Read Enchanted(Encante, #1) Page 16

  Chapter 13: Tranquility


  The questions kept firing back and forth the longer it went on the harder it was to give nonprejudicial answers. I should have just told everyone they win. Sy was a bad, bad man and I was falling in love with Kohl, but how would that look? I went with the verbal assault for a bit and thankfully Kohl cut in.

  “Thank you for all your questions today. Queen Jayde and I do have some pressing meetings to attend today.” With that Kohl and I walked out of the door closest to the podium. “That was bad,” Kohl said pulling the crown off his head almost instantly.

  “I thought I answered well.”

  “No, you did great, very diplomatic.” He said with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I just didn’t think they would be so hard on Sy.”

  “He’s made their lives unbearable, he’s killed their family members I understand it, but it also makes me think there might be a backlash.”

  “If you choose Sy?” Kohl said an eyebrow raised in surprise.

  “If I choose either of you, what if Sy’s followers are just as dead set as Encante- North?”

  “You sound more and more like a queen the longer you’re here.” Kohl said with a smile that did make it to his dark eyes.

  “I guess that’s a compliment.” I said starting up the staircase. Kohl followed. “I thought you had another meeting?” I asked as he followed me up the stairs.

  “Actually I’m due to look at coronation gowns with the new queen.” He teased. I couldn’t help but smile. Kohl always seemed to show how different he was from any other guy I’d met when I least expected it.

  I grabbed his hand and pulled him into my living quarters where Isadora was setting out paperwork from another task she had accomplished. She smiled when we walked in, but didn’t talk until I greeted her.

  “Hi, Isadora, do you have a prospective menu ready.”

  “Actually I started the guest list. I have 200 so far but that can change of course once you and King Kohl look at it.” She said cautiously noting Kohl’s presence and our intertwined fingers. She didn’t mention it.

  “Kohl came by to see the gown I picked out for coronation.” Isadora’s eyes noticeably widened. She quietly handed me the book. I sat down where I had previously been seated and Kohl sat beside me.

  “Isadora, you’ve been busy that book is huge.” She smiled, but still kept her eyes downward like she was worried or scared.

  I turned the pages finally landing on my dress the long draping shoulders, the dark blue, all making me love it even more. “This is it,” I said when Kohl did not say anything.

  “It’s beautiful.” He started but paused. “It’s not very conventional.” He flipped through the book’s pages. “This is usually what a woman wears to her coronation.” Kohl said stopping at the first dress.

  “You don’t like what I picked?” I asked hurt at how he was putting it.

  “I like it. I was just informing you what is usually worn.”

  “I’m not usual so I’m not wearing what they usually wear.” I said defiantly. Isadora looked up then in shock at how I was talking to Kohl.

  “I didn’t expect you to.” He said his face stoic. He flipped through the book a little more. “I don’t know if Isadora pointed this out to you.” He said, taking my anger in stride, he stopped at another dress that I had contemplated but ultimately returned to the last one. “But this dress resembles your mother’s coronation gown almost exactly.” He said handing me back the book. I looked at it. That is probably why I had stopped at it earlier. I remembered seeing my mom’s dress in the photo album.

  “It is beautiful.” I said contemplating if I should change my mind.

  “Please don’t change your mind.” He amended surprisingly. “You’re right you are not the usual queen.” He smirked. “It has been a while since we’ve had a queen and it’s good if you shake things up and remind everyone why you are here.”

  Again blowing me away with his words, “Thanks, Kohl.” I said relieved I wouldn’t have to fight him on this.

  “Isadora, if you can leave the list I think I’m going to go to bed early tonight.” She looked at me surprised for a moment, but quietly picked up her things. “Would you like for me to make you dinner?” she asked tersely.

  “No, I think I could handle it.” I said with a smile as she left.

  “Are you not coming to dinner tonight?” Kohl asked starting to look a bit uncomfortable.

  “No, I’m just done planning, I think I will take a swim and if I have time I’ll go to dinner.” I said standing to head to my bedroom.

  “How about I join you on that swim?” Kohl said standing himself.

  I raised an eyebrow in question. I really never knew what to expect with Kohl. “You are welcome to tag along.” I said walking into my bedroom, specifically to my closet to change. I found a dark green and blue striped two piece in one of the many drawers. I changed. I had thought a swim was going to relax me and help me get my thoughts straight, but now that Kohl was coming I was nervous. After last night and how he had rejected me I wasn’t sure I was ready to put myself out there again, but something kept pulling me to him. I grabbed a robe and towel and headed into the gardens where the private beach we had swam into yesterday was nestled. Kohl was waiting, looking as dashing as always, he had navy trunks on and his bare chest was rising and falling like he had ran there.

  “So how did you want to swim?” He asked mockingly. Now that I was Encatado, I guess there were a lot of dolphin jokes coming my way.

  “I think I’ll keep my legs tonight.” He nodded and dove in without another word. The water was dark I was barely able to see Kohl under water. The sunset was reflecting onto the water, and it made the water seem even darker, more ominous. I threw my robe and towel on a nearby stone bench and followed Kohl.

  I had swam my entire life pools and the ocean mostly, thanks to all the Amazon River legends. Every time the water reached my skin it felt like a new thrill. I don’t know why it took me so long to figure out I was Encantado. I was made for the water. It was the only place that made me feel like I was wanted. I would never fight the draw to swim. I swam for a bit, warming up, appreciating the feel of being weightless and free. A splash took me out of my comfort zone. I realized Kohl was here, I had done that to myself.

  “So Queen how does it feel?”

  “How does what feel?”

  He smiled that devilish heart stopping look that made me contemplate a repeat appearance of last night. “You’re being called Queen now.”

  “It’s scary why would anybody want to make me their leader.”

  He actually laughed, something I had never heard, but was strangely music to my ears.

  “I thought the exact same thing when I was told I was taking over.”

  “But you had your whole life to prepare. I’ve had minutes.”

  “Actually I knew it was supposed to happen I just never thought it would. I mean I wasn’t supposed to be king until I turned twenty-one.”

  “What happened?” I asked, swimming a little closer.

  His face darkened with the memory. “My uncle was killed in one of the bombings in Encante-North.” His jaw tightened, this was something he didn’t like to talk about.

  “Attacked by Sy?” He nodded still tense. “I’m so sorry, Kohl.” I said putting a hand on his shoulder for support.

  “It was two years ago, I’ve survived.” He said trying to get away from the topic.

  “He was your uncle, the man who raised you I’m sure you missed him and then to become king right after that. How are you so normal?”

  He laughed darkly. “I’m far from it.”

  “Yes, you are. You rule this place perfectly, you put all your personal feelings aside and do what is best for everyone. I know how much you must hate Sy, but I have never once heard you speak about him badly. Sure you’ve said he has a temper and is devious but without telling me that I woul
d have assumed it myself from what I’ve heard. You’re so so…”

  That’s when he kissed me, Kohl kissed me. If it was possible it was even better than yesterday. Kohl pulled me into his arms, holding me tightly against his strong, muscular body. Screw being queen this was where I was meant to be. He pulled his mouth away first, but I quickly pulled him back. I never wanted this moment to end. He even let me. He wasn’t thinking like a king right now, he was thinking as Kohl. His hands dropped to my waist and he gently pushed me away.

  “God, Jayde. We can’t keep doing that.” My hands were still entangled in his thick, brown locks.

  “Why not?” I asked firmly. “I’ve met Sy. Can I make my decision now?” His hands were still locked on my hips like he wanted to pull me back and kiss me within an inch of my life again, but he didn’t. I guess Kohl was having self control for the both of us and I hated it. “My body has caught up with my heart and guess what? I still want you.” I said.

  He smiled and it made me want to pull him back to my lips. Didn’t he have all those cliché emotions I did? Weren’t the fireworks going off when our lips met? “You are so tempting.” He said placing a soft peck on my mouth. He didn’t however let me go. He was conflicted. “Please don’t make this any harder on me.” He whispered a sadness in his eyes.

  I scoffed, “I’m not making anything hard for you, Kohl, you want me you have me, you want a kingdom you have it. What is the problem?” He looked at me as if he was mauling over what I had just said. “I have no doubt that we can rule Encante together. I wish you had the faith in me I have in you.”

  “I’ve just met you.” He retorted. I scoffed again, I hoped that wasn’t his real reason.

  “Really, Kohl, that’s your excuse?” I said dropping my hands disgusted. “So what are you saying? Do you want me to pick Sy?” I said heatedly.

  “No, I just…”

  “Then why are you pushing him on me. I have no doubts contrary to what you think that Sy is an awful man that would further hurt the people you swore to protect and watch over. What could you possibly be doubting?”