Read Enchanted(Encante, #1) Page 2


  Julio slammed my bedroom door behind us. “So what are our plans for tonight?” He asked collapsing onto my frilly queen sized bed. “Well, I have to go to the market to pick up some stuff for my mom and the party, but I am all yours after.” I said sitting beside him on my bed.

  He groaned, “I’ll be back at three? We can decide then.” I nodded in agreement. Without so much as another word Julio was gone. That was the best thing about Julio. He didn’t push or pry. He simply let everything be and knew when it was time to leave.

  I showered and changed, heading to the market to pick up some groceries for dinner and my impending birthday party. It would be wild if my past birthdays were any indication. Not only did I know how to have a good time at a party, but I also was capable of throwing a killer bash. Only problem this year was I didn’t want to have a killer bash. I wanted this year to be different, it was time for change. I knew that much, but actually doing it seemed to be impossible for me.

  I walked the block mostly focused on my own thoughts. I had to at least come up with an excuse why I wouldn’t be able to see Antonio tonight. I knew he would call after last night and I had avoided his earlier calls today. I don’t know why he was so adamant about being my boyfriend, but I simply wasn’t interested. The fact that I kept waking up in his bed was just an unfortunate coincidence that I would rather live without.

  I pulled open the door to the supermarket and grabbed a cart heading down the first aisle, when a man slammed into me making me stagger back several feet.

  “Hey, watch out.” I said not too nicely. I turned around and couldn’t mistake it. It was the man from earlier this morning, the one with the hauntingly dark eyes.

  “Excuse me,” he said tipping his head slightly as he walked past me without another word. I watched him walk away that eerie chill from before happened again. Why did I keep running into that guy? Was it a coincidence? Was he following me?

  “Do I know you?” I asked and he turned around a sexy smirk on his face.

  “Not that I’m aware of.” His hauntingly rich voice imprinting on me like his surprisingly deep, bottomless eyes had earlier today.

  “I’ve seen you before, I know it. Do you live around here?” I asked.

  “You could say that,” he said another closed mouth grin crossing his startlingly handsome face.

  “Are you going to answer any of my questions?” I countered growing irritated with this beautiful stranger.

  He laughed, a lovely smooth sound reminiscent of some of my mother’s more classical music. “My name is Kohl.” He replied, but was quickly cut off when Antonio appeared out of nowhere. Just my Luck.

  “Jayde!” Antonio growled the frustration clear in his tone. “Why haven’t you been returning my calls?” He said as he took in Kohl and started pulling me away before I could get another word in.

  “Nice to meet you, Kohl.” I said as Antonio kept pulling me along. Bastard.