Read Empire of Night Page 12

  "Well," she said to Connor. "I guess this is it."


  He nodded. "Let's make Dad proud of us," he said. "And I don't mean Sidorio."

  "Yes!" She smiled, grateful for the thought.

  The figures in the boats were beckoning to them. Grace turned to Connor and nodded, then they ran across the sand. They came to a standstill in front of the pair of boats.

  "Grace!" Johnny called out with a smile. "Jump aboard. You're coming with me to The Vagabond ."

  "Connor!" cried Stukeley. "Over here, mate! We're heading out to The Blood Captain ."

  The twins turned toward each other. They had only just been reunited and now they were heading off again in separate directions. Connor looked toward Grace, his expression pained.

  "No need for the big farewell scene," Stukeley said. "You'll be seeing each other again in a couple of hours max."

  "That's right," Johnny said. "We'll just get you settled in your quarters then we'll all get together on The Vagabond for Tiffin."

  "Tiffin?" Grace and Connor asked simultaneously.

  "All will be explained!" cried Stukeley, beckoning to Connor. "Come on, man, don't dawdle."

  Johnny reached out his arm to Grace. "Jump in, angel," he said. "Lady Lola hates to be kept waiting."



  Darling Grace,

  Welcome, welcome, welcome! I wish you a blissfully happy stay on my little ship. The entire crew is at your service; so if you need anything, just ring the bell! We are having an informal gathering tonight to celebrate your and Connor's arrival. Once you have unpacked and had a chance to freshen up, slip on something fabulous (I've taken the liberty of putting some clothes and accessories in your wardrobe) and join us in my cabin. It's the one at the end of the main corridor--with the gold doors.

  Yours in eager anticipation,

  Your "wicked stepmother,"

  Lady Lola Lockwood Sidorio XXX

  Grace had found the handwritten note propped against a glass bowl of glossy red apples on the dresser in her new


  cabin. It had reassured her--to a degree--that she was welcome aboard The Vagabond and that Lola's intentions were good. The red apples and Lola's reference to the "wicked stepmother" seemed a good omen, too. At least she had a sense of humor about the situation.

  Nevertheless, a half hour or so later, as Grace knocked on the gilded doors of the captain's cabin, she couldn't help thinking of her one previous encounter with Lady Lola Lockwood. Hearing the murmur of voices and the click of footsteps from within, she recalled the raw viciousness of Lola's slap. An instant chill sprouted along Grace's cheek, as if she had been struck anew. This dart of ice traveled down her neck and along her spine. Grace smoothed down the floral tea dress she had chosen from Lola's generous selection, trying to steady her nerves and encourage the shivers to exit her body.

  As the door opened, she found a very different Lady Lola waiting for her. When they had last met, Lola's hair had been pinned up in a bun, adding to the impression of severity. Now, soft raven locks tumbled down either side of her razor-sharp cheekbones, making her seem both younger and warmer. This impression was heightened by the flowing red dress Lola wore, accessorized by bright red stilettos and an elaborate necklace resembling a spider's web of rubies. Smiling at Grace, her hands outstretched, Lola strode forward to kiss her. "Grace! Welcome aboard!"

  As Lola released Grace from her perfumed embrace,


  she stepped back to study her. "Don't you look just darling in that dress! I knew it would look radiant on you."

  Lola took Grace's arm and drew her into the cabin. Behind her, the gilded doors were closed once more. Grace's eyes scanned the captain's cabin. It was the first time she had seen a female captain's quarters, and they were absolutely stunning--opulent but at the same time refined. The elegant room, furnished in beautiful antiques, was lit by hundreds of candles. They gave off the softest of light and the heady scent of an abundant flower garden at night.

  "I hope your cabin is to your liking," Lola said.

  "Oh, yes," Grace said. "Yes, it's lovely. And thank you so much for letting me borrow some of your clothes."

  Lola laughed. "No, dear, those aren't my clothes. I had them made for you."

  Grace was bowled over by her stepmother's surprising generosity. "I don't know what to say."

  Lola shook her head. "Enjoy them," she said. "We had fun picking them out for you, didn't we, ladies?"

  As Lola spoke, Grace suddenly became aware of three members of Lola's crew. They had been lingering in the shadows around the edges of the room, but now, at Lola's words, they stepped out into the warm pool of candlelight. Lola glowed. "Jacqueline, Nathalie, Mimma, come and meet our special guest--my beautiful stepdaughter, the very aptly named Grace."

  As the three women stepped closer, Grace noticed that


  each of them sported the same heart-shaped tattoo as their captain--but while Lola's was around her left eye, the others wore theirs on the right. Presumably, this was a reflection of rank.

  As each of the women came to say hello to Grace, she was wowed by their beauty. Jacqueline's hair was the color of ripe plums, swept up from her aristocratic face in a series of intricate plaits. Nathalie had bitter-chocolate curls, which tumbled down to her shoulders. Mimma's tousled locks rested on her shoulders, her blue eyes sparkling like sapphires. All three of them wore exquisite dresses, shoes, and jewelry. As Grace greeted each in turn, she reflected that even Darcy, with her seemingly infinite wardrobe, would be given a run for her money in the fashion stakes aboard The Vagabond .

  "What's with all this grub, Captain?" Mimma inquired, stepping away from the group.

  Grace saw that behind the girls was a table practically spilling over with plates of food. In the center of the table was an abundant bowl of roses, ranging from the palest pink to the deepest crimson.

  Lola gestured to the table. "Doesn't it look delicious? I've hired a chef for the duration of your stay--a very famous chef during his mortal days--and in honor of your arrival, he has recreated one of his most celebrated feasts." As Lola pointed to the dishes, Grace noticed that each dish was, like the flowers, colored a varying shade of pink. "To start, a bowl of borscht, followed by chicken รก la


  paprika, and then spring lamb in milk. And later, two of Chef Escoffier's signature desserts--peach melba and strawberries with pineapple and sorbet."

  "Wow!" exclaimed Grace. "You must be expecting a lot of guests."

  "A few, my dear." Lola looked momentarily confused. "But this food is only for you and Connor. I'm sure you both must be famished after your journeys."

  Grace stared at the massive spread. "All this is for the two of us?"

  Lola nodded. "I do hope it's to your taste. It's been such a long time since I ate food. You must tell me all your likes and dislikes, and I'll be sure to pass them on to Chef Escoffier. I do so want you to feel perfectly at home here."

  Grace nodded. She had the sense that Lola was doing everything she could to be hospitable. Her eyes swept across the table. "It all looks delicious. I think it will be enough to keep Connor and me going for a week or two!"

  Lola laughed lightly. "If what I've heard about the appetite of teenage boys is true, I'm sure Connor will have no trouble indulging."

  Just then, there came a swell of noise from the other side of the gilded doors.

  "Well, speak of the devil!" Lola smiled. "That must be the boys now. Jacqueline, Nathalie, would you do the honors?" The two women moved swiftly into position, drawing back the gilded doors just in time as Sidorio and


  his crew swept into the room. Grace turned to face the new arrivals, a shiver of fear darting down her spine once more.

  Sidorio was flanked on one side by Stukeley and Connor. On his other side was Johnny--who tipped his Stetson and grinned at Grace--and an older-looking man with dark, shoulder
-length hair and piercing, almost black eyes. Grace found herself transfixed by the newcomer, though he seemed to look straight through her. Who was he?

  Johnny and Stukeley sauntered past Grace to greet Mimma, Jacqueline, and Nathalie. Feeling a flicker of envy as Johnny kissed Nathalie hello, Grace turned back just in time to see Sidorio put his hand on Connor's shoulder and present him to his wife.

  "My darling, I'd like you to meet Connor," he said, his voice raw with emotion. "My son."

  Connor looked sheepish. He well remembered the last time he'd seen her--when he'd separated her head from her body with his sword. "Umm, we've met before," he said.

  Lola shook her head. "No," she said, her hand lingering for a moment on her ruby necklace, a necklace that concealed the livid scars that Connor himself had put there. "We've never met properly. All past wrongdoings have been forgotten. Our relationship begins anew tonight.You are my husband's son, my stepson. And you are very welcome aboard The Vagabond ." To Connor's surprise,


  she reached out her hand to him. Grace watched as he shook it.

  Sidorio smiled. Then, spying Grace, he crossed the room.

  "Grace," he said. "I'm so pleased to see you again. Thank you for coming." He opened his arms and she realized he wanted to embrace her. It would be impolite to resist.

  As Sidorio released her and stepped backward, his eyes lingered on her face. Though they had met before, it was as if he was seeing her for the first time. "You look so beautiful," he said, tears in his eyes. "So like your mother."

  Grace felt a lump in her throat at his words and their obvious sincerity. This demonstration of real emotion was the very last thing she had expected from Sidorio. She realized she was going to have to put aside everything she thought she knew about him and start from the beginning again. Nevertheless, she reminded herself, she must tread carefully.

  Lady Lola walked over to join them, putting a hand on Sidorio's shoulder. "Husband," she said. "You didn't tell me you were bringing a guest tonight."

  "A guest?" Sidorio's gaze remained upon Grace for a moment. Then he turned back to his wife.

  Lola nodded toward the stranger, who remained in the shadows at the far end of the room. Grace too studied him. He was rather like a statue, she thought. She wasn't sure he had moved at all since arriving at the soiree.


  Now, Sidorio called out to him. "Obsidian. Come forward! Meet my wife and family."

  The man hesitated. Then, his expression unchanging, he strode formally across the room to join the two captains.

  Sidorio addressed his wife. "This is Obsidian Darke, a lieutenant on my crew. He's a fairly new recruit, but he's already marked himself out as a future star. Commands great respect in the ranks."

  Darke's thin lips smiled at this. When he spoke, his voice was gruff. "Lady Lockwood, it's a pleasure to meet you." He bowed stiffly before her as she reached out her hand. He was wearing gloves but had the presence of mind to remove them before taking her hand.

  Grace observed Lola's reactions to the newcomer. The gracious hostess was clearly taken aback by the stranger. Grace couldn't blame her. Darke had gate-crashed the family reunion Lola had planned with obvious care. But more than that, there was something about the unexpected visitor that immediately raised Grace's suspicions--perhaps Lola sensed it, too. He had an air of cold menace about him. His eyes were as dark as his name suggested, and yet Grace felt they were merely a hint of the violent tides within him.

  "Lieutenant Darke," Lady Lola said. "If my husband rates you so highly, then I am assured of your rare capabilities." She scrutinized his face a moment longer. "You are welcome to take Tiffin with us, sir, and to join our special celebrations tonight."


  During this exchange, Connor had come around to Grace's side. "You certainly got the better end of this deal," he whispered. "Your ship is way plusher than mine. My cabin is a glorified prison cell."

  Grace smiled, turning to her brother. "Bad luck," she said. "I'll certainly think of you when I slip into my Egyptian cotton sheets."

  She glanced up to find Sidorio and Lola's eyes trained on her and Connor. Unnerved, Grace found herself blustering, "Connor, look at all the food Lady Lockwood's chef has prepared for us!"

  "Wicked!" Connor stepped toward the table. "I'm starving."

  Lola winked knowingly at Grace. "No need to stand. Take a seat, dear. You too, Connor." She pointed to where two place settings had been laid. As Grace and Connor went to sit down, Lola addressed the others. "Well, now, as the twins tuck into their vittles, why don't we all have a drink, eh?" Her dark eyes connected with her comrades, old and new.

  Sidorio slapped Obsidian Darke on the back. "My wife has a winery," he said.

  "So I've heard," said Darke. He shook his head. "I don't drink."

  Sidorio chuckled. "It's not a regular kind of winery, you fool! Someone fetch him a glass."

  "Allow me," Lola said, stepping forward with the decanter and one of her prized antique glasses.


  "Really," Obsidian Darke said, with no apology. "I'm a man of simple needs."

  "That's evident," Lola said, "but you're part of our crew now. And a guest on my ship on a night of rare celebration." She extended the glass. "It would be rude, sir, not to drink--if not out of need or desire, then out of fellowship."

  Darke's expression was unchanged. He studied the glass in Lola's hand. Finally, he reached out. "You're right, Captain. I am your humble guest, and I thank you sincerely for your hospitality," he said, lifting the glass to his thin lips.

  Lola addressed her crew. "Help me out, ladies." At her word, Mimma, Jacqueline, and Nathalie began circulating with silver trays, each bearing a decanter and glasses.

  Grace watched the Vampirates around her taking their glasses of blood. It was easy to imagine it was something else, but she was under no illusions. It might come in a decanter and be served in the most exquisite glasses, but it was still blood, which had until recently flowed through someone's body. Where had it come from? she wondered. Who had it come from?

  Connor seemed oblivious to what was going on around them. He had piled his plate high with all manner of delicacies and was making short work of it. It was as if he hadn't eaten in a month. "What?" he asked, noticing her staring at him, as a prawn dangled from his lips.


  "You're certainly hungry tonight," Grace said.

  Connor swallowed the prawn and reached for a lobster claw. "Are you kidding? This food is amazing! Cheng Li has us on a macrobiotic diet right now. I can't tell you what a relief it is to see real food again."

  Grace smiled at him. So much had changed--both around them and within--but at moments like this he was the same brother he had always been, clearing his plate in a jiffy and then swiping food from hers. He was right, though. This food was delicious. Grace was relieved that she was hungry tonight. Her appetite had been so up and down recently and it would have been as discourteous as Obsidian Darke rejecting Lola's drink, for her not to have done justice to the feast Lola had laid on in their honor.

  "Well," Lola said, stifling a yawn. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm about ready for a siesta."

  Sidorio laughed. "The night is but young, my dear."

  Lola shook her head and swiped his glass. "Time to drink up, everyone." She turned to the twins. "I'm sure you two are more than ready for a rest."

  Grace nodded. Connor took a last mouthful of dessert, then glanced up. "I could do with a bit of shut-eye," he said. "That was the best meal I've had since... well, since forever!"

  Lola laughed and clapped her hands with delight. "I'm so pleased," she said. "I'll be sure to pass on the compliment to Chef Escoffier." She turned. "Mimma, would you


  escort Grace back to her cabin? And Stukeley, why don't you help Connor find his way back?"

  "It's all right," Connor said. "I'm sure I can..."

  "I'm sure you can, too," Lola said. "But you ar
e our guests, and we have certain ways of doing things aboard both The Vagabond and The Nocturne , don't we, my darling?" Lola turned to her husband, her eyes sparkling. Sidorio nodded obligingly.

  Connor voiced no further protest. "Thanks for the excellent dinner," he said as Stukeley held open the door. "Good night, everyone!"

  Mimma took Grace's arm and propelled her toward the golden doors, which Jacqueline and Nathalie held open. As she reached the threshold, Grace glanced back at Lola. "Thank you again," she said. "For everything."

  "You are more than welcome," Lola said. "It's simply wonderful to have you with us. Rest up, my dear. We're going to keep you busy with all kinds of fun."

  Then the four young people headed out into the corridor, and the gilded doors closed behind them.

  Sidorio turned to face his wife. "You're not really tired, are you?"

  Lola shook her head. "Of course not," she said. "I just thought we should send the twins to bed so we could get down to discussing strategy."

  "Ah," Sidorio said. "I see."

  Lola leaned close to Sidorio and whispered in his ear. "Perhaps you'd like to send Lieutenant Darke on his way?"


  The two captains looked deep into each other's eyes for a moment, and then Sidorio stepped aside and went over to talk to Obsidian.

  Lola watched for a moment as her husband addressed his lieutenant. Then, satisfied that her will had been done, she turned and saw that Johnny, Nathalie, and Jacqueline were chatting animatedly at the side of the table. She strode over to join them.

  "Well," she said. "I think we gave Grace and Connor a good welcome, don't you?"