Read Emerald Eyes Page 6

Gracey awoke and showered and dressed as normal. To her, it was just another day; except she had a date for tonight. Was it a date? Gracey pondered as she looked at the calendar; Wednesday, May 30, 2012.

  Gracey entered the kitchen for her morning cup of coffee and a slice of toast and noticed a single chocolate cupcake in her spot at the table with a lit candle on top. Ms. Maple and Elmer jumped out to wish her a “Happy Birthday.” Also on the table was a crystal vase with two dozen of lavender roses; one for every year since her birth. The card read, ‘May the journey continue.' Gracey smiled knowing the roses were from Stone.

  Around eleven o’clock, the purchases from the day before arrived. As Gracey opened the packages and took the clothes out of the garment bag, she noticed some things that she had not tried on. "This has to be wrong,” she thought aloud. There were a few pairs of jeans, several peasant style tops and tunics, and a handbag to match each pair of shoes. Gracey also found a few other accessories to include some costume jewelry and a flirty pair of sandals to go with the jeans. Then she noticed another card, ‘Just a few things to make your day complete.' It is just too much Gracey thought and then realized Stone had bought everything she had held up in front of herself while looking into the mirror. He actually noticed.

  Refusing to give in totally, Gracey selected one of the peasant tops she had admired and changed out of her old blouse. But not the jeans, she was wearing her favorite faded jeans. They were totally comfortable and worn in all the right places. Then Gracey looked at her feet. She had flip-flops on for the trip to the spa, and those flirty sandals were to die for. Gracey took them out of the box and slipped into them. While Gracey felt a bit angry at Stone for spending so much money on her, she was elated feeling spoiled; exciting to be wearing clothing she could only dream about.

  Stone picked Gracey up promptly at 12:30, just as promised. Gracey continued to be amazed at his punctuality. As she answered the door, Stone smiled. “I see you got my gifts.”

  “Yes, but you have to stop spending so much money on me. You spent more on these clothes than I make in months, maybe the whole year. It’s not proper.”

  “Remember I told you, I would pay you your salary plus expenses? Well, these are some of the expenses,” Stone informed her and winked.

  It was a short ride to the spa. “Just another expense,” Stone reminded Gracey as he pulled up to the door. “See you in an hour.”

  Gracey entered the spa. The ambiance was incredible. She was approached immediately by the staff and ushered into the back. After an offer of sparkling water, a mimosa, or champagne, the ladies started to pamper Gracey.

  Gracey normally did her own manicure and pedicure. She kept her nails short but well cared for with a light polish. Today she was going for a more elegant look, something she was never able to do herself, a French manicure on both her fingers and toes. Gracey's old polish was removed, and her appendages soaked, scrubbed and rubbed. Gracey relaxed, determined to enjoy every second of the experience. It was her first trip to a spa.

  As Gracey prepared to depart, she remembered she needed to leave a tip. As she reached into her purse for some money, the receptionist indifferently stated, “It’s already taken care of Ms. Newsome.” Of course, Stone had thought of everything.

  Gracey exited the spa and climbed into Stone’s car. “Thank you,” Gracey told him genuinely.

  “Happy Birthday,” Stone replied grinning. “Everyone should be pampered on their birthday.”

  “So where are we going now?” Gracey asked.

  “Be patient Gracey, we will be there soon. It is one of my favorite spots, and I am sure you will like it too.”

  A few minutes later, Stone pulled into the driveway to Emerald Knoll. “We are going to your house?” Gracey exclaimed in horror.

  “No, no,” Stone quickly answered. “But we are going to my favorite place.” And he drove past the house, the pool and stopped at what appeared to be a horse stable.

  “We’re going horseback riding? I have never been on a horse,” Gracey said, holding her breath.

  “Breathe, Gracey, breathe. You trust me, right?” Stone took her hand into his.

  Gracey exhaled. “Yes.”

  Near the stable was a golf cart with a basket and blanket on the back. “We are going down to the creek. It is the most peaceful place I know. We can relax and talk or just do nothing.” Gracey immediately sighed with relief.

  It was a short ride to the creek. There was a wide grassy area under a large shade tree. Stone gathered the basket and blanket and led Gracey to his favorite place in the shade.

  After spreading out a blanket and pulling cold bottles of water out of the basket, they laid back. Lying next to each other, neither one spoke. Stone reached over and took Gracey's hand. No words were exchanged. Stone rolled onto his side and gazed at Gracey, taking in her beauty. It took every bit of strength, not to kiss her. After a few minutes, Stone rolled onto his back and stared at the tree above them.

  “I know nothing about you,” Gracey whispered as she adjusted her hand.

  “Of course, you do,” Stone answered back.

  “Not really, Stone,” Gracey rebutted. “I know who you are, where your work and live and who your parents are. I have been to your house for a few parties, and I know you like to spend money.” Gracey had to chuckle at the last comment.

  “Well, what do you want to know?” Stone offered.

  They talked about Stone's favorite color, emerald green, of course, his favorite genre’s of books, movies, and music; all the usual questions. Then Gracey asked the personal ones. Stone was always good looking and muscular, even as a teenager. “So how many girlfriends have you had?” Gracey asked. The question caught Stone by surprise.

  “Of course I have had a few girlfriends, but nothing serious.”

  Gracey found it hard to believe. Stone had gone to an Ivy League school and had traveled the world. With Stone’s wealth and gorgeous good looks, women should have been throwing themselves at his feet.

  “I had a girlfriend or two in college. I have dated but other than dating, nothing.”

  Hearing Gracey moan in disbelief, Stone turned to Gracey and in a more serious tone continued. “Gracey, I don’t believe in casual sex. There were too many women out there who threw themselves at me because of my wealth or inherent wealth. The last thing I needed was a harem of baby momma's and a slew of bastard children to support. Have I kissed a woman? Yes, quite a few. Have I made out with a woman? Yes, a few times. But none of them was the one I planned on spending the rest of my life with. I believe in love and in forever. I would never have sex with a woman who was not my wife. I will marry my soulmate, and I will make love to her, not have sex.”

  Gracey sat up and looked at Stone. “Are you telling me, you have never had sex? Stone, you are four years older than me! I can understand that I have never had sex; I have no social life. But you?”

  Sitting up to look her in the eye, Stone answered. “I know it's odd for a rich, twenty-eight-year-old man not to have had sex. And it has not been easy. There were many opportunities. And if you if you need for me to say it aloud, then yes, I am a virgin.”

  Gracey laid back and stared at the sky wide-eyed. Stone lay back, as well. After a few minutes, it was Stone’s turn. He asked the usual what is your favorite questions. The more they talked, the more Stone realized Gracey never had a chance for a full life. Knowing Gracey never had a social life, Stone intentionally did not ask the boyfriend question.

  After a few minutes of silence, knowing Stone would not ask, Gracey answered the unasked question. “I have never had a boyfriend.”

  Stone smiled has he took her hand and replied, “You have one now.” Gracey smiled.

  Stone drove Gracey home so she would have time to prepare for the evening. After a short nap, Gracey showered and got dressed. She applied more makeup than usual. Since it was evening, she pinned up her
hair and in the collection of costume jewelry delivered that morning she found a pair of white and midnight-blue drop earrings. He thought of everything. Gracey slipped into the black heels and placed her ID and lipstick into the matching clutch.

  Gracey heard Stone arrive, right on time. She hesitated as she left the room. She took one more look into the mirror and smiled timidly. Gracey slowly descended the stairs, afraid of embarrassing herself by falling. These heels are a bit high.

  Ms. Maple and Stone stood in the foyer. Ms. Maple was teary eyed, and Stone was speechless. “Beautiful,” Ms. Maple whispered breaking the silence. She sobbed silently as if it Gracey was her own daughter.

  Gracey took Stone’s arm and walked out. Gracey looked back at Ms. Maple on the porch and smiled as if she had just entered a fairy tale.

  Charles drove them to dinner in the limousine. Gracey stared at Stone admiring his perfect suit and stunning blue eyes. Stone stared back admiring the most beautiful woman in the world.

  Dinner was perfect, of course. Stone had ensured it. They had her favorite Caesar salad, following by linguine with clams and for dessert a chocolate mousse. The service was impeccable and the food exquisite.

  Then they set out for a night of fun. Gracey had never been in a nightclub. Her first impression; it was loud and crowded. But she quickly got swept up in the excitement; watching beautiful people everywhere dancing and having fun. As Stone waited for the club manager, Gracey continued to look around. Men and women alike were staring at her. Gracey glanced into one of the many mirrors. Who was that staring back at her? Is it really me?

  Stone took her hand and leaned in. “I am the luckiest man alive with you at my side.”

  The club manager arrived and led them to a private VIP area upstairs. The area overlooked the dance floor and the rest of the club. A bottle of the best champagne was on ice awaiting their arrival. “It’s your birthday, why not.” The waitress poured them each a glass of champagne as they sat down. Gracey leaned forward over the rail and looked around. “Is it the way you imagined?” Stone asked her.

  “I am not sure how I imagined it.”

  Gracey kept busy; people watching, taking it all in. Stone watched her as he slowly sipped on his champagne. “Feel like dancing?” Stone asked.

  “Dance? You know I don’t know how to dance.”

  “How about a slow one?” Stone suggested.

  “Stone we have been here for a while, and I have not heard one slow song.”

  “I have a feeling one is about to come up,” Stone announced as he glanced at his watch.

  “Does everything go the way you plan?” Gracey inquired suspiciously.

  “I hope so!” Stone replied with a hint of arrogance.

  Stone stood. He took Gracey’s hand and led her down the stairs and across the club towards the dance floor. Men looked on in envy as did the women. Separately Stone and Gracey were both attractive. Together they were spectacular. And as if on cue, the crowds parted to let them through. As they reached the dance floor, the music turned slower, and the lights dimmed. Gracey gently shook her head in disbelief, “Is this a dream?” Stone nodded no and lowered his lips to hers.

  It was a gentle kiss, a perfect first kiss. Gracey melted into his arms. If her eyes had been open, Gracey would have seen the look of unrelenting love in Stone’s eyes. Everyone else in the club did.

  A second slow song started, and Stone kept Gracey in his arms. About halfway through the song, Stone became aware of two men watching them; their look was sinister, their eyes dark but almost glowing. Where had he seen eyes like those before? Calm and contentment fleeted as Stone's intuition took over. Something was wrong, but he did not know exactly what. Stone continued to watch the men as he danced. When the song ended, Stone led Gracey from the dance floor. As Stone and Gracey moved, the two men moved. Stone motioned for their waitress and paid their tab. He made an excuse he had a headache and pulled Gracey out of the club.

  Charles had parked directly across from the nightclub and was standing at the ready. He was a year younger than Stone and a large, brawny man who could double as personal protection. Charles sensed something amiss and opened the limousine door closest to the street for Stone and Gracey to enter. As Charles closed the door, the two men exited the club.

  Charles’ gut instinct was to confront the two, but it was Gracey’s birthday, and he could not fathom the thought of ruining her night. Charles slipped into the limousine and drove away.

  Stone apologized for ending the night early. “I hope I have not ruined your evening? I normally don’t drink more than one glass of champagne,” Stone stated as an explanation for them leaving the club suddenly.

  “Ruined my evening? Are you crazy? It was the best night of my life.” Gracey took Stone's hand and smiled. “Thank you,” Gracey whispered.

  Stone put his arm around Gracey, and she leaned into him. He kissed her atop her head and sighed. Looking up at Stone, Gracey whispered, “Happy Birthday, Stone!” And she laughed.

  Stone looked at Gracey totally surprised. “You’re not the only one with a friend in HR,” Gracey bragged.