept urging the speed to increase and the packs kept up with him, faster and faster until she finally landed once more in front of him, panting hard.

  All noise ceased. Suddenly the packs howled as one and cried out in expressions of ecstasy. Breathing hard from the exertion, she flowed from her wolf form back into her upright shifter-human form and turned to watch her fellow shifters united in expression. She was stunned.

  Zane was watching her, his blue eyes on fire, his scent swirling around her. But he made no move to join her. This was for her, though she didn’t understand what exactly was going on.

  “Olivia.” Luther’s voice was strong and very calm.

  As she turned to him, she saw a look of such affection and welcoming that her eyes filled with tears once more.

  He opened his arms and she went to him and was swallowed up in his massive, muscular arms. “Welcome home, cousin,” he said quietly, as the shouts and roars from the packs continued to flow.

  It seemed Luther had the same instincts about their familial relationship as she did.

  He held her for a long, long moment and she hugged him back. She knew she belonged, that this would always be a home to her, that she would find understanding, maybe even worth here in the shifter community. She couldn’t believe it. After spending most of her life alone, she now belonged.

  Tears rolled down her cheeks.

  When he released her, she drew back and this time Zane took his place beside her and caught her hand in his, giving it a squeeze.

  Luther quieted the cr
owd with a wave of his hand. “What you have witnessed here, I’ve never seen before. But I’ve heard of the phenomenon. Our sister, Olivia of Maine, is a battle Zephyr. Her quick, bounding movements create a wind that can confuse the enemy and give our forces an advantage.”

  Luther shifted to meet Zane’s gaze. “I believe she’s appeared at this moment in Realm history to counter the wind of chaos that the Ancient Fae has been employing in our cities.”

  Had Olivia heard right? Did this love of leaping and bounding have a purpose other than just the pleasure of movement? “I thought it was just something I did for fun.”

  Luther grinned. “Spoken like a shifter.” His voice boomed as he added, “We do all things for pleasure first, and that goes for battle as well.”

  Another raucous cheer went up.

  Olivia glanced around. So much about herself became clear; very little of what would be considered human existed within her body. Her shifter was entirely dominant. No wonder she’d felt so isolated in Freeport.

  Luther continued, “I officially welcome you, Olivia, to my pack since you are related to me. We will investigate the bloodline more thoroughly within the coming weeks. But tonight we have serious business to attend to. Mastyr Zane, whom we all serve as the ruler of our realm, has come with a mission for the Shifter Brigade.”

  At the mere mention of the brigade, another loud cheer went up as well as a roll of appreciative laughter. Apparently, those who served in the brigade always made a fuss when their unit was mentioned.

  Luther went on to talk about Zane’s plans and that Luther would retire with the other pack alphas for a planning session. The squad leaders of each pack within the brigade would join them as well to discuss strategy.

  When the shifter leadership filed into a smaller room behind the throne, Olivia wasn’t certain where she belonged. She was hardly a leader among the packs and right now, other than possibly serving to create a battle wind, she had no established role. And every shifter instinct told her to hang back and wait for an invitation.

  Luther saw her restraint and nodded his approval, then added, “But we wish you to join us, Olivia, since I understand you’ve been serving the mastyr.”

  She nodded, and with Zane’s hand a comfort at the small of her back, she moved into the strategy room.


  Zane felt knocked sideways about twelve feet. He’d seen Olivia at the beach do the same kind of bounding antics. Like her, however, he’d assumed it was her playful shifter nature coming through combined with her exceptional ability. He’d never thought the swift outrageous motions, with such extraordinary speed and height, could have an effect in a battle.

  But to see her in action, this woman who had participated in the shifter lodge as though she’d always done so, squeezed his heart up tight.

  He loved his realm, the diversity of species and how each community functioned a little differently from all the others. Shifters were proud and loyal and had specific pack hierarchy that rarely changed, and which had to be obeyed. They were a strong, physical species, easy to fly off the handle, and definitely made for war. Courage held a high place in their value system.

  As he kept his hand on Olivia’s lower back, he wondered where this would end between himself and the human shifter. Because she was a blood rose, he felt linked to her.

  But he knew himself and his limitations. When he was being completely honest about what his life had been like with Emily, he had to admit he hadn’t been a great husband. She had been a sensitive, fae artist, who often went on long solo painting expeditions around Swanicott. She’d scared him to death doing so, and he often yelled at her about how she put herself in danger every time she sat on a cliff or at the beach or in a field to paint her landscapes. If the Invictus came across her isolated like that, she didn’t stand a chance.

  He’d fought with her about it dozens of times, ending in her tears and a locked bedroom door.

  Then one early morning, before dawn, he’d come home to find their lighthouse home turned upside down, her blood all over the kitchen. He’d had it genetically tested just to be sure it was hers.

  Guilt had swamped him that he hadn’t been a good husband and that the ruler of Swanicott couldn’t even keep his wife safe from the Invictus. He’d promised himself never again. Now here was Olivia, but what was he supposed to do with her?

  He withdrew his hand from Olivia’s back and she glanced up at him, her brows raised. What’s going on? she pathed. I can feel your distress.

  He shook his head slightly. Just memories I need to let go of.

  Luther busied himself by laying out a map of Swanicott over the large central table in the room. He planted small pewter wolves on each corner to secure the map in place.

  When the leadership gathered around, Luther said, “Tell us what you need, Mastyr.”

  Zane leaned over the map and swept his hand toward Angler’s Cliff and the Dead Zone in the west. He talked about the camp and the shielding spell Margetta had in place. “Olivia and I will be heading to the Fae Guild next to meet with Regan, the Ruby Fae. I’m hoping she’ll be able to disrupt the spell that has kept this camp hidden from us for who knows how long.”

  Luther scowled. “Then this explains why our realm has had more Invictus trouble than any of the others.”

  “It does,” Zane stated firmly. “And tonight, we’re going to burn this camp to the ground.”

  A shout went up, loud and strong, feeding Zane’s heart.

  Luther held Zane’s gaze. “But does the Ruby Fae have enough power to counteract Margetta’s spell? That’s the real question. We won’t be able to attack unless we can see the camp.”

  Zane had known Regan for a long time and he felt confident in her abilities. “I’m convinced she does.”

  A murmur of approval went round the table. Regan was a woman of great character and immense power. At one time, she’d led the Fae Guild of Swanicott, but in recent decades she lived on a nearby estate and mentored the younger fae in spells and visions.

  The strategy session entered the timing and numbers phase, including where Zane wanted the Shifter and Troll Brigades positioned as well as his Guard. “Since at least half the Troll Brigade and three-quarters of the Vampire Guard will be involved in the assault, I want the Troll Brigade coming in the from west. You and your shifters will attack from the north, and the Vampire Guard from the east. We’ll set the hour for midnight.”

  “One more question,” Luther added. “We can’t see into the camp, but I’m assuming they can see out. Is that correct?”

  Zane nodded. “Which means we’ll need to be well away from the camp boundaries, then put on some real speed when it’s time to attack. How does that sound?”

  Another shout went up. Shifters were game.

  With the essential plan laid out, Luther broke away to talk to his brigade leaders.

  Zane stepped away from the table and Olivia joined him. He ran a hand down her back, caressing her slowly. You were amazing, he pathed, earlier, and throughout the entire interview with Luther. His fingers drifted below her waist just a little.

  He felt a shiver run through her.

  You should stop doing that, Mastyr. It’s giving me certain ideas.

  He held her gaze. After I watched you bound through the lodge, I’ve wanted my fangs in your throat. I’ve been in pain since you returned to my side.

  She reached up and ran a finger the length of his dagger tattoo. Well, we can’t have that, now, can we? Any chance we’re done here? I’m hoping the answer is yes, since I know we don’t have to be at the Guild for a couple of hours yet.

  He growled softly, then cleared his throat. He turned slightly to address Luther. “We’ll be heading out now. I’ll be in contact as soon as I meet with Regan. If you have any concerns, you can call Marian at my Communication Center or use my cell if it’s an emergency.”

  Luther lifted his chin in a short jerk. “We’ll take it from here. See you at midnight in the west.” But to Olivia
, he added with a smile, “Great to have you home.”

  Zane heard Olivia’s soft intake of breath, and he could feel that she was overcome. “Thank you, Cousin.”

  Luther nodded, then reverted his attention to the map once more.

  Zane took Olivia’s hand, but didn’t lead her back through the main lodge since he knew members of the packs would besiege her. And right now, he was desperate for some alone time with her.

  It had been hard seeing Luther embrace her, and he’d barely prevented a growl from forming in his throat. Despite the fact that they were no doubt related, Zane didn’t like any man touching Olivia. The possessive door swung both ways.

  He guided her to the back of the lodge and to a huge deck that overlooked a mixed forest. In this part of the mountains a lot of the trees were pine so that much green showed among the bare, deciduous trees.

  When he held out his arm, she stepped up on his booted foot as though she’d been doing it for ages and slid her arm around his neck. Her other hand gripped his bicep, fondling as she liked to do. He loved it.

  His heart beat hard in his chest as he pulled her against him and kissed her, a full kiss, nothing held back. To his surprise, his mating frequency began to hum within his chest. He’d never bound himself to anyone, but he’d heard the experience during sex was amazing, beyond comprehension. What would it be like if he completed the blood rose bond with Olivia?

  The thought sent a bolt of excitement rocketing through him.

  He drew back slightly and kissed her throat, nipping at her in turns. “I have a special place I’d like to take you. Though I haven’t known you very long, I think you’ll love it.”

  She smiled. “Then let’s go, because everything about our strange entanglement has pleased me.”

  Once more, warmth flooded his chest. Sweet Goddess, was he actually falling in love with his blood rose?

  He levitated slowly into the air and as always hunted for Invictus sign. Finding the dark night skies empty, he turned toward the southeast and flew until he reached his tree house. He then dropped to follow the stream, gliding just above the water as he moved.