Read Embraced Page 3

Page 3

  Another finger joined the first. She wasn’t certain if her strangled cry was one of protest or encouragement, but she knew the slow, even thrusts of his fingers inside her—first one, then two—were pushing her past any boundaries she could have conceived.

  He moved, shifted as his tongue dipped into the opening of her vagina, tracing the entrance, flickering over the sensitive tissue as he licked at the juices easing past it. She was so wet, so hot, it should have been humiliating.

  Her eyes widened in shock as she felt his finger move back, felt the tip of another joining it. Cool, slick gel eased his fingers inside her, assuring her he was more than prepared for whatever his desires were that morning. Desires that were quickly becoming her own.

  He prepared her slowly, easily, keeping her poised on pleasure so intense she was certain flames were going to begin rolling over her. Perspiration dampened her skin, fingers of heat ran over her repeatedly as the band of intensity tightened in her womb and the stretching fire increased in her rear. Fire that burned with a pleasure so mind-consuming there wasn’t a chance of denying it. So soul-destroying that when he rose to his feet, releasing the straining length of his cock and pushing the waistband of his slacks around his thighs, she never thought to protest, never thought to consider that she was crossing a line she might never be able to return from.

  “This is what you’re denying yourself, Marey. Only a part of what you’re denying us both. ”

  He pressed the head of his cock against the stretched opening of her anus, lifting her to him, his hands spreading the cheeks of her buttocks apart as she felt the thick crest begin to penetrate the little opening.

  Pleasure and pain collided as his gaze caught and held hers. She felt him enter her slowly, unbearably slowly, stretching her impossibly, sending her senses screaming with the conflicting sensations.

  She had never believed that line between pleasure and pain would tempt her, would draw her to the extent that nothing mattered except pushing that boundary further.

  “Breathe, baby,” he whispered. “Deep breaths. Close your eyes and press out for me. Let your body milk me in, don’t force it. ”

  Her head thrashed on the table.

  It was decadent. Splayed out on her breakfast table, Sax’s cock slowly filling her ass as she stared back at him beseechingly. Her most perverted, most depraved fantasies were being played out, stripping her of control, leaving her pliable, willing, eagerly embracing the broad erection impaling her.

  “Good girl,” he crooned, his face twisted into a mask of pleasure. “You’re so fucking tight, Marey. It’s like being consumed by flames. ”

  She was the one being consumed. Inch by inch as he worked his cock inside her, filling her, stretching her until he sank in to the hilt.

  She couldn’t breathe. She could feel the muscles of her anus convulsing, flexing and rippling around the length of flesh filling her. It was more pleasure than she could have envisioned. Deeper, more intense than the vibrators or plugs she had used there.

  “Think of this, Marey,” he growled as he began to move, holding her to him, sending her senses careening as he began to fuck her slow and deep. “Think of this, baby, the next time you’re telling me I’m chasing a woman who doesn’t want me. ”

  She screamed as his movements began to quicken, one hand moving from her buttocks, his fingers going to her aching, empty pussy. Two fingers pressed inside, moving in tandem to his thrusts up her ass as reality began dissolve. The world centered on the dual penetration. His fingers moving inside the ultra-tight depths of her pussy, his cock fucking her ass with long, smooth strokes that steadily quickened, grew harder, more intense.

  She writhed beneath him, straining toward release, begging for it, pleading as her body tightened to what she was certain was a breaking point.

  “Now, Marey. ” His voice was strained, rough as she felt his cock flex and throb inside the sensitive channel.

  His fingers moved faster inside her pussy, his thumb moving to her clit, stroking it, pushing her higher, higher…

  She screamed as she fell over the edge of oblivion. Ecstasy washed through her body, burned along her nerve endings, sending her flying into rapture as she felt him explode, the heat of his semen filling her as he thrust in hard and deep one last time, groaning fiercely as he came inside the hot depths of her ass.

  She settled down to earth long moments later, her eyes opening as he slowly withdrew from her. She watched as he fixed his slacks then reached to the counter to tear a handful of soft paper towels from their holder.

  He cleaned her gently, watching her with those chocolate eyes that seemed to see clear to her soul.

  “You can’t turn back,” he told her as he eased her up, holding her steady as she stood naked before him, fighting to find reality once again. “I won’t let you. ”

  “No matter how much it hurts me?” she asked him then, her voice hoarse, filling with tears as realization began to wash over her. “Does that matter, Sax? Does it matter at all how much it’s going to hurt me?”

  Chapter Two

  “She has to be the most stubborn, independent, irrational woman I’ve had the misfortune to meet. ”

  Sax slammed the file drawer in place, ignoring James’ mocking snort behind him as he slapped the file he had pulled out on the desk between them.

  He was irritated, horny as hell, and damn if he wasn’t suffering from a guilt trip of major proportions.

  No matter how much it hurts me? The words wouldn’t leave his mind, ricocheting in his head as he fought against the pain he had glimpsed in her eyes.

  “You act like you’re surprised, buddy,” James laughed as he leaned back in the chair in front of Sax’s desk and watched him with amusement. “You’ve been chasing her for three years and just figured that one out?”

  Sax sat down heavily in his own chair and regarded the other man with a frown.

  “I don’t appreciate the amusement you’re finding at my expense, James,” he snarled back. “Dammit to hell, she enjoyed every minute of it. Drenched my fingers when she came and still had the nerve to try to guilt me out of her life. I should tie her to the damned bed for a week and fuck her until she’s too tired to guilt or deny me. ”

  James chuckled at that one, not that Sax could blame him. Sax had been making that same threat for three years now.

  “Vince is out on bail,” Sax sighed then, worry and fury clashing at the thought of all the ways he could hurt Marey. “He disappeared within hours. If she doesn’t ease up on the stubbornness, he’s going to kill her. ”

  It was his worst nightmare, that Vince would attack her again, taking her from him forever. It was hard enough waiting on the sidelines all these years, certain she would give in eventually. But now…Sax knew the waiting was over. The question was would the fragile bonds of emotion between them survive the dominance rising inside him? He was sick of waiting. And he was sure as hell sick of her denying the very thing he knew both of them craved.

  “Vince will self-destruct eventually,” James agreed. “All we can do is watch her, Sax. Daniel will look for him, Drew Stanton owns the security agency she’s using—he has priority watch on her. The sheriff will keep a closer eye on the house during his patrols, and when he comes up for trial, Caleb will make certain he spends plenty of time behind bars. The members of The Club won’t desert her. We watch out for our own, you know that. ”

  Caleb Embers was the prosecuting attorney assigned to the case, and a member of The Club. Sax was well aware of the fact that if Vince made it as far as trial, then Caleb would fry his ass.

  “Keeping him the hell away from her until he gets to trial is what worries me,” Sax bit out. “She’s so determined to deny us both that she could end up giving him the opening he needs. I swear to God, James, I can’t understand her. It’s as though she thinks she has to deny herself. As though she’s paying penance for something that only she’s aware of. ?

  “Or terrified of a pattern repeating itself,” James suggested then. “She put her life on hold for her parents. When they died, she wasn’t a teenager any longer. Loneliness can do strange things to a woman, Sax. She married the first man who offered and learned within weeks the mistake she made. I have a feeling you’re something Marey couldn’t bear losing. So she’s going to fight you harder. ”

  Which was no more than he expected. But damn if it wasn’t grating on his nerves.

  “Tell you what. ” James leaned forward in his chair, watching Sax with a knowing glint in his eyes. “Let’s head to the house for dinner. We’ll have a drink and see if Ella has any ideas how to break her friend’s control. She knows Marey better than anyone. If anyone knows how to find her weakness, it’s my wife. ”

  Sax tapped his fingers against the leather arm of his chair. He was right. And Ella would help too. She was worried as hell over Marey. She would make a great conspirator.

  He moved quickly to his feet, ignoring James’ amused laughter as they pulled on their suit jackets and headed for the door.

  “So, who’s your third lately?” Sax finally thought to ask his friend as they neared the door.

  James snorted. “Ian came out of hiding. I think he’s running though. Damn if he’s not desperate to get as far away from his own house as possible since Dane’s daughter moved in with him. Have you seen her?”

  Dane Mattlaw had been Ian’s best friend while he lived abroad in his younger days. The older man had been a steadying influence, while also helping to develop some of Ian’s sexual tastes in the high-class brothels they frequented before Dane’s marriage.

  The daughter was a vixen. Not that Ian had introduced any of The Club’s members to her.

  “Mattlaw will kill him. ” Sax grinned when James’ comment finally registered. “If he’s running from her, then he’s a little too interested. ”

  “Too interested and denying it too hard,” James laughed as they left the office. “Watching him fall is going to be fun, Sax. He’s a little too superior in his attitude toward the rest of us after our marriages. We’re all cheering for her. She’s going to put a hurting on that boy that will bring him to his knees and make him cry for mercy. ”

  That reminded Sax much too much of what Marey was doing to him. Damned woman.

  * * * * *

  “He’s driving me crazy. ” Marey stomped into Ella’s house hours after the kitchen interlude, ignoring her grinning friend as she made her way to the kitchen and the wine Ella kept in steady supply.

  Hell, she was married to a Trojan, a dominant, woman-sharing, sex-perverted male that likely made Ella as insane as Sax was making her at the moment.

  “He’s a sweetheart, Marey,” she laughed as she came behind her, moving to slide two wineglasses from their position under the cabinet and set them on the work island.

  A sweetheart. Yeah, he was a sweetheart all right, and he was making her fucking crazy proving it. Keeping an eye on her, checking the house all the time, calling to make certain she was okay. The sound of his voice, that deep baritone, rasping over her senses, had nearly been her undoing several nights in a row.

  “You should know,” Marey finally snorted mockingly. “Wasn’t he James’ little buddy that first time?”

  Ella cleared her throat, a light flush working over her cheeks at Marey’s reply.

  “If I had known you—”

  “Oh, shut up. ” Marey waved the small guilt-ridden sentence away. “I don’t have a problem with it. I just need solutions here. How do I get rid of him?”

  She poured a half glass of wine, considered the amount then filled the glass. She needed definite liquid courage here. She smacked the bottle to the counter, lifted the glass and took a healthy swallow. She needed the strength right now, not to mention the balm to her nerves. The balm to her nerves was a definite must-have.