Read Embrace the Wind Page 16

  She drew close and pressed herself up against him. He grabbed her buttocks and lifted her. She took the hint and wrapped her legs around his waist. He adjusted her position so that he found her well and began to push inside.

  Holding onto his shoulders, she savored his expression as he began to pump, his lips parted, nostrils flaring. “Sweet Goddess, you feel good, Olivia.”

  “Back atcha.” The diamond winked at her and she leaned in to take his earlobe in her mouth. The softness of his skin combined with the rough feel of the diamond against her tongue was exactly what she’d hoped. Her hips arched as she moaned.

  His hips pumped steadily, his arms holding her tight. He flexed his thick pecs against her breasts and she returned the favor.

  She shifted to the other side of his throat, licking a line over the dagger then she opened her mouth wide and held him with her teeth. She growled softly.

  He pumped faster. Desire rose and with the water beating on her skin, pleasure washed over her in waves.

  Faster, she murmured within his mind.

  He turned her slowly toward the wall. She held tight to his throat. When he had her back pressed up against the tile of the shower wall, he moved his hips like lightening.

  She released his neck and screamed as ecstasy rocketed through, pushing up into her abdomen and setting her chest on fire.

  Zane roared his orgasm as well, his hips continuing to work her hard as he released.

  Another spike of ecstasy crashed over her, so that she screamed a second time. He was still hard within her, though, and hitting her just right so that the orgasm spiraled on and on.

  Finally, he began to ease back and pulled out of her.

  She lowered her legs, sliding them down the backs of his muscular thighs. He held her for a long moment, his lips kissing her throat.

  His deep voice rolled through her mind. I’m going to take this to the bed because I’m not done with you yet.

  “More,” she whispered quietly as he sucked on her neck just above the vein. “And I want you drinking from me.”

  He pulled back, his eyes dark with need.

  She smiled, then shut off the shower heads in quick succession. He was waiting for her with a towel and took his time drying her off, sniffing the lines of fur that he loved so much.

  She rubbed the furry backs of her hands against his cheeks. He turned, burying his nose deep. “You smell so good. Cinnamon and spice.” With that, he picked her up again and carried her to the bed.

  But he didn’t set her down. Instead, he pulled the cover back in a quick jerk of his hand until he could settle her on her back.

  “Lift your knees and spread for me.”

  She didn’t hesitate. She wanted him looking and she wanted to watch his face. His hand worked his cock as he looked at her. He was still hard, yet he’d already come.

  Her hips rocked, needing his touch, his mouth, his tongue.

  Mostly, she wanted him deep and pounding her hard once more.

  His nostrils flared and he released his cock. He moved his hips between her legs, leaning down to nuzzle the fur on her chest, suckling her breasts in turn.

  She caressed his face, stroking his cheek with the backs of her fingers. He tugged on her nipple, causing her back to arch. Pleasure flickered up her chest with each suckle. This time, however, she felt a vibration from his tongue.

  “What is that? It feels wonderful.”

  He lifted up enough to meet her gaze. “I can release vibrations. Do you like it?”

  “It’s incredible.” She couldn’t quite draw enough air into her lungs.

  He returned to her breasts and as he suckled, the vibrations grew stronger. She groaned and arched. He touched and fondled her with his hands at the same time. She could feel his cock low, not yet connected, but rubbing against her inner thigh.

  And even there, she could feel a vibration, which made her clench hard.

  Deep within her chest, she felt her mating frequency come to life. He groaned in response and sent his own to flow within her body, wrapping around her frequency and caressing her. She moaned heavily.

  He took the hint, and used a hand to position his cock at her well. He began to push and with her well tight, she pulled back on him at the same time, needing him deep inside.

  “My chest is heavy again, Zane. I need you to feed from me. Please.”

  He drew away slightly and took a moment to drive into her, thrusting repeatedly and letting her feel the length of his cock. When he increased the vibration, she cried out.

  She groaned and arched, catching his hips as he drew his cock almost all the way out of her. She anchored his hips, preventing him from leaving her body.

  He smiled down at her. “You’re enjoying my cock.”

  “I love your cock.” She almost said she loved him as well, but caught herself in time. She was stunned that the words had almost flown past her teeth.

  But the sensation was real. He’d become important to her.

  Could this be something serious and permanent between them?

  He pushed hard and set up a strong rhythm. He kissed her at the same time. When she parted her lips, he sank his tongue and matched the same motion of his hips. Both vibrations had her panting against his lips. She was close again, ready to come.

  Zane, I love doing this with you.

  He drew back and held her gaze. For a moment, his expression grew incredibly tender. So much so, that tears bit her eyes.

  His gaze fell to her throat. “I can smell your blood, that wonderful scent of yours.”

  She angled her head. “Take from me.”

  He groaned as he dipped and began to lick in a long, sensuous line up her throat, over and over. His hips still worked her, but he paused, then his fangs struck.

  She gave a yelp of pleasure and he began to suck. At the same time, he rocked into her once more, his hips moving in a sensuous, slow rhythm.

  Nothing felt better than this – not even running and bounding – to have Zane connected to her body, to have him taking down her life force, and to feel the full length of his muscled body over her.

  Pleasure swirled everywhere, over her mating frequency, between her legs and in beautiful shivers where he was drinking from her throat.

  She caressed the nape of his neck, her body undulating.

  She felt lost in all the incredible sensations. She wrapped her legs around his hips, drawing him in deeper. The vibration from his cock had her clenching hard.

  He groaned as he suckled.

  I’m getting close. His deep voice drifted through her mind.

  Me, too. Zane, you’re extraordinary. I loved watching you tonight, how you battled for your realm.

  He grunted and thrust harder.

  She wanted to add that he was the man for her, that she felt it in every bone of her body. But she knew neither of them was ready for that kind of commitment. Yet her mating frequency vibrated fast now, begging him to bond with her.

  He left her throat, lifting up just enough to meet her gaze. “Olivia,” he whispered. He thrust faster, his eyes dilated, lips parted.

  “Zane.” She caressed his face.

  His mating vibration moved over hers even faster still.

  She arched her neck as ecstasy began to flow, hitting her low first and driving the most exquisite sensation into her well. But that was only the beginning. Her entire body got caught in the release, so that she could hardly breathe. Pleasure swirled through her chest, coming from her mating vibration.

  She let out a long series of abrupt cries as she kept climbing toward a pinnacle of release.

  As Zane shouted his own orgasm, the release came, a great wave through her body and into her mind, so that she was screaming, her mouth wide, trying to draw in air, and riding the pleasure that kept rolling.

  As before Zane came a third time and it carried her along even further, so that tears flowed from her eyes and her cries punctuated the air. He slammed into her and she rolled with every exquisite thr
ust and sensation, pleasure tumbling through her all over again.

  Until finally the beautiful wave landed on the shore, spreading through her veins so that even her toes tingled and a flush covered her skin.

  He was breathing hard as he supported himself on his forearms on either side of her shoulders. He was still connected, his mating frequency holding her own in a tight embrace.

  She met his gaze, hoping a miracle would happen that would allow her to do this with Zane at least ten thousand more times.


  Zane stared into beautiful green eyes, glimmering with satisfaction. Olivia’s lips were parted, and she struggled to catch her breath. He was breathing hard as well.

  He was still connected and part of him never wanted to leave her body, wanted to remain right where he was, forever.

  She still bore fur on the backs of her hands and on her chest, and he loved it.

  He realized that the tightness he felt within his abdomen was his mating frequency. He was attached to Olivia in that way, just short of a true bond, as though his frequency didn’t want to let go of her either.

  “I think we almost completed the bond.”

  She blinked slowly, as though searching within her own body. “You’re mating frequency is surrounding mine and you’re right. We must have come close without even realizing it.”

  He nodded. He should have said something like, ‘Well, thank the Goddess for that’, but he couldn’t be flippant, not right now.

  He felt the need to say something, but words wouldn’t come. They were stuck somewhere, maybe in his past, maybe in his marriage to Emily.

  “Olivia,” he began.

  “Yes?” She was breathing better now. Color suffused her cheeks. She’d never looked more beautiful.

  He leaned down and kissed her. Maybe if he couldn’t use his words, he could make do with his lips. He let his feelings rush forward as he pressed his lips to hers. When she opened for him, he slid his tongue inside and took possession of her mouth.

  He wanted more. That’s what he knew. He wanted more but he didn’t know how to ask, how to shape his desire into words that would make sense.

  She held him close, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, stroking his biceps and back, showing how much she loved his body.

  Finally, he drew back. “This time with you has meant so much to me. You’ve been one of the biggest surprises of my life.”

  She caressed his hair, still damp from the shower, then trailed her hand down the dagger tattoo. “I would say the same thing. I mean, I lusted for you all the time I ghosted you. But I never imagined it would be so exciting and unbelievably satisfying. I’ve never had sex like this before.”

  He nodded. “Me, neither.”


  He chuckled softly. “Only with you can I come more than once.” But did it mean anything?

  She smiled. “It’s been a long, wonderful night.”

  “You ready for sleep?”

  “I am.”

  Zane finally disengaged his mating vibration from around hers and at the same time withdrew from her well. He left the bed to bring her a washcloth to tuck between her legs. She thanked him sleepily, turned on her side, and closed her eyes. He was pretty sure she drifted off then and there.

  He stayed where he was for a good long moment, staring at her lovely features, at the fur on her hands, both of which were tucked beneath her cheek.

  Who was this woman?

  He had her memories living inside his mind now, and he let them flow once more, a reliving of her life that took only a few seconds. What he felt above everything was the loneliness she’d endured, especially as a child.

  He knew that recent events had changed her future forever, especially because she would now be connected with the shifter packs of his realm. She would enjoy a sense of community she’d never known before.

  When he finally left her bedside, and hopped back in the shower, he took his time. His long hair was always a pain and right now he needed to work some damn crème rinse through to the ends.

  He also needed to think, because he felt his mating frequency making even greater demands than ever. Rationally, he wasn’t ready to bring this woman permanently into his life. Yet other parts of him longed for her. Should he give in to those cravings?

  Memories of his unhappy marriage still haunted him. He knew he was in large part responsible for what had happened between himself and Emily. But he was a man of commitment, and he’d been prepared to endure their almost constant quarreling for the sake of upholding his vows.

  Then Emily had died.

  And now Olivia shared his bed.


  Olivia awoke later that afternoon, at dusk, which came fairly early to the northern realm. She listened to the sounds of the cottage and realized Zane was already up. She could smell coffee brewing.

  She felt like a slacker. She’d done this twice now, rising after him, and it seemed very odd to her not to be out of bed before her man.

  Her man.

  She smiled, loving the feel of the expression. Her man.

  She sat up, drawing her knees to her chest and overlaying them with her arms. She was completely naked, having fallen asleep right after Zane had thoughtfully brought her a cloth and placed it against her well. She smiled, thinking just how much of his seed he’d planted inside her. Would it take root? Would she bear his vampire child?

  It was highly unlikely, though. Conception was not necessarily an easy matter for long-lived Realm-folk.

  She was deliciously sore and almost called Zane back to bed for another round, but decided against it. She knew she had to talk to him about Emily. And even Regan had confirmed the necessity of getting this terrible business out in the open.

  She slid from bed and her eyes popped wide, because another stack of her clothes sat on the dresser next to the bathroom doorway.

  Zane was incredibly thoughtful, and her heart warmed a little more.

  She showered and got ready for the night. She wasn’t certain what would happen next, whether Zane intended to take her back to her Barker’s Bend home, or what? Maybe his brigades had defeated Margetta at the Dead Zone, but there were always enough rogue Invictus pairs, unattached to Margetta, who required his Vampire Guard to keep patrolling through the night. Or maybe he still wanted her to stick close. She wasn’t sure.

  Whatever the case, she showered, washing her hair and afterward taking her time to get it all dry. Once she’d donned a fresh pair of jeans and a soft lavender, long-sleeved t-shirt, she moved into the kitchen.

  When Zane saw her, he wore such a tender expression that her breath caught in her throat. Though he was preparing their first meal, he stopped what he was doing and greeted her with a warm embrace and a full kiss.

  She melted against him, fully aware she didn’t want to leave. Ever.

  Suddenly, her heart beat hard in her chest. The time had come to tell him the truth about Emily. But she knew Zane, knew what he’d suffered because of his belief that his wife had died. To bring her back to life in this way, seemed cruel.

  “I’m cooking scrambled eggs. How does that sound?”


  Before he did anything else, however, he poured her a mug of coffee and handed it to her. “Thank you.”

  He frowned slightly. “You okay?”

  She nodded, then rounded the kitchen island and sat down on one of the tall stools across from him. She settled the mug on the counter.

  As he worked over the pan of eggs, he asked, “What’s wrong? And don’t tell me ‘nothing’ because you’re jittery as all hell.”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  He glanced at her, scowling, then turned back to shut off the heat. He ladled the eggs onto two plates, along with slices of toast and bacon he’d already prepared.

  “I haven’t known you very long, Olivia, but your memories tell me when you look like this, you have something that needs saying.” He put her plate in front of h
er, then sat down beside her.

  “You’re right, but I have no idea how to begin.”

  He took a bite of toast and sipped his coffee. “Just say the first thing that comes to mind.”

  “Okay.” She launched in. “A couple of years ago, I saw your wife’s paintings in a gallery in Freeport.”

  Zane set his toast down then his mug. “What? I don’t understand. Emily had never been outside Swanicott. How could her paintings have been in Maine?”

  Oh, God, how could she do this? But he needed to know, though she chose not to answer his question directly. “One of the paintings was of your lighthouse home on the bluff overlooking Maris Luna. It was beautiful.”

  Zane shifted toward her. “What the hell are you saying? Emily never left Swanicott, not once. I didn’t want her to. So, I don’t know what you think you saw, but it couldn’t have been Emily’s work. I have her paintings in my attic.”

  She put her hand on Zane’s shoulder and squeezed hard. “I’m saying that Emily is alive. These were the memories Regan prevented you from seeing. Emily is alive and has been living in Freeport for the past five years.”

  He stared at her for a long, difficult moment, a deep furrow between his brows. He shook his head repeatedly, then shrugged her hand off his shoulder.

  He left his stool and began to pace. “This is fucked up. You’re lying, but why would you lie to me about something like this?”

  Olivia pulled her phone from the pocket of her jeans.” She flipped through her photos and held one up for him, the first of several. “Then who is this?”


  Zane drew close and stared at a photo of Emily smiling. She had a strong, pointed, very fae chin and he would know her dimples anywhere. “When was this taken?” It had to be some kind of mistake.

  “I took several photos at the time, though I never thought I’d use them like this, here with you, tonight.”

  He took the phone from Olivia and flipped through several more, all of Emily and the Freeport gallery, as well as a number of her paintings, ones he’d never seen before. If he hadn’t believed the photos of her, he could believe the artwork. She had an unusual and very specific style, one that always showed the wind of Swanicott.