Read Embraced Page 11

Page 11


  He pushed into her, stretching her slowly, filling her pussy with the incredible heat and pleasure that she knew she would only find with Sax.

  Her gaze stayed centered on his dark cock as he impaled her. Moving inside her slow and easy, working in and out until finally, every inch buried inside her, stealing her breath.

  Control was, for both of them, a thing of the past then. Sax didn’t take her gently, though he never hurt her. He held her firmly in place, his hips moving hard and fast, his cock jackhammering inside her with a frantic, almost desperate pace as the pleasure began to build, to whip through her in blistering bolts of sensation that had her screaming, her head falling back against the couch as she arched to him.

  It was too good. Too hard. Too much pleasure.

  “Harder,” she screamed out as her orgasm began to peak, the slamming of his erection inside her stroking nerve endings too sensitive, too responsive, for her control to handle. “Harder, Sax. Fuck me harder. ”

  He groaned, the sound rough and primal as the thrusts increased, the heavy pressure building in her pussy, her womb, her soul…

  She exploded, screaming out his name as she felt him drive in deep, felt the flexing of his cock, then the scalding release of his seed as it began to jet inside her, prolonging her own orgasm, driving it higher, hotter.

  She collapsed minutes later, fighting to breathe, to make sense of the incredible lethargy and sense of peace that suddenly filled her. As though this was where she was meant to be.

  That evening, wrapped in a towel and carrying a bottle of chilled wine, Marey joined the five Trojan wives in Sax’s hot tub. The impromptu meeting had been arranged before they left the office. As they were leaving, James had invited them to ride back with him and Ella in the company limo. With a knowing grin, he had informed Sax that Ella was becoming impatient to visit with Marey, and putting her off was evidently causing him a few sleepless nights.

  Tess, Cole’s wife, was stretched out on one end of the ten-seat tub, eyes closed as she smiled at something Terrie, Jess’ wife, said beside her. Ella, married to Jess’ twin brother James, sat on the far end beside Tally, the only woman lucky enough—or was that courageous enough?—to be in a relationship with the twins, Lucian and Devril Conover. Kimberly, Jared Raddington’s wife, sipped at her wine as she watched everyone else. She was the quietest of the five women, but no less important within the small group.

  “You’re taking long enough, Marey,” Ella smirked as Marey dropped her towel and eased naked into the bubbling water.

  She snorted at her friend’s comment as she poured a glass of wine and sat the bottle on the deck behind her.

  “Doesn’t it bother the rest of you when those men close themselves off like that?” she asked, referring to the fact that the seven men were now closed in Sax’s office, discussing only God knew what.

  It bothered her. Made her nervous, especially considering the fact that her lover was one of them.

  “Yeah, maybe the rest of them are giving Sax advice,” Ella drawled. “You know, on how to spank stubborn women. ”

  “Naw, that’s a treat,” Tess countered with a laugh. “They’re in there convincing him of the merits of abstinence. Punishment lies in doing without, not getting extra. Ask Cole, he’s learned that fact several times. ”

  “Yeah, right,” Terrie snorted at that one. “Come on, Tess, ‘fess up. What’s your best holdout time? An hour?”

  “Almost,” Tess laughed back. “Or until he pulls out the toys. ”

  “Oh God. I shouldn’t have to listen to this. ” Ella covered her ears in mock horror. “That’s my daughter. ”

  “Prude,” Tess chuckled.

  “Not anymore, Tess,” Terrie pointed out with a laugh. “James and Sax reformed her. ”

  Ella’s blush covered her upper chest, neck and face as she splashed water back at her friend.

  Marey glanced at Kimberly then, seeing the flush that filled her face, the way her eyes lowered. Ella had admitted it had been damned near impossible to talk Kimberly into joining the group, because of her past exploits with Sax at the Club.

  “Sax as a reformer,” Marey drawled. “Now that one is hard to imagine. ”

  She ducked as Ella splashed water at her, before chuckling easily. It was odd, being amongst this group, all of them together at once. She had avoided the larger gatherings over the past year, unwilling and unable to bear the frank discussions she knew arose within them.

  “Of course he is, Marey,” Tally entered the joviality then. “He’s reforming you. I bet he’s already choosing prospective seconds now. Maybe that’s what all the secrecy is all about. ”

  Her tilted eyes sparkled with amusement and fondness as Marey shot her a dark look.

  “It occurs to me, that the five of you are finding much too much amusement in this,” she announced haughtily. “Maybe I’ll reform Sax. ”

  Laughter erupted around her at her comment.

  “Yeah, I can see that one happening,” Ella toasted her with her wineglass. “Let me know when it works, hon, and we’ll all enjoy our fun and games in your memory as we make a note to keep our men away from yours. If you reform the Trojans, we might all have to hurt you. ”

  Marey rolled her eyes, shaking her head at the knowledge that her friends relished the occasional threesomes their husbands provided, and the more extreme sexuality they possessed.

  “I can’t see Sax reforming,” Kimberly spoke then as though forcing herself to face a problem head-on. “Any more than the others would. ”

  “Sax definitely does seem to enjoy the screams he inspires,” Ella chuckled. “Are you screaming yet, Marey?”

  “Remind me to kill you, Ella,” Marey growled affectionately. “How do the five of you do this? Sit and discuss this? Jess had sex with Tessa, but I’ll be damned, Terrie, if it bothers you in the least. Lucian had fun and games with Terrie. The five of you should be mortal enemies. ”

  “Yeah, and Sax played really nice with me and Kimberly,” Ella pointed out with a smirk. “But you still love us. ”

  “I’m still debating your worth, Ella,” Marey gave her friend a mock snarl. “I didn’t say I wasn’t just as perverted as the rest of you, I’m just pointing out how damned odd we are. ”

  “No odder than the men of that Club,” Kimberly pointed out then, accepting the refill of her wineglass from Ella. “I’ve never seen so many men gather in one place, and actually get along. They don’t stress over their women fucking around, and they don’t get pissed over the games. I’ve actually heard them discussing positions and how loud it would make the women scream. ” She rolled her eyes. “They’re worse than us. ”

  “How many are in that damned club now?” Tess opened her eyes for that one.

  Kimberly, though she no longer had limited membership after her marriage, had been one of the few women allowed the freedom to come and go within the mysterious estate that housed The Club.

  “The last I heard, there were more than fifty members. ” Kimberly shrugged. “Though, I would say twenty regulars. ”

  According to Ella, they had stopped pressing the other woman for names months before.

  “Yeah, Kimberly was their practice piece,” Tally laughed as the other woman flushed crimson.

  “It amazes me no one has murdered you yet,” Kimberly growled, narrowing her eyes on the other woman. “That was snide, Tally. ”

  “Naw, that was Tally’s jealousy,” Marey assured the other woman with a slight wink. “She’s still pissed you were able to get in and she wasn’t. ”

  Tally sniffed arrogantly. “I would have, of course, been a perfect choice,” she declared, surveying her nails with an air of offended pride.

  “Sure you would have,” Terrie drawled. “If they wanted to follow your orders and obey your unwritten, unvoiced little rules. You were supposed to submit, Tally,” she reminded her with a laugh. “Not them. ”<
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  “So Lucian and Devril keep having to remind me,” she sighed, though the wicked glint in her eyes gave lie to her put-upon tone of voice. “Maybe I can get them to remind me again tonight. I did point out that exceptionally designed paddle we found on the internet. ”

  Laughter filled the tub again as wineglasses were refilled and the conversation began to dissolve into hilarity.

  “Hey, what happened to Sax’s car?” Tally suddenly asked, her question creating a ripple effect that had silence filling the tub.

  “There’s nothing wrong with the car. ” Marey frowned. “Why?”

  “The sheriff’s office was towing it off as Lucian and I left the office. I was just curious… Ouch, Ella, why the hell did you pinch me?”

  “Because you don’t play dumb nearly well enough,” Ella snapped, her eyes glinting in anger as she set her glass on the deck behind her. “Let’s hope we’ve all had enough to last us for a while because I bet we get cut off for a long time after this one. ”

  Marey’s eyes narrowed as her heart began to beat furiously in her chest. She turned to Kimberly. She was now part of Delacourte’s security team and would know more than any of the rest of the ladies.

  “I like my job, Marey,” she sighed. “Don’t make me jeopardize it. But I promise you, everything is under control. ”

  “Vince,” she whispered. “He did something to the car. ”

  “I think I overheard someone mentioning a damaged brake line and possible deterioration before the car reached the cliffs. ” Tally was on a roll, and her own anger showing now. “She’s not a child, she deserves the truth. ”

  “I bet Lucian and Devril don’t spank you for a week,” Ella muttered.

  “You and James lied to me. ” Marey turned on Ella, fury flaming inside her. “You were going along with it, Ella?”

  Ella stared back at her unapologetically.

  “For now,” she admitted defensively. “Dammit, Marey, you’re ready to run from Sax at the least excuse. I wasn’t about to see you get an excuse. I don’t want to see you dead. ”

  “You’d rather see Sax dead?” she yelled back, jumping to her feet as she stumbled from the hot tub, pulling the towel around her as Ella joined her. “What do you think that would do to me, Ella?”

  “Well, no one is dead this way,” Ella shouted back as she knotted the towel between her breasts. “You’re so stubborn, Marey, you’d cut your own nose off to spite your face. Sax can protect you. ”

  “I don’t need his protection or yours,” Marey spat furiously. “Damn you, Ella, you had no right to lie to me. ”

  “Why not?” she snapped. “You lie to yourself all the damned time. It shouldn’t bother you so fucking bad when someone else tries to do no more than protect you from your own foolishness. ”

  “I’m here aren’t I?” Marey nearly screamed. “I’m sleeping in his damned bed and he’s fucking me regularly. Isn’t that what you wanted?”

  “More to the point, it’s what you want and deny yourself with any and every excuse,” Ella accused her, crossing her arms over her breasts, her expression mulish, defiant. “I just wanted to make certain you didn’t come up with a new excuse. ”

  “It was none of your business…”

  “The hell it wasn’t. Do you think we enjoyed sitting in that goddamned hospital room with you after he nearly killed you?” Ella yelled, her own voice hoarse with her anger. “Get a clue here, Marey, he wants you dead. ”

  “Get a clue here, Ella, you’re a nosey bitch,” Marey snarled.

  “And you’re a stubborn bitch. ” Ella was nearly in her face now, nose to nose, her face flushed in anger. “And if you try to walk out on Sax over this I’m going to beat you myself. ”