Read Embrace the Wind Page 14

She let her cloaking vibration hit the airwaves, and she could feel it ease over them both, creating the invisibility they’d need to scout the camp.

  Zane began to slow. Okay, guide me in.

  Don’t worry. We’re high enough that you won’t hit the spell.

  And you’re sure you can see the wall because all I see is a rocky grassland stretching out for miles.

  Yes. We’ll cross it in three … two … one.

  Holy shit! Zane spoke a little too loud within her head, but she could only imagine what it was like to see a bare grassland one moment then suddenly a massive camp, housing at least three hundred wraiths and their bonded mates. Wow. It really is hidden. And there’s Margetta, in her lovely golden glow of light, forging yet another bonded pair.

  Olivia cringed at the sight of an innocent Realm-person, this time a tall fae woman, being enthralled by a wraith. The woman held a cup to her lips, no doubt drinking their combined bloods in order to create the bond. Both the wraith and the Realm-person would then be transformed into a vicious killing unit. Cheering and shouting went up all around the couple.

  What a horrible sight to witness, she pathed.

  And we’re here to put an end to this.

  He paused in flight and she watched him take a good look around. It’s just like your memories.

  He then glanced at her with a crooked smile. How about we have some fun?

  Something inside Olivia’s chest lit on fire. What are you thinking?

  I want you to bite the bitch again.

  With pleasure. When he flew her to the opposite side of the camp and landed on the ground, she stepped off his foot, shifting to wolf at the same time.

  I’ll walk beside you, Olivia. Just lead the way.


  Zane loved Olivia’s adventurous spirit and he didn’t know why it had never occurred to him to seriously date a wolf woman before. Of course, Olivia was half-human, which he knew meant that her shifter nature was modified. On the other hand, most of the shifter women he knew didn’t date much outside their packs.

  Olivia got to him well beyond the fact that she was a blood rose. He felt her determination, for one thing. She’d zeroed in on Margetta and nothing would deter her.

  He wisely followed Olivia’s lead as she circled around any number of out-of-control wraith-pairs. The camp had a feeling of chaos about it. And why would the community of Invictus be anything else? Wraith-bonding of this type, created by Margetta herself, brought out the worst in the wraiths and those Realm-folk with whom they’d bonded.

  He had to duck more than once when something flew through the air.

  When they were within fifteen feet of Margetta, he pathed, take one nip and the moment she jumps, turn south. I’ll levitate with you, tracking right above you. How far away is the southern wall?

  About thirty yards.

  That’s not very far. We’ll be cutting it close.

  But we can do this, she pathed. Do you trust me?

  Hell, yeah. And he meant it.

  On my signal, I’ll leap into your arms. Just be ready to catch me.

  Can you shift at the same time or will I be catching wolf?

  She chuckled. I can shift. After you’ve got me, though, be sure to levitate straight up and take us over the spell wall. I’ll guide us. She paused for a moment, then added, Maybe I should just take her down and rip out her jugular.

  Don’t even think it, Olivia. She’d probably fry you with her battle frequency and you’d be dead before you closed your maw around her throat. And even if you did sever her jugular, the woman has tremendous self-healing abilities; she’d survive.

  I thought as much, but I couldn’t resist at least entertaining the idea.

  With the plan set, and no other Invictus pairs close by, she raced forward and bit Margetta on the back of her heel again.

  The Ancient Fae shrieked in a loud voice that hurt Zane’s ears.

  As Olivia turned south, she began to run fast, leaving behind some kind of track that only the Ancient Fae could see.

  For the cloak to hold, he had to stay right with Olivia. He levitated and flew as she bounded toward the south wall.

  Ready to catch me?


  He put on a jolt of speed and held his arms out. He watched her muzzle lift, her wolf eyes meeting him.

  Now! she shouted within his mind.

  She shot into his arms, shifting. He caught her and flew straight up, but Margetta was on their heels.

  Fuck. We’ve lost the cloak.

  He moved faster than he ever had, with Margetta now in her wraith form, shrieking like a demon and almost on them.

  But he felt Olivia’s cloak begin to descend all around them and as soon as he knew it was complete, he jerked them to the right and headed west as fast as he could.

  Margetta’s shrieks sounded increasingly far away, which meant Olivia’s cloak had worked. They were invisible now.

  He slowed and turned to see that he’d put at least two hundred yards between them and the Ancient Fae.

  Margetta spun in a circle, hunting for them and began to descend lower and lower, looking for Olivia’s sign.

  We need to get on the ground, Zane. And I think I’d better return to my wolf form and stay there. Can you handle that?

  Of course.

  She shifted in his arms. It took a bit of doing to keep hold of her while she lost her hands and feet and gained four paws.

  As soon as she was back in wolf form, she said, Go ahead and drop me down.

  Zane flew back in the direction he’d come in order to put them in line with Margetta on a southern course, then set Olivia on the ground. She took off loping and bounding. Once more he stuck close, flying just above her and this time working harder to stay within her cloak.

  Margetta took the bait and began to follow. As soon as she drew close once more, Zane swept the wolf up into the air, then zig-zagged as the Ancient Fae let loose with her battle-energy. Red streaks of power flew past them.

  A remnant caught him on the back of his arm, ripping the flesh open. He repressed a shout.

  Are you hit?

  Yes, but keep the cloak steady. I’ll make this work for us. If Margetta believes I’m wounded, she’ll keep taking the bait. And she won’t wonder why you keep running when I could fly you to safety.

  You sure?

  Yes. Fuck, that hurts.

  How do you want to play this? Olivia pathed.

  I think we should fake a tumble and let her draw close. I’ll leave blood in the dirt, but be ready to take off.

  Let’s do it.

  He levitated higher so that he could look down at Margetta. She moved slowly, dropping closer to the ground, examining the grass, dirt and rocks as she flew.

  Zane plotted a direct course to a low line of hills and took off. When they were a safe distance from Margetta’s battle frequency, he set Olivia on the ground. He tracked with her as she ran for about a hundred yards.

  Seeing Margetta back in pursuit, he once more caught Olivia up in his arms. But once he reached the hills, he told her to drop her cloak.

  Just beyond the rise, he pretended to falter in the air and they both fell to earth. He did the hardest thing and ripped the wound open. He even gave a shout of pain that wasn’t hard to fake.

  When he’d left enough blood on the ground, he picked Olivia back up while in her wolf form. As soon as she replaced the cloak, he took her straight up and to the west, again, wanting to see what Margetta would do.

  Once she reached the accident site, she shifted to her fae shape, touched his blood, and brought it to her lips. He understood. She was making sure which of them had gotten hit.

  The moment she smiled, Zane knew they had her; she’d taken the bait, hook-line-and-sinker.

  We’ve got her now. She bought the ruse.

  He flew ahead at least five miles, then dropped Olivia to plant more of the shifter trail Margetta could somehow detect. This time, however, he didn’t let the Ancient Fae
get very close. But at the location where he caught Olivia back up in his arms and started to fly, he made sure to leave more blood.

  Wraiths drank blood and his would have the taste of a ruling mastyr – something he knew would appeal to Margetta.

  Once in the air, he telepathed to Ian. I’ve got Margetta on our trail. Are the wraiths ready?

  Ian’s voice sounded rough. We’re ready. Twenty male wraiths and all of them chomping at the bit.

  Remember, she’ll try to use her chaos wind. So the moment she shows up, attack. Don’t wait. Hopefully, you’ll be able to engage long enough for us to get rid of the camp. If you see the slightest sign of her chaos wind, get your troops the hell out of there, as well as the wraiths.

  Understood. What’s your ETA?

  Just a few minutes now.

  Once he ended the communication, he set Olivia down for another run. Each time, as soon as Margetta caught sight of Olivia’s trail, the Ancient Fae sped up.

  More than once, Zane had to hurry up the process of retrieving Olivia. Despite her flailing legs because she didn’t feel the earth beneath her, she quickly calmed down and leaned her muzzle against his shoulder. She trusted him and once more his chest swelled with something very close to love.

  In the air again, he contacted Luther. Are your troops in position on the west side of the Arundel Mountains and ready to move in?

  Absolutely. Chase has the Vampire Guard in place as well, and the troll brigade is about two miles to the west of the Dead Zone. We’re ready to move on your orders.

  Zane took a moment to communicate everything to Olivia and afterward contacted Regan. Are you all set? Because Margetta fell for the bait. She’ll be in Helms Watch in a few minutes with several unattached wraiths waiting for her.

  Yes, Regan said. I just got the spell worked out and I’m headed over to the camp now to find the origin point of Margetta’s spell. As soon as I locate it, I’ll start taking Margetta’s magic down.

  Good deal.

  When he ended the communication, he gave a sudden shout of triumph that had Olivia whipping her head toward him, her ears back, her teeth bared.

  What’s wrong? She pathed.

  Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you. He hugged her. Everything’s in place. Regan has the spell figured out.

  Thank God for that. How soon til we reach the city?

  Just a couple of minutes now, but we should do one more drop.

  Good idea.

  Zane felt Olivia prepare herself to hit the earth and take off running. Holding her loosely and flying parallel to the earth, he set Olivia down, this time on an empty dirt road. She took off fast. With so much solid traction beneath her, Zane had to work hard to keep up with her.

  In the distance, the glow of Helms Watch blocked out a lot of the stars.

  He glanced behind him and saw that Margetta was coming up fast. He reached down and grabbed Olivia, her paws once more flailing as she adjusted to flight. But the cloak held.

  He headed swiftly toward the downtown area where the wraiths waited along with Mastyr Ian.

  He reached out to his fellow mastyr again. Ian, we’re ten seconds out.

  I’ve got this. Fly straight overhead and I’ll let you know if Margetta stops to have a look. I’ve got the wraiths carrying beer bottles and whooping it up. We set a car on fire for effect. I’m on top of the tallest building on the southeast corner. I have your troops positioned in an arc, ready to fire at her.

  Zane smiled. I knew I could rely on you.

  He shifted his attention to Olivia. You can shift now.

  She became a tumble of fur then arms and legs as he worked hard to keep hold of her without hurting her.

  Once she was back in position, he saw that she was sweating. You all right? He asked.

  Damn, I feel alive.

  At that, he laughed. He understood. He often felt that way when he’d battled all night, especially if he’d saved a whole lot of Realm-folk in the process I see them, she said. She turned slightly. Margetta is coming up fast.

  When he reached the area where Ian crouched behind the rooftop wall, he made a slow pass over the wraiths below. Some were flying in their wraith form in slow circles, while others traveled across the ground. They wore loose pants and shirts over their lean, elongated forms. Their shrieks kept any oncoming traffic turning around and speeding away.

  Even the local police kept their distance.

  Ian had coached them well.

  She’s close, Olivia pathed.

  Okay, our job is done.

  To Ian, he pathed, We’re heading northwest now, back to the Dead Zone.

  I’ve got this. But once she figures out she’s been duped, she’ll head back. So put on your damn righteous speed and blast that fucking camp all to hell.

  As Zane took off, flying at top speed, he once more pathed Luther. We’ll be at your location in three minutes.

  But would they have enough time to destroy the camp before the Ancient Fae caught on to their trick and returned to the Dead Zone?


  Olivia felt a rush in her veins like wildfire burning up dry grass. She’d never shifted so much in her life, and each transformation had filled her with another layer of euphoria.

  She had a sheen of perspiration over her entire body and her senses operated on overdrive. Zane exuded a different kind of scent, something she’d detected before she’d actually met him. He often smelled this way after a night of battling and it had the aroma of victory.

  Her heart beat hard in her chest as they crossed the Arundel Mountains yet again, once more speeding northwest toward Angler’s Cliff.

  She knew Zane was flying his fastest ever and that was saying a lot. He was covering a couple hundred miles in just a few minutes. Unbelievable.

  Now in her human form, she wrapped her arms around his neck and savored the feel of him. She was a tall woman and carried a lot of muscle because she was a shifter. But he held her as though she weighed next to nothing.

  She liked the feeling.

  The first thing she saw was the Vampire Guard in position but at least two miles away from camp. The Guardsmen hovered a few feet above the ground and not a sound came from them. The men faced west, in the direction of the invisible camp, expressions intent, battle vibrations filling the air in anticipation.

  The shifter in her approved. Your men are very disciplined.

  They are.

  She felt him switch telepathic frequencies in order to speak to Chase who was at the head of the Guard. A few seconds later, they reached the front of the regiment. Chase also faced forward, vibrating with battle readiness.

  Once more, she felt Zane communicating telepathically, no doubt with Chase. After a moment, he began levitating once more toward the camp. Guide me in, Olivia. We need to get close to Regan so that I can time the advance of each of the brigades.

  We’re still two miles out, she responded. Start moving but head up into the air at least a hundred yards.

  When they began to rise, she detected his switch in telepathic frequency yet again. After a moment, he said, Regan is at the southwest corner working the spell. She said she’ll be through in about one more minute, then the entire wall should fall.

  That’s fantastic. So, where do you want me?

  For now, with Regan. But how close are we?

  About fifty yards out. A few more seconds, we’ll be above the camp and you’ll be able to see it for yourself.

  As before, the moment Zane flew them over the edge of the spelled wall, the camp came into view. I’m going to contact the Troll Brigade, see how close they are now.

  The trolls were on foot and had been advancing steadily.

  She felt Zane shift frequencies again and after a few seconds come back to her. The Brigade is within a couple hundred yards, but hell, I still can’t get over this camp or the spell that keeps it shielded.

  I know, Olivia agreed. I’m trying to fathom the power this would require.

  He flew her to Regan,
and because they were deep in shadow with the nearest person at least fifty yards away, Olivia removed the cloak as Zane set her down beside the Ruby Fae. Regan nodded briefly, but focused all her attention on the spell. She still wore her leather jacket and glowed with her famed red light in much the same way the Ancient Fae emitted a golden hue. A sheen of perspiration glistened over her brow as she worked to disrupt Margetta’s spell.

  Olivia drew back several feet, and spoke quietly to Zane, “Do you want me to remain here the entire time? I don’t want to disturb the battle plans.”

  She was surprised when he took her arm in a gentle clasp, turning her toward him. He caught her chin with his hand. “Olivia, you’ve proven yourself over and over again. I want you to do whatever your shifter nature tells you to do in this situation. Just go with your instincts.”

  Olivia stared into crystal blue eyes. She’d never heard such respect before. She drew inward for a moment, considering. “Part of me is drawn toward the Shifter Brigade, but I believe my place is here with Regan for now.”

  He slid his arm around her waist and pulled her close. “I’m going to contact the brigade commanders and let them know what’s going on.”

  Regan suddenly lifted both hands high. Olivia could see she’d made contact with the spelled wall. Streaks of her red light began to flow along the wall.

  Can you see that? she pathed to Zane.

  See what?

  Olivia didn’t try to explain something Zane couldn’t see. Regan is having an impact on the spell.


  Regan held her hands in place but turned to catch Zane’s eye. “Bring in the troops. It will only be a matter of seconds now.”

  “Got it.”

  Olivia felt Zane pathing once more to the leaders of the brigades. She watched as the pulsing red light moved both vertically and horizontally. It kept spreading along the spell in front of them.

  She turned to Zane and tapped his frequency. He responded, I’m here.

  She took hold of his arm. I know you can’t see it, but I’m watching Regan’s spell overtake Margetta’s. If you could fly me to the top, I’d be able to assess what’s happening.

  He offered his foot and the split-second she stepped on board, slinging an arm around his neck, he carried her swiftly upward. She cloaked them both at the same time.