Read Empire of Night Page 14

  He entered the water cleanly and, as his body ceased its motion, he realized he had gone quite deep. It was so quiet and peaceful here, another world entirely from that above the surface. For a moment, he felt sheltered from all his worries. He lingered for a time, his lungs feeling full and strong. Then he began a calm, slow ascent.

  Breaking through the surface, back into the air, he


  found himself in the shadow of the vast ship; but the shadow was already less defined as the day's light began to fade. He began swimming along the edge of the creaking hull. As he swam, he had the sensation of something slipping past him in the water. He hesitated, treading water for a minute or two, searching for signs of a fin. There was none. Connor realized he was getting too close to the barnacle-encrusted metal and kicked out, intent on putting some distance between himself and the ship.

  He turned back to face The Blood Captain , treading water once more. The ship looked even more gargantuan from this perspective, dominating his view like a killer whale. His thoughts returned to his mission. Was he really up to this?

  Suddenly, his gnawing anxiety was banished by a more pressing concern. Something--or someone--had grabbed onto his ankles and was dragging him underwater. He only had time to mumble "What the... ?" before his head was pulled beneath the surface.

  Connor instinctively kicked out with his legs, trying to throw off whatever it was that had latched onto him. The grip around his ankles felt human and, if this was the case, then a kick seemed as good a defense as any.

  His vision underwater was limited. As he was dragged further down, his movements and those of his assailant created a screen of air bubbles. Through them, he could just about make out a tail fin. It didn't make sense to him. He knew that the hands that had moved from his ankles


  to his waist were human. Confused, he managed to wrench himself free from their viselike grip. He didn't wait to get another look at the fin. He swam hard back up to the surface. His instinct was to gasp for air--but, strangely, he didn't seem to be out of breath. Whoever or whatever had attacked him couldn't be far away. He'd have to swim fast to avoid a second attack. He began a powerful freestyle toward the ship and safety.

  Something swam past him again. Then a shimmering tail arced through the water's surface and disappeared again below. Just ahead of him, a head pushed up through the surface into the air. Connor froze. It was a girl's face. He was immediately struck by her rare beauty. She had intense eyes, which seemed to shimmer all the colors of the rainbow, and close-cropped, bright-blue hair.

  The girl smiled warmly at him. "Connor!" she exclaimed. "Long time no see."

  "Who are you?" Connor asked, wincing as a draft of saltwater sank down his throat.

  She laughed. "I was just having fun before, trying to get your attention."

  Connor pushed the hair back out of his eyes and took a good look at the strange girl. "I asked you a question," he said, on his guard. "Who are you?"

  They stared at each curiously for a time, until the girl broke the awkward silence.

  "You really don't remember me," she said, "do you?"

  He shook his head.


  "Hmm," she said, somewhat deflated. "Then I'm going to have my fair share of explaining to do." As she spoke, a shimmering tail rose from the water.

  Connor realized with a jolt that it belonged to the girl. He gazed at her in wonder. "Are you... some kind of mermaid?" he asked.

  "I'm a fishtail," she said. "My name's Kally. I won't pretend I'm not disappointed that you don't remember me." She shook the water from her spiky hair. "But first things first! Captain Li sent me. I'm a fellow agent of the Pirate Federation, and I'm going to be working with you on this mission, carrying messages between the two of you." Kally winked at him. "Guaranteed same-day delivery."

  Connor studied Kally in wonder. Cheng Li had promised him she'd find a safe way of keeping the lines of communication open between them. Even in his wildest dreams, it hadn't occurred to him that it would be via a mermaid--he corrected himself--via a fishtail .

  He noticed that what was left of the day's light was almost gone. "We don't have much time," he said.

  As Connor climbed up the ladder leading back to the deck of The Blood Captain , his head was spinning with everything Kally had told him. They hadn't had much time, and he suspected that the fishtail had taken advantage of that to draw him away from certain lines of inquiry. Never


  mind; there would be other meetings. Indeed, Kally explained that she was charged with checking in with Connor on a daily basis. And, for now, she had left him with plenty of information to ponder.

  According to Kally, she had met him, Bart, and Jez (as Stukeley referred to himself then) in a dingy bar, when they were on weekend shore leave from The Diablo . Kally maintained she had taken on each of the Three Buccaneers in an arm-wrestling contest. Afterward, there had been "some kind of brawl with a greasy punk by the name of Moonshine." Connor's ears pricked up at this. Although he might not remember the details, it wasn't a stretch to conjure up fighting with Moonshine Wrathe, Barbarro and Trofie's teenage son. Suddenly, the animosity that Moonshine had shown toward him when they first met aboard The Typhon made sense--if it hadn't in fact been the first time they'd met.

  The way Kally told it, Connor, Bart, and Jez had ended up spending the weekend on The Lorelei , the ship belonging to Kally and her dad, Flynn, and crewed by fishtails. Then, she grew quiet and said there had been a misunderstanding. It was as if the light had gone out from behind her unusual eyes. She didn't want to talk about it. The boys and the fishtails had evidently parted ways not on the best of terms. Soon afterward, Sidorio himself had attacked and taken over The Lorelei .

  Climbing higher, Connor could see the lights coming on around the vast deck above. He was returning in the


  nick of time. Kally's tale was too much to take in. Did Bart or Stukeley, he wondered, remember anything of Calle del Marinero and the fishtails? He had no doubt that Kally's hatred for Sidorio was genuine. She had fought back tears as she recalled how the Vampirate had brutally killed her father, Flynn. Connor shook his head. There seemed to be no end to the trail of destruction and sorrow that Sidorio had wreaked across the land and oceans. But, thanks to the Pirate Federation, that era was coming to an end--at last the net was about to close on the self-proclaimed King of the Vampirates. Connor no longer felt so isolated. His meeting with Kally had renewed his determination to complete his mission.

  He leapt over the ship's railings onto the deck, filled with exhilaration. As his feet touched the ground, the tip of a sword pressed into his bare chest. And at the other end of the sword was Sidorio.


  20 DUEL

  Connor looked down the length of Sidorio's sword. There was something familiar about it, but he couldn't allow himself to be distracted. He remembered his earliest weapon training by Bart and Cate. Always look at your opponent's face--not the tip of his weapon. However tempting it might be to focus on the blade, you had to keep yourself fixed on your opponent's eyes--the window to his dark intent. Connor locked eyes with Sidorio.

  The first thing he needed to assess was how much danger he was in. Had Sidorio witnessed his meeting with Kally? It had been conducted in the light, albeit the dying light, so surely he couldn't have?

  "Are we going to fight?" Connor asked, his tone a mix of innocence and cheekiness. It seemed to hit the right note, for now Sidorio grinned.


  "Quick on the uptake, aren't you? Yes, my son, we're going to fight. I'm keen to see if you live up to all the hype. It's you versus me. Mano a mano."

  Connor's face remained a mask, but inside he felt relief. This was a test. Not a punishment. Not a death threat. Connor Tempest had been put to the test before and never yet found incapable.

  "Could I have a sword?" he asked.

  Sidorio smiled, then nodded. Drawing down his own weapon, he tu
rned and called out. "Stetson, bring my boy his sword."

  Now Connor allowed himself to glance at Sidorio's sword. In a flash, he was able to identify it. It was the Toledo blade-- the iconic weapon wielded by the late Commodore Kuo. Connor recognized the distinctive stingray-skin bindings glittering beneath Sidorio's thick fingers. No doubt Lola had seized the sword after slaughtering Kuo. This rapid succession of thoughts flared like fireworks in Connor's head, but he remained detached. His feelings about Kuo or, for that matter, Lola, were of no consequence. Right now, all he needed to know was that Sidorio was using the Toledo blade. It was a sword Connor knew about; one he had himself used in a duel. He knew its strengths and its weaknesses. This gave him his first advantage.

  Now Johnny was at their side and extended Connor's own sword to him. As Connor accepted the sword from Johnny, he saw that the deck was suddenly crowded with


  the Vampirate crew, swarming around them in a hungry circle. All their eyes seemed to be trained on him. This must qualify as the most dangerous situation he had ever found himself in. Yet, for some reason, he did not feel fear, only adrenaline.

  "First to draw blood wins round one!" Johnny declared.

  "Ah, here she is!" announced Lola, rising from her seat, sidesaddle on the cannon, as Mimma led Grace out onto the deck of The Vagabond .

  The center of the deck was lit by pretty fairy lights. A large checkered picnic blanket had been laid out, with heaps of silk cushions around it, many of them occupied by members of Lola's crew. They turned and looked at Grace, then waved politely, as graceful as a pack of swans. Grace smiled and waved back.

  In the middle of the rug were a number of china and silver pots and an elegant five-tiered cake stand, covered in bite-sized cupcakes with pink icing.

  "We're having a little tea party," Lola said, beckoning Grace into the circle. "In your honor."

  "Thank you," Grace said, sitting down on a cushion between Nathalie and Jacqueline.

  "Would you like some tea?" Jacqueline asked, lifting a clean cup and saucer and reaching for one of the pots.


  Seeing Grace hesitate, Jacqueline smiled prettily. "We made up some Lady Grey just for you," she said.

  Grace smiled with relief. "In that case, yes, please."

  Jacqueline filled Grace's cup, then inquired, "Milk or lemon?"

  "Neither," said Grace. "I prefer to savor the taste without."

  "You see," Lady Lola said, sitting back down among the group. "Grace shows every indication of becoming a connoisseur, just like her old stepmom."

  As Grace took the cup, a wave of laughter passed among the others. They were a curious bunch, she thought, taking the opportunity to scan their faces. As her eyes came to rest on the two young women she had yet to meet, their right eyes similarly enclosed by a black heart tattoo, she heard a gasp from Lola.

  "Oh, dear! How unforgivably rude of me. Grace, I forgot to introduce you to Leonie and Holly."

  The two young women smiled and nodded politely at Grace.

  "Would you like a fairy cake?" Holly asked her, passing a fluted plate to Grace.

  "I'm really not very..."

  "They're quite delicious," Leonie said. "Trust me, dear, you won't have tasted anything better."

  "We made them specially for you," Holly added. "We do so want you to feel welcome here."

  Grace looked at the tower of fairy cakes. They did look


  quite enticing. Almost unconsciously her hand reached out for one and set it on her plate.

  There was a hush of expectation, and Grace realized the others were waiting for her to bite into the cake. She took the tiny cake in one hand and peeled away the paper cover. Then she popped it into her mouth and felt the most exquisite flavors exploding against her tongue.

  "Good, aren't they?" Leonie said, nodding and smiling.

  Grace nodded in agreement. She noticed that Lola was now standing, a pair of binoculars raised to her face. She was gazing across to the deck of The Blood Captain . Grace got up to join her.

  "What are you looking at?" she asked.

  Lola lowered her binoculars and passed them to Grace. "Take a look," she said. "It would seem that the boys are having a little sport tonight."

  Grace stared through the glasses at the brightly lit deck of the prison hulk. It was crowded with crew members, but the lenses were strong and Grace could make out two swords clashing through a gap in the crowd. She saw Sidorio swing his sword at his opponent. Connor. Grace let out a gasp, but then she heard her brother's voice clear as a bell in her head.

  "Don't worry, Gracie. I know what I'm doing." He sounded so calm and assured.

  As his voice faded, Grace watched Connor swing his sword at Sidorio and land a clean strike on the Vampirate's bicep. A slash of red appeared on Sidorio's glistening flesh.


  Grace was stunned. What had happened to bring them to blows so soon?

  "First blood to Connor!" Johnny called.

  A wall of noise erupted from the Vampirate crowd. Initially, Connor had assumed that they'd all be supporting the captain, but now he realized that this wasn't the case. From their cheers and chants, it was clear that they relished a good fight. Connor felt as if he and Sidorio were locked in a gladiator-like duel. He would have been happier with some armor, he thought, suddenly conscious of his bare chest, limbs, and feet, which contrasted with Sidorio's leather-and-chain protective shield. Again, Connor banished the negative thought. He hadn't needed armor to win round one. He was lighter than Sidorio to begin with and, without heavy clothing or boots to slow him down, he gained his second advantage.

  "Change of weapon!" Johnny cried, striding back across the deck, bearing a metal box. He approached Connor first and offered the open box to him.

  Looking down at its contents, Connor grimaced. "What is this?" he asked, lifting out a weapon composed of a wooden haft, attached to a metal chain with a spiked iron ball at its end.

  It was Sidorio who answered the question, as he


  reached into the box and took hold of a matching weapon. "The flail," he announced. "A personal favorite of mine."

  The Vampirate crowd were stomping their feet and chanting louder, eager for the second stage of the duel to commence.

  "They don't get out much," Johnny said with a wink.

  Connor weighed the vicious-looking flail in his hand. "I've never seen one of these before, let alone used one." He instantly regretted the words.

  Sidorio was grinning. "This should be interesting, then," he said.

  "May I have my glasses back?" Lola asked Grace.

  Grace was still mesmerized by the activity on the deck of The Blood Captain . What on earth were these weapons Connor and Sidorio were now brandishing at one another?

  Suddenly, Grace felt the glasses being wrenched from between her fingers, and the vision was lost. "Manners, Grace!" Lola said in hushed but severe tones. "The girls have gone to a lot of trouble to host this party for you. Don't you think you should repay them by giving them your undivided attention?"

  "My brother seems to be fighting some kind of duel with Sidorio," Grace said breathlessly. "It looks dangerous."

  Lola rolled her eyes. "Just boys being boys," she said,


  spinning Grace around and directing her back to the picnic blanket, then pushing her firmly down onto her cushion. "Pass Grace another cake, if you'd be so kind, Holly."

  Obediently, Holly lifted the tiered cake stand.

  Grace took another cake and stared sullenly at Lola as she bit into it. If anything, each cake seemed more delicious than the one before. They were utterly addictive. As she marveled at the complex flavor, her thoughts of what was happening on board The Blood Captain receded. Instead, she found herself staring at Lola's face and, in particular, at the black heart tattoo. Now the tattoo began to fade and, once more, Grace saw the bruise underneath, just as she had the first time they met. Now, as before,
the crescent-shaped bruise served as the gateway into a deeper vision. Grace heard horses' hooves drumming on the earth and the squeak of carriage wheels.

  Lola was frowning at her. Grace remembered how angry the Vampirate had been when Grace had read her before. She had a sense memory of Lola's vicious slap, but she didn't care. The vision was strong, and she was going in deeper this time. Now her eyes traced up from the wheels to the doors of a carriage. There was a window and a pale, frightened face pressed to the glass.

  Grace heard a familiar voice. "Halt! Halt, I say! Your money or your life!"

  Then the same voice--Lola's, unquestionably--shrieked loudly inside her head. "No!"

  Snapping out of the vision, Grace looked up to find


  Lola smiling serenely at her. Now Lola clapped her hands. "Everyone! Grace has the most marvelous party piece, don't you, my dear?"

  "I do?" Grace said, reaching nonchalantly for another fairy cake.

  "You know you do," Lola said playfully. "Now, we need a volunteer. Hands up, ladies." Her eyes ranged around the party. "Ah, yes, Mimma. Perfect!" Lola put her hands on her hips. "Go on, then, Grace. Get to work!"

  Connor had encountered few more forbidding sights than Sidorio brandishing the terrifying-looking flail. The Vampirate was spinning the wooden haft faster and faster, sending the spiked ball into a deadly orbit. Once more, Connor made himself focus on Sidorio's eyes, as hard as it was to remove his from the spiked missile that was spinning ever nearer to his own head. Once more, he was aware of his lack of armor.