Read Emerald Eyes Page 9

Chapter 8 - St. Louis

  “Tomorrow is do whatever Gracey wants to do day,” Stone announced. He knew Gracey needed a break from the investigation, and truth be told, so did he. “It’s time for another first. What do you want to do?”

  Gracey thought for a few minutes. The list of what I have not done before was long. “How about going to an art museum? I have never been to one,” Gracey said almost embarrassed.

  “Well, which one do you want to go to?” Stone asked. Gracey could not answer.

  “I have a great idea,” Stone started. “Have you ever been to St. Louis?”

  “Now, Stone you know have I haven’t,” Gracey replied almost impatiently.

  “Let’s go to St. Louis for the weekend. They have a well renowned Art Museum, a Zoo, a botanical garden, excellent shopping and, of course, the Arch; plus tons of other stuff. Of course, we cannot do them all, but we can pick a few and make a weekend of it.”

  “Fly to St. Louis, just for the weekend?”

  “No flying, my parents are using the jet this week. It is only about half a day’s drive to St. Louis, and if we get an early start, we can be there by afternoon and spend it at the museum. Let me call Charles and let him know to be ready first thing in the morning, and we can leave early.”

  Stone paused before continuing. “Now for the big question, do you sleep here or do we pick you up before the sun rises?”

  “Sleep here?” Gracey asked while looking around the office.

  “Not here Gracey, but in the main house,” Stone explained. “We have plenty of rooms. I can have one of the guest suites prepared for you, and I can call Ms. Maple to pack your bag. I can have Charles pick it up tonight.”

  “Another first, I guess.”

  Stone phoned Charles and then Ms. Maple. Stone and Gracey closed up the office and walked to the main house. It had been five and a half years since she had been inside. Even without the plethora of holiday decorations, the home was magnificent. Gracey was still in awe of the enormous foyer and double staircase. The home was fashioned after the old-money mansions of the late 19th-century and early 20th-century although being less than half a century old. It was classic and elegant.

  Stone led Gracey up to the guest suite. It was beautifully decorated and furnished gracefully. It was designed for a woman and stylishly romantic. There was a large open sitting area with fireplace, bedroom, private bath and a closet bigger than Gracey’s room at Ms. Maple’s home.

  Wouldn’t be wonderful to live here? Gracey thought silently. Stone retrieved a pair of pajamas, robe and some slippers out of a drawer in the closet. Gracey looked at him confused. “We keep these here for friends who sometimes stay over unexpectedly. Mom has the reputation of being a gracious host. You will find a fully stock bathroom with all the necessary grooming products as well.

  “I will show you around and have a bath drawn for you, and then you can relax before readying for bed. Charles should be back with your bag before we retire for the night,” Stone added.

  Stone showed Gracey the main areas of the house ending in the kitchen. Gracey stood and marveled. “Ms. Maple would love this,” Gracey blurted out. “There’s even a cappuccino machine.” Gracey was like a kid in a toy store looking at everything. “Do you cook?”

  “I can make microwave popcorn,” Stone answered.

  Gracey just looked at Stone and shook her head. “Pathetic.”

  Stone escorted Gracey back to the suite and into the bathroom. A bath had been drawn in the soaking tub and filled with bubbles. The lights were dimmed, and the lavender and vanilla candles created a peaceful ambiance. “You cannot tell me your mother keeps lavender and vanilla candles for your guests,” Gracey said looking at Stone suspiciously.

  “Okay, I am busted. I bought those in hopes that someday…” Stone blushed and finished by saying, “Enjoy yourself,” and he quickly left.

  Stone returned later when Gracey’s bags had been delivered. He showed Gracey how to use the intercom system if she needed anything from the staff and showed her where his suite was. Stone walked Gracey back to her suite and kissed her goodnight. ”Sweet dreams.”

  Gracey woke to the smell of French vanilla cappuccino. A tray had been delivered with her morning dose of caffeine and toast and a single pink rose; a symbol of grace, elegance, and romance. Gracey inhaled the scent. This is how everyone should start their day.

  Gracey discovered Ms. Maple had packed all the clothes from Merriman’s. It would be a bit of a drive to St. Louis and hoped she would have time to change before going to the museum, so she picked something comfortable for traveling. She was pleased to see Stone had dressed in jeans, as well.

  Charles loaded the luggage into the BMW town car, and they were on their way. They spent the morning talking about the places Stone had traveled, and the places Gracey hoped to visit someday. They talked about art, and who they liked and why. Time went by quickly, and Charles announced their entry into St. Louis as they crossed the Mississippi River and saw the Gateway Arch rising 630 feet into the skyline.

  Charles drove to the best hotel in St. Louis, and they checked in. After lunch, they changed and soon arrived at the art museum. After parking the car, Gracey insisted Charles come along. Stone nodded in agreement. Charles removed his jacket and tie and then tussled his hair to look more casual. Charles was ready to go.

  Gracey could not imagine so much beauty in one place. They walked from exhibition to exhibition, more amazed with each new gallery, each one unique. They admired art from all over the world. Gracey found herself moved by some of the paintings as if they were talking to her, speaking to her soul. After strolling through the museum for four hours, they realized they could spend a week there and not have enough time to see every piece of art.

  On the way out of the museum, Stone stopped at the gift shop and purchased a few souvenirs for Gracey’s scrapbook.

  Stone and Gracey had dinner at the hotel’s four-star restaurant. The dining room was famous having been highlighted in a movie in the mid 20th century and quite elegant. Gracey took the opportunity to wear the blue dress she had just bought.

  It was another superb dinner. Gracey was amazed again. Every time she thought she could not taste something more delicious, she was wrong. The Kobe beef was unlike any beef she had ever eaten, and the chocolate ganache cake was utterly decadent.

  Stone and Gracey spent dinner discussing their favorite gallery and pieces of art at the museum. Gracey favored the European Impressionists; Monet, Pissarro, Sisley, Van Gogh, and Gauguin. Stone preferred the French Realists; Troyon, Rousseau, Daubigny, and Dupré. Had Charles been dining with them, he would have argued for the American Impressionists. Gracey did admit some of the American Impressionists were very good as well, but she preferred the classic paintings.

  It had been a long day, so they retired to their suite after dinner. Gracey and Stone cuddled together on the sofa in the sitting area almost falling asleep wrapped in each other’s arm. Stone walked Gracey to her private room and kissed her goodnight. “Sweet dreams, Gracey.”

  Stone shook Gracey gently. “It’s a gorgeous day Gracey, time to get up.” Slow to wake, Stone waved a cup of coffee near Gracey's nose. “Gracey, here’s your coffee. The gardens are waiting,” he told her.

  “I hope Ms. Maple packed some walking shoes,” Gracey groaned. “My feet are still tired from yesterday.”

  Stone, Gracey, and Charles arrived at the botanical gardens midmorning. Looking at the brochure, Gracey sighed, “Seventy-nine acres! There’s no way!”

  Charles and Stone nearly had to hold each other up while laughing.

  “What do you want to see? Pick out a couple of interest points, and we will narrow it down,” Stone suggested.

  Gracey was overwhelmed. “Don’t worry Gracey, regardless of where we stroll, I promise you will see beauty beyond belief. Oh, and, by the way, they have benches!” Stone smirked sarcastically.
r />   Charles pulled a camera out of the bag he was carrying. “I promised Ms. Maple photos,” Charles explained shrugging. Gracey frowned forgetting to bring a camera. “Don’t worry Gracey. I will load them all on a thumb drive for you. You just enjoy, and I will capture the day.”

  Gracey could not believe her eyes. She thought the meditation garden in Africa was beautiful, but this was astounding. There was every type of garden known; rock gardens, water gardens, English gardens, and Japanese gardens. They were surrounded by roses in every color imaginable, conservatories, greenhouses, a herb garden with over five hundred different types of herbs and so much more. It was magnificent. Gracey had Charles take so many photos; she was wearing him out.

  After four hours of walking, “Are you ready for a late lunch and a nap?” Stone asked. Gracey was not finished looking at all the gardens, but she surrendered. She was hungry, and a bit tired. Charles sighed as if to say Thank you.

  “I have tonight planned, so a nap is certainly in order. We are going to the symphony,” Stone announced.

  “The symphony, I don’t have a dress for the symphony,” Gracey exclaimed in dismay.

  “I have taken care of everything. I have spoken to the concierge. There will be a gown for you, and a tuxedo for me delivered to the suite.”

  “This is like a fairy tale. Does the town car turn into a pumpkin at midnight? I think Charles it too big to be a rat.” Gracey laughed softly and smiled. “If this is a dream, please don’t wake me up yet,” she added. Stone beamed.

  After lunch and a well-needed nap, Stone and Gracey relaxed for a while and viewed the photos Charles had taken, talking about their favorite gardens.

  Then they prepared to go to the symphony. After showering, Gracey opened the garment bag which was hanging in the closet. Did Cinderella feel like this? Gracey wondered. Inside was an understated yet elegant black gown with spaghetti straps and a sweetheart neckline. It was modestly cut in the back and had a short train; just enough to trail behind in style.

  Gracey was glad Ms. Maple had packed everything not knowing what Gracey would need. She already had the shoes and clutch. Gracey pinned up her hair, applied her makeup and slid into the dress. This is a dream, she thought to herself while looking into the mirror. She smiled in joyfully, and her eyes sparkled.

  Gracey looked past herself and saw Stone admiring her. Stone looked more handsome than ever. Then she looked at the both reflections as one in the mirror, smiling at each other, smiling at one reflection.

  Stone walked up behind Gracey, and like a scene out of a movie, he placed a diamond necklace with a pear-shaped diamond drop, around her neck. Gracey’s first reaction was one of delight. Then her expression turned to you did not buy this. “It’s okay Gracey. It is on loan. It goes back to the store tomorrow.”

  Stone and Gracey walked across the lobby of the hotel. There was total silence, as the crowd watched them. Separately they were stunning, together they were spectacular. Gracey walked as if she was floating on a cloud, and Stone seemed to be in a trance. The most beautiful woman in the world is with me. I am the luckiest man alive.

  Charles was waiting outside. The BMW town car had been replaced by a limousine for the evening. Stone had thought of everything. “Does everything go as you plan?” Gracey inquired.

  “I hope so,” Stone grinned.

  Gracey and Stone's arrival at the symphony hall emulated their departure from the hotel. There were many beautiful people in beautiful clothes, but none could compare to Stone and Gracey. They collected their programs and were escorted to a private loge. Gracey had occasionally listened to classical music growing up, but she would soon discover she had never truly heard classical music before.

  The lights dimmed, the music started, and Gracey felt the music move through her body and envelope all her senses. Goosebumps covered her arms, and she felt the spirit of the music enter her soul. Gracey closed her eyes to listen to every note and vibration, and a tear ran down her cheek. She knew she would never be the same. The experience had changed her forever.

  As Gracey approached the limousine after the performance, Charles asked her silently with the raise of his brow, Well? The look on Gracey's face told him the answer. The small town girl was transforming into a sophisticated woman.

  It had been a magical night. Gracey genuinely felt like a princess sans the fairy godmother. But Gracey did not need a fairy godmother; she had Stone. He was making dreams she did not even know she had come true.

  Stone and Gracey slept in Sunday morning having decided the night before to forego any additional sightseeing. It had been a full weekend. After brunch, they prepared for the trip home.

  They spent the trip talking about their weekend and then about the coming week.

  "How are we going to get those documents from Molly’s house?" Stone asked. Stone and Gracey came up with several schemes but could not decide.

  “Molly practically raised me,” Gracey told him. “I hate having to deceive her like this. There has to be a better way.”

  “We will figure it out tomorrow. Let’s just enjoy the ride home,” Stone decided.

  Gracey leaned into him, and they spent the remainder of the trip just enjoying being together. Stone and Gracey could spend hours, not talking; just enjoying each other’s company.

  Before Gracey and Stone knew it, they were entering Lone Hill. Nearing the boarding house, Stone turned to Gracey and asked, “Are you enjoying the journey?”

  Gracey just smiled and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you,” she told Stone. “I will never forget it.”

  Charles parked the town car in front of Ms. Maple’s house, and Gracey felt herself drifting back to reality. Charles opened the door to let Stone and Gracey out and unloaded Gracey’s bags. Charles was walking to the door while Gracey and Stone stood on the sidewalk talking and saying goodnight.

  Suddenly, Elmer charged out of the house. “Get Gracey out of here!” Elmer yelled. “Go, now! They are back to get her! Take Gracey to Emerald Knoll, now!”

  Without questioning Elmer as to what he meant, Charles marshaled Gracey and Stone back into the car. As Charles looked around, he saw the threat; two men with dark, sinister eyes. Elmer was on their heels. Charles jumped into the car and sped to Emerald Knoll.

  Stone and Gracey looked at each in total confusion. Simultaneously they asked, “What is going on?” Of course, Charles was just as clueless as they were.

  Within minutes, they were at Emerald Knoll. Charles pulled them out of the car and hurried them into the house and the great room. Stone’s mother was already there. Jim was coming in the side door and announced, “All arrangements have been made.”

  “It’s happening!” Abby declared and sank onto the couch filled with fright and despair.